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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: shinney on March 21, 2007, 08:52:08 AM

Title: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: shinney on March 21, 2007, 08:52:08 AM
I have some application forms for Free cat neutering in London and Greater London.

You can apply if you qualify under any of the following categories:

1/on benefits or pension
2/feeding stray or feral cats
3/on low income
4/have a large number of cats
5/you cannot afford to pay.

Althought this states that it is london and greater London, the vets in Harlow Essex do accept the voucher.

If you would like an application form or know some one that could, please pm me your address and i will happly post one of two you. We all know that its coming too that time of year, with kitten  :Crazy:

Lets together try to stop the large amount of unwanted cats and kittens ending up in rescues.
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on March 21, 2007, 11:26:23 AM
Good on you Shinney
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: ccmacey on March 21, 2007, 11:38:33 AM
I read a statment the other day that said if cats get neutered it will start wiping out the species.

This is not my view as I neuter my cats but I think it rings true and maybe in a few hundred years this is what could happen.
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: Cheesecat on March 21, 2007, 11:45:36 AM
I doubt it - there will always be cats, feral or not that the rescues/vets do not get around to neutering - there will always be the irresponsible owner.
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: Mark on March 21, 2007, 12:06:16 PM
With the best will in the world, only a small % get neutered. There will always be pikeys that wouldn't dream of going to a vet  >:(

In the unlikely event of cats becoming an endangered species. Something would be done about it.

The numbers will  never reduce enough unless the government start licensing cats and strictly enforcing the rules with heavy fines.
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: Dawn F on March 21, 2007, 15:00:09 PM
my mother in law is Italian and hardly anyone neuters over their - she does because she lived here for 30 something years but people think she is a bit mad anyway for letting the cat in the house!
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: ccmacey on March 21, 2007, 15:16:00 PM
Yeah when I went to rhodes the family who owned the hotel had cats but just let them live as stray's, I dont even think they fed them. They were not neutered and it was sad to see them scrounging around the tables.  :(
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 25, 2007, 12:01:16 PM
Sadly, I doubt we will ever get enough cats neutered to reduce the population enough to be endangering it - one female cat and her descendents can be responsible for hundreds of cats!!
Title: Re: Cat Neutering in London and Greater London
Post by: tammy on March 25, 2007, 14:37:48 PM
I must agree. I think the human population would have to be under threat first. My family is from Croatia and I go there for a couple of weeks most summers and always walk away with my savings totlly emptied as there are so many uncared for strays. I know of a guy near by who tries very hard with stray dogs and i doing a marvelous job as there are not so many stray dogs now around that particular region I go to as he takes them all in himself.  So I tyr and help by paying for treatment for stray cats, One summer I had to fork out a fortune for treating pneumoina in a litter of stray kittens and de fleaing them and their mother. My mums sister was feeding them but could not afford the vet fees for treatment.Id love to bring them all home with me and my heart breaks every time I come back here as at least we here have charitable organisations to help. My family is also thought of as mad as I pets are allowed to roam the house and my Smudges fave sleeping spot was my pillow as thats where my smell was the strongest. Id never dare to make her sleep elswhere and still six months after her death I always keep an extra pillow on my bed .......for her