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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: fuzziesdad on February 21, 2007, 14:31:46 PM

Title: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: fuzziesdad on February 21, 2007, 14:31:46 PM

a good fried of mine has sent me an info sheet on this and the link above says exactly the same.
not going to comment yet as have not read all the info but well worth a thread.
discuss !
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on February 21, 2007, 14:48:39 PM
I wouldn't feed my cats a non meat based diet, and especially not one containing a lot of soy.
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: fuzziesdad on February 21, 2007, 14:56:56 PM
being veggie we eat a lot of soya and quorn and lets say we do out bit making the hole in the ozone layer somewhat larger :rofl:
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Mark on February 21, 2007, 15:46:51 PM
Each to their own but haven't these silly tree huggers heard that cats are OBLIGATE carnivores  :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy:
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: JackSpratt on February 21, 2007, 15:53:33 PM
I agree with Mark. Every piece of literature I've read about cats stipulates they are OBLIGATE carnivores. (ie: there are no vegetarian or vegan options that will give them what they need from food!)

Although, I feel there's nothing wrong with hugging a few trees from time to time. ;D
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Mark on February 21, 2007, 17:38:03 PM
I'm sorry but if they feel that strongly about it they should get a dog  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Kelly on February 21, 2007, 18:04:10 PM
Ahhh - I'm not falling into this trap again!!! I got hounded down last time when I suggested I'd sent off for a vegan sample of cat food - my lot love their meat and thats all I'll say! :P
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 21, 2007, 18:07:56 PM
Cats need meat, not artificial substitutes. OK cat food in tins not wonderfful  maybe but a vegan cat.......no way!!!!!!!!!!

Agree with Mark they should get a dog and stop trying to make money from this!
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: fuzziesdad on February 21, 2007, 19:50:28 PM
or one of these they eat veggies lots of veggies.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: fuzziesdad on February 21, 2007, 19:56:56 PM
seriously though these people are serious they want cats to live their lives and I think when the new law comes in they might be in trouble as one of the tenets of the law states that animals should be able to display normal behavior and eating veggies for a cat is not normal mind you neither is being neutered so quite how they are going to get round that one only THEY will know.
the mind boggles lots of kittens with VEGAN parents sounds like nutters paradise. :rofl: 
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on February 21, 2007, 20:04:29 PM
My only comment on this is even though Foxy loves her vegatables ... she likes carrots, goes comletely screwy over mushrooms, like peas, and adores bean sprouts and both Foxy and Zephyr adore cantalope melon I can't imagine either of them would be very impressed by a meat free diet ... it's not natural and I have my doubts about whether it's healthy.
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Millys Mum on February 21, 2007, 20:11:19 PM
I dont agree with veganising a carnivore but when you look at a complete biscuit like Go Cat, its 4% meat waste and the rest is grain & is fortified with vitamins/taurine. Its not far from being a vege/vegan food itself!
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on February 21, 2007, 20:14:07 PM
Lexy turns her nose up at anything not meat or fish.

Growing up one of our cats loved carrots. And tea biscuits!  But a non-meat diet?  Poor things.
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: chimpzoo on February 21, 2007, 20:17:50 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of happy vegan cats out there (which is the important thing) but why get a carnivore pet if you want to force your ideals onto it? it's a bit strange. I think they should get a koala instead. I'd love to meet one of these vegan cats and slip it a prawn while to owner isn't looking  :sneaky:
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Mark on February 21, 2007, 20:20:08 PM
I dont agree with veganising a carnivore but when you look at a complete biscuit like Go Cat, its 4% meat waste and the rest is grain & is fortified with vitamins/taurine. Its not far from being a vege/vegan food itself!

Mine turn their nose up at rubbish like that as well  :evillaugh:

It has it's place but I wouldn't give it to mine. Iknow I said this before but when I got Kylie from North London CP, the woman gave me a small box and said please don't feed this to your cat, we only use it as we get it free but wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Liza on February 22, 2007, 12:35:41 PM
Completely agree that Cats should eat meat...........but why does whiska's do some of their catfood with peas, carrots etc in.  My last furbaby wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.  You could almost here him say "I'm a cat, I don't do veg"  :rofl:
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: DaveD on February 22, 2007, 14:14:01 PM
This bit from that link: "Meat suitable for human consumption may still be unfit to eat." makes absolutely no sense. If it's suitable then it's fit. In this context they mean the same thing.
Advertising using pseudo-science is dishonest. (http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Angry/Mad.gif)
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on February 22, 2007, 15:12:05 PM
The thing is that they're vegans, so consider meat unsuitable for humans for a whole variety of reasons (and I'll admit that factory farmed meat is pretty yukky in many ways) and are then extending those reasons to include cats.  That's logical to a certain extent but while humans can manage without meat, cats can't imo (they may survive on a non meat diet but I don't accept that they are as healthy) so that option isn't available to cat owners.   I did read some of that link and it mentioned something about a cat's natural diet not including chickens, cows etc so we shouldn't be feeding them.  Fair enough - give me some tinned mouse then!  I also think they are, like PETA, not keen on the whole idea of keeping pets. 

Not vegan bashing - I used to be one - but as has been said, cats are obligate carnivores and they need meat not vegetables.  I don't think it's right to try and make a cat a vegan.
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: fuzziesdad on February 22, 2007, 16:06:29 PM
I suppose the idea of keeping pets is a bit like not going to zoo's but cats were domesticated for a reason to keep down the mice and rats in cereal silo's in Egypt,so even though they were domesticated they were useful as well and the Egyptians treated cats like gods (hmmmmmm don't we all)even mummified them.
I do believe in allowing cats to act naturally (but have sometimes allowed one that had been stray and over 5 years to become an indoor cat,for which I might say they were eternally grateful)and sometimes acting naturally they will eat veggies,the odd bit in pouch food or straight out of the garden but its not natural for them to do this give a cat a plate of rough old meat or a plate of beautifully cooked veg I know which I would put my money on :rofl:.
We have to much of people trying to change other peoples/animals diets they fed cows to cows and look where that got us BSE and CJD some of the original dry food for cats I am sure has bought about kidney problems and maybe even diabetes but thankfully that has been corrected,I also think that if manufacturers thought there was a profit in veggie or vegan cat food they would have it in TESCO's maybe thats to come but not in this decade.
You can only give your cats the best balanced diet you can and unless you know all of the kittens history you are taking pot luck and if you take a cat that is already set in its ways it already has baggage and there is not a thing you can do to change that other than to love the cat and adapt to its needs......................................
all because we love them. :Flowers: 
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Gillian Harvey on February 23, 2007, 12:42:20 PM
What gets me, is this is a vet endorsing these vege cat foods (also co-developer of the food!) and he is saying that the essential ingredients that cats need, such as Vit A, Taurine and Arachidonic acid are added to the food and are all from NON-animal sources - but here is a quote from the Pro-Vet site: 'Vitamin A is only present in food of animal origin' !

As far as I am aware arachidonic acid can only come from animal sources too. The major source of taurine is animal, and the only other non-animal source is one particular algae - think its a blue algae - delicious!

Fair enough - give me some tinned mouse then! 

Susanne - Yes, why don't cat food manufacturers make mouse cat food?!!! 

Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on February 23, 2007, 13:34:27 PM
Fair enough - give me some tinned mouse then! 

Susanne - Yes, why don't cat food manufacturers make mouse cat food?!!! 

I'm sure it would fly off the shelves!
Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: swampmaxmum on February 23, 2007, 13:49:11 PM
I read somewhere that in the wild, one cat would eat 10 mice per day. When Swampy was very ill, I sang (poor Swampy) to him when he ate 'that's 5 mice today etc' to try to get him up to 10 = 1 can of meat-based food.  Maybe we should call Hills and ask when their next m/d (mouse diet) is being released?  :P
Sorry, cats are carnivores.  Dogs don't have to be; apparently they can live on a balanced, non meat diet although I've never known any vegan dogs!

Title: Re: VEGAN CATS........................oh dear!
Post by: gia on February 23, 2007, 13:57:10 PM
It's a really interesting link and I am glad I have read it.

I am a veggie myself for moral reasons.

Who am I to insist that my cats don't eat meat. We are supposed to be the superior race, so we can make decisions like whether to eat meat or not. Cats are natural carnivores and I wooldn't dream of interfering with that.

My job as a cat owner is to feed them they best food I can. But the meat issue, I believe, is predestined by nature and their instincts.
