Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 02:33:08 AM

Title: Next Doors Kitten missing :Update: Found
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 02:33:08 AM
My next door neighbours have a sweet boy around Indys age, ginger and white with a huge poofy tail, the son of their other tom and some random village queen (Smudge has many offspring around here :( )

He went missing yesterday, that's the first time he hasn't been home for tea, the neighbours asked me to check our garage, see if he was with Mabel as she has been teaching him to hunt. No luck and they have roamed the village rattling treats and calling him with no sign.

The problems we are facing are:

1) He is an un-neutered 11 month tom... very likely he has gone in search of a girlfriend
2) Two streets over is where a gang hangs out and they like shooting/burning/beating/drowning/torturing animals
3) Four streets in a different direction there is the A18 and a very busy road it is too
4) The River Trent and various canals border 2 sides of the village, both rife with birds and he is an enthusiastic but clumsy hunter
5) Half a mile past the A18 there is the M18 and M180 motorway junction, in the middle of fields
6) People who happily pick up any pretty cat to take home for themselves
7) People taking cats to bait fighting dogs (thankfully pretty rare)

Those are the main risks (and the reason my boys are indoors) And my neighbours are frantic... they asked me how I stopped Mabel roaming... my answer was the fact she is neutered and has been abused in the past... neutering discourages roaming and her prior abuse seems to have left her happy to stay where she knows she is safe.

Very tearful Bev (Mrs Neighbour) has announced as soon as they find him they will neuter and chip him (he loses collars) and tomorrow are ringing vets, CP etc

Home Vibes for this lil boy please and I hope he gets home safe and sound
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: bunglycat on February 16, 2009, 03:06:37 AM
Poor boy -sending him come home safely vibes and hope he turns up safe and sound.
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: nessa (A C S ) on February 16, 2009, 03:30:30 AM
Sending vibes that this cat turns up safe and sound
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Sonnie on February 16, 2009, 05:19:28 AM
I have eveything crossed that this little one returns home soon, safe and sound
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Janeyk on February 16, 2009, 13:37:57 PM
blimey! I hope he is found and they manage to keep him indoors  :(
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: 2d on February 16, 2009, 14:03:06 PM
come home safe little one.
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 14:20:11 PM
he's still not home...

unwritten rule here is if your cat is gone for 3 days then you won't see them again  :'( though this has been disproven  in the past, not very often though
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Bonkers Mad!!! on February 16, 2009, 14:28:57 PM
unwritten rule here is if your cat is gone for 3 days then you won't see them again 

i tend to think like that too although my brain damaged Lupus was gone for 3 days and i did eventually find him.  i know some cats turn up after months but i think you kind of know if they're never coming back.

fingers crossed for this little one  :hug:
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Millys Mum on February 16, 2009, 19:06:35 PM
I hope hes home soon, are they taking their other tom in too?
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 19:25:55 PM
they have decided not to neuter their other tom, Smudge, as he is 14-15 years old now but he doesn't wander any more, he snoozes on the drive or tries to trick Mabel out of her heated bed

Bev was saying that they will neuter Cookie and keep him shut in for a week and see what happens

still no sign :(
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Millys Mum on February 16, 2009, 19:30:39 PM
He must still be sowing his seed if this kitten is his son? A good enough reason imo
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Wibblechick on February 16, 2009, 19:38:18 PM
Sending come home safe vibes ..... :)
Poor little cats - people can be so   :censored:stupid when it comes to neutering  >:(
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 19:39:25 PM
I told them that...but I also told them good idea to get t'other one done too

Mr thinks it is cruel and unnatural  :oh noo: :censored:
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Wibblechick on February 16, 2009, 19:44:09 PM

Mr thinks it is cruel and unnatural  :oh noo: :censored:

Good job he isnt a neighbour of mine or he might find out how cruel and unnatural I can be when people neglect their cats  :naughty:
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Millys Mum on February 16, 2009, 20:11:00 PM
Its cruel for endless kittens to be fathered when there are so many healthy thousands being put to sleep every week, why are people so pig ignorant, the kittens arent in their property so they think its someone elses problem  >:(
Atleast the youngster will be done if he returns home
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Sonnie on February 16, 2009, 20:13:46 PM
he's still not home...

unwritten rule here is if your cat is gone for 3 days then you won't see them again  :'( though this has been disproven  in the past, not very often though

I disagree, Felix was missing from xmas day to the third week in january. :briggin:
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 20:24:54 PM
it is more looking at the list of reasons cats go missing in our area...

two 10.... Yes... *10*... year old lads were recently arrested for pouring battery acid on a cat, then hitting it with a golf club and finally setting it on fire.

Sadly whoever called it in to the police (anonymously from phonebox) was too scared to witness it officially and the little  :censored: >:( :censored: got off. The police officers that responded were so upset that one of them threw up!

The chances of a cat surviving in our area when loose is only 27% getting to 2 years old  :( and according to our vets they rarely see a cat from our village past 8 years. Smudge next door is vary scared of people and has a bald patch where he was set on fire about 10 years ago, it is only the fact that he won't go near people that he is alive today (or at least in my opinion)

Another person further down the street has lost 9 cats in 2 years to this sort of thing and now won't have one
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: bunglycat on February 16, 2009, 20:46:16 PM
My god - wouldn''t i like to get my hands on those kids - i would beat the  :censored: :censored: :censored:t out of them then bury them alive !
Where do you live Indys Mamma ?- just so if i have to move at some point its nowhere near there!
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 16, 2009, 21:40:00 PM
a little village just off Scunthorpe... avoid 90% of the area like the plague
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: bunglycat on February 16, 2009, 22:02:10 PM
Wow, thats not a million miles from me - i am in Swinderby Lincolnshire.
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Indys Mamma on February 17, 2009, 14:09:35 PM
He's home!

 :thanks: for the home time vibes, he sauntered in at 10 last night looking very chuffed... also a minor bite or two

I hope *this* time they will actually get him snipped... I kinda doubt it though :(
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing :Update: Found
Post by: Topsy Turvey on February 17, 2009, 14:19:48 PM
Great news.  Hope they do get him "done".
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing :Update: Found
Post by: 2d on February 17, 2009, 14:41:05 PM
That's fantastic!

Also hope they get him done   >:(

The more I think about it, the more I think it should be compulsory if you're not a (proper) breeder.
Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing :Update: Found
Post by: Wibblechick on February 17, 2009, 16:01:28 PM
Yay!  The come-home kitty vibes worked  :wow:

Title: Re: Next Doors Kitten missing
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on February 17, 2009, 20:37:43 PM
He's home!

 :thanks: for the home time vibes, he sauntered in at 10 last night looking very chuffed... also a minor bite or two

I hope *this* time they will actually get him snipped... I kinda doubt it though :(

Phew thank goodness
Now let hope they get him neutered and chipped....and also lets hope those bites werent from another un-neutered tom who already has FIV !!