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Cat General => Best Bargains and Prices on Cats Stuff => Topic started by: moongirl on April 08, 2009, 16:29:36 PM

Title: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: moongirl on April 08, 2009, 16:29:36 PM

Our local Tesco supermarket has just increased the price of Felix milk from 47p per 200ml bottle to 74p which now makes it approx the same price as single bottles of Whiskas milk.

Can anyone recommend a decent priced alternative or any deals at present on cat milk ?

Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Dawn F on April 08, 2009, 16:31:59 PM
I know it isn't what you asked but can't you just give it less often??
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: JackSpratt on April 08, 2009, 17:44:03 PM
Tescos own cat milk is actually pretty good value for money and about 53p.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on April 08, 2009, 17:49:05 PM
Pets at Home do their own 250ml  carton, they're normally 68p (bearing in mind it's a bigger bottle) but they seem to have a permanent offer on of 5 for £3 which makes it 60p for 250ml.


How often do you give it to your cats? My boys used to be addicted to it so I've slowly weaned them off it and they now have it only very occasionally.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Liz on April 08, 2009, 20:01:02 PM
Here at the Clan Cats home we use 2 to 3 bottles a day as its a bribe for some of our nastier ferals to spend some time in the company of humans - we have 2 addicts - Sailor who has discovered the kitchen this week and now sits next to the microwave guarding the bottle and Blue who we trapped last year and is a bit of nasty feller but now at least stays on the floor when I put milk in to his bowl on the floor and I still have scar free hands oh the difference in 7 months is wonderful!

Haqve to say we tried to "fob" the experts in teh Clan off with Felix and Pets at home and had a mutiny on our hands so Whiskas for them and 43 can't be wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! :sneaky: :Crazy: :shocked:
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on April 08, 2009, 20:44:03 PM
My lot are really liking wilkos (Wilkinsons) cat milk I think it's about 47p for 200ml.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Mark on April 08, 2009, 22:08:26 PM
Why not buy Lactofree? - you get a litre for about £1.50. I am thinking of trying myself (for me, not the cats - I don't give mine cat milk  :evillaugh:)
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Angiew on April 10, 2009, 18:49:33 PM
or goats milk at about the same price
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 11, 2009, 08:47:37 AM
I would say Goats over LActo free - Lacto free is very sweet.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Janeyk on April 11, 2009, 09:32:32 AM
Goats milk still has lactose in though doesn't it, it's only slightly less than cows.  My Sister's hubby has lactolite, he suffers with crohns, I tried it but not keen on the taste (nor goats) but my sister says you do get used to it.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 11, 2009, 22:28:49 PM
Not sure how much Jane, I just know it can be used if you can't get hold of any KMR - I personally dont like either, Goats Milk has a funny taste, and LActo free is very sweet and when I last tried it, only came in full fat version
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Mark on April 12, 2009, 17:26:14 PM
TBH, there is no need to give it to them at all. I'm glad mine only hav water, especially with 2 of them having CRF - water is far more hydrating. Even with cat milk, Clapton gets diarrhoea and Alice throws up. Now and again I give them a little dob of cream but that's it. I think if cats are used to having milk, they are likely to refuse water so not a good idea in the long run.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Janeyk on April 12, 2009, 19:18:39 PM
Mine have never been bad, Byron gets milk after breakfast which she loves but if she is really thirsty she will go to the water, it's as if she treats it as sort of food, Schui was the same.
Title: Re: Cat Milk - Any Good Deals ?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 13, 2009, 10:00:40 AM
Sam and Tino are fine with drinking water as well as cat milk, although I am catsitting one of my ex fosters and he will now only drink milk - yet he was never allowed it here or at the rescue before coming here, as he is on the large side.