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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Desley (booktigger) on March 02, 2007, 22:08:31 PM

Title: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 02, 2007, 22:08:31 PM
She has brought 2 meals up this week, one wet, one dry, so it isn't the food that has done it. She was very quiet this evening when I got home, and didn't show much interest in eating for an hour and a half. I am wondering if it is furballs like Tom, but Molly doesn't like any furball medication, and putting it in her food doesn't really help much. She also suffers with constipation, so wondering if there is something connected there. I wormed her about an hour ago as well, so will have to find out if that will have stayed down, or if she will need re-doing. She only had bloods done a month ago, so not concerned too much that way. But, my Molly is never sick, so something not right, fingers crossed it is either cos of a furball or her constipation issues (hard to tell at the mo how often she is going, cos they have poos either when I Am in bed or at work, so no idea who is doing what I clear out of the tray.
Title: Re: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on March 02, 2007, 22:40:31 PM
Ahhh poor Molly .. fingers crossed the vet can sort her out.
Title: Re: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Yvonne on March 02, 2007, 22:45:29 PM
How old is Molly?

Copy and paste some of your message in the chatroom - there are 10 in there at the moment.  You are likely to get 10 different answers!

Good luck with Molly tomorrow.   
Title: Re: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 03, 2007, 11:26:58 AM
She is 14, but had a full geriatric blood profile done a month ago, so I know she is healthy. Am now going to watch her till Mon, she is back to her usual self now (which also includes tryign to stop mum breathing by lying across my throat - am so glad she only weighs 3.5kg!!), and as Tom is going today, it will give her chance to go out and eat some cat grass, and I can monitor her toileting better.
Title: Re: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Yvonne on March 03, 2007, 11:53:19 AM
That sounds like good news, glad she is ok - they certainly know how to make their owners concerned.

Have a good weekend.

 :)   :)
Title: Re: Ringing the vets about Molly in the morning
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 03, 2007, 11:58:52 AM
Yeah, they do - part of it is my own paranoia with her age though - only one of the 8 cats I have had have got past the age of 14 (and then only for a month), so it is a bit nervewracking for me when they hit that age!! She has been her usual demanding food self this morning though, it is just odd as she isn't the kind of cat that is normally sick