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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Fire Fox on September 06, 2010, 13:45:57 PM

Title: Noah had an insect ... now has a balding spot (Stronghold)!
Post by: Fire Fox on September 06, 2010, 13:45:57 PM
It is brown and flat but made no attempt to jump when I put it in a glass of water which took a few minutes. I can't see any flea dirt on Noah (he is white), neither of us are scratching (I am def sensitive to bites) but I am panicking a bit. About to ring the vet as I don't have any flea stuff.  :( I think he should be wormed too?? I have that somewhere.

For those that don't know, Noah is indoor only as I live in a city centre apartment. We do have rats in the back courtyard and I was at my best friend's last week (another indoor cat).
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Den on September 06, 2010, 14:10:13 PM
That sounds like a pesky flea to me.

Indoor cats can get them. Fleas will jump on whoever/whatever and take a ride on them then jump off and on to a host. So it's very possible you brought it home. Memphis is an indoor cat and weirdly when we had fleas the other summer he was the one I found them all on. Molly doesn't go near other dogs so gawd knows where they came from.

Fleas carry tapeworm, so yes it is best to worm him too. Hopefully, it's just the one blighter. Better to be safe than sorry since they are a bit of a nightmare to get rid of.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Fire Fox on September 06, 2010, 14:25:41 PM
I am scratching now I am thinking about it!  :doh: I have brushed Noah loads with the Furminator (fine teeth) and not found anything else. Vets are going to give me Stronghold when I go in tomorrow (my day off): the flat needs a good clean too. I agree about being safe rather than sorry, I wouldn't want to risk Noah suffering and I once moved into a house with fleas.

The more I look at it the more I think it looks like a flea, just seems strange to have brought it all the way home from my friend's flat; I only go through the courtyard on the way out not the way in. Suppose I could have brought eggs in?? Yuck yuck yuck. I have texted my friend to warn her.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Den on September 06, 2010, 14:34:53 PM
You can pick them up anywhere. Just walk past someone on the high street, on a bus etc. One would have hopped on you then stayed with you and jumped onto Noah. It might not have come from your friend.

You also might not see one when brushing Noah as when you brush it disturbs them and they jump. Unless riddled with fleas they are really hard to find ... Hence being pesky! It's also why they say if you see 1 you'll probably have more.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on September 06, 2010, 15:13:55 PM
Yup indoor cats can get fleas.  My 2 have had them recently and they don't go outside at all.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Fire Fox on September 06, 2010, 23:04:09 PM
Thanks everyone: the blooming thing is still swimming round the glass!! :Crazy: By not finding anything else I mean I didn't find any flea dirt BUT I am still going to deflea. Noah is sat behind my head and I just got bopped for typing that.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Fire Fox on September 08, 2010, 00:31:14 AM
The 'thing' is STILL swimming!! Noah got zapped with Stronghold whilst eating tuna - didn't notice a thing.  :sneaky:
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Mark on September 08, 2010, 19:04:31 PM
In case you find any more, put a drop of washing up liquid in the water - it breaks the surface tension, so as you put them in, they sink  :evillaugh: - otherwise, there is  chance they can jump back out.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect on him ...
Post by: Fire Fox on September 11, 2010, 00:07:24 AM
Thanks Mark. I noticed when Noah bent over to eat supper that he now has a thinning patch where I put the Stronghold.  :'( I thought it was sore too but I think that is just pink skin showing through the thinner fur.  :'( He doesn't seem bothered by it and is eating and as alert as normal. My poor boy went through enough with his paws.  :'(
Title: Re: Noah had an insect ... now has a balding spot (Stronghold)!
Post by: Mark on September 11, 2010, 07:37:20 AM
Maybe it affects all cats but we only notice on white cats? - it's a case of lesser of the evils really. Annoyingly, it is probably the carrier that causes the reaction. Frontline makes Clapton's (white) neck go pink but stronghold/advocate actually give him a sore so not an option any more.
Title: Re: Noah had an insect ... now has a balding spot (Stronghold)!
Post by: Fire Fox on September 11, 2010, 13:44:33 PM
Oooohhh, that didn't occur to me! I am such a worrier.  :-[  I feel better for reading the further information section here
Title: Re: Noah had an insect ... now has a balding spot (Stronghold)!
Post by: Fire Fox on November 03, 2010, 00:21:59 AM
I found another unidentified object on Noah whilst Furminating him, tan coloured and sausage shaped. :shify: I have two Strongholds left so he is being zapped again tomorrow (whilst eating  :sneaky: ).