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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: tigerbaby on October 19, 2008, 20:19:42 PM

Title: Cats and winter coats!
Post by: tigerbaby on October 19, 2008, 20:19:42 PM
This is the 2nd autumn we've had our darling Jameson - and I have noticed just much BIGGER he seems to get towards the winter period!!! First off his fur seems to get much thicker, and it also seems like he is putting on more weight/bulk and eating more.

Is this what happens in the winter? As last year we were worried that we were over-feeding him - and in the summer his winter coat seemed to disappeared, and a sleek and slender cat emerged from it!

Now I am noticing lots of shedding on the sofa and his blankets so am convinced it's to do with the season. Plus Jameson looks very chunky - he also appears to be eating more of the dry food, as if he's stodging up for the winter.

Am I imagining this, or do cats get 'bigger' in the winter? Sorry if this is a blatantly stupid question, but I simply do not know!

Title: Re: Cats and winter coats!
Post by: Gwen on October 19, 2008, 20:47:19 PM
Mine definately eat more in winter,dont know about Rameses so much as this is the first proper winter we've had him,also(well my two eldest) are a lot less active in winter which may contribute to the chubbyness too,cant see Mr Rameses calming down for the winter myself as he is outside in the day no matter what the weather and of course he comes home looking like a drowned hedgeog at times :shy:

Title: Re: Cats and winter coats!
Post by: Janeyk on October 19, 2008, 21:09:40 PM
I think they do eat more in winter for sure and would also imagine their coats change
Title: Re: Cats and winter coats!
Post by: tigerbaby on October 19, 2008, 21:16:37 PM
I noticed in the summer how 'kitten-like' he was - just like when we got him, and today when I looked at him he looked like a little bear cub with a square face!!

Aww either way he looks gorgeous, but he is definately bigger right now.
Title: Re: Cats and winter coats!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 19, 2008, 21:21:57 PM
The boys' fur has got thicker and they seem a little stockier, last year they were still babies when it started getting colder so were naturally growing anyway. This year they have definitely stopped age related growing so the change has got to be due to the winter.  Their fur feels a bit different too and I'm filling the biccie bowl up more regularly.  Neither of them are fat though and I think they look in peak condition  :)