Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 17:28:57 PM

Title: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 17:28:57 PM
I rang the vets in a panic yesterday when I went out to top up Bilbo's food and discovered that the level in his bowl hadn't changed since I topped it up on Tuesday and I noticed when I gave him a good squeeze all over that he seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight very suddenly which is not like him. Tried him with warmed up tuna, hairball paste, Cimicat and allsorts and he will not eat anything, he just sniffs it and walks away.

Took him to the vets today and the vet agreed that he was a lot thinner when he squeezed him as to just look at him and to just stroke him normally he feels absolutely fine as he's got such a big coat on him all year round he just looked like he'd slimmed down a bit as like most cats he had cut down how much he was eating recently due to the hot weather but was still eating plenty for his size. We weighed him at the vets and he's lost a serious amount of weight in a very short time and he simply cannot go on losing weight at the rapid rate he has been this week.

The vet listened to his heart and lungs which were fine, his temperature is fine, his mouth, jaw and teeth are all fine, not tender and nice and pink, his tummy isn't tender to the touch, bladder feels fine, he can't feel any lumps in his tummy or anywhere else and Bilbo is still being his usual happy and purring self and still playing with his beloved waggler so the vet is at a total loss as to what is wrong with him as other than his weight loss and his third eyelid being slightly up he seems perfectly healthy  :-:

He's been given an antibiotic jab, 50ml subQ fluids as whilst he's not dehydrated it saves panicking overnight about that and we've got some a/d (our vets don't use Liquivite apparently) plus the litter that doesn't absorb so I can get a urine sample just in case he's got an infection. He said to take his food away for a few hours in case he's feeling a bit queasy and then try him with just a teaspoon or two of mushed up warm a/d (which I'm just about to do) and if he won't eat it then I'll syringe it into him but the vet said if it's just a bit of a bug the antibiotics should kick in quickly with it being a jab rather than tablets and he should start to eat again on his own this evening so  :crossed:. If he does start eating overnight then it probably is some sort of bug and he's got antibiotic tablets to start taking tomorrow for 5 days.

Bilbo was ever such a good boy as usual and just sat on the table unrestrained for his jab and subQ fluids but was padding away on the table and giving the vet kisses and cuddles. He really is a vets ideal patient  :Luv:

If he's not eating anything of his own accord by first thing in the morning (ie when I check at 6.30am) then he's got to go back in to see the vet for bloods when they open at 8.30am and see if they show anything up (I asked about bloods today and he said to see how he goes overnight first with this jab).

I forgot to ask about a Vit B12 injection today but will ask tomorrow as I seem to remember that that can help stimulate appetites (am I remembering this correctly??). Never thought I'd see the day when I'd be asking about appetite stimulants for the usually piggy boy who has been known to chew into 10kg bags of Royal Canin and once chewed through the tube and ate a whole tube of Katalax that I left out and then wondered why he couldn't get off the litter tray  :evillaugh:

If you could send lots of positive hungry thoughts to my gorgeous Mr Baggins please and keep your fingers crossed that this jab kicks in soon and solves the problem and he puts the weight back on quickly  :thanks:

And this people is also why you should always keep insurance up to date as Bilbo's ran out in April when I was stuck in Dorset and I didn't renew it as he's 4 years old and never had anything wrong with him other than 1 abscess and the very odd tummy upset so thought there was no point in paying out for yet another year of unused insurance and just today's visit would have taken me up to the excess if he'd still been insured :doh:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 10, 2009, 19:28:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Bilbo is losing weight and not eating and hope that the bloods will give the reason why. Its not normal when a piggy goes off his foog anfd has lost a lot of weight in a short time.

Sending lots of strokes to Bilbo and hope the mystery is sorted very quickly  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 10, 2009, 19:49:00 PM
Sending lots of "get better" vibes for the gorgeous Bilbo and hoping he soon gets his appetite back.

Is he a Stud boy Lottie?  I know some of the Stud Bengals lose weight and condition if they are pining for a lady friend
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 19:53:26 PM
No he's my neuter boy Sheryl. It's just so confusing that he's lost so much weight so quickly and yet seems fine  :Crazy: He's currently on my lap attempting to catch the cursor on the screen bless him.

Gill I have passed on your strokes and he's purring away  :)
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 10, 2009, 19:54:25 PM
I think you mixing up Lottie and Linda, Bilbo is a NFC not a bengal and he is hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and gorgeous  ;D He is not a stud cat either just big and cuddley and lovely  ;D

Linda has the bengals  ;D
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 20:03:49 PM
I think Sheryl was just enquiring if he was a stud boy Gill as studs of all breeds (but obv Sheryl is most familiar with Bengals) have a tendency to get sidetracked from their food if girls are being teases!
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 10, 2009, 20:15:44 PM
They become like lovestruck teenagers - LOL

I hope you find out what is causing the weight loss - it must be such a worry.  Love ang huggles for Mr Baggins xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 10, 2009, 20:21:29 PM
Oh Right  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 10, 2009, 20:21:40 PM
Lottie hope the wonderful Bilbo will eat something for you

I know its a long shot but there is a nasty bug called Campasilla - not sure of the spelling and it took 9 months to cure Jazz

Also I know the usual stuff for weight loss - Tiger lost over a kilo in a fortnight - he was our late diabetic boy

We also had bailey at the vet - he spent a week in hospital and lost over a kilo in a week despite more bllod tests and all teh usual stuff vet thought he wouldn't recover he is fine now apart from all the shaved bit and you wouldn't know he had been ill!

All fingers and paws crossed here for the wonderful Bilbo who is beter looking in real life - I have met him and he is truely gorgeous :Luv2:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 20:27:56 PM
Thanks Liz will suggest Campasilla to the vet.

Will diabetes show up on the normal blood tests or is there another test I'll need to ask for to rule that out? Is he too young for hyperT, he's just turned 4.

Would (heaven forbid) things like cancer show up in normal blood profiles?
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 10, 2009, 20:32:04 PM
In answer to your question a white high cell count will show up if its an infection or the like - Baileys white count was so high it scard teh vet and in fact most of his bills were for blood tests and we had inhouse and Glasgow just to verify - 4 days in a row!

Is he drinking a lot - Tiger always liked water but he also lost weight with it to don't forget Thyroid to =- I would be asking for a full blood panel - might as well test for everything in one hit

They would also have to do a glucose curve for the diabetes but thats a seperate test and a whole day at teh vet - fortunately for us Tiger didn't keep reminding them he was ferals as he got nice food during that test!
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 10, 2009, 20:35:24 PM
Sending positive vibes for our darling Bilbo Baggins~~~~~ Hope they get to the bottom of this soon!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 21:00:01 PM
I've just got a huuuge urine sample from him and on looking closely at it up to the light it seems to have tiny bits in it  :-: Is it supposed to??? He's not struggling to wee at all and is in no pain weeing. His urine looks rather concentrated whereas I'd have expected drinking more = paler urine  :scared:

He's drinking a bit more than usual Liz but not huge amounts more (he's a good drinker normally). I'll get them to test everything they can tomorrow including thyroid then. Will I get any results back tomorrow?
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 10, 2009, 21:13:33 PM
If there is an infection then yes you will -

Silly question but does the urine smell "strong" - only asking as Tigers smelt strong and it was concentrated and dark in colour - he loved water to so we didn't notice at first - I was in Dublin at that time

The vets will be helpful and perhaps with everything going on write yourself a list of questions and things you have noticed - the lsit will also be useful as I know how busy you are with teh team and their non fur brother our darling Findlay! :hug:

Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 21:20:31 PM
Yes it does smell very strong, almost a very mild 'burn your nose' ammonia smell. Never thought to smell it!!

Will def write a list. Just been trying to syringe feed him some watered down a/d and he's really not happy and getting rather stressed by it  :( I just wish he knew I'm only upsetting him because I love him so much. 
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 10, 2009, 21:28:01 PM
Hope he's ok Lottie.  :hug: Its unlikely to be hyperthryoidism - it would be most unusual at his age. Does he normally eat a lot of dry? that would result in a more concentrated urine.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 10, 2009, 21:44:21 PM
He normally eats around 75% dry Gillian and his urine isn't usually this dark. He's now been drinking a bit more than usual + 50ml subQ fluids and not had any dry food for ~48hrs so surely he should be v well hydrated by now and so more dilute urine?

Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: clarenmax on September 10, 2009, 23:23:10 PM
Sending lots of positive vibes your way hun  :hug:

Its unlikely to be kidney or thyroid related, as he's so young?  I know rare cases can be found, but as I say, probably very unlikely.

He might have a UTI infection or something if his wee is different to normal?

