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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: nutzy on November 08, 2009, 19:11:29 PM

Title: kitten antics
Post by: nutzy on November 08, 2009, 19:11:29 PM
The latest in Rajah's kitten antics are: 

Sleeping in the wok!
Attacking packets of bread rolls but losing interest once the rolls are out of the packet.  Same with bread.  I have to hide them.
Jumping out at me and biting my butt!!!  :censored:
Trying to climb into a full box of weetabix!!!  :Crazy:
Trying to drag the inside packet of cheerios out of the box so that he can get in!  :sneaky:
Jumping on me from the top of the wardrobe  :doh:
getting into the bath with me - weird I know but he loves water and we have a corner bath and he loves to sit/walk/lie on the step even if it is covered with water.

And all this has happened SINCE HE WAS NEUTERED!!!  He has just got crazier than ever!  When will things settle down?
Title: Re: kitten antics
Post by: Millys Mum on November 08, 2009, 19:24:46 PM
Hes a young male, its in them to do things like that, you have a couple of years to go  :evillaugh: :rofl:
Title: Re: kitten antics
Post by: nutzy on November 08, 2009, 19:37:36 PM
I forgot to add:

Drinking the milk as I am pouring it into my coffee or cereal

Trying to scoop the cereal out of the bowl (not sure why coz he doesn't eat it)

Trying to climb the shower curtains

Trying to get through the venetian blinds while they are closed

Trying to bite the lamp shade of our table lamp.  He brought the hole thing down on top of him the other day.