Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

In Loving Memory Cats => Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory => Topic started by: Angiew on March 15, 2007, 17:46:21 PM

Title: RIP - Felix
Post by: Angiew on March 15, 2007, 17:46:21 PM
Today I had to go with Sue, your mum, to the vets to support her in saying goodbye.
She told you how much you were loved and she would miss you giving her kisses and she was very sorry to have put you through any pain and upset in your last day here.

You were taken into the vets yesterday , as Sue thought you were not quite right and having some problems breathing. The vet thought it could be asthma and you came away with some anitbiotics.
Mum then had to rush you back at 6pm because you really were having problems breathing, to be told  that you may as well go straight over to the vets Now clinic. She took you over, having to stop to blow in your face to try and help with the heaving panting as you were struggling to breathe.
The clinic were good, put you in an oxygen tent and did a load of blood tests. Sadly these tests showed that you were generally shutting down all your systems and wanted to move on.
Mum contacted me at 8am , distraught because having stabilised in the tent, Vets now were preparing to ship you back to the vets for the day shift. There were mentions of perhaps seeing a heart specialist but referal would have to come from your vet.
Anyway with vet advice none of this happened. We said our goodbyes at midday and you passed away peacefully in the surgery with some help from the vet.
Your mum was naturally very upset and was feeling so very guilty about all the journeys as she knows how bad you are in the car and hopes you didn't suffer too much. I told her that she needed to give you time to decide what you wanted to do and I'm sure that you were not too aware of what was going on around you for it to have added to your stress.

Before I left  her , I told her about the Rainbow Bridge so I hope once you settle down you will send her a rainbow - she told me of one that appeared over her house 2 weeks ago that was so amazing she had taken some photos, but don't feel obliged to send one that big , a little one will do. I'm sure she will be looking.
Title: Re: RIP - Felix
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 15, 2007, 18:04:37 PM
RIP Felix, much loved and cared for so well.
Title: Re: RIP - Felix
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 15, 2007, 18:31:44 PM
RIP Felix, I am sure he wouldn't blame his mum for the journeys, but be glad that she wanted to do everything possible for him, and when she had, she could give him that final act of love and kindness.
Title: Re: RIP - Felix
Post by: bethany97 on March 15, 2007, 19:49:26 PM
RIP  :Luv: felix you will be sadly  missed by your owners just like are freddie all the other pussys that have gone to rainbow bridge   :RIP:   :sorry: :candle: 
     from bethany xx
Title: Re: RIP - Felix
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 16, 2007, 17:41:13 PM
 :candle: rip xxx
Title: Re: RIP - Felix
Post by: smudgepickles on March 16, 2007, 21:46:09 PM
AWW That really made me cry play hard at the bridge little one and dont forget you will get to meet your Mummy again one day

love and kisses
