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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 08, 2007, 16:05:23 PM

Title: Funny five minutes
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 08, 2007, 16:05:23 PM
Does anyone elses cat hav a  funny five minutes where they just chase round n round like crazy cats
mine jump on top of the cabnit then fly over to the tv bounce off of that then fly from the chair to the sofa climb the curtains swing from the curtains to another chair , pickles very often clims on top of my living room door and sits there  :rofl:
and as for max he makes me laugh coz just before he is about to do something he makes these funny little noises where he is so excited
all day today he has been a crazy cat he wont leave makosi alone he keeps chasing her and jumping on her she got fed up of it after he done it about 4 times lol
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on March 08, 2007, 17:44:29 PM
Yep about 10:00 every night my lot seem to go completely mad ... charging about leaping over each other and bouncing up and over the sofa!!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Each day is a new day
Post by: deni on March 08, 2007, 18:38:10 PM
Poor Roly relives every day like a new experience, tail chasing is a favourite, he looks at it as if to say 'who put that there? it wasn't there yesterday' Walls prompt a similar response. I wished I lived in Roly World it looks like loads of fun :wow:
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 08, 2007, 19:06:59 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwww bless
My Bailey chases his tail a lot its so funny to watch isnt it .
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: berties mum on March 09, 2007, 16:42:29 PM
My Bella has a mad five minutes every day at 7pm - you can set your watch by her!  It varies from day to day - sometimes she plays with a toy, sometimes she runs up to the hearth rug from across the room and skids across the laminate floor on it, and sometimes she runs up and down the stairs.  The other day we had an absolute howler .. she decided to have five minutes of sitting at the bottom of the bed and leaping on and off, on top of my Bertie, who was trying to sleep and was not amused.  Bertie is able to open drawers and cupboards with his huge ginger tom paws, and after a few minutes of Bella's silliness, I could hear a muffled meowing, and went upstairs to find her trapped in my sock drawer - Bertie obviously decided enough was enough and shut her in!  One way of dealing with a funny five minutes, anyway!
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on March 09, 2007, 16:50:27 PM
STrange...Lexy gets her spurt at 4am
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 09, 2007, 18:30:00 PM
mine dont have a particurlar time of day ,it can happen anytime  :rofl:
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 11, 2007, 09:58:46 AM
Yeah, Molly normally chooses near bedtime - I love to see her have a mad 5 mins though, 15 months ago, she was so depressed she wasn't eating and barely moving, so it is extra special to watch her. She is now showing me what we are supposed to do on a Sun morning which is stay in bed!!
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 11, 2007, 11:36:35 AM
awwwww bless
when i woke up this morning i had 2 cats laying on my legs ,couldnt move for ages incase i woke them lol
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: Ela on March 11, 2007, 11:38:30 AM
had 2 cats laying on my legs ,couldnt move for ages incase i woke them lol

I know that feeling only too well. and what a good  excuse not to get up.
Title: Re: Funny five minutes
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on March 11, 2007, 11:44:58 AM
lol yes that why i stayed in bed till 11am today