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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: vickysheriff on November 03, 2009, 12:14:48 PM

Title: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: vickysheriff on November 03, 2009, 12:14:48 PM

Me and my cat Cedric have just moved back into my parents house. Cedric spent a couple days in a cattery while me and the folks went away. I thought this might make it easier for him.

I brought him back to the house yesturday and I noticed he's not really been eating. The cattery said he wasn't eating much there either. I realise this is fairly normal. He's a bit of a fussy eater anyway and the stress of moving has no doubt provoked this.

He's on special biscuits from the doctors and when I tried feeding them to him earlier, he sort of crunched up the buscuits then spat them back out. So I put down some wet food for him and all he did was lick off the jelly, and not much at that.

I'm slightly worried there might be something wrong with his mouth or throat or something. He does seem to be drinking, but he's also really quiet. He meowed a lot in the car on the way down, but hasn't meowed since, and I normally can't shut him up! I'm wondering whether I should take him to the vet or whether he'll settle down and start eating again soon. Is this just a reaction to the move or is he unwell?? Can anyone help?
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topis merged
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on November 03, 2009, 12:19:10 PM
Was he eating fine before he went into the cattery? Maybe the stress of being somewhere on his own, and then being moved into different surroundings once out of the cattery.

You could always phone the vets and tell them your concern  :)
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: vickysheriff on November 03, 2009, 12:21:30 PM
Yeah he was. Like I said, he's actually quite a fussy eater anyway - he likes an audience! But the thing I'm worried about it that he's crunching the biscuits then spitting them out.
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 03, 2009, 12:22:33 PM
I have just merged the two thread with same message on.

I would take him to vets, it maybe stress from the whole situation and he doesnt yret like his new home,

Best to get him checked first and then if its stress various things can be done like feliway plug inns and zycline
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: vickysheriff on November 03, 2009, 12:23:53 PM
Thanks, I did get a bit confused! Thought it hadn't posted and it turned out it had. Gonna give the vets a call now I think!
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 03, 2009, 12:25:55 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs, Vicky: glad you found us.

I'd bet good money that it's the stress of the upheaval that's causing Cedric's loss of appetite.  Have you tried tempting him with some irresistible indulgent food to see how he reacts?  Tuna works for our Blip: other cats like pilchards or chicken.

If he doesn't take that bait, I'd say give your vet a call and talk this through with him / her.  S/he will probably examine Cedric and put your mind at rest, but best to be sure  :hug:.  He could have some sort of dental trouble, which would be easily sorted.

How old is Cedric?
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: vickysheriff on November 03, 2009, 13:10:21 PM
Thanks! See trouble is is that Ced is on a specialist diet and isn't suppsed to eat anything cept the vet food (I did try and tempt him with a pouch of wet food every though I shouldn't have - doesn't seem to have worked). He's only about 18 months old. He's move a couple times with me and has been realtivly ok about it. It sounds awful, but I'm kinda skint atm. I've got money to take him to a vet, I'm just concerned I'm over reacting and he'll be fine if I just leave him to it. But he's just sleeping all the time and normally I can't get him off me for the pouncing and the scratching! This new vets doesn't open until 5.30pm either so I'll have to wait until then to call them. Yep, I suffer from fretful mother syndrome quite a lot with my kitty!
Title: Re: Cat not eating after a move.......topics merged
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 03, 2009, 14:08:35 PM
What is he having the specialist diet for exactly?

I agree with the others, deffo a vet check first off, could be a dental prob as Christine mentioned, specially as you say he's spitting out the biscuits, mind you, many prescription diets are notorious for being unpalatable LOL! so its more important that he eats something, even if its not the specialist diet.

The Feliway plug ins might help with the settling in process too.