Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 19:24:08 PM

Title: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 19:24:08 PM
I guess this  means vet time.  He keeps going into the tray and producing a tiny amount.  He's been sick today too (I think it was him).  I'm really worried because I don't have a car so would have to get a taxi to the vet.  I don't have any cash on me though (for taxi or vet).  I have money in the bank but would have to get to a cash point to get some out and there's not one near me.  I know this can be very serious - I just dont' know how long to wait before I ring the vet.  Guess I'm hoping he'll manage to go soon.  he's been acting normal in every other way.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: clarenmax on November 07, 2008, 19:28:59 PM
Fingers crossed he manages a wee very soon  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Janeyk on November 07, 2008, 19:30:35 PM
oh dear, hope he wees soon x
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 19:31:19 PM
I'm so worried as he's never been like this before.  I just don't know how long to wait as I know that blockages in males can be fatal very quickly, but I don't want to panic and put the poor love through a trip to the vets right now if not necessary.  I would have to phone a taxi then ask the driver to stop at a cash machine so that I can get cash on the way. 
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Kirst on November 07, 2008, 19:43:02 PM
Is there any chance at all the vet could come to you??? :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 19:47:02 PM
He's still going in the tray and producing a small amount.  If he's stressed, the fireworks won't be helping (another reason why I don't really want to have to take him to the vets).  It's really noisy here right now.  It sounds like a war zone.  I think I'm going to ring the vet and see what they say, but I suspect they will say to take him in. 
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 07, 2008, 19:49:14 PM
Afraid I dont know anything about this problem so cant advise............accept that it can be brought on by stress, so it could be the fireworks..
i hope he will be Ok and that you do not need to go to the vets  :hug: :hug:

Edit sorry typo
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 19:53:37 PM
I just don't know how long to wait and see because I've been out all day and don't know if he's used the litter tray during the day or not.  Obviously if he hasn't, then it's a serious problem.  He is producing small clumps of about an inch and a half in length - he's done that about 3 times.  So he's not completely blocked but that's not much. When I cleaned it, I think there was more in the tray than would be accounted for by Mosi, but I'm not sure.   He's curled up in his hammock now but if I have to take him to the vet I don't want to leave it too late.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Janeyk on November 07, 2008, 20:07:15 PM
You could ring the vets and ask their advice, our vets do call outs but you pay extra plus they are limited as to tests etc.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 20:11:01 PM
They dont do home visits and I couldn't afford it even if they did.  I am going to ring them.  If he was straining and producing nothing at all, I'd know he'd need to go to the vet.  But because he's producing something, albeit not much, it's hard to know whether the stress of an emergency trip to the vet tonight will be worse than waiting til morning.  I guess the vet is the best person to ask about that.

I hate this sort of thing.  I'm full of advice when other people's cats are sick but I go to pieces when it's mine.  It's almost exactly 3 years since I had the emergency trip to the vets with Magpie and I'm dreading taking Jaffa and coming back without him (just having to leave him there)
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 20:23:17 PM
We're off to the vets.  This is going to be a nightmare in every way :(  but it needs to be done.

I'm shaking I'm so nervous.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Stuart on November 07, 2008, 20:27:00 PM
Fingers crossed
 :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 07, 2008, 20:29:06 PM
i am sure it will be fine and you will be bringing him home  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Janeyk on November 07, 2008, 20:32:49 PM
 :hug: I think things will be ok too Susanne xx
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 07, 2008, 20:33:51 PM
Hope he's ok, it doesnt sound as though he blocked if he's still producing wee, but you're doing the right thing by taking him, and hopefully its just a touch of cystitis.  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 07, 2008, 20:37:24 PM
Just seen this.  It's probably OK, Susanne, and he's freaked out by the fireworks.  Keep calm.  But yes, get Jaffa checked out.


Let us know.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Mark on November 07, 2008, 21:02:14 PM
Hope it goes well  :hug:

I'm sure he will be fine but you wouldn't relax until it was sorted. Hopefully you have some red to look forward to later  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 21:41:16 PM
Totally stressed out now.  They were going to keep him in overnight then they said he could come home and now I'm chasing him around the living rom with a syringe of metacam.  Poor lad is in pain but I can't get any painkiller into him

I've had nothing to eat since lunch time.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gwen on November 07, 2008, 21:43:28 PM
Why did they decide to let him go home if they wanted to keep him in?  I'm confused :shy:

Hope he gets better soon anyhow and Susanne please eat something and rest yourself,your no use to Jaffa being ill  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 21:54:39 PM
Well, she felt his bladder and it's ok, ie it's empty.  He's obviously managed to pass urine today, even if we dont' know how long he's been doing it in small amounts for.  She said it would be best to keep him in and start him on medication but that maybe she would hold off with putting a catheter in for a while.  She said he could come home, but she recommended he stay there.  She went to put him in a kennel and I asked if I could wait and go to see him and say goodbye to him once he was settled in.   Then the nurse arrived and she recognised me and Jaffa.  Knowing Jaffa's history (that he's very nervous at the vets) she discussed it with the vet and they both agreed that it might be better for me to bring him home since the stress of being at the vets may well cause him to hold on even if he is physically able to go.  That's what had been on my mind and one of the reasons why it wasn't clear cut in the first place.  And given he does not have a full bladder, she reckons it wil be ok to wait until tomorrow.  If he's not peeing normally by teatime tomorrow, he will have to have the catheter put in.

So they've sent him home with some antibiotics and some metacam suspension for pain relief and told me to ring tomorrow.  The same vet is on duty all weekend (who says it's a cushy life being a vet!) so I can ring her any time.  I've just managed to stuff an antibiotic down him, and have lured him out from behind the sofa with some applaws.  I'm ashamed to say I grabbed him mid snack and got the metacam into him.  Needs must. 

I'm keeping everything crossed hw will manage to go. 
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 21:56:09 PM
I'm sure he will be fine but you wouldn't relax until it was sorted. Hopefully you have some red to look forward to later  :hug:

I was just about to start on something red  ;) when I realised we had a problem!  I also got as far as sauteeing some onions for my risotto, but no further.  Not sure I can face food, tbh.

ETA although this is likely to end up costing me an arm and a leg, £80 for out of hours consultation charge is better than many charge (thank god) and the taxi only cost me £2.50 each way/
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on November 07, 2008, 21:57:31 PM
Fingers crossed and hope you both have a restful night.  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 07, 2008, 22:11:43 PM
I am pleased he is home with you and that is best if the vets stress him out.

I hope you have a good sleep and that Jaffa is much better tomorrow  :hug: :hug: :hug:

I can tell you something, food tastes quite good even if its rubbish after a week not eating properly!!
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 07, 2008, 22:12:56 PM
Bless the little lad.  He is so good natured.  despite what I've put him through tonight, he's still sitting on my lap being a purry furry.  I've dragged him to the vet (and he kicked up the biggest fuss when i was trying to get him in the carrier.  usually once half of him is in, he resigns himself to it and goes in all the way.  Not tonight, I had to force him in.) and forced him to be poked and prodded by strange people.  Then when we got home I shoved a tablet down his throat.  Then I tried to get the metacam down him and he ended up in the corner behind the tv hissing and growling at me.  I admit I raised my voice at him  :-[  Then he hid behind the sofa so I gave him some applaws.  When he was halfway through that, I grabbed him and carried him, growling and struggling, over to where the metacam was waiting.  I got that down him (vet said it wouldnt taste good) and let him finish his applaws.  And he still loves me  :Luv:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 07, 2008, 22:14:57 PM
Cats are amazing and their love, even in the face of fear  ;D
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 07, 2008, 22:17:39 PM
Bless him  :Luv2: what worries we've had this week! Hope he has a good wee soon.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 07, 2008, 22:42:01 PM
Poor Jaffa, hope the anti-B's and Metacam do the trick for him  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Mark on November 07, 2008, 22:58:04 PM
Glad he's OK (ish)  :)
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: tigerbaby on November 07, 2008, 23:04:56 PM
Also just seen this now. Hope everything clears up with the anti bs. Sounds like such a good boy.

Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Kirst on November 07, 2008, 23:09:56 PM
Hopefully the meds will make him feel a bit better xx
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: clarenmax on November 07, 2008, 23:55:42 PM
Poor little man, hope the meds make him feel much better soon :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 00:00:55 AM
No wees yet.  I don't know if that's good or bad.  I'm kind of hoping that it's just a bit of cystitis making him want to go when he doesn't actually have much in his bladder, hence the frequent trips to the litter tray and producing very little.  In which case it's good if he doesn't need to do that now.  but I really need to see a nice wee in there now.  I was unsure what to do with the hood on the tray.  I had it off and left the tray uncovered so that i could see if/when he went and what he was producing.  But I have put it back on now so that everything feels a bit more normal for him.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 00:07:02 AM
if hhis bladder was empty, its gonna be tomorrow before he goes properly I reckonn  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 00:59:52 AM
We have a wee!  ;D  It's only a very little one but it produced a bigger clump than his previous efforts (3-4x as big).  I think that's progress.

One minute he seems ok - lying on his blanket in front of the heater looking relaxed - then he will look a bit uncomfortable and doesn't respond to much.  I guess he is probably just a bit sore and off colour.   He's definitely not himself and he's retched a couple of times (sort of cross between a cough and a retch) but not brought anything up.  He's now lying on the bed on his bottle (cold as I've just put the kettle on to fill it) which I think is his way of saying it's time to go to bed.  So I think that's what I'll do.  I definitely think he's better off at home with me than at the vets.  he'd be so stressed right now if he was in a kennel there, whereas he's currently having a bit of a wash on the bed.

I'm supposed to be in work tomorrow but I shall be on nursing duty instead.  If we get a nice wee in the morning I might leave him for a short while, but I won't leave him all day even if he seems fine.

Does anyone have any tips for administering the metacam?  I didn't have any trouble getting it into him tonight, but it doesn't say on the instructions anything more detailed than to put it into his mouth.  I'm wondering whether it's best to put it in the side of the mouth or try to get it in the middle of his mouth.  I need to get it down him and make sure he doesn't hold it in the side of his mouth and spit it out.  I've never had to administer liquid medicines orally like this before.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Janeyk on November 08, 2008, 06:44:31 AM
 :) that's better news and glad he was able to come home with you x
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 10:05:24 AM
I think he's been again, but I'm just guessing from the contents of the litter tray.  I don't think Mosi would do 2 wees in about 5 hours, so I'm guessing the smaller clump (about the same size as the one last night) was down to Jaffa.  The 2 together probably make one normal sized wee.  It's so hard to know what to do.  I wish he'd just go and do a nice, normal wee.  I keep getting the tray out and doing a scoop (or pretend scoop) in the hope that it will attract Jaffa to the tray since he often comes to use it when I'm cleaning it.  But if his bladder was empty at the vets last night and he's done those 2 small wees, I can't imagine there will be much in there now.  I'm watching him like a hawk.  I could do with going back to sleep for a bit as I've not had much sleep, but don't want to miss any litter tray action!

I've just rang the vets.  Didn't speak to the vet, just the receptionist.   I will ring the vet later on today about whether he needs to go in to have a catheter put in.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 10:52:02 AM
Hope jaffa will be OK and will not need to go back to the vets  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 11:11:07 AM
It's actually quite frustrating because I need to go out and do some food shopping at some point, but I don't want to leave him as I won't be able to observe his litter tray behavour while I'm out.  If he goes when I'm out, I won't know and then I will worry because I've not seen him go.  But he is almost normal today, behaviour wise.  He is eating fine, purring when stroked and we've just played the pyjama game on the bed (he chases the cord on my pyjama bottoms!).  His reflexes were as sharp as normal.  I dont' think h's 100% but apart from the weeing, I'm happy to just let the anitbiotics and painkiller do their job.  But obviously I need to keep a close eye on the weeing which means I can't go out until I've seen him go.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 11:14:28 AM
So hard and know the predicament  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 11:22:23 AM
This is so confusing.  Just checked the litter tray and there are 2 clumps in it.  I last checked it about 6.30am so I doubt Mosi has done 2 wees since then.  Which means one must be Jaffa.  Maybe when I was in the shower.  If it was him, it was a normal size wee but I really need to see him go!  But if he's just been, he's not going to want to go again for a while.  I haven't actually noticed either of them using the tray.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 08, 2008, 14:20:16 PM
On the subject of administering Metacam, I found pushing the syringe gently into the side of the mouth was more effective.  Blip has the palatable version at the moment so she's eating it with her evening meal: I'm surprised you weren't given that.

Try not to get yourself into a state: two wees + two cats sounds like positive news to me  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Rosella moggy on November 08, 2008, 14:28:34 PM
Sounds to me like he doesn't like to be watched having a wee and took the opportunity when you were in the shower. 

Can't you close Jaffa in a room with a tray while you go out for a while?
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 16:11:26 PM
Can't you close Jaffa in a room with a tray while you go out for a while?

that would just stress him out tbh and then he probably wouldnt go at all.  Well between 7am ish and 1pm there have been 3 normal sized pee clumps in the tray.  Surely Mosi wouldnt go 3 times in 6 hours.

I got the metacam down him no problem last night by just syringing it into his mouth.  He didn't object too much so hopefully he'll be ok with it tonight.  She said to give him the antibiotic first because the metacam didnt' taste too good so it might make getting the tablet down him harder.

The vet rang later on this morning and she said to just keep an eye on him.  She's on call all weekend and the vets is only a 10 minute drive away so I can get him there quickly if the  need arises.  I'm feeling a bit less stressed now as he's acting fairly normal.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 16:18:56 PM
Pleased things seem to be OK  ;D
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 08, 2008, 16:36:51 PM
I'm feeling a bit less stressed now as he's acting fairly normal.

Excellent news on both counts.  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gwen on November 08, 2008, 17:11:22 PM
Come on Jaffa make a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig wee for your meowmy :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 17:23:47 PM
I'm assuming that if he hadnt weed all day, he wouldn't be sitting on my knee purring and generally acting quite chilled out.  He doesn't seem to be uncomfortable in any way.  I won't relax properly until he's done a nice big wee for me, but fingers crossed he's ok now and it was just a bit of mild cystitis.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 17:34:38 PM
I think he would be rushing back and forth to the tray rather than doing that, hopefully the antibiotics are kicking in and any stress he was having has gone  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 17:38:54 PM
I'm hoping there won't be too many fireworks tonight.  Although he doesnt seem much bothered by them, if this is stress related they won't help.  He's curled up on the bed now looking quite comfortable.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 18:21:20 PM
He's done a week!  :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy:

It wasn't the biggest wee in the world, but I would consider it a fairly normal wee  ;D

I can pour myself a glass of wine now.  Didn't want to start on that too early in case I needed to take him to the vet.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 08, 2008, 18:34:31 PM
He's done a week!  :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy:

It was probably a wee  :rofl: but I share your joy.  ;D  Enjoy the vino!
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 18:44:06 PM
He's done a week!  :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy:

It was probably a wee  :rofl: but I share your joy.  ;D  Enjoy the vino!

 :P :P

Just be grateful I didn't take a photo and post it on here  :rofl:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gwen on November 08, 2008, 18:45:43 PM
Wahooooooooooooooo  :drink: :drink:

Can you pour me one too please Susanne? :shify:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 08, 2008, 18:51:05 PM
great news  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Kirst on November 08, 2008, 19:17:34 PM
Glad to hear Jaffa is on  the mend! :Luv:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 08, 2008, 19:46:39 PM
Glad he is seeming much better now - dont know why the vet said Metacam wouldnt taste nice, the cat version smells just the same as the dog version did, and I haven't had many problems at getting cats to eat their food with it in - you do want to avoid fishy foods and cut out his dry until you are sure he is better though
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 08, 2008, 21:09:33 PM
Glad he is seeming much better now - dont know why the vet said Metacam wouldnt taste nice, the cat version smells just the same as the dog version did, and I haven't had many problems at getting cats to eat their food with it in - you do want to avoid fishy foods and cut out his dry until you are sure he is better though

Hmm.. the vet said it didn't taste too good and while I could add it to his food, he probably wouldn't eat it.  Just done the medication for tonight.  I find it easier to do them both at the same time - shove a tablet down his throat and then go in with the syringe before he has time to bolt.  Then he gets a treat  ;D

He doesnt' eat any dry food, Des.  The only dry he has is the occasional dry treat.  I considered giving him something fishy as a treat tonight but I had a feeling fish was a no no so will stay off that for a while.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 09, 2008, 10:31:56 AM
Tom used to take his from the bottle, and Molly accepts it in food and she is incredibly fussy. I thought Jaffa got a small amount of dry a day?
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 09, 2008, 11:00:03 AM
Tom used to take his from the bottle, and Molly accepts it in food and she is incredibly fussy. I thought Jaffa got a small amount of dry a day?

Mosi has some dry but I put Jaffa on all wet a couple of years ago because of his age.  I might try the metacam in food then.  Jaffa is not particularly fussy so if I put it in something I know he loves, there's a good chance he will eat it.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 09, 2008, 13:11:02 PM
Glad to hear he's done a wee!  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 09, 2008, 17:49:47 PM
Another nice wee today  ;D  What a difference 24 hours makes.  Last night he was a different cat compared to friday.  He's back bouncing around and putting Mosi in his place now.  I won't be totally satisfied he's past this until we've had several days of weeing normally, but he seems fine now.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Millys Mum on November 09, 2008, 19:00:30 PM
Glad hes back to normal  ;D
Metacam is honey flavoured so mixed in food they dont notice it, sweet is easier to hide than bitter
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gwen on November 09, 2008, 19:41:11 PM
WAHOOOOOOO JAFFA keep weeing my boy :drink: :drink:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: clarenmax on November 09, 2008, 19:41:49 PM
Way to go Jaffa  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Janeyk on November 09, 2008, 19:42:16 PM
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 09, 2008, 19:51:57 PM
Brilliant news
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Kirst on November 09, 2008, 19:59:44 PM
Gla hes all back to normal! ;D
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 09, 2008, 23:21:46 PM
I've put the metacam in his supper tonight and he ate it all  ;D  Not sure how long I have to keep him on the metacam for actually.  Will have to ring the vet to check.  I don't think he's in pain now but as it's an anti inflammatory too, I don't want to stop it too soon.  It's been lovely watching him run around and play tonight.  It makes me realise how listless he was on friday night.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Millys Mum on November 10, 2008, 19:59:46 PM
One dose of pain relief is often enough to break the cycle as its regularly stress induced.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 10, 2008, 21:15:43 PM
He's definitely back to his old self now  :wow:  He's taking his antibiotics with his breakfast and tea, and his metacam with his supper.  I'm going to keep giving the metacam for a couple more days then ring the vet to ask if I need to continue it.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 10, 2008, 23:41:13 PM
Thats great  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 11, 2008, 05:58:58 AM
Fantastic news you must be relieved
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: clarenmax on November 11, 2008, 09:27:54 AM
Excellent news  :Luv:  :hug:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Leanne on November 11, 2008, 09:58:29 AM
Oh Suzanne I don't know how I missed your post till today.

I'm glad Jaffa is weeing again, its so stressful all round isn't it.

Reading your posts brought back so many memories of when Jess was poorly.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: ChrisB on November 11, 2008, 21:33:54 PM
Great news - so pleased that Jaffa is feeling better.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 11, 2008, 22:50:41 PM

I was so worried about the little lad on friday.  You know that knot in the stomach when you realise that something potentially serious is wrong and that an out of hours vet trip is going to be needed.  The thought of having to leave him there was awful too as he is so nervous in strange places and with strange people.  I'm so relieved it has been sorted out easily and that he's back to his usual self.
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: tigerbaby on November 12, 2008, 13:06:56 PM
I'm glad Jaffa is feeling better now  :Luv:
Title: Re: Worried about Jaffa - struggling to wee
Post by: Gillian Harvey on November 12, 2008, 13:42:58 PM
I was so worried about the little lad on friday.  You know that knot in the stomach when you realise that something potentially serious is wrong and that an out of hours vet trip is going to be needed. 

Yes I know that feeling, only too well, glad he's back to his old self  :hug: