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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 10, 2008, 18:25:25 PM

Title: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 10, 2008, 18:25:25 PM
I have 4 cats so it is very hard to check who has done what in the litter tray but last night i noticed tiggy in the litter tray and she only had a litttle wee and again ive seen her do this twice today as ive been trying to keep an eye on her,
She isnt going back and forth to the litter tray and seems completly normall (eating drinking etc)

She is a very little cat and im wondering if she only has little wees and its just me being paranoid as ive had 2 cats with cystitis so far this year or if she now has it?

Any advice very much appreciated.

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Unsure what to do
Post by: blackcat on November 10, 2008, 18:52:14 PM
not paranoid - observant. Try moving a litter tray into the loo and see if she joins you for partnership weeing sessions. If she does, then she probably has UTI which will need a vet visit, sorry .
Title: Re: Unsure what to do
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 11, 2008, 17:15:04 PM
not paranoid - observant. Try moving a litter tray into the loo and see if she joins you for partnership weeing sessions. If she does, then she probably has UTI which will need a vet visit, sorry .

I already have a litter tray in the bathroom and she joined me there last night but this is nothing unusual for her as she prefers the litter tray in there as it is away from the others,I was going to try shutting her in the bedroom with a litter tray but i think this will stress her out more as she is very close too her sister and gets worried when she cant find her.
 She doesnt seem to be going to the litter tray more often or anything but i just get so worried about all of them. Ive been trying to keep an eye on her today but i had to go to work and then go a food hygeine course and didnt get home untill 4.30pm, Ill keep an eye on her this eveining and if not too the vets we go tomora,

I have some metacam but i dont know if should give it to her without vet advice?
It was for her for gingivitis

Title: Re: Unsure if tiggy has cystitis, Advice please
Post by: Millys Mum on November 11, 2008, 19:05:02 PM
Metacam should be thrown away after 6 months of being open, its best not to medicate without a vet checking she has a problem
Title: Re: Unsure if tiggy has cystitis, Advice please
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 13, 2008, 14:26:21 PM
It was only about 8 weeks ago that she was given the metacam but i didnt give it too her anyway,

I took her to the vets yesterday and it has been confimed they do think she has cystitis caused threw stress, They gave her 2 injections one called convenia which lasts for 14 days so that i dont have too give her any tablets as she hates them and it would stress her out more,
The vet also advised that i filter there water as the water is very hard in our area. She also suggested that i but some feliway too stop her being so stressed out, Anyone know a good place to get it from? As its £32 at our vets  :shocked:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: swampmaxmum on November 13, 2008, 14:37:06 PM
A new feliway diffuser is about £18 at vet uk (& p+p). You can find it through the Links tab on here. good luck with Tiggy.
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 13, 2008, 14:39:40 PM
lots of best wishes for tiggy  :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Leanne on November 13, 2008, 14:40:48 PM
Poor Tiggy  :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 13, 2008, 14:49:35 PM
Thank you im hoping she gets better soon, Stress seems to be a long term problem with tiggy as any noise that she hears she runs away and hides for hours untill i get her out but when everything is calm she is the most loving cat ever,
Anyone got any suggestions to eithier try and avoid getting cystitis again? and to try and keep her stress down?
The vet also advised too get rid of plastic water bowls as they taint the water  :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 13, 2008, 15:02:09 PM
Valerian is good for anxiety and stress. Dorwest herbs are a good company, they have Valerian in liquid dropper form, you can put in food - http://secure.dorwest.com/prodinfo.asp?number=VAL (Dorwest products are licencesed for use in animals). Worth a try. One of my cats, Harry, reacts to it a bit like catnip!

I would have thought Cystease would be worth a go too (not for stress, but it helps the lining of the bladder).  :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Leanne on November 13, 2008, 15:03:18 PM
We use Zylkene for Jess's stress and saw a behaviourist.

Both for us have worked fantastically well for us.

We also use Cystease
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 13, 2008, 15:12:31 PM
Are any of these medications available withour a prescription?

Also has anybody else ever had a vet give there cat the convenia injection? Been reading on the internet and it seems like there has been some bad side effects?

Sorry for all the questions but im not very experienced when it comes too stressed cats and cystitis

Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Leanne on November 13, 2008, 15:17:20 PM
I buy both from VetUK, but did buy them from the vets initially so might be worth talking to them first.

I don't know anything about the convenia jab though, sorry.

Jess had repeated antibiotic jabs for his first bouts of cystitis and this eased the symptoms but I've read it only kills the cystitis if its a bacterial infection which Jess's wasn't.
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 13, 2008, 15:18:44 PM
I think my Dragan (RIP) had it once.  Don't recall any problems.  Sometimes the info on the internet can scare you to death.  Hope Tiggy  feels better soon :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Dawn F on November 13, 2008, 15:23:39 PM
like mm says don't panic about things you read on the internet - its usually people who've had problems who bother to post on the internet, if everything has worked fine people just don't mention it its like complaining about bad service, nobody ever writes in for good service! 

Amber has had cystitis once since living with us two years, I do always have a feliway going and get it from vet uk - try not to worry too much
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 13, 2008, 15:38:47 PM
Are any of these medications available withour a prescription?

Also has anybody else ever had a vet give there cat the convenia injection? Been reading on the internet and it seems like there has been some bad side effects?

My Suzie had convenia and it knocked her for six - but she had advanced kidney failure and I later read it shouldnt be given to cats in kidney failure, although arguably it was just that the kidney failure had advanced further. Anyway, when my Lucy was really poorly some months ago, she was given convenia and it really worked well for her. I refused it though for Sam a few weeks back, because I know he has kidney failure. But as Leanne mentioned cystititis is rarely caused by a bacterial infection therefore antibiotics arent generally needed, but are often given, just in case!
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 13, 2008, 20:10:06 PM
sasa and others here have had convenia with no probd vyt pretty certain that franta has a convenia jabe today following valium injections, i was told that the ab would not make him sleepy and the valium would wear off after 4 hrs. he is still flaked out and that was about 1100 this morning.

he only has one working kidney but no kidney probs and she said shw would not give him metacam becaise of affect on kidneys.
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Janeyk on November 14, 2008, 06:50:26 AM
Hope Tiggy is well again soon
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Dawn F on November 14, 2008, 08:15:53 AM
how does she get on with the new puppy?  maybe she is feeling a bit stressed about that, I'm sure she will get used to it being around
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 14, 2008, 08:18:51 AM
Fingers crossed for her. Convenia has only been proven to be effective in certain things, so I would only use it either for those things, or if it is a cat that can't be medicated.
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 14, 2008, 16:20:43 PM
how does she get on with the new puppy?  maybe she is feeling a bit stressed about that, I'm sure she will get used to it being around

Initially she didnt mind the new puppy at all but as the puppy (pippa) has got used to her new surroundings she tries too steal the cats food and as tiggy is a very nervous cat as it is i think this has affected her so im being very sturn with pippa and shutting her out of the kitchen when the cats are eating, I never really realised cats get stressed so easy  :shy: so we have spent today trying to make the house more cat friendly, They all have the whole run of the house all day untill night time when the bedroom is out of bounds and this is bcoz tiggy decides she wants to rub her head on me whilst im asleep and if i ignore her she then scratches my face, currently i have a scratch on my nose and one on my eye lid  :rofl:

Today we have seperated the food bowls so that tiggy and pippin eat oneside of the kitchen and sooty and patch eat the other as i think sooty also slightly stresses out tiggy as he is rather nawty lol,
Ive also so now got 5 litter trays instead of 3

Anyone else got any ideas to keep her stress down?

Thanks so much everyone for all the advice  :hug:
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: Millys Mum on November 14, 2008, 18:49:43 PM
Taz has cystaid, valerian, lots of catnip, feliway, zylkene, a course of cartrophen injections, a water fountain and a mainly wet diet( that i think is the most important thing of all). He still has problems tho  :(

Its important to rule out a physical cause so have a sample analysed and sent off for culture, interestly only 2% of FLUTD in cats is actually caused by bacteria yet nearly all vets will give antibioitics  :Crazy: Taz also had an x ray and ultrasound to detect if there were any stones.

The puppy does sound like a likely trigger tho.

Personally i think that oral ABs are more effective.
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: The Duchess on November 14, 2008, 19:18:58 PM
when Jessie had stress induced cystitis last year (as a result of prolonged fireworks  >:(), the vet suggested - cartrophen injections, felliway plug-in and spray, switch to mainly wet food, more play time plus hidey holes where she could hide if everything i.e. Cosmo got too much for her. 

Since we've made all these changes we've not had a recurrence - she seems a lot happier and there were no incidents following this year's fireworks ;D

Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 15, 2008, 11:04:08 AM
Taz has cystaid, valerian, lots of catnip, feliway, zylkene, a course of cartrophen injections, a water fountain and a mainly wet diet( that i think is the most important thing of all). He still has problems tho  :(

Its important to rule out a physical cause so have a sample analysed and sent off for culture, interestly only 2% of FLUTD in cats is actually caused by bacteria yet nearly all vets will give antibioitics  :Crazy: Taz also had an x ray and ultrasound to detect if there were any stones.

The puppy does sound like a likely trigger tho.

Personally i think that oral ABs are more effective.

She isnt interested in catnip so thats no gud lol

Regarding the wet food her and pippin were put on 2 dry food as when they were kittens they both had very bad diarrohea had blood tests and everyhting and it was put down too sensitive tummy (ive tried allsorts of wet food and everything i tried made them ill) so this is a hard one for me too do, I did discuss it with the vet and she said see if it clears up this time and if it does but then comes back she will discuss another diet for her,

Last night i just got in from shopping and soon as i did she had a hug wee right in front of me in her litter tray  ;D

I replaced the plastic drinking bowls with stainless steel ones and she seems too be drinking more since ive done this
Title: Re: Tiggy been to the vets and she does have cystits
Post by: zoe (tiggy + pipins mum) on November 15, 2008, 11:08:17 AM
when Jessie had stress induced cystitis last year (as a result of prolonged fireworks  >:(), the vet suggested - cartrophen injections, felliway plug-in and spray, switch to mainly wet food, more play time plus hidey holes where she could hide if everything i.e. Cosmo got too much for her. 

Since we've made all these changes we've not had a recurrence - she seems a lot happier and there were no incidents following this year's fireworks ;D


Ive ordered some feliway of the internet both plug in and spray and as she loves too get on top of my wardobe when everything gets too much for her ive took all my teddies of there and put one of her favourite blankets up there instead, She also loves to get in a cardboard box so my oh got some from his work and ive put another of her favourite blankets in that,

She seems very happy today has had lots of cuddles and been running around the house like crazy with her sister  :rofl:

Sooty is going to the vets friday too be neutured and im hoping this will calm him down a bit, As he eithier bullys tiggy or tries too hump her  :rofl: