Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 13:26:52 PM

Title: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 13:26:52 PM
He only went for new bloods last week when the vet said there was a slight improvement with readings (CRF)-  but over the last few days, he is eating less & less. He is asking me for food but when I give him something, he sniffs & walks off. I am trying not to go overboard as Lynn sid too many choices overwhelm them. I tried about 6 different foods yesterday but the only thing he ate with gusto was the cod from my fish & chips (or should I say "my batter & chips"). I tried Whiskas senior in gravy, Whiskas senior in Jelly, Felix senior in Jelly this morning but he won't touch them. I also cooked him a salmon steak but he just isn't interested. I have some chicken thawing that I will roast tonight  but after that, I don't know what to do. I noticed his stomach is gurgling quite a bit this morning. He is asleep now but purrs if I snuggle him. 
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on February 26, 2007, 13:33:08 PM
MArk, I think you might be giving him too much variety in such a short space of time, and not giving him chance to decide if he really is hungry. You might want to also discuss it with your vets in case of excess tummy acid, or something else, as he has the blood test results.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: CurlyCatz on February 26, 2007, 13:35:12 PM
may be just an "off" couple of days mark and totally coincidental to the crf (pleased that the readings were lower )
I'd give him a day or so and if you feel something is defo not right take him back to the vets, perhaps he's just picked up a wee bug or something but if he wants to eat white fish etc then i'd just let him for a couple of days.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: ccmacey on February 26, 2007, 13:37:03 PM
Was a bit confused there seeing Cody's pic under a different name, youve changed your name, lol
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: CurlyCatz on February 26, 2007, 13:38:00 PM
same name cc, just knocked the st24 bit LOL
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 13:57:20 PM
Couldn't you bear the idea of changing the 24 to 30?  :evillaugh:

Thanks Lynn, I will give him another day and see how it goes - His tummy is making the sounds ours make when we are hungry. Maybe the chicken cooking will perk him up but will have to wait & see
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: CurlyCatz on February 26, 2007, 14:04:45 PM
the gurgling could also be coz he's got abit of a tummy bug or something..ie maybe he's going to have the squits LOL

ps...the st24 was after the model of car i had ...it was hubby who first registered that name online for me and it kinda stuck..abit stupid now i dont drive that car LOL. -- trust you to bring up the dirty number LOL
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 26, 2007, 16:05:21 PM
Mark , have you tried raising Claptons dishes, cos that sometimes helps thenm to be more comforatble eating.

How long do you leave the food down? If it is just for a short time try leaving it out all the time for him to graze when he wants.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 16:28:57 PM
I realised that the chicken wasn't going to defrost in time so went to the co-op to get some more. I stir-fried it in a tin bit of olive oil but he wasn't too interested. I sat on the stairs and hand fed him a few bits. He is roaming the house now so he must be feeling a bit better. I hope I can  get him to eat enough to take his pill tonight. He has never been a grazer at the best of times. He will eat it freshly opened or not at all All I can do is keep an eye. I have stopped giving him any processed meat - I was giving him a small amount of ham or turkey to get him to take his tablet but I noticed the other day that they all have added phosphates so it's home-cooked from now.

Thanks Gill, I forgot the raised bowl trick
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Millys Mum on February 26, 2007, 16:32:17 PM
Pilchards in tomato sauce, smell bad and may work?   :sick:
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 17:18:28 PM
The only thing I'm a bit worried about is his stomach is gurgling and the tomatoes might be a bit acidic for him?

PS - he ate a bit of chicken  ;D
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: CurlyCatz on February 26, 2007, 18:24:01 PM
i have fed tins of fish in tom sauce to many a very ill, anorexic cat and cant recall it ever being too acidic or making them worse etc (to my knowledge anyway) its a good fall back on thing to have in the cupboard for faddy cats who are abit off colour.

if he ate a wee bit of chicken i'd leave it at that tonight. (cept for what ever you put his tabs in)
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 19:07:05 PM
He just ate the salmon and went back to sleep  ;D
I just need to find something to put his pill in - out of coley as I put a full pack (one taken out) in the cupboard instead of the freezer on Saturday  :see: so had to bin it all!
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 26, 2007, 20:51:04 PM
I pleased I not only one with probs  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on February 26, 2007, 21:14:31 PM
Fingers crossed he is just having an off day and it is nothing more than that.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2007, 21:19:18 PM
He had the pill with some nasty turkey roll after turning his nose up at the fresh chicken I paid £2.50 for and cooked for him  >:(
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on February 27, 2007, 10:23:20 AM
How's the little lad today?  Is he eating better?
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Rosella moggy on February 27, 2007, 10:35:06 AM
Mark. Didn't Clapton have some probs with his teeth a while back. Any chance it could be an unrelated mouth prob if he looks interested in food but not eating. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 27, 2007, 10:51:27 AM
I wondered that but he was checked last week and he doesn't wince & yelp any more eating. He had a meal last night but wasn't interested this morning. The stomach gurgling has stopped so I will keep an eye. His bodyweight is stable so I will just have to tempt him with treats. I will try sardines today.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on February 27, 2007, 21:25:31 PM
How's Cllapton doing, Mark?
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 27, 2007, 21:55:44 PM
Well he was picky today but I went to Tescos tonight. I got some Sheba for Willow as it's her favourite but I gave the Lamb terrine to Clapton as he likes it - I know it's a nono but once in a while won't hurt. - he WOLFED it down and has been bugging me for more. At least I learned that although he is ill, He is playing me  :tired:

I bought sardines but wil save them for an emergency.
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on February 27, 2007, 22:02:59 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: me thinks he has you wrapped well and truly round his paw .... cunning little  :censored: Got love em!
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 27, 2007, 22:57:46 PM
He must know when I'm laden with Tesco bags, there are treats in store.

He was croaking at me from the arm of the sofa (he can't meiow properly) and I went upstairs closely followed. I gave him a pouch of hi-life chicken & liver. The tail twitched and he stalked off - I pretended I opened it for willow and she loved it. I then opened another favourite of clapton's - tesco turkey & goose foil tray (20p!) and again, he wolfed it - I paid £2.99 for 8 hi-life and he went for the cheap old tesco stuff  :tired:

And what did I have? - a £1.20 tesco own brand 4 cheese pizza with beans on. Their food really does cost more than mine  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 27, 2007, 23:44:05 PM
Yes that was same with kocka lol.

I used to look in the stuff at the till and think thats kockas, and that and thatt..........wheres something for me. I used to be buying large quanties of what she would eat plus other things to try just in case and the checkout lady used to say .......how many cats have you got. They didnt  believe me when I said one!
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on February 28, 2007, 07:57:25 AM
Am glad it seems like he is just playing you to get different food!!
Title: Re: Clapton off food again
Post by: Mark on February 28, 2007, 10:01:49 AM
The Applaws samples arrived today and he had a nibble of thechicken one - he's not impressed  :tired: