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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: The Duchess on December 14, 2009, 21:03:39 PM

Title: Cosmo
Post by: The Duchess on December 14, 2009, 21:03:39 PM
last week we had to take Cosmo to the vets 'cos he developed a touch of cystitis (he's had it once before) - so he had an injection and he's on cystaid plus special i.e. expensive urinary food for a week :tired:

Anyway, today he's started sneezing and hasn't moved very far from my feet since I came in this evening, which is unlike him - he had a dose of sneezing in the Summer when he had a course of ABs to deal with it.  I'm wondering whether to whisk him into the vets again tomorrow or wait and see whether it's something he'll shake off if it's just a sniffle as the sneezing isn't constant?

I s'pose I know the answer tho' - vets visit tomorrow it is :tired: just what I need forking out again just before Xmas even though it's not Cossie's fault - but I think I've got a hypochondriac/poorly boy although he looks like a great big lump of a cat he seems to get everything that's going - sigh
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on December 14, 2009, 21:16:24 PM
Prob best to get Cosmo to the vet.

Poor we boy hope he beter soon. sending vibes your way   :hug:  :hug:

Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: The Duchess on December 14, 2009, 21:25:27 PM
thanks - he's zonked out under the radiator in the dining room where he would normally go to sleep on the back of the sofa so that's a bit odd :scared: but he hasn't sneezed for a while - I'll just have to see if he's snotty and/or got weepy eyes tomorrow morning.

A vet trip will please OH as he's got his work do tomorrow :evillaugh: he'll just have to go in late!
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: Janeyk on December 14, 2009, 22:12:56 PM
Yep, I'd just see how he is tomorrow, he's probably keeping warm by the heating if he has a chill, poor boy sounds a bit run down, hope he's better soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: Kay and Penny on December 14, 2009, 22:17:52 PM
a sign of fever, which you can easily check for yourself, is if the ears are hot to the touch
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 15, 2009, 01:22:12 AM
But dont bother checking if her has been lying by the radaitor cos that makes the ears hot too  :evillaugh:

I hope he is OK but if in doubt the vet sadly, good luck  :hug:
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: The Duchess on December 15, 2009, 10:44:43 AM
just back from the vet's - Cosmo has ABs for a respiratory infection and eye cream :scared: as he's got a touch of conjunctivitis.  Unfortunately, the vet's don't sell gauntlets...

OH is merrily saying "we'll have to get a routine going to give him his ABs in tuna, followed by eye cleaning/cream" - yeah, right :shify: - Cosmo's not the brightest moggie in the box but he ain't stoopid.  Oh well, at least my scratches will accessorise with Chrimbo red...

Hopefully, he'll start feeling better pretty quickly - although the indignity of having his temperature taken might take a bit longer to recover from :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on December 15, 2009, 14:39:59 PM
Get well soon Cosmo.

And have fun giving the AB and eye cream. the joys
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: Mark on December 15, 2009, 15:16:24 PM
Have you tried scruffing? - I had no idea I could turn a lunatic cat like Willow into a rag doll by scruffing her to give her a pill. I don't even need a pill-giver as she doesn't even try to bite when scruffed - She also forgives me straight away  :Luv2: The last couple of weeks have been so easy when I was at my wits end previously - she is a very light cat so maybe that makes a difference. I make sure I am scruffing as much as possible lengthwise so as not to hurt or strangle her. I would ask OH to film me doing it but he gets upset watching  :tired:
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: Millys Mum on December 15, 2009, 19:03:28 PM
If its synulox it should be eaten up, tuna not the best thing for a cystitis sufferer tho, does he like cheese?

If he fights your OH holding him for eye cream then sometimes its easier to get a towel and make a cosmos pancake, hopefully he will feel better soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Cosmo
Post by: The Duchess on December 15, 2009, 22:41:44 PM
it really is only a teeny bit of tuna (we use the kind that comes in spring water) and it's guaranteed to get him to eat ABs, cystaid etc.  Both Cosmo and his sister are nightmares in getting to try anything new... :tired: so we tend to stick to what we know works and it's only for a week.  The vet said that synulox can be ground up and that's what we've done before and it seemed ok

tonight we got his first lot of eye cream in :scared: took both of us with all our might holding him down and, yes, I did scruff but he just gets so cross and fights back - unlike in the vet's :tired: so we've got that to look forward to x2 a day :Crazy:  The vet said it's because he knows he's not king in the surgery (ahem) and gave us a look as though to say "he's only a cat, stop being so pathetic" :-[

but thanks for all the advice - much appreciated - I'll have a try at the towel tomorrow