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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Jasmine on April 05, 2007, 19:27:24 PM

Title: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Jasmine on April 05, 2007, 19:27:24 PM
Any advice on how to successfully collect a urine sample from a cat please?!?

Holly, 16, who I've just adopted is drinking & weeing a lot, results from her blood tests show liver & kidney's fine, but apparently other changes indicate 'something's up', but vet not sure what yet, so wants to test her urine next.

I've got to collect a urine pot (to try first) and some special litter to collect wee (next option), anyone had any experience of this?
Difficult enough when you have to collect your own, yet alone your cat's!


Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: CurlyCatz on April 05, 2007, 19:30:20 PM
the special litter will be wax coated so wont absorb the urine and you can pour it into a container.   However many cats will actually go in an empty tray (apparently) just make sure its totally clean so the sample doesnt get contaminated.
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on April 05, 2007, 19:50:54 PM
Hahahha Lynn, so funny you mentioned that!

I was washing the trays this morning and sat the first one down, all nice and clean may I add, and Tilly went in and had a pee hahaha  :rofl:

Sarah xxx
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 06, 2007, 10:17:27 AM
Good luck - some cats are nice and co-operative, others aren't!! Tom would rather hold it in for hours than use the special litter or an empty tray, and one night he actually jumped on the sofa to use the 'normal' tray I had placed on there, rather than the tray with special litter that was in the normal place!! You also need to make sure it is as fresh as possible, and no more than 4 hours old.
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: CurlyCatz on April 06, 2007, 11:23:03 AM
if you cant take it to the vet straight away samples are best stored in the fridge  ;D
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Rosella moggy on April 06, 2007, 11:42:22 AM
I used the special litter and a pipette when collecting a sample from Gandolf RIP a few years ago. I thought I didn't stand a chance as Gandi would never use a tray always preferring to go outside.  I had to lock him in bedroom for about 4 hours and ignore his yelling but he used the tray and I got the sample. Best of luck.
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on April 06, 2007, 11:49:30 AM
Ive got to get a water sample form bridie next week

it was easy last time as she peed over the vets table and he took it from there lol
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on April 06, 2007, 12:00:21 PM
Jaffa usually uses the litter tray when I clean it so I think I'd just put on some rubber gloves and hold the container in the appropriate area  ;D

If you can't get a sample I wouldn't worry - I think the vet should be able to take a sample straight from her bladder which certainly ensures it's fresh!
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: tammy on April 06, 2007, 12:19:52 PM
I had to do this for my 13 year old cat a few weeks back. Best bet is to clean the litter tray well with hot water but no detergent and withold from the cat for a while. Put the special stuff in and the cat will go happily. Worked a treat with Fluffy-but problems arise if she poos at the same time-so perhaps its worth trying just after she has had a poo........ Good luck  :)
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on April 06, 2007, 15:54:37 PM
Good to hear that her bloods have come back OK, fingers crossed for the same result with her urine  ;D

I used to stalk Tiggy for a few hours and when I saw her going to the tray looked the other way so she thought I wasn't watching then sneak over and hold it under the 'stream'!  Worked every time. 
Title: Re: How do you take a urine sample?
Post by: Jasmine on April 06, 2007, 17:04:33 PM
Ah, interested to hear several of you have managed this feat, in 15 years of cat ownership it's not something I've had to do before.

I went to PAH today and bought a small litter tray, will collect the pot & litter from the vets on Tuesday, when the fun will commence!

Lynn, the vet suggested I keep the sample in the fridge and laughed, said this was a normal occurrence in his (have made mental note never to date a vet in the future)!
