Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: LeighK on March 13, 2009, 12:18:22 PM

Title: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 13, 2009, 12:18:22 PM
Hi folks,

I Tort I Taw A Puddy Tat!.

I bought a wireless IP camera yesterday and installed it in the Living Room. I thought it'd be fun to see what the boys get up to whilst I'm out. So far I guess their both dozing in the bedroom as I've not seen the remotest glimpse (pun intended) of anything even vaguely cat-shaped LOL, however, I have a cunning plan!, I'm installing another one in the bedroom this evening so I can monitor them, big brother is watching mew!! :).

I'll post pics, here if and when I get any of them :)


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Topsy Turvey on March 13, 2009, 12:59:48 PM
Great idea Leigh.  I would love to see what my lot get up to but have an idea that its sleep, eat, sleep, use the tray, sleep, eat, wait for parents to get home so that they can eat, sleep, use the tray and then sleep  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 13, 2009, 13:12:06 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yes that's the same with my boys, eat, sleep, use litter tray etc. :) however, if they understood my instructions correctly this morning I'm expecting the synchronised tap dancing and juggling display to start at 2PM sharp on top of the coffee table, the cameras have sound as well so I can watch and listen to the whole thing here at work  ;D. You can even monitor things on a 3G phone. Seriously though they are good for home security although the last time I was burgled I swear it was Frankie that disturbed them, nice one big fella!, pity he didn't bite the  :censored:s :)


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Marcia on March 13, 2009, 13:58:01 PM
Great idea Leigh.  I would love to see what my lot get up to but have an idea that its sleep, eat, sleep, use the tray, sleep, eat, wait for parents to get home so that they can eat, sleep, use the tray and then sleep  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know mine so well  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Leanne on March 13, 2009, 15:06:57 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'd love to hear what they get up too.

I would love to see what mine do whilst we're not there, but judging by the damage Hubby found to his arm chair last weekend I have a pretty good idea!!!
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 13, 2009, 15:18:42 PM
Well I have to admit that "Small Cat Diaries", unlike it's bigger TV counterpart, has, so far,  been totally uneventful, I haven't seen anything that looked even vaguely cat-like all day! :)

I keep getting this mental picture of those old black and white WW2 prisoner of war camp films and imagining Frankie saying something like "Okay Chalkie old man, wait for the searchlight to pass then make a dash behind the sofa and up onto the window sill!" :)

I've often wondered what they get up to when I'm not around and the answer is "nothing" :), just wait till "Bedroom Cam" is pressed into operation :evillaugh: then I can watch cats sleeping all day instead :)



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: clarenmax on March 13, 2009, 15:36:18 PM
Lol Leigh, they're probably in stealth mode just to spite you  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 13, 2009, 15:38:36 PM
Wotcha hun,

As I said, just wait til "Bedroom Cam" is operational this evening and then they'll spend all their time in the kitchen or bathroom just to frustrate me :)

On the plus side, I do have lots of identical pictures of my Living Room, identical in every respect except the clock on the wall keeps advancing :)

The cameras will send an e-mail with picture attachments to you whenever they detect movement so, in Frankie's case that'll be about two a year then :)

Actually watching my living room without cat activity is about as interesting as watching paint dry and, of course, if I painted it before leaving the house I could watch the paint dry, how sad is that!!? :)


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Wibblechick on March 13, 2009, 17:32:03 PM
If I tried that Id probably see this..... :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Wibblechick on March 13, 2009, 17:39:04 PM
Or this .........
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 14, 2009, 15:13:49 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bedroom Cam is operational:




Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Bazsmum on March 15, 2009, 00:26:37 AM
Oh no!!!! We needs a live lead.....You can turn it off overnight though!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: maryas on March 15, 2009, 21:36:59 PM
I think you should run it through the night Leigh....... then we can hear you snoring and Frankie stretched all over you and Alfie hiting you in the face for you to get up and feed him.  :evillaugh: :hug:

Mary x :rofl:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 16, 2009, 11:39:34 AM
Morning chuck,

Alfie's had a really strenuous morning (not)!, he has spent about four hours asleep on the bed. A short while ago he strolled into the living room, paused briefly for a quick pit stop to take on more fuel and is now stretched out on the coffee table by the window :), Frankie on the other hand has had an even MORE strenous morning, he's still asleep in the bedroom and hasn't found the energy to venture into the living room :). "It's a cat's life"!!!  :evillaugh:

Little Cat Diaries continues, still hoping to see a Gazelle! or maybe a hippo or two.... :)



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: clarenmax on March 16, 2009, 11:42:58 AM
Yup, as expected, the cats are busy doing all the housework and making the bed while you go to work  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 16, 2009, 11:52:37 AM
Yup, that's about it :), I saw Frankie's ear twitch then, most energetic thing he's done in the last 4 1/2 hours  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: Dawn F on March 16, 2009, 11:53:40 AM
lets face it, when they have a good life they have a really good life!
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !!
Post by: LeighK on March 16, 2009, 12:00:07 PM
Hiya Dawn,

I didn't expect a break dancing display :), I keep expecting to hear a voiceover by David Attenborough "And here we see felis catus in their normal habitat doing what cats do best" etc.

Cat watching is, however, good fun, real edge of the seat stuff, what exciting thing will they do next I wonder?, stretch out, yawn, curl up!, I live for these moments, what a sad 'ol git I've become  ;D

I'm not getting a fantastic frame rate which is not great for fast action but that's not really been a problem this morning, the most animated thing that Frankie done so far today is yawn  ;D


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 16, 2009, 13:19:48 PM
After getting off to a slow start the action is really hoting up now!!!  ;D


Thinjk I'll cancel my Sky subscription, this is better and cheaper :)


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: maryas on March 16, 2009, 13:39:30 PM
Now come on Leigh... I'm sure you can give them a bit of toilet privacy  :rofl: :rofl:

Looks like Alfie was washing Frankie, but then in one of the other shots it looks like he's running like hell to get off the bed after being smacked by him.   :rofl:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 16, 2009, 14:47:41 PM

Actually it went like this:

Frankie happily asleep on the bed as he had been all morning, Alfie jumps up and licks him as he knows that Frankie doesn't really like it and will jump down so as Alfie can have the spot that he wanted on the bed. Frankie, no stranger to creature comforts, jumps down and installs himself on the "other" really comfortable spot on the settee. I've added a new pic to the bottom right which shows them currently sharing the bed :) as they did all last night leaving me a narrow strip down the edge on which to sleep. This never happened in my old place as I think they associated the bed with Suzie bless her but, as the saying goes, "a new broom sweeps clean" and so "a new bed sleeps on very well" :).


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 11:22:45 AM
The boys are hard at work again today doing some serious synchronised sleeping :)



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Leanne on March 17, 2009, 11:23:47 AM
I am loving this thread  ;D
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 11:37:40 AM

it's fun watching them, yesterday I saw both of them wake up and prick up their ears and then settle back down, must have been a noise that woke them up.

So far today their activities have included, being not awake, in the land of nod, slumbering, snooozing, dozing, napping or to put it another way "sleeping"  ;D

You will however note that in the picture below Frankie has extended one of his front legs and Alfie has curled up into a ball :)

Exciting stuff huh?!


and then, much to my suprise, this passing Gazelle seems to have wandered into shot  ;D


Okay there wasn't really a gazelle just thought I'd spice up the action a bit :)


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Leanne on March 17, 2009, 13:08:28 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Leigh its brilliant, you're keeping me entertained on this dull day at work.

