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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: CURLYJEN on February 23, 2009, 20:34:19 PM

Title: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: CURLYJEN on February 23, 2009, 20:34:19 PM
I have an indoor only just over 1 year old neutered male cat who lives with his sister. Whilst she is very quiet he is extremely vocal he seems to know when my alarm is due to to go off in the morning an starts loudly meowing/calling at the bedroom door doesn't matter what day. This isn't because he is hungry as I can get up and feed him but it doesn't help. He has a clean litter tray everyday too. He doesn't just do this in the morning it can be anytime of day if im in the shower on the phone or just general things he is still very loud.

He is of a friendly nature loves a fuss and enjoys nothing more than sitting on laps in the evening.

Im trying to understand why he is so vocal but seemed to have tried everything possible, coming out and sitting with him, feeding him stoking him, letting him in the bedroom. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks  :P
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 23, 2009, 23:03:18 PM
Some cats are just like that  ;D

I wonder if there is any health reason for this though as he is so young and may be worth having a chat with your vets.
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Janeyk on February 24, 2009, 10:56:01 AM
I agree wth Gill if your vet says he is otherwise healthy then he may just be a gobby cat  :evillaugh: our first cat Penny was very vocal and the more I talked back the more vocal she was, we had little conversations - very cute  :Luv:
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Sonnie on February 24, 2009, 11:58:00 AM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 things come to mind!

My Felix is like this too, very vocal. Very loud and always chatting away, so maybe its just the way your lad is, he like a good natter!

second thing..... father in laws cat Archie kept doing this and eventually found that he had very bad teeth problems, after having infected ones removed he seems ok,  apart from now Archie doesnt know where to place his tongue and it keeps making an apprearence!
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: clarenmax on February 24, 2009, 12:00:37 PM
I can only agree with the other posts so far, if any health problems have been ruled out, he may just be a very vocal boy!

My boy Max is indoor only, and is an only cat.  He's always been very talkative, which at 5am can be 'interesting' shall we say  :evillaugh:  If you dare to close a door he will sit there shouting for it to be opened, that's just the way he is  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Sabrina (Auferstehen) on February 24, 2009, 12:42:58 PM
My burmese is a very talkative cat, and has gotten more so with the addition of Gizmo (who likes to sing).

If you sneeze in my house Lirael will say bless you in cat, or maybe it's shut up ;)

Sometimes they're just vocal, or they want something.
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Rossatron on February 24, 2009, 20:50:19 PM
does anyone have any ideas how we can keep him quiet?? should we just let him in the bedroom...or ignore him and hope he gets the message?
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: blackcat on February 24, 2009, 20:53:51 PM
I'd be inclined to ignore him. Ignoring unwanted behaviour and rewarding wanted behaviour is the best training method with any animal - two or four-legged. And contrary to popular opinion, cats can be trained and they can also train you. At the moment your boy is training you.
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Rossatron on February 24, 2009, 20:59:22 PM
I'd be inclined to ignore him. Ignoring unwanted behaviour and rewarding wanted behaviour is the best training method with any animal - two or four-legged. And contrary to popular opinion, cats can be trained and they can also train you. At the moment your boy is training you.

thanks, how do we reward quietness? him being vocal isnt a problem the majority of the time, its only really weekends that it bothers us but some days it starts earlier than others (like 5am) i seem to sleep through it but my girlfriend wakes me up to tell me :(
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: blackcat on February 24, 2009, 21:02:28 PM
You could get an automatic food release system for the kitchen. But the principle was what I was discussing. Ignoring the bad behaviour - not leaping up to let him in the bedroom, give him fusses etc. If, having been given an undisturbed lie-in, when you get up make a fuss and give him a treat. Otherwise ignore him till you are ready to get up. And tell your GF to get a grip ... lol
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Stuart on February 24, 2009, 21:09:07 PM
I'd try letting him in the bedroom, then ignore him and go back to bed, he may get the message and go to sleep too
other than that, he maybe just wants to make sure his slaves arent being lazy
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Sonnie on February 25, 2009, 06:51:13 AM
If your not that keen on allowing cats in the bed room, try this!!:
Put an item of your clothing on the floor outside the bedroom, something that has your or your girlfriends small on it.  I have to do this for Co-co sometimes as he wont settle at night, and decides to claw the bedroom door.  Usually its my dressing gown, a jumper i had on that day or even the towel i used that night after a shower!!!  Litterally anything!!!!! 
If he still persists in nattering away, ignore him.  If he needs you he has the comfort of something that smells like you, by the time he has finished padding your jumper, he will prop be to tired and sleepy!  (or so we hope!!!)

I hope that helps  :shy:
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Janeyk on February 25, 2009, 09:59:51 AM
My burmese is a very talkative cat, and has gotten more so with the addition of Gizmo (who likes to sing).

If you sneeze in my house Lirael will say bless you in cat, or maybe it's shut up ;)

Sometimes they're just vocal, or they want something.

 :evillaugh:  very cute, our Penny had different sound for different things if I said He-llo to Penny she always said back ah-ow you would have sworn she was trying to say hello back, then she made a different sound for biscuits  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Rossatron on February 25, 2009, 23:32:09 PM
thanks everyone,

its not so much that we dont want them in the bedroom but the wont sit still, they climb up on the wardrobe, jump on and off the tv (which knocks it on the bed) bring me toys when they want to play fetch...all kinds of stuff, maybe if we clear some stuff away that's breakable and try letting them in???

i'll let you know how we get on
Title: Re: Overly vocal Serrengetti male
Post by: Angiew on February 26, 2009, 18:50:13 PM
thanks everyone,

its not so much that we dont want them in the bedroom but the wont sit still, they climb up on the wardrobe, jump on and off the tv (which knocks it on the bed) bring me toys when they want to play fetch...all kinds of stuff, maybe if we clear some stuff away that's breakable and try letting them in???

i'll let you know how we get on

 :Luv2: isn't that whats having a cat is all about?