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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: pappilon on December 03, 2008, 19:25:47 PM

Title: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: pappilon on December 03, 2008, 19:25:47 PM
Hi , I havent been here for a while due to my own health and few other reasons, but i really appreciate your opinions.
For the one who doesnt know Phoebe she is a rescue cat very nervous , dont like to be touched, dont like people and never plays and basicly get stressed by everything, she came to me 18 months ago and has improved, i can touch her some times but after few stroke and she attacks :scared: I dont mind i love her somuch and i leave her to do as she is comfortable.

Two months ago i noticed she is loosing weight rapidly and i made appointment in vets with Caroline (THe vet who treats my other cat Boy)
to see her , but she is in surgery only on Wednesdays so i had to wait few days but over night Phoebe stopped eating and looked really uncomfortable so i rushed her to surgery and they admited her, did full blood test, Ultrasounds, fine needle biopsy and in the evening they called me to collect her, i was told the results will be back in a week time but they can see she has inflammed intestines but they wont know if is cancer or not unless they do full biopsy and first they want to see the other results, well we came home that was a tuesday, by Thursday morning she got so weak that i had to rush her back and this time they kept her in for 4 days under drips and they did more blood test but didnt sent away! When i went to collect her i was told her thyroid level is 182 :Crazy: in normal cats is about 50, so they put her on Vidalta, also i was given stroid for her intestines and tablet for blood pressure and Xanax to keep her calm. At this point i reminded them that its going to be very difficult to give medication to Phoebe, the onlyway is to put it in her food but last time she needed antibiotics after few days she spoted the tablets in the food and refused to eat for 2 days and then for days was just leaking the food first, and they said they know for long term she is not the type to take meds but first we have to bring her thyroid level down before doing anything.
Since then i have been taking all the food away early evening to make sure she is hungry in the morning and by 5 or 6 am cos she is starving i can hide the tablets in fresh meat somedays it just doesnt work and i have to try and she get stressed, it hasnt been easy :( Two days a go she stoped eating again and no food means no tablet so this morning i called Caroline and she was due for blood test soon anyway when we got there Caroline was in surgery and i had to waitand the owner walked in asked if some one else can see her and i said no, she is under care of Caroline so he checked the computer and asked what is the problem? I explained and hesaid well you should leave her for 5 or 6 days here we give her the med and then we can operate on her, i discussed a while a go the option of removing her thyroid with Caroline and she said its best for a cat like Phoebe who dont take tablets easy and she said she has done the op before and she will do it if we decide, but this morning when the owner was talking to me and i said i waite for Caroline then he went downstairs and she came up and said she was about to start, and out in reception we discussed everything and she said its best to operate but she is not going to do it and the head of the surgent can do this, tomorrow and the cost is going to be around £2000 :Crazy: I agreed signed papers but for some reason i wasnt comfortable, i just think the owner told her that some oneelse should do the op cos she doesnt work in that surgery only use it once a week to see paitient and some op and when the owner was talking to me and reading her file i could see the £ Sign in his eyes may be i am wrong but in last 2 months i have paid more than £2500 for her tratments and tests and today i just didnt feel comfortable so after walking for 2 hours in the streets i went back and said i have changed my mind i want the blood test and ultrasound done and see the results first and then decide, so Caroline came to see me and i told her i a not comfortable for some one else to do the op but she assured me the woman who does it is the best and that is the best thing to do for Phoebe and still after opening her the position might be in her chest and they might not be able to remove them i agreed but still thinking why the first time we discussed this she sgreed to operate and today she said she cant i am sure is to do with the money and the ownerwants his team , well i just had a call from her that Phoebe pre op results are back and they cant op cos her white blood cells are very low andits to do with Vidalta tablets so now they want to keep her untill she is better with her blood cells and then operate so it means at least one week in there, she is going to be so stressed and depress, i am sorry if its such a long tread but i had my op last week and am not feeling well and cant think whats the best thing to do! Thats when Phoebe's blood cells are back to normal , do i let them do the operatio or shall i try to put her on felimizole and see how she gets on? With Vitaldai can not crush the tab in fod but with Felimazole i can. Appreciate your thoughts and advise. :thanks:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gillian Harvey on December 03, 2008, 19:45:57 PM
Hello Pav - poor you and poor Pheobe, you have both been having a time of it havent you?  :hug:

If it was me I'd want to bring her home with meds to get her stabilised before deciding on the operation. Obviously her white cells need to be right, but once they are right, I believe that they also then have to stablise the thyroid before doing the thryoid operation anyway, so she would have to be on felimazole for a  few weeks, then blood tested to see if the thyroid levels have stabilised..  Am I right that you havent had the results of the biopsy and scans? because if not, I really think you need to know the results of those before you make any decision about the thryoid op.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: sheryl on December 03, 2008, 19:49:19 PM
Hi Pav - so sorry that you are having such a rough time Hun.  :hug:

I have to agree with Gillian and if you are in any way unsure or uncomfortable with surgery then go with your instincts.

Take care - love and huggles for Phoebe xxx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 03, 2008, 19:59:24 PM
Hi Gillian, yes we have been having a hard time.

Sorry i forgot to say after the second admission, when they prescribed Vidalta(10 MG), Phoebe was on for 6 weeks and then they did another test and said her thyroid has come down to 80, still high so they increased the dose to 15 mg. I am going to ask them tomorrow to see if its lower now, but i was just told that the low white cells is because of the Vitalda and since she hasnt been taking them for last 2 days by fridays she might be ok. I am sorry if my post is not clear , just toomuch to take in, emotionally and financially :(
AS for the biopsy and ultrasound they said they can only see that the wall of her intestines is thickened but they cant say for sure if its cancer unless they do full biopsy and i know Caroline mentioned some times the thyroid causes so many other problems so she said not to worry toomuch abot that till her thyroid is stabilised.
Thankyou for your advise. :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 03, 2008, 20:24:27 PM
This really worries me and I mean really.

Kocka had a thryroid removed and the cost was nothing like that and I think they definately have £ signs in eyes. Why cant Caroline see Phoebe , this makes no sense.

If Caroline said she would do an op then why should she be overruled.......dont they think she has the knowledge or is it the head of surgury costs more?

I have a semi feral and its a nightmare should she need medication and if it was on a temporrary basis , I think my vets would offer to do it because she had to be sedated so she could be looked at.

I could not medicate Kocka at all, except the blood pressure meds which a 1/4 of a tab could be crushed and she would eat off my finger in ad diet.

I wish I could offer some words of advice because this situation seems out of control cos they have you dangling on the end of  money and your love for Phoebe. Meee, I would look for a vet that was more sympathetic to cat and human and was willingly to be more sensible and also was cheaper. I know that isnt always possible and do not know what your travel arrangements are but I just cant believe the size of the amount they are wanting to charge for what is I believe a straight forward operation.

I would also want to know in private what Phoebes prognosis was if she had that operation (Kocka had a non-malignant tumour) considering any other ailments she has and her age. I would want a private discusion with the vet incharge of her health and expect to be able to go back to the same vet and ask questions in person.

I also cant believe that they will not let you see the vet you had an appointment with and why they abuse your rights by discussing this in public.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 03, 2008, 20:27:59 PM
Pavvy  :hug:

I agree, first find out the results then make the decision. Caroline is her vet not B..  If you want Caroline to do the surgery (if its needed) then insist on it. The politics between who does what is between them and should not affect you. If you want I can have words with Caroline  >:( do not allow B to bully you into leaving Phoebe there if you are not comfortable with it.

:care: for you. xx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 03, 2008, 20:30:32 PM
Gill, Caroline is her own boss, she has her business as a travelling vet, so she has an affiliation with this surgery. Overall, if Phoebe is interned there (just like Lexy was) she is a patient of both the clinic and Caroline's, however, the clinic is the one that gets paid for the surgery (as its their practice), Caroline if she performs the surger I believe gets a percentage. (I think).
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 03, 2008, 20:34:50 PM
Yes I understand that Ruth but think the price that has been quoted for the op is outrageous and also the treatment that Pav is getting.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 03, 2008, 21:46:38 PM
Gill,I know in London the Vets are more expensive and this surgery is more expensive than others, but  its close to my home, 10 min drive and Phoebe as soon as she is in carrier ,starts chewing the wire to the point that some times she bleeds from her mouth so i cant take her to long distance vets and Caroline has been really good to Boy the way she handels him so last year i transfered Phoebe here. I have never mentioned how much they charge but when ever i read other peeps tread about blood tests and other charges, i thought to my self wow they are charging me so much but accepted it, today i mentioned the charges cos something didnt feel right and i wanted others opinion, as i said there was no arrangement for operation but the first thing the owner said was leave her for 5-6 days here and then we do the op and everything happened and decided in matter of minutes in reception thats why it didnt feel right.

Ruth, sweetheart i know Caroline is her own boss but the respond i got from her in reception the first time today was sharp NO, when i said but arent you going to do the op on her, only when i went back after 2 hours and said i will pay the charge of consultaition because i need to ask so many thinks thats when we went to room and she convinced me that the head of surgery is the best and does this op all the time,i just want to do whats best for Phoebe. Now the thing is i dont even want to insist on Caroline to do the op because even if she does, then Phoebe has to stay for 3 days after the op and other vets have to monitor her so i am not sure how everything works just dont feel right .
This evening i was asked how Phoebe takes her med again cos they wanted to give her her blood pressure tablet and i told them she wont take it in her food but if some one put it in fresh meat and hold it she will take and i was told  they dont want to risk their nurses finger so they leave it ! :Crazy: I mean she does attack and scratch but she doesnt take the finger off.

I just want to say thankyou for the replies when i came home cos of crying all day and being tired and not well i couldnt think or decide but now that i am thinking it and talking about it i started to think that i will leave her till her blood cells are back to normal in next 2 days and then will tell them i dont want to do the op till new year, mean while i am going togo to Mayhew home thats where she is from and i will ask them if their vet is happy to do it because they handel cats like her all the times and if they agree then i will donate the money to them or ask them if they can recommend a different vet :(  :thanks:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 03, 2008, 21:49:49 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Maddiesmum on December 03, 2008, 21:50:17 PM
Oh Pav I am sorry you are having all these dilemmas and especially when you are not feeling too well.  If you are not comfortable there is a reason for it, your subconscious is pointing something out to you so go with your gut feelings.  Best of luck to you.  How is BOY doing and did Mr Tramp ever come back?  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 03, 2008, 21:50:42 PM
Oh sweetie, you do what you feel is right.  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on December 04, 2008, 00:31:29 AM
Sorry but that price sounds ridiculous !!

I am in London too and I'm quiet sure it wouldnt cost that much at my vets (infact i am going to email my vet and ask)
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 02:09:42 AM
 Thankyou Michelle.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Janeyk on December 04, 2008, 07:08:50 AM

I think I'd be tempted to get her on meds for the thyroid and see how she goes rather than pay for the op straight off.  I know with people, having been hyperthyroid myself they would try drugs first and even if operating get you stable with drugs beforehand.  That's just my opinion though, I would think you've nothing to lose by doing that.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 04, 2008, 08:09:33 AM
i think you are doing the right thing by just giving her the meds Pav, it is too stressful on her otherwise. Good luck with convincing the vet
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on December 04, 2008, 13:18:31 PM
Thankyou Michelle.

Hi Hunny,

Between £250 - £300 !!
I will have an exact figure for you later
My Vets is in Bromley.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: clarenmax on December 04, 2008, 13:25:46 PM
Just catching up with this thread Pav, and sorry to hear you're having such a dilemma at the moment.

How long as Phoebe been on the Vidalta tablets?  I ask as Max is on the same ones, he was originally on one tablet a day, which is now one every other day as his levels dropped too low.

Not sure of the difference between Felimazole and Vidalta, apart from V is a time release tablet so has to be  taken same time every day, whereas F sometimes has to be taken 2-3 times a day, but can be crushed up.

This is all very new to me as well hun, wish I had more info I could pass on  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 04, 2008, 13:40:55 PM
Thats the kind of price I would have expected too Michelle.

I think Pav has a problem getting tablets into Phoebe cos she is a semi-feral and looking at her post the vets were too scared to administer them!!
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gillian Harvey on December 04, 2008, 15:08:21 PM
the Vidalta caused a drop in white blood cell count, so Pheobe can't have it anymore. Vidalta is Carbimazole and Felimazole is Methimazole -  they are different drugs.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: clarenmax on December 04, 2008, 15:27:29 PM
the Vidalta caused a drop in white blood cell count, so Pheobe can't have it anymore. Vidalta is Carbimazole and Felimazole is Methimazole -  they are different drugs.

Ah I see, thanks Gillian  :)
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 16:32:16 PM
Thankyou Michelle.

Hi Hunny,

Between £250 - £300 !!
I will have an exact figure for you later
My Vets is in Bromley.
Thankyou for finding out for me, the price they gave me includes the 3 days after op care as well,cos i was told if they manage to remove both thyroid glands then Phoebe has to stay in for 3 days to monitor her calcium levels. But still the difference is huge, and i always knew this vet is more expensive than others but not this much, i guess is to do with where they are, i cant see any other explanation, or may be i dont know much about these things.
The problem is i cant take Phoebe to Bromley , i leave in NW London and its a long drive, she will hurt herself in the carrier, but i really appreciate you finding out at least i have some idea now. x
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Dawn F on December 04, 2008, 16:33:30 PM
I know she doesn't like the carrier but are there any other vets locally you could ring and ask - the difference in price is outrageous
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 16:45:39 PM
Just catching up with this thread Pav, and sorry to hear you're having such a dilemma at the moment.

How long as Phoebe been on the Vidalta tablets?  I ask as Max is on the same ones, he was originally on one tablet a day, which is now one every other day as his levels dropped too low.

Not sure of the difference between Felimazole and Vidalta, apart from V is a time release tablet so has to be  taken same time every day, whereas F sometimes has to be taken 2-3 times a day, but can be crushed up.

This is all very new to me as well hun, wish I had more info I could pass on  :hug:
Hi Clare, Phoebe was put on 10 mg Vidalta in October and then her level came down from 182 to 80, but it was still high so then they changed it to the 15 mg one and i was told she should take them for one month and then go back for more blood test, today i went to the vets and i asked them if they got the result from yestrday but they send the test for thyroid to different lab so they said it takes few more days for result to come back so right now i dont know how low is hers.
the Vidalta caused a drop in white blood cell count, so Pheobe can't have it anymore. Vidalta is Carbimazole and Felimazole is Methimazole -  they are different drugs.
Gillian thankyou for the information.x
Today when i went there they said if she goes on Felimazole then she has to take 2 a day, but i dont know how can they say that if they havent got the blood results back yet!!
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on December 04, 2008, 16:52:20 PM
Thankyou Michelle.

Hi Hunny,

Between £250 - £300 !!
I will have an exact figure for you later
My Vets is in Bromley.
Thankyou for finding out for me, the price they gave me includes the 3 days after op care as well,cos i was told if they manage to remove both thyroid glands then Phoebe has to stay in for 3 days to monitor her calcium levels. But still the difference is huge, and i always knew this vet is more expensive than others but not this much, i guess is to do with where they are, i cant see any other explanation, or may be i dont know much about these things.
The problem is i cant take Phoebe to Bromley , i leave in NW London and its a long drive, she will hurt herself in the carrier, but i really appreciate you finding out at least i have some idea now. x

Even with 3 days in the vets the price is a huge differnece
NW london to Bromley isnt really that far hun but understand your concerns.
I would, however, ring some other vets closer to you....£2000 is a  :censored: take !
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 16:54:34 PM
I know she doesn't like the carrier but are there any other vets locally you could ring and ask - the difference in price is outrageous
Dawn, thats what i am going to do all they tomorrow.
First i am going to Mayhew and then if they dont agree to take her in,i will start searching.
The other thing is last 3 times that Caroline examined her she couldnt feel her thyroid glands, but she said it some times happens , but also she said it may be that they are ina position that can not be removed then i can take her for Radio active Iodine therapy, but i dont want to put her through that first the places are all outside London and also then she has to stay in for one month , but i think if they glands can be removed then is the best option for her in long term .
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Dawn F on December 04, 2008, 16:56:02 PM
good luck hun, I know you love her very much but you shouldn't have pressure on you to find that sort of money, I hope the mayhew will help
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Janeyk on December 04, 2008, 17:04:24 PM
the Vidalta caused a drop in white blood cell count, so Pheobe can't have it anymore. Vidalta is Carbimazole and Felimazole is Methimazole -  they are different drugs.

I was wondering what Vidalta was, both my cats (and myself) took Carbimazole, they are very tiny I would have thought they could be crushed into the food but yes they do cause drop in wbc although that's not always too bad so long as they keep a check on it.  Anyway, whatever you decide to do I wish you the best xx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 04, 2008, 17:13:45 PM
Pavvy that price is outrageous in comparison.  >:(  I hope Mayhew take her, sweetie.

Michelle, having lived where Pav does and visted friends in Bromley from there, in London traffic, even using North Circ etc its an hours drive in good conditions. Phoebe would go mental :( wish your vet was closer just this once  :'(
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 18:02:34 PM
Pavvy that price is outrageous in comparison.  >:(  I hope Mayhew take her, sweetie.

I know sweet heart, but you know i have been paying it both for Boy and Phoebe in last 12 months, and if it wasnt for what happened yesterday i would have carry on , even though is been putting a lot of pressure on me. I always belived i brought Boy and Phoebe from Mayhew to give them a better life and like you, i used to have my old vet do home visits so Phoebe doesnt get streesed . Caroline is always been really good to Boy and has done so much to help him and i do understand that its not her surgery there and i am sure if she could she would operate on Phoebe , Its only after yesterday that i dont feel comfortable with the place any more.
This morning when i went there, Jamie was out in reception and when Phoebe was admited in October he and Sean treated her and then i asked for Caroline, but today he didnt even asked me why i am standing there or is there anything he can do, i waited until this really young guy called Adam came and told me that her white blood cells are still very low and there are no changes , also she is been on antibiotics injections, and i asked if i can take her home tomorrow he said if you do you have to give her Synolux tablets. So basicly now if she comes home i have to put her on antibiotics and felimazole and ...., he said call tomorrow at 9 am andwho ever is working will let you know if there are any changes!
I really dont think i am expecting too much after all they are going to give me yet another huge bill tomorrow for this 3 days and i am just really disappointed.
Ruth , i didtnt know how long it takes to Bromly, thanks. One hour in the car will drive her mad, poor girl.
I really hope the vets in mayhew agree to operate on her they have treated her before for broken jaws and atleast i know they wont keep her there more than needed just to charge, i am more than happy to donate to them knowing they look after her. Anyhow i see how every thing goes.Thankyou again.X
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 04, 2008, 18:54:51 PM
i am not a vet and also know very little about cat biology but i think there needs to be reason to remove the thyroids. yes cats have two, one more than humans and kocka had one removed due to a tumour.........my questions are, what is the problem with the  thyroids and what happens if both are removed......surely they need one, or dont they?

would this put her on permanant necessary medication just for her to stay alive and what is the difference between keeping them and on meds or removing both?

what is the long term prognosis in each case?
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Millys Mum on December 04, 2008, 19:10:22 PM
Gill if you have the thyroids removed then the cat doesnt need to be on medication any longer but there are issues with parathyroids and calcium levels.
Hyperthyroidism is caused by a tumour on the thyroid gland/s making them produce too much hormone so you need to control the hormones with tablets or surgery or you have problems with a very fast heart rate

http://www.fabcats.org/owners/hyperthyroidism/info.html (http://www.fabcats.org/owners/hyperthyroidism/info.html)

http://www.darwinvets.com/cats/hyperthyroid.htm (http://www.darwinvets.com/cats/hyperthyroid.htm)
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 04, 2008, 19:14:00 PM
Gill, in Phoebe case i think is best for her to remove them because for some reason from the very begining every time she was put on medications, after few days or like this time weeks she simply refuses to take any food with tablets in !! I have tried crushing them, hiding them in fresh meat, every thing but once she taste one then that is it, she just wont eat. :(

I was also told if they might be able to remove only one now but the problem will come back and then they can do second op in a year to remove the other one, but is best if they can do both at the same time and then she wont be needing anymore thyroid tablets, thats why i was considering it when we discussed it with Caroline in October.

I still have to give her the steroid for her other condition , but i think  wth steroids they can give injection which lasts for weeks .

I know the thyroid can cause many other conditions thats why Caroline wanted to stabilise her thyroid first and then consider doing the full biopsy for her intestines, so basicly if they remove the glands one problem is sorted .
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 04, 2008, 20:27:54 PM
Clare - that is interesting about crushing the Felimazole, as I have some here that says you can't crush them.

I hope Mayhew can help PAv.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 04, 2008, 20:34:13 PM
Thanks for the info cos I said I know very little about how this works.  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: clarenmax on December 04, 2008, 22:36:07 PM
Clare - that is interesting about crushing the Felimazole, as I have some here that says you can't crush them.

Hmmm, not sure about that then!  My friend crushes them and puts them in liquid to syringe if her cat won't take them hidden in chicken?  Maybe its more a case of get the medication inside him than anything else?
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Gillian Harvey on December 04, 2008, 22:54:57 PM
One of my cat sitting customers has been crushing the felimazole for her cat for the past few years, as it was the only way the cat would take it. Vet ok'd it apparently.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: madkittyrescue on December 04, 2008, 22:59:32 PM
I'm really sorry to hear your having such a rough time.  Not much I can add as the others have summed up my comments already.  

:hug:  I'll keepmy fingers crossed that things at Myahew come through for you hun. xx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 05, 2008, 07:48:20 AM
Very interesting that more than one vet OK's them to be crushed, yet the tub I have says dont break or crush - I assumed they were sugar coated for that reason
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on December 05, 2008, 14:33:21 PM
Very interesting that more than one vet OK's them to be crushed, yet the tub I have says dont break or crush - I assumed they were sugar coated for that reason

We used to crush them at the cattery, however a vet then told us that they shouldnt be crushed as they are slow release and by crushing them they are absorbed too quickly into the blood stream
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2008, 15:12:21 PM
The idea of sugar coating is so they are released slowly but I think with problem cats getting them down is the main thing.  I questioned Sean about this as Becky's liver tablets are huge so she was only prescribed half daily, they have to be cut into quarters to get them down her, on the label it said to give them whole so I was a little concerned.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: pappilon on December 06, 2008, 15:37:14 PM
Phoebe has caught cat flu while she was in the vets :( >:(  Does anyone know if it can be harmfull to Boy? Boy has Lymphoma and is on steroids and Leukeran and Felimazole!

I did ask the vet but she was from different surgery and didnt know about Boy treatment there and was insisting that Phoebe has to take Vidalta but higher dose and i kept saying but she cant take Vidalta cos thats what has caused the low white blood cells and she kept saying umm what doyou mean , until i went through everything again and then she said sorry i havent read the whole file , i am from different surgery >:( This was over the phone this morning so with her advise re catflu , i just wanted to see if any one knows anything. She said its mild catflu .

Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 06, 2008, 18:07:59 PM
It's possible Boy could get it Pav especially with his immune system being as it is.  If you bring Phoebe home I would suggest trying to keep them separate just in case and wash hands etc before touching Boy.  It sounds as if it's stress related with Phoebe but fingers crossed she's just got a mild dose and hopefully Boy won't get it  :hug:  :hug:

Thinking of you hun and you know where I am if you need me  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Millys Mum on December 06, 2008, 20:20:10 PM
Sugar/film coatings hide the taste of nasty drugs (note the thick one on drontals  :evillaugh: )  enteric coatings break down past the stomach in the intestines and theres also slow release coatings, so all do a different job.
The main risk with crushing felimazole is actually to the human: if pregnant/a woman of child bearing age as its a teratogon <sp>
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 07, 2008, 09:28:20 AM
Fingers crossed that Boy doesn't pick it up Pav, and at least this means they cant operate on Phoebe yet.

Thanks MM
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 07, 2008, 11:10:12 AM
Just saw your update Pav. Will call you in a bit.  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on December 07, 2008, 11:24:15 AM
I can't advise but just to offer a  :hug:

They have wonderful new facilities at the Mayhew - we had a tour - so I hope they'll be able to help you, Pav,  I'm sure the vet said they take in external cases.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Jasmine on December 10, 2008, 18:35:09 PM

So sorry to hear about Phoebe and all the hassle you have had with the vets.

I'm another one who's been crushing felimazole - for the past 3 years plus (Martha was 19 at time of diagnosis, so pills were the only realistic option & this is the only way she will take the medication).  She also caught flu earlier in the year, poor girl was hoarse for several days (and I missed my dawn alarm!)

Hope Phoebe's ok and Boy doesn't catch it.

Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 15, 2008, 02:21:35 AM
Pav, I spoke to and also emailed Elaine as regards Phoebe and she has suggested reading the felinecrf.org site as it explains alot about blood pressure, over active thyroids and blood chemistry.  Also, she is prepared to offer any advice she can as she has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to these sorts of things.  I will pm you her number and vice versa in case you can't get hold of her  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: pappilon on July 21, 2009, 11:09:50 AM
Sunday night she was sick yellowish fluid and since then she has stoped eating :( i have tried every thing and she is just not interested.She is eating lots of grass since yesterday and drinking loads she also looks very subdued. It must be her kidneys :(
I called the vet and they are seeing her at 11.45 this morning please send her some good wishes i cant loose her too so soon. :'( :'(
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please
Post by: JackSpratt on July 21, 2009, 11:16:32 AM
Oh no - sending lots of vibes. :care:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 21, 2009, 11:26:20 AM
Oh pav  :hug: :hug:

Sending lots of good wishes and hope the vet can help Phoebe  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: clarenmax on July 21, 2009, 11:57:40 AM
Sending tons of vibes your way sweetie for you and Phoebe  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Janeyk on July 21, 2009, 12:15:05 PM
Oh Pav, hopefully the vet will be able to give her something to help, I'll be thinking of you :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 21, 2009, 13:27:24 PM
 :hug: Pav
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Bazsmum on July 21, 2009, 14:21:06 PM
Hope all went okay at the vets Pav....Am thinking of you and Phoebe..... :Luv: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: pappilon on July 21, 2009, 14:45:25 PM
 Thankyou. :hug: I had to leave her there, she needs to be sedated for blood test and the vet saw her twitching, he said in some cats with kidney disease this happens but if its not her kidney causing the twitching then its neurological :( He is going to do an x-tray and ultrasound.
Her tummy looks bloated but then she has put on 700 grams since her last visit so it may be just the weight, i told him how she goes to her tray but then start shaking her tail and wee out side like a male cat spraying and it must be because she is not well, i thought she would stop this now that Boy is not here but she is still doing it!
I also asked him if the level of urea and creatinine is higher than last time what else could be done he said add binder to her food but i have tried and she wont touch the food :(  I have to wait now till he calls me back.
Its just been such a terrible day as i was parking the car out side the surgery, i saw this old woman going in with a black cat wrapped in a small cushion cover, so we went in and she was crying and telling the nurse the cat hasn't had anything to eat or drink for 3 days, she couldnt speak english and kept saying is not her cat but please help her so the nurse looked in computer and called the owner, apparently the cat was seen by a vet and needed tests but the owner doesn't want to pay i dont know who was this woman but she  :(kept saying please help the cat he spent £160.00 and now he not want to pay, god it was so upsetting the poor cat didn't know what was happening :'( So i told the nurse cant you do something and she said the owner doesn't want to do the tests so we cant help , the woman couldnt understand what the nurse was saying , so the nurse called back the guy and told him if he is on low income he can take the cat to Harmsworth but he has to wait few hours by this time i was so upset i started crying and the vet came out and i told him if he can see this cat and i pay the bill but he said no because he needs lots of test and there were people waiting so i had to go in, when i came out i asked the nurse and she said the owner said he will take him to harmsworth , oh i wish i could do something now i am sitting here crying for Phoebe and that poor cat, i dont understand why people have the pets if they cant look after them that woman was saying the guy has dogs but he doesn't want to pay for the cat, i cant get the poor thing out of my head now.I Better go and do some work to keep me busy till the vet calls. Once again thank you every one. :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Bazsmum on July 21, 2009, 14:51:19 PM
Aw Pav, you are such a sweet lady with a big BIG heart!  :Luv:

Sending positive vibes for a good phone call from the vet!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Go and have a nice cuppa!  ;)
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on July 21, 2009, 15:11:45 PM
Aw Pav, you are such a sweet lady with a big BIG heart!  :Luv:

Sending positive vibes for a good phone call from the vet!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Couldn't have put it better  :hug: Sending positive vibes  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: clarenmax on July 21, 2009, 15:42:40 PM
Awww hunnie  :hug:

Sending positive vibes for Phoebe, and hope you don't have to wait too long to hear from the vet  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: sheryl on July 21, 2009, 15:44:32 PM
Big  :hug: for you Pav, thinking of you Hun and keeping everything crossed for Phoebe.

Love, huggles and healing vibes for Phoebe xxx  and for the other poor cat that was in the vets xxx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Dawn F on July 21, 2009, 15:47:12 PM
big hugs for you pav
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Janeyk on July 21, 2009, 15:53:08 PM
Awww, Pav  :hug: I once had a similar experience at the vets and cried my eyes out I still think of it now, poor you.  Hopefully the vet will able to make Phoebe more comfortable and help her and hope that other little one is helped too.  When you feel a bit more settled if you want a chat you know you can ring me :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Tan on July 21, 2009, 15:57:21 PM
Aw Pav, you are such a sweet lady with a big BIG heart!  :Luv:

so agree with that  :Luv:
Pav you are such a wonderful caring lady i am so proud to know you hun.
Sending all my love,prayers and hugs over to you and Phoebe.  :hug:  :hug:
I so hope she will be ok and the vet can help.

I hope the man will take the little cat to the vets, you're so right they shouldn't be allowed to have any pets if they can't care for them.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on July 21, 2009, 16:16:25 PM
 :hug: sweetie... thinking of Phoebe and you xx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 21, 2009, 19:09:29 PM
Pav you are such a wonderful caring lady i am so proud to know you hun.

That goes for me too.  Hoping for positive news from the vet  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Millys Mum on July 21, 2009, 19:16:25 PM
Hoping for good news Pav  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Bazsmum on July 21, 2009, 20:37:44 PM
Thinking of Phoebe and yourself Pav and hoping that everything is okay..... :Luv: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please
Post by: JackSpratt on July 21, 2009, 21:39:48 PM
Poor black cat. :( And what a lovely thing to do, to offer to help in that way. :hug:

Hope Phoebe is doing well; and you as well. :care:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please
Post by: swampmaxmum on July 21, 2009, 22:00:42 PM
I'm so sorry, it all sounds so overwhelming at the moment. Just sending lots of hugs and hope that things improve with Phoebe. Sorry too that you got caught in the middle of such a distressing scene with the other little cat. Please look after yourself too  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 22, 2009, 00:03:31 AM
Sending lots of love and good vibes for Phoebe  and hope that owner will take the poor cat to the vets....you are soooooo kind  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Gillian Harvey on July 22, 2009, 00:09:53 AM
What an emotional time Pav  :hug: I hope Pheobe will be home with you very soon.  :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: pappilon on July 22, 2009, 01:06:34 AM
Thankyou every one. :grouphug:

We came home around 7 but had to sit with her in the dark because she was still very sleepy. The blood test shows her urea at 18 and creatinine 221 , the vet said is not that high so the twitching is not caused by her kidneys. He thinks its in her head and said in this case the steroid usually stops the twitching, she really shouldnt take any steroids because of her kidney but he said there are so many things wrong in her case that we just have to do our best to manage it in the best way :(
The ultrasound confirms that she has IBD, the wall in her intestine is thickened and inflamed , again the steroid should help her a bit. He has put her on steroids for 30 days to see how she react and if she start eating and stop getting sick and also with twitching he also doesn't want to give her injection because the tablets he can control and cut down if necessary, now i have to give her 7 tablets a day in total its going to be so hard :( He wants to see her in one month time. As for her diet i need to get some advise here from the people who know but i leave that for tomorrow , just so tired that i cant think straight. The x-ray shows  her lung is damaged too he said some thing about inhaling some thing when the old vet did the test for IBD, i cant remember the name it was some thing with B, which he thinks she inhaled because she was awake at the time ! I will call tomorrow and ask he said now her lung looks like a tree it sound scary but he said its done and nothing can be done now.Her coat is in a very bad condition full of dandraff and matted so she was shaved all over even her tail, my poor baby but its because she is not well.
I asked the nurse if she has heard anything from the owner of the black cat and she said she had a call from the hospital in North London asking about his history so it means the owner took him after all >:( Thank god there are still people like that woman who cared to bring him to the vets.
Once again thankyou to all you wonderfull people in purrs, i am proud to be a member here. :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 22, 2009, 01:54:20 AM
Poor Phoebe, make sure she stays warm  and hope the steroid helps her  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Janeyk on July 22, 2009, 06:02:55 AM
Hope that the steroid helps her Pav and she starts to perk up soon.  So glad the other kitty was seen to too. it so annoys me when people have pets and they can't look after them properly, hugs to Phoebe and you  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 22, 2009, 07:25:43 AM
I am so sorry that you have had such a bad day Pav, and bless you for thinking of the little black cat. I hope Phoebe has a good night and that the steroids help her a lot.
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: clarenmax on July 22, 2009, 09:01:20 AM
Aw sweetie, I hope Phoebe had a good night and she feels like eating a bit more today  :hug:

Give her a gentle head rub from me and Max, and a huge  :hug: for you xx
Title: Re: What is the right thing to do for my Phoebe?/Healing vibes for Phoebe please, sh
Post by: Bazsmum on July 22, 2009, 14:51:30 PM
If actions speak louder than words I hope smileys speak louder than actions!  :Luv: :hug:

:care: :ahh: :grouphug: