Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => Our cats stories => Topic started by: Claire_smc on June 13, 2010, 15:40:24 PM

Title: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Claire_smc on June 13, 2010, 15:40:24 PM
Today as our car boot sale got rained off yet again I sat down to do a few little bits for craft fairs later in the year. As soon as I got my material out Darcy came over to investigate and was playing hide and seek underneath it



Then when he got bored and wandered off I picked it up again and two minutes after I started Pepsi came over and plonked herself down right on top of it  :rofl:


Also thought I'd post some pics of the new scratching tree we got, I was about to order one from Zooplus for £40 but the day before I got paid I saw one out in someone's back garden near my friend's house. My friend asked the lady living there if we could have it and she said yes so we went and picked it up. The lady was lovely, said her 3 didn't use it anymore and it was waiting for the council to come and collect it to take it away  and she was glad it was going to get put to a good use. We had a good long chat about her rescue kitties  :Luv:


Pepsi peeping out


Darcy in the bed which I've put on the top level, I'm chuffed that he's actually using it and he's well and truly claimed it now


Best £40 I never spent  ;)

Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: McHaggis on June 13, 2010, 17:00:10 PM
Pepsi , Haggis here
I finks you look very cute in your new cat post. I'm not sures I would be able to squeeze in there besides you, but i'd sures gives it a try.  I finks you are theeeee cutest cat I has ever seen

 :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Iz still hopin to be your "boykittyfriend"

Haggis xxxx
p.s what your mummy making ??. My mummy makes jewellery andwoode angels and things and  i gets on her desk in amongst her crafty stuff sometimes  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Claire_smc on June 13, 2010, 17:15:49 PM
Hello Haggis

Aw you is very sweet and lovely, I cud kick Darcy out of the bed and yoo cud have it instead if yoo liked?

I fink that Misa is already my kitty boyfriend but maybe I cud hav two kitty boyfriends?  :shify: :naughty:

Luv Pepsi x

She is making little heart shaped fings which hang up on dressers, she calls them 'shabbee sheek' but I dunno what that means. I just know that is gud fun to lie on top of fings while meowmy is using them  :)
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on June 13, 2010, 19:48:25 PM
I can't believe how well they are getting on after such a short time together!  :Luv:


The scratching post looks ace, what a find  :wow:
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: McHaggis on June 13, 2010, 19:55:50 PM
I can't believe how well they are getting on after such a short time together!  :Luv:


The scratching post looks ace, what a find  :wow:

mmm that is reassuring to hear, Haggis gets his new "half sister" Rosie this Friday and I'm hoping they will get along  :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

Hello Haggis

Aw you is very sweet and lovely, I cud kick Darcy out of the bed and yoo cud have it instead if yoo liked?

I fink that Misa is already my kitty boyfriend but maybe I cud hav two kitty boyfriends?  :shify: :naughty:

Pepsi , I finks every girul kitty should have at least 2 boycat friends. So I doesnt mind sharing with Misa !!
 :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: ( besides I gets a new girlcat, called Rosie  to stay this week :wooooo: :wooooo: )
love Haggis

Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: hOrZa on June 13, 2010, 19:59:17 PM
that looks like my tree :)

this one :- http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/cats/scratching_posts/large/13537
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Claire_smc on June 13, 2010, 20:37:28 PM
There's been a few moments where they've gotten in each other's face and had a little swipe but other than that they're doing really well  ;D I've found that bribing Pepsi with treats has distracted her from being too huffy with him.

Horza, it's the bit on the right of your tree, the three levels with the little square platform and the tent thing. Not sure if it used to be the full thing as on the other side there was a hole where it looked like another post should have been screwed in. All it needed was a bit of a scrub down, it's a little bit wobbly when Darcy jumps from the floor onto the very top though!

'If it is ok wiv yoo Haggis then it is ok wiv me :) As long as Misa dusn't mind sharing. It is exciting having someone new coming to stay, at first I didn't like Darcy but I suppoze he's alrite really. At least u know ur having someone new, my meowmy sprung it on me wiv no warning! I haz had grouchy face on but its just so she gives me extra chicken and prawns and fings.

Pepsi xx'
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: purrdy1 on June 13, 2010, 21:35:47 PM
Thats Brilliant! they look as if they are loving their new luxury bed and toys how lucky they are!....I love the things they make for cats they are so clever!

how spoiled are you babies! mind you wouldnt have it any other way would we!! xxxxx :naughty:
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 13, 2010, 21:52:08 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm Haggis, I dont think I want to share and you a bit young for girlfriends, especially if you have a kitten girlfriend called Rosie arriving!

And Pepsi you should be true to one man and I am Misaman so thats me  ;D

Like your scratching post by the way  ;D
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: McHaggis on June 13, 2010, 22:13:01 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm Haggis, I dont think I want to share and you a bit young for girlfriends, especially if you have a kitten girlfriend called Rosie arriving!

 Iz falled in love with Pepsi , she is the nicest girlcat I ever saw. But i'll just be a secret admirerer then since you wants her to yourself  :'( :'(  you have good taste in girl cats  :briggin: :briggin:

and you're rights  i have a kitten coming this weeks and she'll need all my attention  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
she's pretty cute too takes a look  here she is here .......

loves Haggis x
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Shiroi-Neko on June 14, 2010, 10:05:39 AM
Love that post! Lucky what  cats you are.
Is pikachu  plush their buddy to?
Title: Re: My little craft 'helpers' plus a new scratching tower
Post by: Janeyk on June 15, 2010, 07:02:19 AM
Lovely photos and the post and great to see Pepsi and Darcy doing so well together  :Luv: :Luv: