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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: caledonia on September 05, 2008, 20:06:41 PM

Title: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: caledonia on September 05, 2008, 20:06:41 PM
Edgar has had a bit of an upset stomache today. We thought he had raided the left over chicken yesterday (despite it being in a tied bag hanging on the door handle!!!! :Crazy:) and he had went off his food yesterday. He wasn't himself and by lunchtime I had called the vert for advice - they advised we left it until tomorrow and call them for an update and they would have him in.

Well about two hours ago he just seemed to perk back up, had a few trips to the litter tray which was foul (serioulsy foul!!) and is now back to being as vocal as ever and in everything - so will call vets to update.

Only concern now is he smells really bad lol!! He had a bit of dirt on his bum which is very out of charcter and I cleaned that up and a bit that he must have stood on - but he really is stinking!!! Do I just sit it out or is there anything good to use that is harmless to him?

Thanks peeps
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val) on September 06, 2008, 01:02:42 AM
Sounds to me as if a trip to the vets might be in order.  He may have intestinal parasites which can cause smelly foul poop.  Does your kitty go outdoors?  If so he could have eaten so many things that could have upset his system.   I think I would call my vet just the same.  Good luck.  Oh and I know exactly what you mean with seriously foul cat pooh.  Gawd, there is nothing worse is there?  :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy: 
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: caledonia on September 06, 2008, 01:30:04 AM
No he is indoors only  - so the only thing he could have ate which caused the prob is the chicken  - his brother didn't have any and his fine. I have to call the vet in morning to update anyway but he seems ok just now - did his bum with dry shampoo and he has been fine. Their poo normally is pretty foul - ever since I introduced wet food!!  :Crazy:

Will see what vet says anyhoo

Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val) on September 06, 2008, 01:42:57 AM
Oh good.  Speaking of dry food, I have had the best luck with Royal Canin Intense Hairball 34, as my cats are long hairs.  I have noticed that their poop does not smell that bad any more, well, at least compared to how awful it smelled before. lol :rofl:  Have you tried any of the Royal Canin dry foods?  It may help.
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: caledonia on September 06, 2008, 02:03:07 AM
Sorry my post was meant to say wet food - duh!!!

My previous kitty was on Royal Canin Siamese and when I got this pair I had them on one of the genric Royan Canin - hmmmm maybe just adult (if that exists) but they are not very keen on dry so also get wet which they love (they are 11 so figured I was pushing my luck to change the habits of a lifetime!!) so the wet food is what makes them whiffy!!

Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val) on September 06, 2008, 06:42:26 AM
Aw yes, wet food will do that. lol   I like the way you describe stinky poo as whiffy.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: Hippykitty on September 06, 2008, 13:19:26 PM
Usually a good idea to starve a cat for 24hrs if has tummy problems, then change food type. But this sounds like food poisoning. Go to the vet asap.
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: caledonia on September 06, 2008, 16:07:11 PM
Called the vert this morning and explained everything is back to normal - he is waiting at meal times, is wolfing down his food, litter deposits back to normal (just plain whiffy rather than awful whiffy  :sick:) and he is jumping about the place and he thinks it was the scavanged chicken too. So have to leave it and if he is fine no problems.

Normally I would have left it 24 hours of them off food before calling the vet, if I had did that then he would have been back to normal within that time but after losing Bertie from anemia and feeling I should have called earlier I was probably a bit quick off the mark. All is well now.

One thing it has highlighted is just what a ganet chops he is - I always knew he ate more than Oscar but with Oscar ebing the only one at two meal times I saw the difference in what was left lol - although Edgar did end up polishing off the dry biccies that were out.

Thanks all
Title: Re: Smelly cat!!!
Post by: HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val) on September 06, 2008, 19:04:02 PM
Well done!  I'm glad everything is back to normal.  Don't worry, I am the same as you.  I rush to the vets at the first sign of a sniff.  Better to be safe than sorry. :Luv2: