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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: nicchick on December 04, 2008, 13:17:13 PM

Title: chewing habit
Post by: nicchick on December 04, 2008, 13:17:13 PM
My kitten is now about 7.5 months old and is an absolute darling. She does however love to chew things - not wires thankfully, but she loves cardboard (she has already destroyed a number of book covers!) and thin plastic things usually. I thought maybe this was because she was little, but she hasnt stopped so I assume its something she enjoys doing.

I dont think its her getting bored (she is an indoor cat) because she does it when I am around, and she has her big step brother to play with (they get on great) so I think she just really enjoys chewing! She is such a little piggy and tries to eat everything, so it may be linked to that?

Any ideas what things I could healthily introduce her to, to direct her chewing? A friend suggested raw hide like dogs get? I wasnt sure if it would be okay so thought I would ask here first. Im worried she will chew something that will make her really ill  :scared:

I tried a small animal kong (suitable for gerbils/hamsters) but she wasnt interested. She does have quite a small mouth so nothing too big!

Ideas please!

ta, nic X
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: clarenmax on December 04, 2008, 13:20:38 PM
If you find out how to stop chewing, then please tell Max  :evillaugh:

He's a monster as well, chews the edges of boxes, book covers, you name it.  Nothing medically wrong with him, think he just enjoys it and almost certainly does it for attention sometimes too  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: Millys Mum on December 04, 2008, 19:29:20 PM
Try her on some raw chunks of meat and then get her onto raw chicken wings, avoid rawhide it would probably upset her tummy  :sick:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: Mark on December 04, 2008, 20:50:25 PM
I still have a record from the 80's that I have kept because of teeth marks from my mum's cat, ^Sukie^  :Luv2:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on December 04, 2008, 21:43:59 PM
My 9 month old is a big chewer as well but luckily he'll quite happily chew on his kong and his beloved orka stick and now leaves my stuff alone, yay! Petstages do chew toys specifically for cats (so will be ok size wise for your little girl) that will definately be worth a look, you should be able to find them in Pets at Home or an independent pet shop and if not you'll def be able to get them online. A kitty kong might be worth a look as well for her just keep an eye as she grows up that she can't fit the whole thing in her mouth.
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: nicchick on December 08, 2008, 14:09:46 PM
Well, I bought a kitty chew ring from petstages a coupld of days ago and as soon as I gave it to her she started biting it very happily............. But she is still chewing everything else as well!!

Gah, I think there is nothing I can do. My poor hairbrush is looking very worse for wear now!

I got a new kitchen bin (purely because she learnt how to break into the old one) and it came in a big cardboard box which she very much enjoyed destroying  :naughty:

ahem, anyway, the christmas tree went up yesterday so Im taking bets on how long it will be upright for!

Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: blackcat on December 08, 2008, 14:12:04 PM
I'm afraid they don't grow out of it. Bob did it until the day he died - aged 19 .................... He was particularly partial to electrical cords, so it is amazing he lasted that long, all things considered ....
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: ems on December 08, 2008, 15:17:21 PM
Oh we have a chewer as well! Nina loves ripping chunks out of cardboard boxes  ;D

Frustrating when we moved house as all of the boxes which I 'borrowed' from work were destroyed so couldn't go back  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: Janeyk on December 08, 2008, 16:13:13 PM
I noticed in PAH they have some new chew type things for cats and I think 1 was a ring thing 'cos I thought I bet they don't sell well (never having had a chewer) - but obviously I was wrong  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: nicchick on December 08, 2008, 16:14:39 PM
Oh we have a chewer as well! Nina loves ripping chunks out of cardboard boxes  ;D

Frustrating when we moved house as all of the boxes which I 'borrowed' from work were destroyed so couldn't go back  :evillaugh:

ah ha! that made me giggle. Yep, cardboard boxes, book covers and post/letters is kookies favourite, oh, and my hairbrush. I have to hide it from her as she loves it. At least she doesnt like cables anyway, thats something to be thankful for!

Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: blackcat on December 08, 2008, 16:19:21 PM
And Esther has just started chewing a letter at this very minute - wonder if it is because it is from Airpets, and she wants to know her travel plans ... :Luv:
Title: Re: chewing habit
Post by: Sabrina (Auferstehen) on December 08, 2008, 16:52:35 PM
Lirael favours chewing anything wood, so all my furniture has teeth marks on it.

Plastics, paper and card board are also faves.

Currently the new trick is to take my clothes off the hangers in the wardrobe....