Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 00:03:25 AM

Title: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 00:03:25 AM
Even Alice went after her tonight and made that awful caterwauling noise at her. Kylie does it to Willow as well. None of the others do it to eachother. Even Clapton goes after Willow in the garden although she torments him in the house. I really think she gives out the wrong body language to other cats.

Anyway, I didn't expect to shout at Alice and call her a naughty girl  :shy:
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 05, 2009, 00:47:55 AM
poor willow
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Maddiesmum on February 05, 2009, 06:19:48 AM
Poor thing.  My Madison used to get this from Guinness and Dragan, they were vile to her.  They never let her pass either of them without giving her a slap and if she went behind a chair they would sit one at either side waiting.  She used to walk round the rooom near the walls.  I never knew why they were like this to her.  She did one time hit back at Guinness and had her trapped down the side of the wardrobe.  The only time they didn't mess with her was when they were eating cos Madison was a madam round her food.  I remember she once guarded the turkey in the oven at Christmas and even growled at me when I tried to move her to get it out.  It's rotten though when one gets picked on.  I suppose they are like us sometimes they just don't like someone. Bullies!  Have they always done it or is it recent?
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Janeyk on February 05, 2009, 09:45:47 AM
aww poor Willow  :( I wonder whether that is anything to do with why she tries to get your attention and wees?
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Liz on February 05, 2009, 12:00:57 PM
Mark sometimes they just don't like each other we have a couple of those - Floddy she is a grey lady and doesn't like anyone except Robin and she tolerates jazz the JRT and dear brady my cruelty rescue boy loves humans and hates other cats but he  keeps hiomself to himself he has beds noone else uses and sleeps on top of Sky's cage for courage

Strange as our other grey cats are fine and also we have one other white pawed tabby who is quite popular sometimes I thinks its like the human race we all can't love each other! :shocked:
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: maryas on February 05, 2009, 13:47:07 PM
But we all love her Mark  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 15:00:57 PM
Poor thing.  My Madison used to get this from Guinness and Dragan, they were vile to her.  They never let her pass either of them without giving her a slap and if she went behind a chair they would sit one at either side waiting.  She used to walk round the rooom near the walls.  I never knew why they were like this to her.  She did one time hit back at Guinness and had her trapped down the side of the wardrobe.  The only time they didn't mess with her was when they were eating cos Madison was a madam round her food.  I remember she once guarded the turkey in the oven at Christmas and even growled at me when I tried to move her to get it out.  It's rotten though when one gets picked on.  I suppose they are like us sometimes they just don't like someone. Bullies!  Have they always done it or is it recent?

It's always been the same. I think a lot of it is her body language and the noises she makes at them. Clapton is very good at "making friends" - he knows that it is polite for cats not to make eye contact etc. Alice chased him a few times at the beginning but last night they were both on the floor a few feet apart.
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 15:01:23 PM
aww poor Willow  :( I wonder whether that is anything to do with why she tries to get your attention and wees?

Who knows  :shify:
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: clarenmax on February 05, 2009, 16:54:46 PM
Can't add anything constructive I'm afraid Mark  :hug:

Maybe she doesn't give quite the same vibes as the others, a bit shy, but also demanding of your attention?
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 19:51:48 PM
I am convinced she is a bit brain damaged but OH hates me saying it. Dennis got her when she was one. I have mentioned this before but there was a sign on her cage at the rescue in Paris saying she had a bad attitude problem and definitely not suitable for families with kids. He took her as he thought nobody else would.
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on February 05, 2009, 20:06:19 PM
My Macey has the same problem, I even thought she was a little brain damaged too  :-[

She is very demanding of human attention, and does not like any of the others near her at all. A fight will break out if they go near her and she always goes to far, even when the other one is playing. She can only really tolerate Ollie out of the 4 and sometimes not even him!

I dont know whats "wrong" with her?!
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Kirst on February 05, 2009, 20:14:51 PM
Poor little Willow! :(

Least her Daddies love her. :Luv2:
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Mark on February 05, 2009, 20:16:14 PM

Least her Daddies love her. :Luv2:

Sometimes  :shify:
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on February 05, 2009, 20:17:37 PM
Poor Willow ... I'm sure the others are just jealous of her which is why they are mean to her  ;)
Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: maryas on February 05, 2009, 21:03:35 PM
Mark when my Smudge was alive he would never let another cat near the door - he would give them a right smack in the face with his paw.  BUT look at these pics.  He adored Thomas, the cat up the road and even let him in the house as you can see.  Sadly Thomas died about 6 years ago. So I don't have either of them now. 

As Bonnie doesn't go out I'm not sure what she would be like but I have seen her give  a little growl when my neighbour's cat jumps on my wiondow sill.

Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Roz on February 05, 2009, 22:37:55 PM
Hi Mark,

Jet, one of my little guys who will be very familiar to a lot of the old members on this site, was hugely unpopular with almost all of my cats for several years, especially Crystal.  I don't know whether it was because he was pure black but most of them hated him on the spot.  He was running about looking for company when he fetched up at our house almost eight years ago now...and of course I took him in (he was about 7 months old then and had been tossed out onto the streets after his 'owners' had split up).  Crystal was the first cat to 'clock' him and it was daggers drawn from that moment on.  I actually think that this contributed to him developing FLUTD so badly when he was just four and necessitated the sex change op that he had to have eventually.  Although I hate to admit it I do believe that Jet too has a personality defect or suffered some brain damage before coming to us because he definitely has behavioural problems.  For this reason I have never countenanced rehoming him for his own good....otherwise I would have done (very reluctantly).

The good news is that when Thomas (very small brown spotted British Shorthair) arrived, again unexpectedly, he became the object of hate BUT Thomas is a little git and is more than equal to standing up to all the girls.  In fact, he will sit at the top of the stairs and bat them all as they try to pass him :naughty: So Jet is now left alone, has never had another bout of cystitis or crystals and is altogether very contented.

I think it's just cats being cats.  Their very wickedness is what makes them so fascinating and enchanting.  Remember Vanity Fair.  Becky Sharpe was so much more attractive than the simpering, endlessly sweet natured Amelia !

Best wishes and a special cuddle for poor Willow

Title: Re: Why do cats hate Willow?
Post by: Maddiesmum on February 06, 2009, 07:30:38 AM
It's funny isn't it?  Charlie is bonkers about Nigel's cat Korky but hates the sight of my next door neighbour's cat Sophie.  Doesn't mind her other cat Max too much, just Sophie