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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Ownedby3persians on September 20, 2009, 20:56:51 PM

Title: Wobbly tummy
Post by: Ownedby3persians on September 20, 2009, 20:56:51 PM
Pixie has always got a wobbly tummy and nasty poo if she has anything other than technical  :sick: Recently this has got worse. Over the last few months or so she has a wobbly tummy a lot of the time  has often got lots of poo stuck on her rear end and has to be bathed  :sick: I put that down to the fact she isn't so great on her legs sometimes and doesn't always hold her self up, so of course ends up sitting on it. She has a clean bill of health from vet other than a heart murmour. Just wondering if anyone can suggest a better food for her, she won't eat wet food. I think she is going a little senile as often walks straight past the litter try and does it on the floor  :innocent:
Title: Re: Wobbly tummy
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 20, 2009, 22:22:12 PM
I would definitely persevere getting her onto wet food if you can, dry food is dehydrating if fed exclusively. Persians can be prone to tummy probs as they are particularly sensitive to the carbohydrates in many cat foods (especially dry). I found changing over to a mainly wet diet (raw mostly with some pouch foods) made a hec of a difference to my persians.

 Some of the higher meat wet diets might suit Pixie, maybe Hi Life real pouches, Natures Menu etc, anything really that doesnt contain carbs (cereals/grains etc). Unfortunately all the dry foods contain carbs, although Applaws dry and Orijen dry have lower carb content, but, as persians can also be prone to kidney problems, I'd not make dry the main part of the diet. Mine have a few biscuits as treats only.

Could you trim the fur round her back end for the time being just to avoid her getting too messy there? either use scissors (carefully!) or this little battery trimmer is quite useful (for the odd small knot or two too) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wahl-Trimmer-Battery-Rubberised-8066-717/dp/B000HC2MDE
Title: Re: Wobbly tummy
Post by: Ownedby3persians on September 20, 2009, 22:35:49 PM
 :thanks: for that, will get her some tomorrow, although up until a few months ago she was fine on the dry food, any wet food if we could get her to eat it didn't agree though, but I will try anything. Her fur round her rear end is as short as we :scared: can get it, she is so good bless her just lies there while we trim it up
Title: Re: Wobbly tummy
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 20, 2009, 22:56:58 PM
I expect you already know this, but thought I'd mention just in case, to make any changes to diet gradually - to avoid tummy upsets  :)