Hope he eats his dinner and you can get some answers soon, sudden weight loss is a worry, especially when you don't know the reason behind it xxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: hannah (weeny) on September 10, 2009, 23:32:34 PM
hope he's ok  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 10:40:48 AM
My beautiful boy has been at the vets since 8.30am and is having a general anaestetic for them to take full bloods for everything they can think of, take urine direct from his bladder and anything else they need to do (I've told them to just do anything they can to find out what the problem is). The vet was umming and aahing about a drip but I've told her just to put him on one to get extra fluids into him as even with the water he's drinking, the subQ fluids from yesterday plus the watered down a/d I syringed into him he's now starting to get dehydrated. His urine from last night showed an awful lot of crystals hence them taking urine direct from his bladder today to look at. He's lost more weight since yesterday afternoon and he's actually starting to look off colour and tired today  :'(

Please send him lots of positive vibes as I'm rather worried about the anaestetic when he's already not well. Anne said to ring her at 2pm to see how he's doing but I think they know they'll be lucky if they don't hear from me before then. I'm just so glad that I have such absolutely fantastic vets in Sandy and Anne.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 11, 2009, 11:00:19 AM
Oh Lottie what they put us through - He is in very safe hands and I'm sure he will be home before you have gone in to very worried Mummy mode - I bet you have the phone in your hand and have the number on redial! :hug:

A severe UTI can cause all teh symptoms so a drip will be good - Bailey's was they belive a massive infection and he had all of Bilbo's issues

I have to say your boys seem to worry their Mum more than your girls!
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 12:15:20 PM
Vet just called and nothing has shown up on the routine bloods so she's taken viral bloods to be sent to Glasgow so not exactly sure what they test for. He's on a drip and will have to stay in overnight but we can pick him up in the morning. Poor boy, don't like to think of him on his own in a tiny cage from 6pm tonight until 8.30am tomorrow  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on September 11, 2009, 12:17:28 PM
Poor Bilbo, hope its nothing major and he gets well very soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 11, 2009, 12:18:47 PM
Lottie do your vets allow evening/nighttime vists - we find out who the oncall vet is and then they phone us when on the way to the surgery and we pop in for evening cuddles and treats

He really is in the best place and I'm sure all the team both fur and human are missing him especially his other half Pinball :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 11, 2009, 12:19:06 PM
Poor Bilbo and poor you  :hug: Sending him :get well: vibes and a  :hug: your way
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 12:23:17 PM
Our vets rotate which vet surgery is on call so it could be one of 4 surgeries scattered around Aberdeen. TBH I didn't even know that the oncall vets popped round all the surgeries to do evening checks!

Is there any medical reason a cat can't come home overnight on a drip if caged away from the others (so they don't 'help') remove his drip?
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 11, 2009, 12:26:57 PM
I don't think so - we usually leave the nice ones and have brought home the nasty feral impalers!

Lottie where is your vet?

I would have a chat with the vet and see what they say - Afetrall Findlay has his tube so Bilbo's drip will be no challange for you

Me thinks the boys are getting more alike :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 12:36:05 PM
Bridge Vets on Ellon Road.

He'd have to share a room with Findlay tonight if they will let him come home  :evillaugh: Ah well Findlay's drip stand has 2 hooks on it so we've got a hook spare for Bilbo's drip! Just off to phone and plead Bilbo's case
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 12:44:55 PM
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he's being allowed to come home to the 'medical ward'!!!  :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy:

The vet said because her and her husband are both off tomorrow he would have been there overnight on his own tonight but if one or both of them had been working tomororw they'd have taken him home for the night so he wasn't lonely! Honestly I have never met such lovely vets as mine.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 11, 2009, 13:24:11 PM
Im glad that he can come home - bless him xxx sending lots of love, huggles and healing vibes xxx

Is it Bilbo that you show Lottie?  Im just wondering if he could have picked up a virus or bug at the last show.  Teeko was really poorly after a show last year and it turned out that quite a few cats were off colour after this particular show?
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 11, 2009, 13:46:40 PM
So glad that Bilbo is allowed home...What a time for you at the mo Lottie....My thoughts are with you all!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 14:15:17 PM
No he doesn't go to shows anymore Sheryl (it's my stud boy Pinball that does) and I always isolate after a show for that very reason so if they do get something they don't spread it round everyone else.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 11, 2009, 14:18:13 PM
 :hug: So glad that Bilbo is getting home to the "hospital" ward and will be sharing with his brother Findlay ;D

Lets hope that they have a food eating contest and that the weigh in for both goes well

We need piccies of your boys once Bilbo and Findlay are bedded down with their respective tubes :Luv2:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 11, 2009, 21:53:39 PM
Vet has said he'll need to go on a special diet when he's better for his bladder crystals but the crystals would not cause him to be as poorly as he is. All bloods so far are fine, xray showed nothing, urine was fine other than crystals so no infection so the vets are stumped by the not eating and weight loss and hopefully the tests that have been sent off will come back quickly and show something that they can then start treating.

He's home now on his drip but whilst he'll happily have a cuddle he's just not right in himself and not as happy as normal. He's got a really sad expression on his face and in his eyes and he's being very quiet and not complaining at all about being in a cage he just curls up and goes to sleep. He's just not 'Bilbo' if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 11, 2009, 22:00:18 PM
Poor Bilbo and I do hope the tests show what the problem is. Sending lots of get well vibes to Bibo, must be such a worry  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 11, 2009, 22:21:00 PM
He's home now on his drip but whilst he'll happily have a cuddle he's just not right in himself and not as happy as normal. He's got a really sad expression on his face and in his eyes and he's being very quiet and not complaining at all about being in a cage he just curls up and goes to sleep. He's just not 'Bilbo' if you know what I mean.

Aww, bless him  :hug: - don't forget though, he's had a general so he's bound to be a bit subdued. Hope the vets can find out whats wrong.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 11, 2009, 22:21:41 PM
I hope he starts to get better soon don't your boys like to worry you - Findlay looks great in the photo's on the other thread and I'm sure Bilbo will feel happier at home and of course he gets to guard his brother to - a lot for one boy to do :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 11, 2009, 22:55:45 PM
Poor Bilbo, hope he's is much better soon xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: nicter on September 11, 2009, 23:33:11 PM
Do hope the vets  identify the problem and Bilbo is soon on the road to recovery  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 12, 2009, 09:57:16 AM
Fingers crossed for him
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 12, 2009, 15:31:12 PM
The vet is hoping the results from Glasgow will be back Monday/Tuesday so we'll see if Glasgow find anything the vet didn't. He's been taken off the drip although the new vet said not to panic if he stops drinking as he is nicely hydrated from the drip. Apparently at the vets yesterday he started refusing to drink and he hasn't drunk anything today since coming off the drip late morning. He's also lost more weight since yesterday. So basically between now and his appt Monday evening theres nothing we can do other than just keep syringing watered down a/d into him and keeping our fingers crossed that he doesn't lose any/much more weight.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 12, 2009, 19:45:40 PM
Sending more love, huggles and positive vibes - come on Bilbo have a drink and something to eat for your Mummy xxx

Keeping everything crossed Lottie that you get some answers on Monday xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: LilyandGary on September 12, 2009, 21:02:57 PM
I hope Bilbo starts to pick up soon. It`s so worrying when they wont eat.

A few years ago, one of my cats suddenly stopped eating. This happened almost overnight and he lost 25% of his body weight in 4 days. My vet did all sorts of tests and they found out he had viral meningitus. He was fitted with a peg feeding tube as they thought he would need to be tube fed for up to 6 weeks until he recovered from the illness. This meant an op, but the tube stayed in and didnt need changing at all. He was a very nervous cat who always picked up when I visited him at the vets each evening, so I was able to bring him home to feed with something called "reanimate" (I think). I had to offer him small meals first, and then tube feed him after. I had to give him enough liquid food to keep his weight stable without filling him up too much. This way they hoped he would start taking a small amount of his nomal food. He was on steroids for the meningitus, which I also gave to him via the peg tube.

He went back every day to the vet to have his dressing changed and be weighed. After 2 days at home he had started to eat and so I reduced the amount of liquid feed. He did so well he put on 150g weight in 4 days! The tube stayed in for about 9 days just in case.

He made a full recovery much to the surprise of my vet. They felt that coming home to his mummy did him the power of good and he relaxed more so was able to eat. I had him a few more years without any troubles.

I hope that Bilbo is feeling so much better for being in familar surroundings. Thinking of you all.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 12, 2009, 21:12:45 PM
Thanks for that! I'll suggest tube feeding to my vet (getting rather used to tube feeding in this house  :tired:) and I'll also suggest meningitis as a possible cause for the weight loss as well and get them to check for it. Bilbo has now lost ~30% of his body weight despite me syringe feeding him so tube feeding might be the way to go as he can't carry on like this.

Pleased to hear your cat made a full recovery due to your fab care, well done!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: LilyandGary on September 12, 2009, 21:25:22 PM
No probs.

How it started was that Greebo took himself off for the day, which was unusual. I took him to the vet the next morning as he still wasn`t "right" and they kept him in for X-rays which showed nothing. He wasnt eating so they kept him overnight, and then next evening he showed signs of sensitivity to light and other stuff. They monitored him overnight, and then ran blood tests the next day for various things. At this point he was being tube fed via nasal tube but when the results came back they felt that the peg tube, which goes directly into the tummy, was the best option as it can stay in for a long time. He was only 3 and we felt worth trying.

I have done peg-tube feeding at work, and was able to do it at home with him every 3 hours or so at first. My vet felt that it was better for him to come home. However lots of people wouldnt have had the time to do it, esp if they work full time. He came to work with me and sat in a crate in the boss`s office which was how I could manage it.

His case was very rare, and he was lucky to be in the vets already when he developed the signs.

I have also had another cat who wasnt eating due to illness. My vet gave me some valium to stimulate him, and he only needed the one dose before he started to eat.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Millys Mum on September 12, 2009, 21:29:45 PM
I can also vouch for a peg tube, its what kept Milly alive whilst diagnosing her, sadly i lost her to liver cancer to which no end of tube feeds would have stopped but i do feel her tube helped.
She had hers fitted when she had a biopsy so initally she was kept in with a nasal tube, this was ok til she worked out how to shift it and re applying was stressing her  :innocent:

I hope they can work out what is up with him soon, its so worrying when they get so ill so quick at a young age  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 12, 2009, 21:35:12 PM
The weight loss is really scary.....C'mon big man were all rooting for you!  :Luv2: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Yvonne on September 12, 2009, 23:15:19 PM
Get well vibes coming from here   

 :get well:      :B: :I: :L: :B: :O:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 13, 2009, 00:21:29 AM
Franta was given valium to get him to eat last year after he stopped following a dental but although he would gobble the food a short time after the valium it did not change things. We never did find out why he stopped eating and lost weight but now he just does what he used to which is mostly jelly licking and biscuits and he is back to his old weight.

He became very ill in February have seizures but a powful anti biotics sorted that or so I though cos he was ill the same again in July.

The weight loss so quickly is such a worry and surely him not eating would not cause so much to go in such a short time.......or could it?

Sending more good wishes for Bilbo and do hope the results come back quickly  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on September 13, 2009, 16:15:52 PM
Come on Bilbo get better soon, your my Nova's role model  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 15, 2009, 14:48:46 PM
Well where do I start, he has been back on a drip since yesterday and now today he had a tube fitted for feeding him. He's lost even more weight and has now lost around ~36% of his body weight despite getting at least 1 tin a day of a/d into him. It's terrifying how fast the weight is coming off him. He had a really wobbly turn yesterday that frightened the life out of me but the vets have said to keep a v close eye on that as it might just be it was because he was dehydrated but it might be something more sinister starting to affect his CNS.

He has apparently licked a bit of food today but it's very occasional licks and it's a huge effort for him to do it but it's a positive step at least. He's had more bloods taken today to review him and to check his pancreas. His Glasgow bloods were ok but showed that something is starting to damage his red cells.

The vet is giving him more covering antibiotics and also painkillers in case he's in any pain as she said whilst he doesn't seem in any pain he's such an angel he might just not be showing it. He's been an absolute sweetheart as always for the vets today :Luv:

The vets are doing their very best to try and find something treatable wrong with him although they have told me that treatable options are fast running out (diffuse tumours have now been mentioned to me by both vets)  :'(

The vets and I are doing absolutely everything we can to help him so it's really just a case of waiting and seeing if anything else shows up on blood tests and taking each day as it comes.

Thanks so much for all the good vibes that are being sent his way, I have been passing the love onto him and I am sure he appreciates it as much as I do.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Dawn F on September 15, 2009, 14:51:07 PM
poor bilbo and poor you, I hope they can come up with something soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 15, 2009, 14:51:56 PM
Oh Lottie, your getting it all angles at the mo and I really feel for you hun, yes the weight loss is a worry but as you say he has everything he needs...Im so hurrying along them test results for you.....I do hope they will be okay for gorgeous Bilbo!  :Luv2: :hug: :hug:

Love and best wishes to you all!  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Mark on September 15, 2009, 14:55:28 PM
All good wishes coming your and Bilbo's way :hug:

Give him a gentle  :ahh: for me  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 15, 2009, 16:27:32 PM
Lottie so sorry the boy is causing his Mummy so much anguish :hug:

Any chance of a referral to Glasgow or getting a "Cat" Specialist to see him - our vets do have a cat person who only does cats on a visiting basis might be worth a call

PM me if you want to contact my vet for the Specialists name - 2 of ours have seen them!
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 15, 2009, 17:05:37 PM
Sending more love, huggles and positive vibes for Bilbo and big  :hug: for you Lottie xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: hannah (weeny) on September 15, 2009, 17:21:21 PM
come on bilbs  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: clarenmax on September 15, 2009, 17:26:07 PM
Awww, come on Bilbo  :Luv:

Sending tons more positive vibes your way Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 15, 2009, 17:36:25 PM
Lots of love and get well wishes for Bilbo  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 15, 2009, 21:35:52 PM
Oh Lottie, what a worry, hoping for a breakthrough very soon for Bilbo  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 15, 2009, 21:39:13 PM
Do hope that something positive can be found so he can be treated for it, these mysteries are heartbreaking. Lots of love to Bilbo  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 16, 2009, 08:21:38 AM
Fingers crossed the tests show something easily treated
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 16, 2009, 14:35:07 PM
Bilbo and I are finding the tube feeding much less stressful than me force feeding him with a syringe as he comes and snuggles up on my lap whilst I pop his food and water down it every 2-3 hours. The RC convalescence instant support food smells like a cross between RC kitten milk and Horlicks!

He has also had some blood taken for a specialist pancreas test so hopefully we should have the results of that by early next week. They are now also mentioning about the idea of doing an exploratory laparotomy if nothing shows up on his recent blood tests just in case they can see something then that an xray isn't showing.

At least being able to get plenty of food and water down him with his tube means that he'll be nice and hydrated which will no doubt make him feel a bit better and getting lots of food in him will hopefully stop him losing any more weight (and ideally put some on him!)
After seeing yesterday's vet bill I am convinced that the painkillers from the vet were for me as I nearly went  :faint: when the receptionist said £300 just for yesterday, I had to get her to repeat it as I thought I had surely misheard but no!!

The naughty monkey has managed to sneeze the glue off his tube (luckily it's also stitched to his head) so need to keep an eye on it and if it comes out even more then I'll need to poke it back in again and take him back to the vet to get it reglued. He was doing some spectacular sneezing last night as his nose isn't used to a tube and it was irritating it bless his heart. He's being a very good boy and not bothered by his doggy lampshade (a cat sized one on him is hilarious to see) which shows how poorly he's feeling as you know what cats are usually like with lampshades.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 16, 2009, 14:54:14 PM
I do so like the vets bills and the repeat how much! :evillaugh:

Glad that you are both less stressed - seems to me like two of your boys are coming out in sympathy with each other but hopefully both their tubes will do the putting on weight business and take away some of Mummy's stress - Daddies will be high for a couple of days with the vets bills if he is anything like Robin - I think they have a strop then see the cat and think oh well beans on toast when I am at home - good food back at work!
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 16, 2009, 15:09:06 PM
One thing for sure when his tests are finished, there should be no other problems for him in the near future....Bless him lottie, he is being such a star! Thinking of you all!  :Luv: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 16, 2009, 15:25:30 PM
*sigh* both boy's have just pulled their tubes out within half an hour of each other so will be back to the vets later to have Bilbo's reglued in place!

Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 16, 2009, 15:32:24 PM
 :tired:  :( :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 16, 2009, 15:45:20 PM
One thing for sure when his tests are finished, there should be no other problems for him in the near future....Bless him lottie, he is being such a star! Thinking of you all!  :Luv: :hug:

Yep as he's having a very thorough MOT. The vets are thrilled at how good he is as if you want to take bloods he just gives you his paw and sits there whilst you take blood without even needing to be held and if you turn your back to get something you know he will be exactly where you left him as he won't move. The vets absolutely adore him as they said he's unlike any cat they've ever met (at which point they usually mention my vet/needle phobic sweetie pie who turns feral at the vets)
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on September 16, 2009, 15:45:48 PM
Sending lots of positive vibes Bilbo`s way :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 16, 2009, 15:46:54 PM
Aw! He is rather purrrfect all round then isnt he bless!  :Luv2: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 16, 2009, 15:47:16 PM
I think Bilbo has a thing for the vet!

Quote The vets absolutely adore him as they said he's unlike any cat they've ever met (at which point they usually mention my vet/needle phobic sweetie pie who turns feral at the vets) - would that be dear Pinball ;)
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 16, 2009, 15:55:15 PM
I think Bilbo has a thing for the vet!

Quote The vets absolutely adore him as they said he's unlike any cat they've ever met (at which point they usually mention my vet/needle phobic sweetie pie who turns feral at the vets) - would that be dear Pinball ;)

No it would be Pinball's half sister the delightful Minxy who requires guantlets, a muzzle, towel, vet nurses etc to pin her down to try and get an injection into her and sedation to get anything out of her. I'm sure the vets think I'm lying when I tell them that she is really is an absolute sweetie with me at home.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 16, 2009, 16:13:19 PM
Lottie sounds like our Storm all 5lbs wet through - she goes in a crush cage and has done an awful lot of damage in her 7 years to vets and vet nurses who thinks she looks so small and sweet :evillaugh:

They don't beleive she is a little sweetheart in the hosue who sits and cuddles us all evening! :shocked:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 16, 2009, 17:25:47 PM
Lots more good wishes for wonderful Bilbo  ;D
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 16, 2009, 19:52:47 PM
All the Glasgow tests are now back and fine, pancreas has come back already and is fine too so he's had a steroid jab tonight in case it's an inflammed gut and hopefully that will encourage him to munch away soon too. Back at the vets again tomorrow for another antibiotic jab and a review.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Millys Mum on September 16, 2009, 20:01:15 PM
Have they suggested or mentioned periactin? Its an antihistamine but has the side effect of stimulating appetite, it didnt do much for milly but others have used and had results
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 16, 2009, 20:20:00 PM
This is just so terrible and am there again with Franta......no symtoms at all, not even a temperature but seems to have a problem with his brain and gets seizures every few months

I wonder what they are going to suggest, have your vets spoken to one of the big specialst hpsitals like Bristol or Glasgow to ask for advice?

Love to Bilbo  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 16, 2009, 21:13:46 PM
Poor boy give him a hug from me Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 18, 2009, 13:12:35 PM
Any news Lottie? Hope all went okay at the vets!  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 18, 2009, 13:14:31 PM
I hope you get some answers and even better, some solutions for Bilbo soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 19, 2009, 01:22:32 AM
How is Bilbo ?  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 19, 2009, 10:34:00 AM
Am thinking about that gorgeous boy too Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 19, 2009, 22:40:43 PM
Me too xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 20, 2009, 16:21:12 PM
The good news is the steroids have got him eating however the bad news is that despite him eating and drinking loads due to the steroids he is still losing weight and only just holding his fluid levels. He's still very down and lethargic and just 'not Bilbo' although he still gives you cuddles and kisses bless him. The vet got him to walk a bit in the consulting room and his back half was wobbling away but at least the vet got a good look at his wobble. So far all the test results are normal which makes it more likely that it is something that cannot be treated as they've basically run out of tests they can do :'( He's back in tomorrow for his daily checkup.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 20, 2009, 16:23:13 PM
I'm so sorry. Try not to give up hope although I know it is so hard.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 20, 2009, 16:23:49 PM
This is all so very worrying, although really it should of been found by now.....When does he have his laparoscopy? Its really scary that he is still losing weight.... :(

Thinking of you and your boys Lottie and wishing you all the best!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 20, 2009, 16:41:39 PM
At the moment the idea of the lap has been put on hold as the fact that he has been pooing away since he has been eating again confirms that the lack of poo was only down to him not eating and not a blockage which was what was initially wondered about when his initial reuslts came back clear. They still can't feel any lumps or anything they shouldn't be able to feel when they feel him.

Our vets have been sending all his haematology/blood chemistry/virology etc tests off to Glasgow to be done and they got all the initial in house tests they did rechecked and Glasgow haven't found anything either  :( Really hoping it's something that will just spontaneously sort itself out and he'll be fine again and back to his usual "you make me stay in the house, I'll just be really naughty until you let me back outside" mood soon enough.

Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 20, 2009, 16:43:23 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: I do hope so too....Im sure he would be so forgiven for any naughtiness he got up too!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: clarenmax on September 20, 2009, 19:29:26 PM
 I truly he puts some weight back on Lottie, so very worrying  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 20, 2009, 20:23:00 PM
Fingers crossed he does suddenly perk up
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 20, 2009, 22:44:44 PM
I do hope he perks up and gets naughty, cos being naughty after being ill is a great sign......come on Bilbo you can do it  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 21, 2009, 07:00:55 AM
fingers crossed he's soon back to his old self again xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 22, 2009, 12:15:24 PM
Any news on Bilbo Lottie
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 22, 2009, 12:33:28 PM
Any news on Bilbo Lottie

Ditto!  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: sheryl on September 22, 2009, 13:39:59 PM
Ditto fom me too - I was thinking about him this morning and wondering how he is  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 22, 2009, 17:48:14 PM
He had a check up yesterday and the good news is that he had only lost 50 grams in the previous 48 hours which is a vast improvement. He's still wobbly in his back half but that could just be due to muscle wastage from him losing so much weight so fast.  They tried to get some more blood from him yesterday but they said he really wasn't having any of it and as that is so unlike him they said they wouldn't force it on him and he goes back tomorrow morning for another check up and see if we can get more blood from him. Hopefully his weight will have stayed stable between yesterday and tomorrow morning  :crossed:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 22, 2009, 17:49:50 PM
Now that's sounding much more positive!  :wow:  :crossed:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 22, 2009, 17:54:14 PM
Thats definately better news and hope he is heading in the right direction   :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 22, 2009, 18:31:52 PM
fingers crossed things are getting better for him now xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: hannah (weeny) on September 22, 2009, 23:04:03 PM
 :wish:  hoping for the best  :Luv:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 23, 2009, 07:57:13 AM
Glad he has stopped losing such vast amounts of weight.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 23, 2009, 08:35:03 AM
So glad that its not a huge weight loss - Bailey like Bilbo is a sweetheart but on day 5 of wanting blood he wasn't having any of it and placed claws strategically in vet!

lets hope its now on the up Bailey lost 2kgs in just under 4 days so know how worrying it is - he is now back maurading in the hood and apart from the shaved bits you would never know anything had been wrong.

Hope both your boys continue to keep gaining weight :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 23, 2009, 11:25:24 AM
He let the vet take blood today, had a top up of his B12 jab and his weight is still the same so that's good. He's still eating although the reduction in steroid dose has been matched by a reduction in appetite so he is basically only eating because of the steroids and B12 jabs so I might need to do some top up feeds with Bilbo's worst enemy "Sidney Syringe".

His eyes are still not right and his legs are still very wobbly particularly his back half. The vet picked him up and took him close to the table to see him put his legs up on the table and his reflexes are really slow and his back legs had to be touching the table before he lifted them. He did it again with his hand over Bilbo's eyes and Bilbo didn't seem to remember the table being there and didn't even lift his front legs when they touched the table. His eye reflexes are really slow so the vet said to keep him inside (which we're doing anyway) and make sure he's not in a bright room and due to his legs keep him caged unless we are with him and not to let him near stairs, don't let him jump up/down etc as his back legs just collapsed under him when he tried to jump over the hoover the other day.

We're testing for toxo as whilst the vet said it's 99.99% certain it will be negative due to the fact my cats don't have access to contaminated soil (or in fact any soil!), they don't catch mice and the fact their trays are scooped several times a day and totally emptied and bleached every other day I thought if there is even a 0.01% chance that it might be that then it's worth testing for it.

The vet has said he definately thinks it is a brain problem and most likely some sort of lesion/growth and even if Bilbo does get better he might never be the same cat he was before  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Dawn F on September 23, 2009, 11:26:59 AM
poor bilbo  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: clarenmax on September 23, 2009, 11:29:47 AM
Aw sorry the news isn't better hunnie, such a worry  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: JackSpratt on September 23, 2009, 11:41:37 AM
I'm so sorry this is happening to Bilbo, Lottie. Hoping something happens that helps him on the road to recovery. :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 23, 2009, 11:50:18 AM
Sorry Lottie, Im still praying that the big man can make a full recovery...and after this big worry, slow progress will do!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Liz on September 23, 2009, 13:48:35 PM
Oh Lottie sorry its not more positive but we have all paws crossed here at the Clan for him :hug:

Whatever happens he will always be Bilbo of the Team :Luv2:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 23, 2009, 13:58:01 PM
was reading your post lottie and was wondeing whether it was a brain problem and then you mentioned it at the end.

i have a possible brain problem with franta but he is 16yrs old with only one working kidney and gets very stressed going in the car, he has been having seizures,,,,,3 bouts this year so far and is just recovering fron that ones last week.

it was originally suspected he had an infection in his brain and was put on to daily marcobyl injections for 7 days, They seem to have worked 3 times now but the only real way of finding out what is wrong, cos all tests have been negative is an MRI scan. Because of his age and kidney and stress problems that would be too big a risk and the car luournet of 5-6 hrs in both directions would be very stressful for him and also he may not survive the anesthetic. So right now has been ruled out.

He was first ill after a dental a year ago and stopped eating and was losing weight rapidly, The B12 didnt work and they injected him with valium which forces them to eat but they gobble everything in sight and in turn this caused him to be xrayed which shiwed one kidney like a pea with some blockages going into it. The vet took advice from Bristol and that was its best to leave him as he is as they were not sure he would survive the op to remove that kidney and anyway it was not going to change anything.

He suffenly strated eating back to his jelly licking and biscuits for no reason except maybe the stress was gone as he was back at home all the time but then 2 months later the seizures started......nobody has mentioned a link and we had to change his vets cos of him needing 24/7 cover.

It would be so nice to know what was wrong with Franta and whether he could be treated better but if he has a slow growing tumour or brain lesion, it would be putting his life at risk and no help in treating him.

Sorry to have rambled on a bit but am wondering two things:

Has your vet done an xray and second has the thought of an MRI been discussed, they can also drain fluid for testing . I am sure you are insured as Franta is and an MRI if its done needs to be done before they are too weak or ill to be able to cope wuth the anesthetic. Biblo is so much younger than Franta but it does sound that he is getting weaker.

All I know is that Franta was fine and now he isnt but his age sadly is against him cos 16 for a birman is a very high age. He has never had a temperature even during all of this. So only symtoms are the seizures now and today is the first day without the marbocyl and he is acting very insecurely and very slow.

I wish Bilbo lots of good recovery vibes and power to you with all the coping that you are needing to do  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Millys Mum on September 23, 2009, 17:51:13 PM
Thats good news hes maintaining his weight  ;D Have they checked fcov titre?
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 23, 2009, 18:01:13 PM
Sorry things are still not good for Bilbo but keepng everything crossed things will improve for him xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 23, 2009, 18:06:52 PM
Have they checked fcov titre?

Yes they have. They double checked FIV, FeLV and FCoV and all were fine as expected
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 23, 2009, 18:17:45 PM
sounds like a neuro problem and I'm so sorry.  Swampy's lesions were treated with high doses of steroids and then a holding dose of steroids and Istin for bp and Selgian, which is a sedative (it doesn't 'sedate' just calms) anti depressant and his vestibular, circling symptoms improved markedly.
For reasons no-one understands, antibiotics also helped with the brain related symptoms.

Every brain is different obviously and I'm not entirely convinced anyhow that they are too clued up when looking at MRIs, so I'm sure your vets are on the right track by treating the symptoms, not over investigating which is very stressful for Bilbo. Brain lesions can improve over time (many months I mean), depending on exactly what is wrong in the brain, and I hope so much that Bilbo will stabilise. Don't give up hope.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 23, 2009, 18:27:53 PM
Something that has been said below echoes what my vet said about MRIs and that they are only as good as those who read them and therefore its essential to go to one of the big centres who are expert in the field.

Sadly Bristol do not have an MRI, which I found astounding.
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 23, 2009, 18:51:10 PM
Really hope the vets can get to the bottom of this for you and Bilbo  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 23, 2009, 22:02:39 PM
Spoken to the vet this evening as Bilbo has been growling at things that aren't there  :scared: We are just not sure whether he is seeing things that aren't there or if he is just stressed as he can't see properly (he's not focussing properly) as he is now tripping over his cage door when he walks in and out  :( He's also started swiping you for no reason which means we dare not leave him unattended with Findlay. It's such a shame as he can be licking you and purring his head off one minute and then the next he just swipes and claws you.

Vet is going to start him on toxo treatment in the morning just in case as it won't do him any harm if he doesn't have toxo so fingers crossed that is what is up with him and it will make a difference  :crossed:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Janeyk on September 23, 2009, 22:22:30 PM
aww poor soul, hope that the meds work for him  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 23, 2009, 22:23:14 PM
We're testing for toxo as whilst the vet said it's 99.99% certain it will be negative due to the fact my cats don't have access to contaminated soil (or in fact any soil!), they don't catch mice and the fact their trays are scooped several times a day and totally emptied and bleached every other day I thought if there is even a 0.01% chance that it might be that then it's worth testing for it.

The vet has said he definately thinks it is a brain problem and most likely some sort of lesion/growth and even if Bilbo does get better he might never be the same cat he was before  :(

Vet tested Gwynnie for toxo too, when she was so poorly - because I raw feed and there could be the possibility of infected meat, but it came back negative.

Keeping my fingers cross for him  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on September 23, 2009, 23:10:54 PM
:( Sorry he's still so unwell, hope the new treatment helps him :)
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Bazsmum on September 24, 2009, 00:18:52 AM
Everything crossed here for the big man Lottie.....I hope the new meds do the trick and he starts to pick up!  :wish: :grouphug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on September 24, 2009, 08:06:41 AM
Keeping all appendages crossed, for Bilbo. xx
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 24, 2009, 08:33:32 AM
So sorry to hear about Bilbo's growling and swiping Lottie.  It must be driving you to distraction.  Can only send the strongest possible get well vibes  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 24, 2009, 14:00:03 PM
all fingers and paws crossed for you and Bilbo and that you find a way to manage his illness asap  :hug:
again, please don't give up hope x
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 24, 2009, 14:01:16 PM
Lots more good wishes for Bilbo  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 24, 2009, 14:46:24 PM
He's just had a fit  :'( :'( He's ok now just looking tired. Vet said if I am happy enough to keep a close eye on him here then that's fine but if he has another one then take him in and they'll start him on valium and antifitting meds. Vet said it's a worrying development on top of everything else :( Luckily it's my vet oncall tonight so if he does have to go in then at least it's a vet who knows him and knows what's been going on.

Thank you all for your renewed good wishes, it's nice to know he's got so many lovely people thinking of him  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Dawn F on September 24, 2009, 14:54:34 PM
omg how awful, this has come out of nowhere - It must be so hard for you with all the baby stuff as well  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Christine (Blip) on September 24, 2009, 14:57:44 PM
Just caught up with this and want to add a  :hug:

You've got a lot on your plate, Lottie   :( :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 24, 2009, 14:59:36 PM
Oh no Lottie, poor boy, hope they can get this under control  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 24, 2009, 15:09:03 PM
Really hoping it was just a one off
Title: Re: Bilbo's lost huge amounts of weight and is puzzling the vets
Post by: clarenmax on September 24, 2009, 15:10:09 PM
Topping up get well vibes here too Lottie, hope this was a one off  :hug: xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 24, 2009, 15:39:34 PM
I hope that it's a one off. Can you get a 1ml valium syringe to use if necessary in an emergency if the vet's closed? (syringe to give rectally).
I also wondered if your vet has an oxygen tent?

I hope Bilbo won't need any anti fitting meds, but did you know there's a yahoo group for owners of cats that have fits? There's a lot of info and support on there.
thinking of you and him, I know how frightening fitting is. Poor you and a big cuddle for Bilbo too  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on September 24, 2009, 16:23:08 PM
 :hug: thinking of you
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 24, 2009, 16:45:52 PM
The vet has spoken with the other vets at the practice (and I think they've spoken yet again with Glasgow) and phoned me and said that toxo results def won't be back until at least Tuesday as Monday is a bank holiday which will delay things. He said if that is negative which they are 99.99% sure will be the case then the only other thing they can do is refer us for an MRI.

He then discussed about that with me and said that if it shows a growth(s) which is what everyone is almost certain it is then it won't be treatable/operable. He went through things in more detail and then said he'd leave me to mull it over and decide what I think is best for Bilbo and what I want to do.

The MRI would involve a 4hr+ journey each way plus at least one night in a hotel (I can't drive all that way and back again in a day)

If they said there was something they could do if they found a growth then I'd tell them just to book him in asap but if there isn't then I'd be putting him through all that travelling and a night in a strange place plus the risk of the anaesthetic in his current state for no benefit to him and most likely an awful lot of stress especially with the fact he can't see properly at the moment which is stressing him enough in his own house.  Yes I'd know exactly where the growth was and how many there were but if I'm honest with myself if I did it for that reason then I'd be doing it for my benefit and not Bilbo's. I'm so confused as to what to do as I don't want Bilbo to think I'm not taking him for the MRI because I don't care because I do but I also don't want to put him under any extra stress by making him go for it when the results won't help him.

How I wish cats could tell us what they want us to do as I'd do whatever it was he wanted me to do but I just don't know what that is. 

Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense I'm really stressed and trying to sort my thoughts out.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Dawn F on September 24, 2009, 16:50:16 PM
hunnie he doesn't know you aren't taking him for the mri - he is as helpless in this situation as Finley, you make his decisions for him, its the same for bilbo - if you think it is of no value then you shouldn't do it - ultimately its his quality of life you are considering and that is just as it should be
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Bazsmum on September 24, 2009, 17:15:43 PM
Agree with Dawn Lottie....What an awful emotional rollercoaster this is for you....whatever you decide I know you will have Bilbo's best interest at heart!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 24, 2009, 17:40:45 PM
I'm so sorry you are going through this awful decision because you love Bilbo so much and want to do whatever you can for him.  I know it's not the same as after an accident, but when Swampy had his brain injury and seizures and went blind, the vet kept on about not knowing exactly what was wrong with his brain after his seizures, MRIs being the only way etc.  So I asked him to treat Swampy as if he had the most likely or his best guess diagnosis because I couldn't put him through a long trip to the nearest centre, only for them to sedate him at great risk and then say there was either nothing they could do, or they needed to operate which he'd not survive, or to do just what we were already doing. I remember going through the same emotions about was I denying him a chance to get better.

I've no answers, just some questions, I hope some or any of it helps as I feel so bad for you. Did you ask them what the treatment would be if they found a growth? Presumably that would be to operate? Would Bilbo have a good chance of surviving an op? Would you regret not having done the MRI if you don't do it? Otherwise can they treat Bilbo with the right drugs as if he does have a growth or has lesions and seizures, to keep him comfortable for as long as possible and at home with you, with your love and care?

Just suggestions Lottie, I can imagine just how your head is spinning and just send you big hugs and I'm sure that whatever you decide, it's done from your love for little Bilbo and he will know how much you love him  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Janeyk on September 24, 2009, 17:51:12 PM
Poor you Lottie, it does make sense  :hug:  Shortly after we adopted Timmy he had seizures and went blind we were told that they could do MRI but it would just confirm that he had a tumour and nothing could be done, Timmy was very ill and we chose not to do the MRI.  It is such a worry for you and I’m sure that ultimately you’ll do what’s best for Bilbo, I am really hoping that the meds do help and he starts to improve xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: JackSpratt on September 24, 2009, 18:01:52 PM
Lottie, Bilbo wouldn't think that. He won't really be aware of options - that's all a "human concern." Do what your instinct tells you, whatever that is. You know Bilbo better than any of us and whatever decision you make I know you'll make it because it's right for him. :care:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: sheryl on September 24, 2009, 18:45:13 PM
Oh Lottie, I am so sorry that the news is not better - sending you lots of love and great big  :hug:

Still sending love, huggles and positive vibes for Bilbo xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Millys Mum on September 24, 2009, 19:01:42 PM
Best wishes for bilbo, i hope he doesnt suffer anymore fits :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 24, 2009, 19:16:33 PM
i am so sorry Lottie and understand just what you are going through  :hug: :hug:

i have a rectal tube of valiun in my fridge for emergency transportation but i understand it only works for a short time and i am at least 45mins from vet just driving. Bilbo is so much bigger than Franta and dont know if it would be enough.

All I can tell you is that a fit is bad enough at home but in a car its terrifying and Franta had two within 10 mins back in feb.

I also do not know whats going on in Frantas head but Bilbo has become iller than Franta very quickly, it may be worth asking your vets if they could try marbocyl  which is an ab that works in the brain and apparently there are very few that do this. Frantas has one injection every morning for 7 days. Its .9 mls a day 2% solution I think. Franta did not have Bilbos other symptoms, the only thing that was the same is no positive tests on anything and no temperature.

The marbocyl has taken 2-3 days to work before the seizures stopped and he is sitting by me at the moment and the injections stopped 2 days ago now. After a seizure which lasts about 30 secs he goes blind for a time but his site comes back to normal. This time the seizures were from 7 to 11 hrs apart but he has had two other bouts where they were much closer.

If it would help I have documented everything I could on Frantas thread which is in general Cat Chat or please pm me, or we can talk in the chat room. I will be around all evening  :hug: :hug:

Bilbo is such a magnificant cat and know this is breaking your heart but Franta was treated as this was a brain infection and its worked 3 times so far  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 24, 2009, 19:28:48 PM
Thanks Gill. I'm going to take Bilbo to the vets tomorrow for a check up anyway with it being a bank holiday weekend up here so will ask about marbocyl.

Bilbo is prob lighter than Franta now!
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 24, 2009, 19:45:19 PM
The first inj was given by the vet but I have been giving the others but two of you will find that much easier than just me :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 24, 2009, 19:45:51 PM
Oh Lottie, I'm sorry, I'm sure you will do whatever you feel is best for Bilbo, and as the others have said, he won't know - he's just living in the here and now.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Liz on September 24, 2009, 20:13:55 PM
Oh Lottie, I'm sorry, I'm sure you will do whatever you feel is best for you, Bilbo and the Team.  Iam off work next week I think and am around if you just need someone to be around

As always Lottie you will be strong and do whats best for you all :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Rosella moggy on September 24, 2009, 22:21:40 PM
Am so sorry Lottie  :hug:  Like everyone else, I hope some treatment can be found for Bilbo quickly  :hug:

Your dilemma is perfectly understandable. Everyone, esp Bilbo if he understood, knows Bilbo's welfare is all that matters to you.  It is a common dilemma when trying to do what's best with an elderly cat but so very difficult when it concerns a youngster  :(  You and your vet will do what's best. 
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: hannah (weeny) on September 24, 2009, 23:25:16 PM
oh sweetheart, just caught up with the latest....  i'm so sorry its not better news.

you will make the right decisions i promise you  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on September 25, 2009, 07:40:09 AM
I'm so so sorry Lottie  :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 25, 2009, 07:51:16 AM
i am so sorry to hear the news isn't more positive. I personally wouldnt put him through the stress of the drive and the test if it will only show something that isn't treatable, and it is a decision I have made in the past. Good luck with your choice, and good luck for today's check up
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on September 25, 2009, 12:52:24 PM
How very sad  :(

Your really having a tought time of late arnt you  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 25, 2009, 12:54:38 PM
The terrible truth of testing or not is with a young cat like Bilbo is one cant know what can be treated unless one looks and then of course it could be untreatable too.......such a hard thing to decide  :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 25, 2009, 13:08:17 PM
Thanks everyone, it's so hard to know what is the right thing to do.

He wet himself earlier for no reason and as he was fully 'with it' at the time he got all upset when he realised what he'd done  :( I've changed his bedding now to vetbed with puppy training pads underneath as I thought that will be more pleasant for him than a towel (he loves towels) if it happens again and I don't know straight away ie during the night as the liquid will just go straight through the vetbed rather than being wet against his fur.

He's off to the vets at 6pm for the vet to check him over again.

Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 25, 2009, 13:20:03 PM
Thats so sad Lottie and it does sound like the poor boy is going downhill so fast, I am just devasted for you and Bilbo  :hug: :hug: :hug:

It breaks my heart when something like this happens and nobody knows why and so wish they could talk to us and tell us where they hurt or how they are feeling  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Dawn F on September 25, 2009, 13:24:49 PM
I am so shocked at how quickly this has all happened Lottie, I am so sorry
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Bazsmum on September 25, 2009, 13:26:21 PM
Thinking of you all and sending my best wishes!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on September 25, 2009, 14:15:51 PM
Lottie I would ask the vets if it is what they think it is, and if it can be treated, what could be done for Bilbo and how would his recovery be. I think there is every point in trying, thats all we can do  :hug:

Oh the other hand if he's recovery is going to be slow for him, well I dont know.....  :(

I know how it feels when you want to do the world for them but are helpless with what you can actually do, Im sure there are many that feel like that here  :hug:

You need to have a long talk with the vet over this  :hug:

I hope something can be done for Bilbo  :)
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Liz on September 25, 2009, 14:54:22 PM
Lottie  :hug: for you and Bilbo

Hope the vets visit goes well,  Puppy training pads are ace and with vet bed are a great combo - we have had 2 puppies now big doggies trained on this - Sunny loves towels to
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 25, 2009, 18:15:02 PM
That's me back from the vets, he had to get rushed in earlier on as he had another seizure  :'( His toxo results are back and show that he has never even been exposed to it let alone have an active toxo infection.

I discussed with all 3 vets my thoughts about taking him to Glasgow Uni for the MRI and that I was leaning towards not taking him and asked their opinion and they all agreed with me. The new vet has come from Glasgow Uni and she confirmed that nothing could be done if he has tumours which is what they are sure it is and whatever it is is growing/spreading very fast  :(

He has now been started on phenobarbitol twice a day to hopefully stop the seizures so we'll have to wait and see if they work. His sight was really bad tonight and it seems it comes and goes as one of the vets said when he was in on Monday for bloods they were sure that he couldn't see anything at all. They think that his wetting himself incident earlier was a petit mal seizure so I need to keep an eye out for that and if he suddenly goes stiff or anything. We're going to cut some vetbed up and attach it to the sides of his cage so if he has another seizure he can't injure himself hitting himself against the hard bars. He's already got a nasty scratch on his mouth where he has caught it with a claw during one of them  :(

Basically it's going to be a case of trying to keep him comfortable and see how things go. The vets are really upset as they love him to bits, the new vet has only known him since he has been ill and she's totally in love with him already as he's cast his Bilbo magic on her  :Luv:

He's back in for a check up next Friday unless I am worried or he gets worse. My vets aren't on call until Monday but Anne said she's going to give me a call over the weekend to see how Bilbo is doing.

I am so absolutely gutted, I can't put it into words. The vets have been trying to prepare me (and themselves) for this eventuality but it's totally different when you know that the eventuality is definately the case.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 25, 2009, 18:33:45 PM
Oh Lottie I am so sorry and all my thoughts are with you and Bilbo  :hug: :hug:

I hope the meds he has been given help stop the seizures cos they are so terrible to watch.

I wish I knew something else I could say  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Christine (Blip) on September 25, 2009, 18:37:52 PM
My thoughts are with you all, Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: hannah (weeny) on September 25, 2009, 18:38:59 PM
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Kirst on September 25, 2009, 18:46:08 PM
Oh Lottie its just not fair , i'm so sorry, :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on September 25, 2009, 18:57:17 PM
Lottie i just dont know what to say .....I am so so sorry  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gillian Harvey on September 25, 2009, 19:10:00 PM
So sad for you Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: swampmaxmum on September 25, 2009, 19:13:38 PM
I'm so very sorry  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: clarenmax on September 25, 2009, 19:16:02 PM
I'm so sorry Lottie  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Yvonne on September 25, 2009, 19:37:01 PM
Sorry to hear this

Take care   :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: sheryl on September 25, 2009, 19:47:06 PM
Lottie I am so very sorry Hun - thinking of you, your OH and Bilbo xxx   :hug:

Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Kay and Penny on September 25, 2009, 20:04:46 PM
there are no words, are there - just loads of  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Liz on September 25, 2009, 20:08:17 PM
Lottie thinking of you, Dave, Findlay and of course his best pal Pinball, Minxy and darling Boopy at this time

I can't put in to words what you are going through but having lost 2 this year can only hope that you enjoy the time you have and love that boy for all of us here

I have had the privilage of meeting Bilbo and he is the most wonderful boy and a total credit to Lottie and Dave :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on September 25, 2009, 20:10:11 PM
This just isn't fair :( :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Linda (Bengalbabe) on September 25, 2009, 20:16:12 PM

I am absolutely gutted for you, I know how much Bilbo means to you.  Please give Bilbo a big hug from his Auntie Linda and Uncle Kevin and let him know how much everyone loves him. I am here when you need me xxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: JackSpratt on September 25, 2009, 21:02:48 PM
There aren't the right words at a time like this. I'm so sorry, Lottie. I hope you and Bilbo get a little more quality time. :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Bazsmum on September 25, 2009, 21:18:42 PM
Oh Lottie I am sorry to hear this.....Big hugs for you all!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: bunglycat on September 25, 2009, 22:21:04 PM
So sorry to hear this news about Bilbo - its just not fair ! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: bonnielass on September 25, 2009, 22:59:20 PM
Just been catching up with everything and im so sorry to hear about Bilbo :( its so unfair and heartbreaking and my thoughts are with you  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 26, 2009, 00:21:37 AM
Am gutted for you Lottie, life just isn't fair sometimes  :( Thinking of you both xx :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Janeyk on September 26, 2009, 06:57:07 AM
 :( Poor little fella.

