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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: bunglycat on August 12, 2010, 00:04:52 AM

Title: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: bunglycat on August 12, 2010, 00:04:52 AM
Does anyone know the best place to buy these and cheapest if poss -which are the smallest ones -is it the Cystaid .

Fifi has Cystitis again , started this morning , no reason i can see -it just seems to reoccur every 3-4 months !

He showed me some tablets that were pink and white capsules -i have a feeling they were cystaid-25p each tablet !?
He said he knows i haven''t got a lot of money but if it flares up again after this time to consider giving here these- i am going to get the money together and get them for her -but also she isn't easy to pill -she isn''t a nightmare , but moves her head about and manages to spit them out usually once or twice before i get tablets in her .
She is on Nsamox now for a week and has had an injection .
I caught it literally as it started this morning and gave her a tablet immedietly and she is nowhere as bad as she has been .
She has only had one tiny wee since we came back from the vets at 7.30pm and is still asleep now .
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on August 12, 2010, 08:15:55 AM
I don't know about cystaid but I buy cystease from vetuk for Jaffa.  I break the capsules open and mix the powder in with his food.  They are 100 tablets for £17.71 at vetuk and you only give one every other day (after initially giving one per day) so 100 will last well over 6 months.

Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: Mark on August 12, 2010, 09:51:54 AM
I have a nearly full container of Cystease-S that I got for Willow last year. It expires in Jan 11 so would probably end not being being used as 'touch wood', none of the others get cystitis. PM you address and I will put it in the post today when I go out. I would rather they get used than wasted.

The bottle doesn't look full as they only fill the bottle about 1/4 full. I haven't couted them but there is probably at least 80 or 90 left.

Edit - Gill has PMd her address and capsules have been sent.
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: Lotzy on August 13, 2010, 08:52:32 AM
Cystease S is cheaper than Cystaid. Cystease certainly helps my cat and I get them from VetUK. Between October and May my cat had five lots of cystitis. Throughout the summer I've put her on Cytease when we've been away a few times to prevent problems for catsitters and inbetween she's been on them once every three days, so I've gone nearly three months without a bout.  Some cats are on a maintenance dose of one a day/one ever other day.  I'm going to keep Lottie on one every three days to see if it helps.  Like you, I can see no reason why my cat keeping getting it. I've changed to 100% wet cat food, have a Feliway diffuser and am trying to leave her to rest more.
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: Leanne on August 13, 2010, 11:40:35 AM
We give Jess cystease twice a day and I usually get them from Vetuk.
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: tab on August 13, 2010, 13:07:54 PM
I give Amber cystease one a day. She is fine if I pill push it down her throat and in fact nicks the thing before I get chance but after sucking and chewing it spits it out. I have put it on food as well and she tucked in but as she never really finishes a meal Im never sure about her getting the full dose. This week though we're having work done on the flats which means a mast climber going up outside my windows so with loud noise, workmen and drilling Im going to try my friends suggestion. Roll out small pieces of those stick chews and tip a little powder in each and fold it up again. Fiddly but Amber would happily swallow the whole stick without chewing its worth a try  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: bunglycat on August 13, 2010, 13:30:50 PM
Thankyou very much -the tablets have arrived 10 mins ago .
Title: Re: FiFi -Cystaid or Cystease tablets
Post by: Kay and Penny on August 13, 2010, 13:40:12 PM
Tiffany is another one who needs a Cystease a day to prevent a return of cystitis

I think it must be totally tasteless, as I sprinkle a capsule on a quarter of one of those small tins of Gourmet Tuna and Shrimp, and she always eats every bit