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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: madamcat (Edd) on September 08, 2010, 21:35:10 PM

Title: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on September 08, 2010, 21:35:10 PM
I took chelsea for her booster today - locum vet because regular has left  >:(

I asked about leaving the Felv part out as my male cat Sam had a reaction when he had his booster earlier in the year. A lump appeared at the site and took 3 weeks to disappear. Previously the cats have been vaccinated with Nobivat Tricat and Nobivat Felv. The vet told me that they had stopped using that and a better vaccine was now used which she gave to Chelsea. And a drontal ; the vet had trouble getting Chelsea to swallow it  - normally have Milbermax.

The vaccine they are now using was Purevax RCP Felv - the vets reasoning was that there was less side effects but when I looked up on the net the data sheet says pretty much the same side effects as the others!!

I have looked at previous threads re Fexaxyn Pentofel - here are the old threads:

Does anyone else have their cats vaccinated with the Purevax vaccine or have any comments on it or its side-effects.

BTW Chelsea does not appear to be exhibiting any side effects atm - she has eaten well this evening and is fast asleep on the bed.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 08, 2010, 22:00:00 PM
I only vaccinate my boys against flu & enteritis - they don't have the FeLV jab as they don't come into contact with other cats.

How old is Chelsea now? I'm sure when I looked into it that I read that as cats got older they didn't need re-vaccinating against FeLV as they would already have built up immunity.

I wonder if your vets have switched to this vaccine due to profit margins alone rather than possible side effects  :shify:
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on September 08, 2010, 22:20:01 PM
Chelsea is 9 (and Sam 15 when his next booster is due). She said they were still at risk as both cats go out and do encounter other cats.

I suspect you are right on profit margins (recently been taken over by a larger chain of vets). I am more concerned about the side effects especially for my older boy.

Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 08, 2010, 23:01:52 PM
I have just had renewal through on Freddie for policy with Axa and I sent them this email....

"Wording on page 11 of policy document indicates I must ensure cat is vaccinated against feline leukaemia (Felv).  I have 6 cats currently insured with you all of whom are currently so vaccinated but ....

- Freddie is reaching the age where vets have previously advised me cats develop immunity and not therefore necessary to vaccinate for Felv

- Noni reacted badly to her last jab and vet advised not to vaccinate her for Felv next year

What effect would it have on the Axa policies in each of those situations if I were not to vaccinate for Felv in future?"

I didn't mention it in email but the vaccine was Fevaxyn Felv.  I'm sorry to say Axa are messing me about and insisting I speak with their customer service peeps but I can't get through and I want something in writing.  They said they would ring me but they havn't.  I am annoyed tbh and have told them I will be cancelling policies (I have 6 policies and pay the premiums on another one for my mom's cat and was about to insure newbie but have built up a fund over last 18 months and afraid this sort of service is not acceptable).  I've also told them I will be posting a thread about their lack of service on a certain cat website I frequent. 

Freddie is 9 btw but Noni is only 4 this November.

Sorry not directly related to your topic but the bit about Noni is.  I was really scared by the lump Noni got and it also took a few weeks to fully disappear.  I would go back to vet and ask for more info on why it's thought Purevax had less side effects and whether it's necessary to vaccinate every 12 months and what the risks are for not vaccinating.  As I said, after a long discussion, young Australian female vet I saw with Noni said Noni should have some protection for a while as she has been vaccinated for 3 years and perhaps best leave it at that.  I got so alarmed by the potential (although unproven) association with cancer.

ETA keep an eye on Chelsea for a week to 10 days as it took that long for me to notice reaction with Noni  :(

Info on Purevax in NOAH's compendium  see Edd's link above

Info on Fevaxyn which I find a bit disconcerting  :-: wrong link
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on September 08, 2010, 23:20:18 PM
Thanks Rosella.

Sam had a lump for a few weeks after the Nobivat Tricat/Nobivat Felv. I reported it to the vets at the time.

So will defo be looking for any lumps and other side effects - off food. lethargic etc.

A member of CC took her cats to the vets for their boosters and was given the Purevax vaccine for the first time as well.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 08, 2010, 23:40:25 PM
I've just checked and Felv vaccine our 10 week old newbie had a week ago was the Fevaxyn and boy was he an unhappy bunny for 24 hours but fine (touch wood) after that thankfully  :scared:  I think I'll ask about Purevac when he goes for 2nd vac in a couple of weeks.  Freddie is due his booster but I wanted to get reply from Axa before I make his appointment.

I posted wrong data sheet for Fevaxyn that our vet uses.  This is the right one which I am heaving a sigh of relief over as it says OK to administer with Katavac CHP which is what our cats have  :phew:

Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on September 09, 2010, 00:14:04 AM
Thanks for the links.

The vaccine Chelsea had was Purevax RCP Felv. The CC member's cats had that as well. Using your link this was the datasheet that came up:

It covers:
feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus
feline calicivirrus
feline panleucopenia

Think the RCPCh excludes Felv but covers feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus, feline calicivirrus, feline panleucopenia and Chlamydophila.

There is a Purevax for Felv only but the contra indications talk about a possible nodule at injection site for 1-4 weeks whereas the combined one doesn't :Crazy::

Oh dear  :scared:
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 09, 2010, 03:10:42 AM
Misa was boostered on Monday and does not have the FeLv jab as he had a very bad reaction, cant remember the name and cant get to his card at present but its a new version of a previous onr that includes for chlamidia. He has had no side effects.

I have two vets that have said that Franta should no longer be vaccinated and Duchas vet also agrees no longer to vaccinate Ducha as they are both 17 and Frantas medical probs make it too dangerous.

Misa is now 9 and Sasa 11 and neither have the FeLv jab so you issues with Axa are very worrying Rosella and my renewal for all 4 come up next month. Both Ducha and Franta now have existing conditions so would not be covered by any other insurance.

This new company working for Axa do not sound very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 09, 2010, 07:58:27 AM
The chances are that Axa will just say they will not pay up for FeLV treatment if not vaccinated against it Gill.  I agree the change to new admin centre is not going well.  They also took a long time to settle last claim for Fred which I put down to admin changes they were going through.  I hate to worry you Gill but I've just had renewal thru on Fred and it's gone up from £8.05 to £11.11 per month (I'm paying just over £12 per month for mom's cat Susan who is 13).  I will ask why such a large increase if and when they ring me but suspect it is due to Fred's age which is stated as 8 years 11 mths on renewal date.  I think premiums often jump up from about age 8.  I think my fondness for Axa is coming an end  :(. 

Sorry for going off on a slight tangent .....

It goes to show how important it is to get name of vaccines exactly correct Edd.  Apologies for confusing matters.  Whatever happens I won't be vaccinating Noni for FeLV in future.  I'll take vet's advice on Fred.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on September 09, 2010, 08:54:41 AM
We have all cats vaccinated with Purevax and all are vacc against leuk. Our vet changed to purevax about 2 years ago because it is supposed to be safer than other vaccines and with less side effects which we have generally found to be true.
However a recent death not long after purevax vaccination has left me very worried. (yes I have PM results)
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on September 09, 2010, 10:50:55 AM
Rosella and Gill - Don't think Axa are the only ones who say cats need to have annual vaccinations including Felv. Petplan as well and also an annual dental check up, they say . Don't know about any others. Friend has 5 indoor cats insured with PP and they don't have the Felv vaccinations either :-:

Teresa - I am sorry to hear that. :hug: My vet said it was supposed to be safer as well. Are you continuing to use Purevax.

It is all rather worrying. I thank my lucky stars that Chelsea and Sam who have been fully vaccinated since they came to me at 6 months old - now 9yrs and 15yrs - have been ok after their vacs.  It was the lump that Sam had for 3-4 weeks earlier in the year following his vacs ( Nobivat Tricat & Felv) that started to concern me about the Felv vaccination. And also as they are getting older do they really need it.

Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 09, 2010, 10:57:37 AM
Rosella and Gill - Don't think Axa are the only ones who say cats need to have annual vaccinations including Felv.

I'm sure that's right but, if vet advises against the FeLV vaccine for a particular cat, I just wonder what the position is as regards the policy.

I too would be interested to know what you've decided about vaccinations for your babes Teresa.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Lotzy on September 09, 2010, 11:52:13 AM
My cats both had Nobivac Tricat during their earlier years, but have had PureVax RCPCh FeLV every year since 2005.  Neither have had a reaction, but the last couple of years I've noticed they stay in the house a lot more a couple of days after.  In the past I've put this down to the fact they are now a bit older and less able to cope with minor doses of various infections/diseases going around their systems.  Before they have the next lot, I think I will ask my vet about this. 
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Angiew on September 09, 2010, 12:03:27 PM
I will probably suffer for it at some time but my cats rarely get vacs after 9 - 10 years or will only do the cat flu one.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Lotzy on September 09, 2010, 14:39:30 PM
Angie, I would strongly recommend you at least keep the cat flu one up.  I grew up with four cats and one caught cat flu (vaccinations were out of date). The end result was that we lost three out of four of them.  The vet called in twice a day to rehydrate and treat them until we had to admit defeat give up hope for three of them.   Half way through we told the vet we couldn't pay for any more treatment and he said he was going to do it for free anyway (he obviously really was a caring vet who had the cats welfare at heart more than making a living).
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 09, 2010, 17:04:23 PM
I will probably suffer for it at some time but my cats rarely get vacs after 9 - 10 years or will only do the cat flu one.

I'm the same Angie, and I never have, never will, do the FelV vacc.

A lot of people arent aware that they can choose which vaccs they have done - they don't have to have the 4 in 1, which I believe is complete overload on the cats system. If you only want the cat flu jabs, you can ask for just those to be done, which is what I've done in the past.

Insurers will say you need to have the whole lot done - but they only mean that you won't be covered if there is an illness related to NOT having the vaccs done.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on September 09, 2010, 18:43:37 PM
She said they were still at risk as both cats go out and do encounter other cats.

None of my 11 have the FeLV ....
and FeLV is so rare now
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 09, 2010, 19:42:31 PM
and FeLV is so rare now

Is it?

This is latest info (updated 2006) I can find on Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) which says, whilst prevalence maybe low in healthy cats that have been tested, it wasn't low in unhealthy cats and ours are all outdoor (at least newbie will be like the rest) and therefore at risk.  I wonder however how useful their stats are i.e. how many peeps test healthy cats?  I've never tested any of our cats for FeLV although Fred was tested by RSPCA as his pal was ill and found to be positive and PTS  :(  Fred tested negative.

Fact sheet also  states "Since older cats are known to be less susceptible to infection than young kittens, there is a common misconception that adults do not become infected. It is clear that older cats can become infected"

All a bit of a minefield as far as I can see and will take vets advice and keep fingers crossed  :-:


Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 10, 2010, 02:18:24 AM
MIsa has just turned 9 and already pay £18-19 for each birman with Axa,,,,,,,,,,,,,but will hope that they all dont go up.

My vet says they dont vacinate for FeLv after about 12 yrs old cos they have built up resistance to it. The birmans are not getting the flu jab any more and the vet agrees that at 17, they have had enough injected into their system.............even 10 years ago alll vacinations were stopped on vet advice on Kocka too, for health reasons after even the killed vaccine was causing her problems.

I am sure that insurance companies would be very wary of getting sued if a cat died after being given a vaccination against vets instructions......yes Iknow it probably would be hard to prove but I think vet advice would win.

I am sure their must be some kind of Ombudsman that governs insurance. like with banks, so any problems with axa could be taken higher if they do not deal with complaints or answer questions.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on September 10, 2010, 08:36:28 AM

Teresa - I am sorry to hear that. :hug: My vet said it was supposed to be safer as well. Are you continuing to use Purevax.


I too would be interested to know what you've decided about vaccinations for your babes Teresa.

Because I rescue so many it is imperative that I vaccinate in order to provide best level of care and protection for majority, the Purevax is to my knowledge the safest and I must therefore continue using it.
This will sound heartless but better 1 death from a vaccine than a multitude from panleulopenia or flu or even leuk.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 10, 2010, 09:07:39 AM
Having "only" 7 Teresa, and they mingle with other cats (who are maybe not as well cared for) outdoors, that's the conclusion I have reached too.  I'll ask vet about Purevac for Fred.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Liz on September 10, 2010, 14:43:55 PM
All ours get the lot - including FELV and all the newbies have been blood tested - all the newbies are ferals and all are FIV-

Our 18 year old had her FELV jag done in June and has always had it done with no adverse reaction

We keep them all up to date with everything as we are a Multi household and our vets comment perhaps we are a tad paranoid as some of the other patients aren't as well looked after as ours!
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Fire Fox on September 11, 2010, 14:00:12 PM
Noah is indoor and previously had a bad reaction to vaccinations so the CP vet advised not to have any more. I informed AXA of this when insuring him (on adoption, a year ago) and they seemed fine. If you are having problems it might be worth considering getting a letter from the vet giving their professional opinion - worst case scenario you appeal to the Financial Ombudsman if the insurer tries to wriggle out of paying. It certainly wouldn't be acceptable for a human healthcare underwriter to 'prescribe' treatment!
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 11, 2010, 14:16:17 PM
I ended up speaking with someone at Axa yesterday.  She said that not giving the FeLV jab would not invalidate policy but it would mean they would not pay out for any treatment for FeLV related illnesses.  She said if vet specifically advised against the FeLV jab for medical reasons (as in Noni's case) and cat developed FeLV then the vet should send a covering letter explaining the circumstances with any claim for FeLV related treatment.  The assessors would then assess but the general feeling of her colleagues was that the claim would be denied.  She would go no further than that.

Due to the shoddy way they have dealt with my query and the enormous increase in Freddie's premiums (that she would not explain, just generalised about the various reasons it could be) I am having a whole rethink on the insurance front.  The cost is becoming too high now that we have 7.  Easier to just increase the amount we put aside each month by the amount we currently pay insurer.  May keep Freddie's going for a bit though as I'm still not sure his kidneys are quite right.
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 12, 2010, 03:58:49 AM
Thats what I expected AXA to say or any other insurer, so I hope my premiums dont go up as paying about £56 pm for my 4 and need them to stay insured and know that amount would not pay for a serious problem with any of them, Frantas bill was nearly £2k last year! I couldnt afford to pay out that withought insurance.

I am sure that AXA service will get back to normal after the teething probs are over with new staff and system.................it better  :innocent:
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 12, 2010, 11:21:50 AM
Gill, sorry to upset you but Zia's has gone up £7 this renewal (yet Molly's, who was done before they changed is identical to last year) - I have no option but to keep hers going, as they have paid out over £200 and she has health issues. Her boosters are due this month, and I dont know what to do as she is 20 and doesn't leave the house (through choice), but Buster goes out, so he could bring something in. I did ask the vet about the FelV part for her, and he said even if she did contract FeLV, it wouldnt affect her lifespan - I have never had mine vacc'd for that anyway, but as he is a new vet, I thought he might have pushed it on me. Busters are also due this month, but as we are suspicious of his health, i dont know what to do there either. So atm, both are going and see what the vet advises!!
Title: Re: Annual check-up - Booster Vaccinations
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 12, 2010, 16:46:53 PM
Boopy had the Purevax RCP + FeLV vaccines in France as a kitten and Orion had the Purevax RCPCH + FeLV as a kitten in the Netherlands and neither of them had any side effects when they had them.

I think Nobivac are the vaccines my vets stock but I use Fevaxyn Pentofel vaccines for my cats and kittens and only use Nobivac for rabies vaccinations.