:hug: for you and Bilbo xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Mark on September 26, 2009, 09:45:12 AM
Sorry Lottie  :care:

Poor Bilbo  :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Maddiesmum on September 26, 2009, 12:53:39 PM
So very sorry to hear about Bilbo, hope he remains comfortable  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Bazsmum on September 26, 2009, 23:27:42 PM
Really hope that the meds will be starting to kick in soon and it stops these awful seizures....Thinking of you all!  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 26, 2009, 23:32:33 PM
Sending lots of gentle cuddles  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 27, 2009, 16:09:34 PM
I hope the meds work and he can prove the vets wrong.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Feline Costumier on September 27, 2009, 16:10:39 PM
So sorry Lottie :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on September 27, 2009, 18:54:05 PM
Thank you all for your kind words and I have passed all hugs onto Bilbo.

I was so happy last night as as he didn't have a grand mal seizure yesterday as far as I am aware (he poss had a petit mal one or else he just wet himself for another reason) unfortunately today he had a petit mal one this morning and a grand mal one this evening despite the phenobarbitol  :( My vet is on call tomorrow (it's a bank holiday up here) so I'll give him a ring and see what he says as they might be able to up Bilbo's dose.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 27, 2009, 18:55:09 PM
It could take a couple of days to kick in and hope thats the reason Lottie  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on September 28, 2009, 10:01:15 AM
I'm so sorry it's not good news for poor Bilbo  :hug:  Sending lots of hugs and vibes to you both.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Bazsmum on September 28, 2009, 15:16:18 PM
Hoping you all had a quiet night Lottie and you got some positive advice from your vet call! Wishing you all well!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 28, 2009, 15:22:55 PM
I hope that Bilbo is a bit better today, lots of love  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on October 02, 2009, 10:39:43 AM
How is Bilbo today?
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: swampmaxmum on October 02, 2009, 10:42:54 AM
I hope that the new dose works better for Bilbo  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on October 02, 2009, 13:50:33 PM
Sorry for not updating before now, I've been really busy with Bilbo and Findlay.

Bilbo is getting worse, since last night his back half has been awful and when he tries to walk he either wobbles hugely or his back half just falls over. He went to the vets this morning where the vet agreed that the new dose of meds would be well in his system by now but it isn't controlling the seizures at all and his reflexes are getting worse, his eyes now are not reacting to light at all  :(

He is due to go the vets for the last time tomorrow morning although sitting here looking at him I am thinking of taking him tonight rather than him be like this all night as he just looks so so sad and his quality of life is getting very poor and I want him to go whilst he still has some dignity left.

I am absolutely heartbroken for my gorgeous boy and also a bit scared. I have never been with an animal when they are put to sleep so I'm not exactly sure what to expect, do they literally just have an injection and drift off to sleep forever?
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: ems on October 02, 2009, 13:57:26 PM
Oh Lottie am so sorry  :hug:

With Nina they gave her a sedative first so she was really relaxed and was asleep in my arms then they put her on the table and gave her the injection.  :( Honestly though it was so much more peaceful than I was expecting, she literally just went to sleep really peacefully

Will be thinking of you  :hug:  :hug: 
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: bunglycat on October 02, 2009, 14:10:43 PM
I am so sorry to hear this news -poor Bilbo and poor you . :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: madasacatter on October 02, 2009, 14:14:56 PM
I have only just seen this so sorry to hear your news.   :grouphug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on October 02, 2009, 14:18:10 PM
He's booked in for 6.20pm tonight  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 02, 2009, 14:19:24 PM
Oh Lottie  :(  :hug: Will be thinking of you both xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on October 02, 2009, 14:27:02 PM
I am heartbroken for you and Bilbo.
There is nothing to be afraid of, euthanasia is a very simply dignified process and is over in seconds with no pain to the animal. Sometimes its done with a sedative first as Ems said, other times the vet is able to use just the one injection, either way it is painless.

In truth the hardest part is making the decision that the time is right.

Take care, we are all thinking of you  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on October 02, 2009, 14:38:52 PM
Ohhhhh Lottie I am so sorry  :hug: I am so sad to read this.

Lottie the process is painless and peaceful, Bilbo will just go off to sleep.
Issey was so ready to go which is nice because she just lay on the table and then i held her with her head on my shoulder while the last injection was put in her arm.

Will be thinking of you xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Feline Costumier on October 02, 2009, 14:57:32 PM
Oh Lottie, what a brave decision you have made for Bilbo. All my love and thoughts will be with you, enjoy your last few hours together and a peaceful passing to the bridge. :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Millys Mum on October 02, 2009, 14:58:32 PM
Sorry Lottie  :( :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Catz on October 02, 2009, 15:01:30 PM
I'm so sorry   :( Its just not fair
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on October 02, 2009, 15:02:55 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this, Lottie  :hug:  I've had the pleasure of meeting the magnificent Bilbo and he is so yummy.  I hope it goes ok for you tonight and he drifts off peacefully to go and play with all the other Purrs babes at the bridge.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: JackSpratt on October 02, 2009, 15:20:09 PM
Lottie, I've been with three of my cats when they passed over to the Bridge and I think it was more upsetting for me than them. If Bilbo is at the stage where this decision has been made he's likely to welcome the decision, and wanting to make sure he goes with a little dignity is perfectly understandable.

Please PM me if you need to, and be assured Bilbo knows you love him. :care:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Liz on October 02, 2009, 15:23:07 PM
Oh Lottie I am so sorry to hear this about Bilbo, I to had the pleasure of meeting the teams wonderful boy and he will always be a credit to Lottie and Dave

Our thoughts will be with you and Bilbo tonight

 :hug: to you, Dave, Findlay and of course the rest of the team :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: clarenmax on October 02, 2009, 15:32:37 PM
Oh Lottie, I'm so sorry  :hug:

Although the thought of pts is terrifying, the actual process is very quick.  With Max he was so relaxed he didn't need a sedetive, we put him on the table, shaved a bit of fur from his leg, the vet told me to give him a cuddle and talk to him, and seconds later he was gone.  Its very quick, and just like they are going to sleep.

Do spend a bit of time with him afterwards if you get the option as well  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Bazsmum on October 02, 2009, 15:50:56 PM
Im so sorry to hear this Lottie, please give you all big hugs from me and mine....we will be thinking of you all!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: woodlandcats on October 02, 2009, 15:58:37 PM
I'm crying again at this bad news Lottie. I've lost so many and was with most when PTS. The moment you realize it's really over is bad but you'll feel relieved for Bilbo too as he no longer has to suffer.
Wish you all the strenght you need to go through this. You will always cherish the pics of Bilbo with Findlay, they are priceless
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Christine (Blip) on October 02, 2009, 16:21:30 PM
I am so sorry.  My thoughts are with you both, Lottie.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: pappilon on October 02, 2009, 16:25:00 PM
Oh i am sorry . :( Will be thinking of you and Bilbo. :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Janeyk on October 02, 2009, 16:46:05 PM
 :'( So sorry Lottie, you'll both be in my thoughts  :hug: x
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: LesleyW on October 02, 2009, 16:51:39 PM
Lottie, I am so sorry to read this; you have had such a tough year and been so brave through it all.

As others have said, you have been through the toughest part in making the decision, there is nothing to fear from the procedure and Bilbo will be at peace, and free from pain and suffering, with dignity because of your actions.

Will be thinking of you both. :Luv2: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: swampmaxmum on October 02, 2009, 16:53:32 PM
I'm terribly sorry Lottie. I'm thinking of you and little Bilbo. I'm sure like the others have all said, it will be peaceful. It is so quick, just ask the vet to let you know when he is ready so you have a last moment to tell Bilbo that you love him.   :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: MrsR on October 02, 2009, 17:19:52 PM
Sweetie I am so sorry.

You are doing the right thing if there is no quality of life, you are giving love and dignity to BIlbo by doing this, sometimes it doesn't feel like you are as I sometimes feel but you really are x  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 02, 2009, 17:39:20 PM
oh Lottie my heart aches for you and handsome Bilbo and as the others have said the process is very peaceful. Kocka was given a sedative first. the decision is hard but when you see a magnificant cat like Bilbo going downhill so fast its so right to allow him some dignity at the end.

My thoughts are with you this sad night  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: hannah (weeny) on October 02, 2009, 17:57:27 PM
night night bilbo... sleep tight xxxx  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: LilyandGary on October 02, 2009, 17:59:30 PM
So sorry to hear this, thinking of you all  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on October 02, 2009, 18:13:45 PM
OMG Lottie, Im so so very sorry  :(

Wishing Bilbo a peacefull passing  :hug:

Good night, God bless little man xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Mark on October 02, 2009, 18:20:37 PM
Sorry Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Bazsmum on October 02, 2009, 18:21:44 PM
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 02, 2009, 18:24:43 PM

Play hard on the Bridge Bilbo
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: MrsR on October 02, 2009, 18:31:06 PM
My furbabies will find you Bilbo, play hard little one x
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: madasacatter on October 02, 2009, 19:02:58 PM
So sorry Bilbo sleep tight before running with your new pals at the Bridge.   :candle:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Gillian Harvey on October 02, 2009, 19:12:00 PM
Oh this is so sad, I'm so sorry Lottie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on October 02, 2009, 19:21:25 PM
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: sheryl on October 02, 2009, 19:34:35 PM
Oh Lottie, I am so so sorry Hun - thinking of you, Dave and Findlay at this sad sad time  :hug:

RIP sweet Bilbo - play hard at the Bridge lovely boy xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: clarenmax on October 02, 2009, 19:40:10 PM

Sleep tight little man.

Lottie, thinking of you all xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: bonnielass on October 02, 2009, 19:41:45 PM
Lottie im so sorry to hear about Bilbo :( my thoughts will be with you at this sad time

RIP Bilbo no more pain -  till you meet again :Luv:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- off to the bridge 6.20 tonight
Post by: Smudgey on October 02, 2009, 19:44:10 PM
OH no wat very sad news  :hug: :hug: :hug:  for you all thinking of you
WAt more can i say have followed this thread not wanting to post i fell in love with Bilbo the minute i saw him as i'm sure lots of others have too
He will be sadly missed by all  :'( :'(
Play hard on the Bridge baby look out for Smudge xxxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on October 02, 2009, 20:24:13 PM
My vet was really lovely and talked me through the whole thing first. It was very peaceful and he went to sleep with Findlay holding a clump of fur on his head and Dave and I stroking him. We are having him cremated and getting his ashes back and when the first snow falls in the forest in the winter we'll take him and scatter him where he'd want to be.

It might sound weird but after he'd gone I curled him up like he used to sleep and took a pic on my phone so I can see that he's gone.

Run free in the forest my beautiful boy I'll always love you lots. Take care of Boopy's other 3 kittens for me, I'm sure they'll love their Uncle Bilbo as much as Star, Minxy and Sunset did  xxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 02, 2009, 20:25:15 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

RIP Bilbo
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on October 02, 2009, 20:28:42 PM
I'm so sorry your magnificent boy has had to leave you but you helped him go with his dignity.

I'm going to go have a cry for him and you now   :(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Janeyk on October 02, 2009, 20:33:44 PM
Lottie  :hug:

God Bless dear Bilbo xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: clarenmax on October 02, 2009, 20:35:28 PM
It might sound weird but after he'd gone I curled him up like he used to sleep and took a pic on my phone so I can see that he's gone.

Not weird at all, I did the same with Maxy when he'd let go  :hug:

Your vet sounds lovely, its important to know what is going to happen.

Run free on the Bridge Bilbo sweetie xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 02, 2009, 20:37:17 PM
I have pictures of Kocka too and she looks so peaceful   :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Christine (Blip) on October 02, 2009, 20:38:10 PM
My thoughts are with you, Lottie.  To relieve suffering is the greatest gift you will ever give anyone.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on October 02, 2009, 20:42:56 PM
I couldnt think of a better way for Bilbo to go then surrounded by his family.

Lottie I took loads of pictures of Issey after she died , I placed her paw over her face like how she used to sleep......its not strange at all xx

RIP BIG FELLA, have fun till Mumy comes to get you xxxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Mollyrock on October 02, 2009, 21:00:23 PM
Oh Lottie, i am so very hon. My heart breaks for you sweetie  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Rosella moggy on October 02, 2009, 21:22:38 PM
Can't tell you how upset I am for you and your little family Lottie  :'(.  Bilbo was perhaps the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen and your news is simply heart breaking.  I actually came on here twice today purely to show people at work the photos of your boys but didn't read update  :(

I am so sorry Lottie  :hug: :hug: :hug:  RIP Bilbo, you beautiful angel  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Wibblechick on October 02, 2009, 21:29:56 PM
Im so sorry  :'(

RIP Bilbo

Play hard at the Bridge with all the other kitties 
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Kay and Penny on October 02, 2009, 21:41:26 PM
I am so sorry - he was a beautiful boy

look after little Lovealot, Bilbo, who has made his way to the Bridge today too
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Reynard on October 02, 2009, 21:47:58 PM
So sorry to hear about Bilbo, Lottie. My heart goes out to and the rest of the gang.

Bright blessings upon your soul big man.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 02, 2009, 22:15:12 PM
Am gutted for you Lottie but you did the right thing, letting him go was the greatest gift you could have given him...  :hug:

The Greatest Gift

I always knew this time would come,
From the very instant our eyes first met.
How I loved you then! How I love you now!
I made a promise then, and I will keep that promise now...
You will not suffer from a pain that will not heal;
You will not know the loss of a life remembered, now gone.

It is for me alone to make this decision,
The price for the bright joy and pure laughter
You brought me during the time we shared.
I am the only one who can decide when it is time.
When my hope dies, and my fear rides high,
Just when I need you most, I must let you go.

It is for you alone to tell me when you are ready
For without your guidance, I will not know
When to lay my grief, my guilt, my anger
My sorrow and my selfish heart aside
And give you this last gift, this greatest gift.
Your eyes will speak to mine, and I will know.

The pain of this moment is excruciating.
Tears stream down my face in a river of sorrow.
And my heart drowns in a pool of grief.
For you have spoken and I have listened,
And unlike other decisions I have made
This one brings no relief...no comfort...no peace.

For if there´s one thing you´ve taught me,
If there´s only one thing I´ve learned...
Unconditional love has a condition after all,
I must be willing to let you go, when you speak to me
I must be willing to help you go, if you cannot go alone.
And I must accept my pain so you can be free of yours.

Go easily now, go quickly now,
Do not linger here, it is time for you to leave.
Go find your strength, go find your youth.
Go find the ones who've gone before you.
You are free to leave me now, free to let your spirit soar
Rest easy now, your pain will soon be gone.

I pray I will find comfort in my memories...
In the dark and lonely days ahead.
I cannot say I will not miss you, I cannot say I will not cry.
For only my tears can heal my broken heart.
But, I promise you this; as long as I live,
You will live, alive in my mind, forever in my heart.

So I give you this last gift, all I have left to give,
And this will be my greatest gift...sending you away.
It is the measure of my unconditional love...
For only the greatest love can say,
"Good-bye, go find the bridge, we'll meet again,
Loving you has been the greatest gift of all."

Forever and Always... Until Rainbow bridge....

Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Yvonne on October 02, 2009, 22:25:39 PM
So very sorry to hear your sad news

 :RIP: :candle:    :RIP: :candle:    :RIP: :candle:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: ems on October 02, 2009, 22:26:25 PM
Lottie I am so sorry for your loss.

You gave Bilbo the greatest gift, don't ever doubt that :hug:

Much love to you, Dave, Findlay and the rest of the team

RIP Bilbo, look out for Nina at the bridge you handsome boy xxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Gillian Harvey on October 02, 2009, 22:40:02 PM
I'm glad his passing was peaceful Lottie  :hug: - I've just been looking at those pics of Bilbo with Findlay, what a wonderful cat he was,  RIP Bilbo  :RIP:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: alisonandarchie on October 02, 2009, 22:49:32 PM
So sorry to hear the news :(


For Bilbo
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: ChrisB on October 02, 2009, 22:52:10 PM
So sorry, thinking of you.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: hannah (weeny) on October 02, 2009, 23:04:33 PM
i'll always remember standing in the snow cuddling you for sooooo long bilbo x you were a very very special boy and will be forever loved xxxx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Sootyca on October 02, 2009, 23:05:29 PM
Like a lot of other people I've been really upset by this news and I never even met him!

Take care. :hug:

Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Baggy on October 02, 2009, 23:30:52 PM
Am sorry that Bilbo couldn't win the fight Lottie - RIP Bilbo :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on October 03, 2009, 10:13:10 AM
RIP Bilbo, you gorgeous boy  :RIP:

It might sound weird but after he'd gone I curled him up like he used to sleep and took a pic on my phone so I can see that he's gone.

If you're weird I am too as I did exactly the same.  I brought Magpie home for a while before he was cremated and he was curled up in his carrier as though he was asleep.  I took the top off so that I could stroke him and say goodbye properly and I took 2 photos which I still have.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on October 03, 2009, 18:18:30 PM
I'm so sorry, Lottie :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on October 03, 2009, 18:58:41 PM
I am so very sorry to hear this news, I truly hoped he could fight this. RIP little one, another taken too young.
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on October 03, 2009, 20:46:03 PM
I have been much calmer than I thought I'd be but I think it's because I know I definately did the right thing taking him last night.

I held it together really well today until it came to emptying out the cage he's been in and putting all his things away and then when I went out into the garden to do some gardening I looked at the cat house and realised that I'll never again see his face peering out through the window being grumpy because it's raining or see him stretched out on the floor in the snow  :'( :'(

Didn't sleep well last night and when I did get to sleep I woke up in the night to go and check on him and feed him and then switched the light on and remembered that he wasn't there  :'(

I know that it will get easier as time goes on but it's just so so hard at the moment  :(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Bazsmum on October 03, 2009, 20:50:28 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :care:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Janeyk on October 03, 2009, 21:17:44 PM
 :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 03, 2009, 22:11:04 PM
I understand so well  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Kirst on October 04, 2009, 10:06:50 AM
Im so sorry Lottie. :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: AliCat on October 04, 2009, 12:40:00 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.  :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: ginge66 on October 04, 2009, 12:56:17 PM
 :'( so sorry :hug:
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: nicter on October 04, 2009, 13:06:30 PM
Im so sorry poor Bilbo didnt make it.  :hug: to you Lottie xx
Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Philip on October 04, 2009, 22:40:12 PM
God bless Bilbo.

I'm so sorry to hear this news.

He was a stunning cat.

Title: Re: Bilbo is very poorly- He's gone
Post by: Dawn F on October 05, 2009, 10:16:50 AM
Lottie I am just catching up with this news, I am so sorry, with the speed of his decline sounds like you had no choice