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Cat Health & Behaviour => For FIV & FELV babes => Topic started by: melysion on April 22, 2009, 20:48:59 PM

Title: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: melysion on April 22, 2009, 20:48:59 PM
Toby, my FIV+ cat,  has a nasty mouth infection. As in NASTY!!!

They are throwing the book at it ...he has had a short acting steriod injection to make him more comfortable, plus a long acting antibiotic injection and also 14 days worth of another antibiotic to be given orally.

Which should sort it out, but the concern is that it might keep flaring up again (as its very likely to be FIV related). In the long term, the vet was talking about a continous course of low dose steriods to keep it at bay. i'm not happy with that thought at all, because of what steriods can do to the immune system. I might have to research alternatives to that idea. Any suggestions much appreciated.

It also seems that he has a cataract forming in one of his eyes .. so he is being tested for toxo-something or other as well!  :shocked:

Of course Toby is just fine in himself .... was scarfing down food as I (eventually) left for work this afternoon ....  :Luv2:
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Liz on April 22, 2009, 21:27:44 PM
Toxoplasmosis might be the thing

Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on April 22, 2009, 22:09:10 PM
 :( poor Toby ... can't offer any advice I'm afraid but just wanted to send a big  :hug: and some get well soon vibes xxx
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 22, 2009, 22:17:12 PM
IF he has been given Convenia, it might not do anything, it hasn't been proved effective for mouth issues, and I know it does very little in dental issues, so he could need a stronger ab, and might need regular ab's. Might be worth testing for calici.
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: melysion on April 22, 2009, 22:42:32 PM
IF he has been given Convenia, it might not do anything, it hasn't been proved effective for mouth issues, and I know it does very little in dental issues, so he could need a stronger ab, and might need regular ab's. Might be worth testing for calici.

Huh. Thats interesting. Thats precisely what he was given. That and Antirobe ... which he seems to not mind taking mixed up in his food thank goodness.

Whats calici?
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 22, 2009, 22:51:11 PM
If he has Antirobe as well, you should be fine, that is fantastic for mouth issues - although why you would give two ab's at the same time is a bit odd, you would never know which one worked then.

Calici is a virus that can cause mouth ulcers - it is part of the cat flu 'family'. Dr Addie has a good bit on her site, dont have a link to hand, if no one has posted tomorrow, I shall do a search for you. It can also cause red gums.
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 23, 2009, 00:17:25 AM
I suspect that two antibiotics have been given to approach the problem from two points and if one does not do the job completely them the other may finish it off.

It could be that although you can see the mouth infection the vet is worried there maybe another underlying infection that cannot be seen.
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Millys Mum on April 23, 2009, 13:34:14 PM
I would always opt for extractions over steroids, they are the worse thing for such a problem and more so as hes fiv.

http://www.dr-addie.com/stomatitis.html (http://www.dr-addie.com/stomatitis.html)

Dr addie is a very good site for stomatitis, you can believe what you read on that site.

One of mine has suffered with stomatitis, not a bad bad case but enough to warrant the teeth out on one side. Touch wood simon has been ok for 2 years now  :Luv2: it doesnt help in every case but a vast amount get a good result
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: melysion on April 24, 2009, 11:44:54 AM
Wow. Thanks for all the info, much appreciated!

Toby has the runnies now  :( Guess its to do with the antibiotics ....

Mouth looks much better already though  ;D
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on April 24, 2009, 14:16:44 PM
Glad his mouth is looking better, hope his tummy starts to feel better soon too  :hug:
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Millys Mum on April 24, 2009, 16:56:48 PM
Antirobe gets my simon like that, he can go through the eye of a needle after one capsule! Hope he settles down soon  :hug:
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: melysion on April 24, 2009, 21:23:57 PM
Antirobe gets my simon like that, he can go through the eye of a needle after one capsule! Hope he settles down soon  :hug:

did you give him anything for it?
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 25, 2009, 01:07:56 AM
Think you ned to ask the vet about the abs but once he is off them and if tummy still a problem lacto B will put it right  :hug:
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Janeyk on April 25, 2009, 13:46:53 PM
My Schui, not FIV (but they thought he could be at one point) suffered terrible mouth and gum problems and was on various treatments and steroid injections.  He eventually had all his teeth removed and no problems thereafter, although all cases are different that is what happened with our boy.

Hope your Toby is better soon xx
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Millys Mum on April 25, 2009, 20:09:27 PM
I gave blander food and some chicken meals,and gave protexin souble probiotic in his food once off the antirobe, until he finished the course it wouldnt stop   :(
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on April 30, 2009, 13:14:27 PM
If he has Antirobe as well, you should be fine, that is fantastic for mouth issues -

Antirobe made my cats mouth worse.
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Millys Mum on April 30, 2009, 18:49:05 PM
To be fair cc ollies issues are not straight forward stomatitis! Iv seen it do wonders many times over same as Desley and others have
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on April 30, 2009, 21:41:11 PM
To be fair MM that was MY personail experience with them, they may work well for others cats
Title: Re: my cat has a nasty mouth infection - advice requested
Post by: Janeyk on May 01, 2009, 06:32:37 AM
They didn't work for Schui CC, I think it depends what they have, Schui had the same as Ollie and it is a chronic condition which may need a totally different form of treatment.