Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: BazandGem on September 27, 2010, 13:33:56 PM

Title: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 27, 2010, 13:33:56 PM
Rossi started vomiting last night and it went on through the night, starting with regurgitated food but by the early hours it was just bile. He seemed a bit happier this morning but still off his food so I took him to the vet this morning - she checked his temp and it was 40.3, apparently at 40.5-41 they start to be concerned about a risk of fitting so he's spending the day there so they can monitor him and if his fever does go up, treat it quickly  :scared:

She was also going to take blood samples before giving him any drugs so that if the anti-emetic doesn't work they have a "clean" blood sample to test to figure out what's wrong with him. He also may have to go on a drip if he doesn't get better after the drugs. She seemed to think it's some kind of stomach bug and the high temp could be causing the vomiting as he hasn't eaten anything different to usual as far as I know in the last couple of days.

All being well I can pick him up at 5pm so fingers and paws crossed please that he recovers enough to be allowed home tonight.

I felt so awful leaving him there, he looked so scared and was shaking like a leaf  :( but I know he's in the right place to get the best care today especially as I have to be at work and couldn't keep an eye on him. Just glad I decided to get insurance for him so I just need to worry about him rather than how we're going to pay the vet bill.

Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 27, 2010, 13:47:22 PM
Poor baby :care: I know it's horrible leaving them there but he really is in the best place. If Rossi is otherwise fit and well then it sounds like some sort of virus which hopefully he'll get over in no time  :hug: 

It actually sounds very similar to Riley a few weeks ago, he started vomiting and went off his food, he had to spend 24 hours on a drip but is now right as rain after a week or so of a reduced appetite.

Let us know how Rossi gets on, fingers crossed he'll be home with you tonight  :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 27, 2010, 13:55:09 PM
Sending lots of good vibes for Rossi and he is in the best place if he needs any immediate treatment  :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope he is feeling better by tonight,
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 27, 2010, 19:04:30 PM
Thank you both  :)

Rossi's back home now - fortunately the antibiotics brought his temperature down to an almost normal 39.5 by 5pm so he was allowed home without needing to go on a drip, and hasn't been sick during the day.

He's been given an anti-emetic injection as well and we've got a week's course of antibiotics plus some stuff to give him an hour before meals, so providing he isn't sick again overnight and his temperature is OK tomorrow morning, that's it as far as vet time goes.

Unfortunately there was a barking dog in the dog ward for most of the day so he wasn't happy at all about being there - on the plus side it meant he was extra-happy to be back home  ;D

What he isn't so happy about is that he is only allowed little portions of food at the moment so as to avoid a repeat performance of yesterday, so far he's kept down what he's been given and is telling me often that he's ready for some more!

As far as what caused it, the vet thinks he's probably just picked something up from the garden, maybe another cat's poo or something  :sick: Not sure what we can do to avoid that happening again other than scouring the garden for poop every day (it's a big garden with a potato patch at the end so not as easy as you might think to spot poop).

Anyway, thanks for the positive vibes - keep them up overnight please  :thanks:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 27, 2010, 19:30:20 PM
Glad he's back home, fingers crossed he goes from strength to strength now  :) Did they give you any special food to give him? The fact that he has his appetite back is a very good sign  :)
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Jiji on September 27, 2010, 19:33:11 PM
Will be keeping my fingers crossed for Rossi.
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 27, 2010, 21:14:51 PM
Glad he's back home, fingers crossed he goes from strength to strength now  :) Did they give you any special food to give him? The fact that he has his appetite back is a very good sign  :)
Yes the vet gave us 2 cans of RC Recovery, one now all gone over the course of a couple of hours  :) He refused it at the vets but dived straight in when I gave it to him at home. Would probably eat more if I let him but that's all he's getting for tonight. He didn't go near his food this morning (pre-vet visit) so I'm hopeful he's on the mend.

He's having a snooze on the sofa next to me now, think we both missed out on most of last night's sleep. I still need to figure out the best way to clean the stains out of the wool rug and carpet...
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 27, 2010, 21:30:56 PM
That's a different one to the one I was given, sounds quite palatable if he was 'diving in'!  :naughty:

As for the stains, huggies baby wipes are brilliant!
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 27, 2010, 21:42:43 PM
Yep, it's like a soft pate consistency - but then he does love his food normally anyway! Just glad he's eating again and so far it's staying down. :crossed:

Will have to get myself some baby wipes  :tired:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 27, 2010, 22:44:46 PM
Glad he's a bit better  :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 28, 2010, 00:24:49 AM
So pleased he is home and feeling a bit better  ;D
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Janeyk on September 28, 2010, 07:46:20 AM
Glad to hear that Rossi is seeming better  :)
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 28, 2010, 13:13:09 PM
Well, we had to go back to the vet this morning for a temperature check (no more vomiting so that's a good thing) and it was back up to 40.1  so he's staying there for the day again today :(

They were going to run some blood tests this morning and monitor his temp etc and would if he seemed dehydrated put him on a drip, but didn't think that was likely this morning as he'd been eating and drinking OK at home.

Also as this morning was a little fraught with the attempts to get an ab tablet down him, she's going to give him an ab injection instead of me shredding my arms to pieces trying to give him 2 tablets a day for the next 6 days!

I'm just hoping he'll forgive me for all the upset - it took 15 minutes of yowling, wailing and thrashing to get him into his basket this morning  :tired: At least he's going to get some sort of local anaesthetic gel around his bum area today so the thermometer doesn't bother him so much  :-:

Now if he is allowed to come home tonight, we'll have to go through the whole chasing/putting in basket/jumping out of basket/chasing thing again tomorrow so we can go and get his temp checked again, I'd imagine.

Hoping all will be well by this time tomorrow and then he can get back to chasing spiders  :innocent:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 28, 2010, 16:19:03 PM
Oh dear, so sorry he has a temperature again and sounds that he is getting far too stressed keep going to the vets  :hug: :hug:

I think that they should either keep mhim there until his temperature stays down and he is clearly getting better or giving him something long lasting so you dont have to go through this everyday, cos the stress will not be helping.

SWEndong lots of gentle cuddles to Rossi  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 28, 2010, 19:11:56 PM
Thanks Gill  :)

His temp is back to normal this evening (he got another drug today to help lower it in addition to the ab's) and all blood tests that they did came back normal, so it is looking like a virus possibly with some bacterial infection as well. He's going back on Thursday for a checkup and assuming his temp is still normal, that's the end of it.

If his temp is raised again on Thursday, then the vet will run tests for FIV and FeLV - so now keeping everything crossed he stays well and it doesn't turn out to be either of them.
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: cazzer on September 28, 2010, 19:13:42 PM
hope Rossi continues to get better
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Mark on September 28, 2010, 19:45:47 PM
Sorry I missed this before but glad he is feeling better - fingers crossed it was a bug  :) :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 28, 2010, 20:44:01 PM
Poor baby :care: Two days at the vets is bound to make him appreciate his home comforts though so hopefully the check-up on Thurs is the last time he has to go there  :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 28, 2010, 22:22:01 PM
I am sure its just a bug and those tests will be totally unnecessary  :hug: :hug:

Hope he settles at home now and a rough idea if he has a temperature is to feel his ears and if they hot, its a temperature BUT if he has been near a heat source or wrazpped up in a blanket then its more likely he is just warm  ;D
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 29, 2010, 15:40:21 PM
Actually I have been checking his ears  :) Noticed they were quite pink when I dropped him off on Monday morning and warm again on Monday night (at around midnight - may have partly been because he was snuggled up to me on the bed but of course his temp was up again on Tuesday morning) -  but so far they're much cooler since he came home yesterday. The extra drug he was given to reduce his temp (don't know the name of it) lasts about 36 hours so would expect it to be wearing off around 9pm, hoping we don't get any warm ears after that time!

He does seem much better in himself and besides the fact I'm syrynging medicine into his mouth 3 times a day currently to help prevent any more sickness, is definitely happy to be home  ;D
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 29, 2010, 21:42:37 PM
Sounding good so far, keeping fingers crossed  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on September 30, 2010, 15:59:41 PM
Temp was 39.8 this morning - lower than Mon/Tues but still not normal  :scared:

However as he's perfectly well in himself, (in fact he is chasing a fly around the house and probably eating it right now  :sick: judging from the fact the buzzing has stopped!), the vet suggested waiting until Monday morning to see if his temp is back to normal by then. If it still isn't normal, then she's going to send off some blood tests to check for any viruses.

Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 30, 2010, 21:09:26 PM
sounds like he is definately heading in the right direction, cant remeber what a cats normal temp is but believe its higher than ours  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 30, 2010, 21:42:47 PM
I think I'd be guided by how he's behaving and it sounds like he doesn't even realise he's meant to be a bit poorly still! Fingers crossed everything is back to normal by Monday :crossed:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on September 30, 2010, 21:51:08 PM
sounds like he is definately heading in the right direction, cant remeber what a cats normal temp is but believe its higher than ours  :hug: :hug:

I think it was  38-39°C
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: jezebel on October 01, 2010, 09:50:41 AM
BazandGem, I have to ask - is he named after Valentino?

Glad to hear he's getting better BTW. :)
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on October 01, 2010, 14:00:55 PM
Normal is about 38.5-39.1. I'm hoping by Monday he'll at least be at the top end of normal. Have been doing some research and from his symptoms I'm wondering if he's picked up something from the garden e.g. salmonella as the sypmptoms do kind of fit.

Tiggy's Mum - you're right, he is not behaving like a sick cat at all - in fact yesterday evening he vanished just as he was supposed to be coming in for the evening so me and hubby spent a very stressful 10 minutes calling to him- of course he then bounded up the garden looking like he'd been having a great old time in the woods at the back of our house! Then hubby's friend called round later and Rossi took the opportunity to go out of the front door and hid under the car until hubby managed to wrestle him back inside.. We don't let him out of the front door as we're trying to keep him away from the road/potential catnappers, and he has plently to keep him occupied in the back anyway.

Jezebel - yes, he's named after Valentino  :) Bazza is named after Barry Sheene, and my hubby's sister has Foggy and Joey (Dunlop)!
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: jezebel on October 01, 2010, 14:30:55 PM
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on October 01, 2010, 20:38:12 PM
This evening he's definitely got his appetite back fully, had his last dose of medicine so no more fighting over that, has played with his toys for a bit and appears to have forgiven me at least a little bit. I got a miaow and a sniff when I came in rather than him running away from me  :shify:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on October 04, 2010, 20:30:08 PM
After a failed attempt to go to the vet this morning (Rossi hid under the bed  :innocent:) we finally got there this evening and his temp is now down to 39.4 so it's heading the right direction. The vet even checked it with an old-fashioned mercury thermometer as well and it came in a bit lower.

So, providing he doesn't get poorly again in the next week, we're going to assume he's better and not pursue any more testing. As I said to her, if he hadn't been sick in the house we'd have never known he was ill in the first place.

Anyway, a tentative "he's better"!  :)
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: BazandGem on October 10, 2010, 21:15:01 PM
Rossi's still fine so no more trips to the vet for him for now  :) I do need to go myself though to drop off the Petplan form for them to fill in.

Rossi spent today doing 4 of his favourite things: chasing flies, watching the chickens, lounging in the sun on the patio, and munching his Sunday treat - Gourmet A La Carte for tea  :cat rub:
Title: Re: Vibes for Rossi please - spending the day at the vet's
Post by: Janeyk on October 10, 2010, 22:26:13 PM
 ;D that's good news