I'd love to set up a webcam but I think it would give me husband a heart attack watching the boys scratching the precious sofa  :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 13:22:11 PM

As you can see things have moved on at somewhat of a less than spectacular pace since my last posting  ;D. Alfie got up, had a few mouthfulls of food and has now settled down again on the bed :). As for scratching things well, now I've got my own place  anything they scratch is mine to scratch apart from the scratch pads which are obviously their's to scratch :)




Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Leanne on March 17, 2009, 14:34:50 PM
Hehe, Leigh you're now keeping our department entertained and my colleague thinks you have amazing cats, when I told her about your FIV article she said she wants to marry you (she too has an FIV cat)  ;)
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Dawn F on March 17, 2009, 14:36:36 PM
I hope you're blushing Mr Kemp!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 14:47:07 PM
 :rofl: :rofl:  Yes Dawn  :shy:  :-[

Well I wish that I had some exciting news to post such as the boys having done the washing up, made the bed, hoovered up and got dinner underway BUT.....


All that's happened is that Alfie has, somewhat un-obligingly, moved slightly out of shot and Frankie is still where I left him about 7 hours ago!! , they say never work with children and animals  ;D

PS. A female un-attached FIV cat "owner" do my eyes deceive me?!!!!  :naughty:  ;)  :Luv2:  ;D

Ahem!, where abouts exactly is that office of your's Leanne? :)

What a nice life they have, wake up and breakfast is served then go to sleep and wake up when dinner is served and then go back to sleep again for the night!!!, I could get used to that myself! :)

Someone at work said "is the camera broken as your black cat is exactly where he was this morning?". Frankie better not give me his "you wouldn't believe what a hard day we've had" look as I might just answer him "no I WOULDN'T believe it big fella"  :evillaugh:

Whoaaaaa STOP PRESS: You'll all be relieved to know that Alfie has moved back into shot! :)


Meanwhile the Living Room remains a cat-free zone :)




Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Leanne on March 17, 2009, 15:34:03 PM
Leigh we're in London and she too is blushing  ;)
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 15:44:00 PM
What a coincidence I could be in London in about 45 minutes  :evillaugh:


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Kay and Penny on March 17, 2009, 15:50:20 PM
I'm sure they're not doing nothing - I bet they're busy shedding hair on the duvet cover while sleeping - who said cats can't multi-task ;)
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 16:03:52 PM
Very true especially as Alfie is in full moulting mode :)


I'd better stop off on the way home and get a few dozen extra boxes of cat food in, I do wish they'd let me know when they're going to do this :)


I'm going to need a bigger litter tray!!



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: clarenmax on March 17, 2009, 16:17:14 PM
Woah, looks like they've defo invited the boys round  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 17, 2009, 16:22:02 PM
Yup hun, looks that way doesn't it?, I will get that extra food in on the way home or things might turn ugly and I might find myself as "today's special dish" :)

Actually they're a real laugh after they get a few drinks in them but I must remember not to let them get over excited and hug me if their team scores!!



Oh and just in case you were wondering what the boys are up to right now:


Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Topsy Turvey on March 17, 2009, 20:14:10 PM
He he he.  Great pics Leigh (except the toilet shot  :shy:)
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Leanne on March 18, 2009, 09:07:07 AM
Now i'd love to see the those big cats in my lounge  ;D
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: clarenmax on March 18, 2009, 09:12:45 AM
Hope the new flat didn't get too trashed last night with the boys round Leigh  :)  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 18, 2009, 09:49:51 AM

Good morning, the lounge is a mess, empty "tinnies" and cat biscuit "munchies" everywhere those cat's sure know how to party :) "Tone" the Tiger is a hoot after a few beers he knows some really cracking jokes, really got those cats rolling around on the floor :). Alfie has promised to clean up after them but I suppose it'll be me that does it this evening.

You'll all be interested to know that Alfie has started the day as he means to go on :)



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: LeighK on March 19, 2009, 12:45:37 PM

The boys are hard at it today, sleeping that is, once Alfie had shoved Frankie over a bit with his back legs to ensure an even cat distribution on the bed :)



Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: maryas on March 19, 2009, 13:06:50 PM
I think they need some catnip to give them some energy to perform for us all  :rofl: :Luv2:

Title: Re: Big Brother is Watching Mew !! (Little Cat Diaries)
Post by: Bazsmum on March 19, 2009, 13:33:59 PM
Super dooper strength!  :naughty: :rofl:

They are lovely though....love the move over nudge!  :Luv: :Luv: