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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: swampmaxmum on December 16, 2008, 16:35:03 PM

Title: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 16, 2008, 16:35:03 PM
there are lots of stress related probs on this site, so thought I'd post this which I've just seen while ordering more Zylkene for Swampy  - it helps him. From my time in France, I know the vets there favour anti stress products (normally herbal or like this one, a supplement made in France). It seems that the clinical trials were positive too. HTH others.

Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Leanne on December 17, 2008, 09:32:10 AM
Thanks for this Swampmaxmum.

I too can vouch for Zylkene, we were involved in trialling it when it first came to the UK, our case studies are now used to encourage vets to use it in similar cases to Jess's.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 17, 2008, 09:46:14 AM
that's interesting, that you took part in a trial. Did you come across any side effects, say if the dose is upped a bit?

Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Leanne on December 17, 2008, 13:13:34 PM
We saw no side effects at all with it. But we never increased the dose, Jess has only ever had 75mg a day.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 17, 2008, 15:32:17 PM
I've tried an extra 1/2 at night a couple of times, on the vet's ok. It seemed to be ok. I'm not sure if the dose is inflexible as it's not a drug but a supplement (?). There are no negative reports are there, just positive and some people who say it didn't work, not that it caused problems. Works a lot better than valerian and skullcap with Swampy anyhow.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Millys Mum on December 17, 2008, 17:47:47 PM
I didnt find it much good tbh
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 17, 2008, 19:44:37 PM
It did seem to help Charlie at first but doesn't seem to anymore.  However my vet says they have had good results with some cats and Jess seems to have done really well on it.  I suppose it is like everything else, worth a try but each cat is different :)
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: madkittyrescue on December 19, 2008, 17:44:19 PM
I've just recently seen this advertised in our vets practice too... and a few people I know who have used it have found it to be helpful.

Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 20, 2008, 11:54:28 AM
Clapton has started overgrooming again. I am going to try this before taking him to the vet again. Previously, the vet said there is nothing that can be done other than to try to keep him calm. He seems more stressed lately so could be that. A vet trip upsets him even more (he hides for days) so will only do it as a last resort.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 20, 2008, 14:08:48 PM
It's certainly worth a try Mark and let us know if it does any good
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 20, 2008, 17:10:37 PM
It's definitely worth a try and I hope it works. If you need it before Xmas and none of them will post it to you by then even if you ring up to order on monday, pm me and I can send you 10 as I have enough until after new year. There are a couple of sellers who do the 10 capsule packs (otherwise it's 100 and £24 is the cheapest). I got one for £2-something.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Millys Mum on December 20, 2008, 19:27:17 PM
They can also overgroom areas if they have pain there eg arthritis
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 20, 2008, 22:24:21 PM
It's definitely worth a try and I hope it works. If you need it before Xmas and none of them will post it to you by then even if you ring up to order on monday, pm me and I can send you 10 as I have enough until after new year. There are a couple of sellers who do the 10 capsule packs (otherwise it's 100 and £24 is the cheapest). I got one for £2-something.

Thanks. I meant to order it today but was out. I will order it tomorrow. I know you have enough to deal with right now but if it is easy to post, I would be grateful. I will order 100 and replace them when they arrive which I think will be a while as I placed an order with VetUK ion Wednesday and haven't had a despatch email yet.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 20, 2008, 22:45:34 PM
No probs, just pm me your postal address - the foil of 10 is small so I'll just pop it into a 1st class envelope and hope it reaches you asap.  I ordered food from Vet Uk and it took a day longer and that was the beginning of the week.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 20, 2008, 23:51:02 PM
Thanks Kate - PM sent  :)
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 21, 2008, 07:30:38 AM
Mark and Kate I have a box of them so if it will leave Kate short and stuff I am happy to let you h ave some Mark which you can replace when you receive yours.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 21, 2008, 08:31:16 AM

I think Kate has enough. I will order mine today so I would expect them to be here by new year. Is VetUK the cheapest?
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 21, 2008, 09:44:45 AM
I think Vet Uk are the cheapest but to be honest I didn't really search.  My vet charges three times the amount Vet UK do.  Glad you got some sorted.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 21, 2008, 14:34:32 PM

I think Kate has enough. I will order mine today so I would expect them to be here by new year. Is VetUK the cheapest?

Last time I ordered, Vets Drug Direct were a few £s cheaper with £1.60 p&p instead of £3.95 if that's all you're ordering. Google it though, as it's a new product and there's quite a bit of competitive pricing on it.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 22, 2008, 15:21:15 PM
I sent them today - I couldn't face the queue at the PO so put a 2nd as well as a 1st class stamp on the envelope in case the PO thinks it's fatter than 5cms (don't think so). Hope they do deliver tomorrow and that it helps Clapton. It worked almost straight away with Swampy.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 22, 2008, 19:23:38 PM
Thanks Kate - je's even nervier today. I went up to see him and he cowered on the bed. I put my hand out to stroke him and he flew under the bed. He is calmer now but I'm worried. :(
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 22, 2008, 19:29:03 PM
That doesn't sound good at all, I'm so sorry. I hope they'll be strong enough. What does he weigh? You could try 1 1/2 caps if he's anywhere near 5kgs - if he'll eat all of that up in his food (quite a lot in a single capsule: I do in the food and gelcap). I wonder if his tum's sore - have you tried the famous Pepcid (or similar) as Swampy was so nervy and hunched from a sore tum.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 22, 2008, 20:12:07 PM
Do you know what is stressing him Mark?  Can I ask is his fur ripping too? 
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 22, 2008, 20:54:01 PM
He isn't fur ripping, just over grooming. He used to do it really badly abou 5 years ago but calmed down. Willow stresses him out. He only came down for breakfast at midday and she chased him and attacked his tail. As much as I love her, she is the main cause of unrest in the house.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 22, 2008, 20:55:37 PM
have you tried the famous Pepcid (or similar) as Swampy was so nervy and hunched from a sore tum.

He doesn't have stomach issues and wolfs his food down. He will eat 1 1/2 pouches at one sitting.  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 22, 2008, 22:25:11 PM
LOL sorry I meant rippling not ripping.  Poor thing
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 22, 2008, 22:33:11 PM
His fur doesn't seem to be rippling. I will give him a week on Zylkene and decide whether to take him to the vet. Even though the vet came to us last week, it still upset him. She told him off for hiding behind the sofa and said she had oher visits to do. I am going to tell them I don't want her near my vats again. She is new and a bit too heavy-handed for my liking.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 22, 2008, 23:08:49 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what does rippling fur indicate? Swampy's has been a bit rippled for ages now. It may sound a bit odd, but when we were in France, Swampy had a nasty overgrooming problem (he was soaking wet, dehydrated and bald in places on his legs, from constant licking and pulling of his fur) after he had his lump removed. The vet there diagnosed a stress related disorder, put him on a short(ish) course of steroids and a calming agent and it worked.

If stress is the problem, no way do you need a vet who doesn't understand that and who rushes the home visit. Hope you can find someone else.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 23, 2008, 06:52:08 AM
I didn't mean separated fur Kate I just meant does it ripple especially when Mark strokes Clapton.  Can mean hyperesthesia but probably isn't
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 23, 2008, 10:12:20 AM
I just read up on that one, new to me! It must be very hard in  many cases to distinguish it from generalised anxiety or neuro problems. I suppose the treatment's the same. All I know is low dose steroids worked v well on nervous  OCD (short term).
How is Clapton today? Hope the postman brings his pills, if not today, then tomorrow. Does he like catnip? that also calms.

Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 23, 2008, 10:16:52 AM
No pills in the post today. I am expecting some new catnip cushions as well. I ordered from VetUK on the 18th and they only sent the order yesterday  >:(

Clapton has always been nervous but just sometimes worse than others. Apparently, when he was found as a stray, he was in a real state. We do everything to give him a calm environment but it isn't always enough. Although he can be with us whenever he wants to, he has his own bedroom now and he prefers to spend most of his time there  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 23, 2008, 13:30:35 PM
I am convinced Charlie has hyperesthesia.  Vet mentioned it once but then doesn't seem to take it any further.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 23, 2008, 14:11:31 PM
is there treatment for it? I'm so sorry, no wonder Zylkene wasn't strong enough. It just takes the edge off I think.

Mark, thanks to you I have just ordered some catnip cushions as well. I didn't know they existed!  I can put them in their bed area. I got the 4 for £10 (don't tell OH) :-)
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 24, 2008, 09:20:58 AM
hope the post brought his Zylkene this am - if not, then  >:( to them as I put more than enough postage on it. Hope your catnip arrives too and that he has a calm Xmas x
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 24, 2008, 09:23:49 AM
Thanks Kate, they arrived in the post this morning. Now just waiting for him to come down for breakfast. He used to be by the bowl before I could get there at one time. Just recently, he is coming down later and later  :( - Do you sprinkle contents on the food?
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 24, 2008, 09:35:54 AM
you may be able to do that as you say that he eats quite a bit. I put some in the food and mix it well in and add a teaspoon of water (to k/d, them mix again) but the rest I put in a gelcap and he gets it with his fortekor. I have to hand hold his meal plates now, which may be a thought (warning: they get to like meals served in bed quite easily!) if he's nervy and won't come down. Sounds like he doesn't want to leave his safety zone.
I'm pleased it came though and I really hope it works for him, even if just takes the edge off his nerves a bit x  :hug:
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 24, 2008, 09:45:36 AM
Part of it is I don'r think he appreciates our brat Willow attacking his tail when he is eating. He isn't scared of her, just iritated but he doesn't seem to have the patience when he is under the weather.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 24, 2008, 10:53:11 AM
I sprinkle Charlie's in his food twice a day he doesn't care whether it's mixed in or not he eats in anyway.  Best of luck
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 24, 2008, 10:57:49 AM
He finally came down. I tried a tiny bit of Renazin and a Zylkene - one sniff and he ran back upstairs  :(

I think I need to take the Zylkenr myself!  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 24, 2008, 12:40:45 PM
time for the gelcap methinks. Yes, I've been eyeing them too - wash them down with a glass of red should do the trick.  Hope he is calmer later and eats it all up x
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 24, 2008, 21:00:37 PM
He didn't eat it all. He did eat a bit more this afternoon. I am learning to deal with it as he can be like this and then just bounce back. If he doesn't improve, I will have to take him to the vet next week.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 26, 2008, 10:06:13 AM
Hope Clapton's calmer? Did he have a better Xmas day? Hope too that you've got some Zylkene down him and it's helping, even if a little bit.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 26, 2008, 10:06:55 AM
Ditto Mark x
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 26, 2008, 10:14:26 AM
Well I got to the bottom of part of it last night. He came down to the basement with us which he hasn't been doing for a while. I turned around and Alice was up on the sofa boxing him  >:( - I told her off and Clapton was cowering. He pushed his body right into my leg for comfort. I was stroking him when I saw ......a flea  :sick: - we haven't had them for 2 1/2 years and he rarely goes out so amazing that he could have got them. I strongholded him straight away and this morning he was sitting by the dish waiting for breakfast  :Luv2: - this explains the scabs as he is allergic to flea bites. I will treat the others and order some acclaim. Quite disappointed as the last time we had any was summer 2006. It must be the 2 cats that visit our garden. Anyway, I think he will be a bit calmer so I will give him a while for the scabs to heal and his appetite has improved before trying to get more meds in him. I don't deflea much in the winter but will have to rethink that one.
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 26, 2008, 10:23:42 AM
What a bully!!  Anyway glad you found the flea (well not glad if you know what I mean!!!)  Glad too that Clapton was sitting waiting for his food.  Did you manage to disguise some zylkene in it?
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Mark on December 26, 2008, 10:27:02 AM
I decided that I wouldn't push my luck. It looks like he will be feeling better in himself and so should be easier to medicate when his appetite is 100% - when he is feeling fragile, he is overcautious and sniffs before eating - when he is OK, he devours it!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Zylkene: anti stress supplement
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 26, 2008, 11:29:05 AM
LOl what a sweetheart