Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: bunglycat on August 05, 2008, 22:42:03 PM

Title: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 05, 2008, 22:42:03 PM
Got to get up and take her to the vet in the morning - its only a few weeks ago she had this and had antibiotics !
She has been eating her usual amount of dried food ( but it seems to be because i have mixed it with the royal canin for persians as the "usual" is Hills c/d and its really for Smartie - but i cant feed the others seperate biscuits as they are down all day , so i have been mixing it with this for a treat as they really like it - Smartie hasn''t had cystitis for a few years -touch wood !)- but bungly -twice now in less than 8 weeks !!

She does eat a fair ammount of wet food as well .

Could she have needed a longer course of antibitics - think she had them for 5 or 7 days last time and an injection !?
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on August 05, 2008, 22:50:38 PM
Ahhh poor bungly ... have you had a look at some of the things available at VET UK  that might help her.  Obviously another visit to Mr Vet is a must but some of things products may help if it's a recurring problem.

Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 05, 2008, 23:00:31 PM
Thankyou for that link -will have a look later .
Funds are non existant at the moment - i have just got to go offline for a bit to ring my brother to borrow £30 !

Don''t think he will be very happy as i already owe him £270 !!!
Cant pay that back for a while either - not having a good day today !!
Getting really worried about money at the moment - every day seems to get worse and the last thing you need is another vet bill !
Still - she will go tomorrow and i will worry again afterwards about paying my brother back -good job i have him -but as he says " i am not a  bank "! ( he is actually nearly a pensioner !- so i feel a bit embarrassed borrowing from him !!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 05, 2008, 23:03:42 PM
I wouldnt 'free feed' i.e. leaving biscuits down, I would stick to the wet food mealtimes and no food in between, especially not dry, free feeding has been implicated in cystitis problems. What wet food does she have? does it contain cereals or grains of any sort? if so, that might be an issue - persians are particularly sensitive to the carbs in both wet and dry foods, so trying her on a high meat content wet food would be worth a go.

Has she had a wee sample analyzed? most cases of cystitis arent caused by bacteria, antibotics are only needed if infection is present, although most vets will give antibiotics anyway (just in case!)

Hope she feels better soon.  I know what you mean about the vet bills - I still owe a lot - and its rising again!! :hug:
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 00:20:26 AM
Bungly has Whiskers supermeat (tin) and some felix in jelly -(pouches)
I buy the whiskers supermeat as its the only wet food Smartie will eat  and i have tried him on everything over the years ! He wont eat fish, chicken and only very occasionally will he eat a couple of very small bits of ham  and definately no other cat food.
Luckily Sophie and Bungly like the whiskers and felix .
Winston eats mainly Felix and only has biscuits at bedtime when i take a bowl upstairs and he has a few in the night - touch wood he has never had cystitis !

The main dry food has been only  Hills c/d - this has only happened since i mixed it with the Royal canin persian for a treat !!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Millys Mum on August 06, 2008, 13:19:27 PM
Dry food is a common culprit along with stress, only 2% caused by bacteria  :shocked:

Would reccomend getting a urine sample tested or the vet may have sorted that this morning, hope you got on ok?
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 17:14:51 PM
Bungly has ben to the vets - had 2 injections and a course of antibiotics and have to get a urine sample when she has finished them -sometime next week.
Just when i had her in the basket , i went to get Smartie in as he was asleep outside- i brought him in and put him down on the floor where he just flopped very alarmingly as if his legs wouldn''t hold him up  :scared: :scared:
I dont know if it was because he was so sleepy or other problem regarding his heart condition - i had a word with the vet who said his long term prognosis isn''t good :'( :'(, which really upset me as i sort of guessed he wouldn''t get to old age (11years now) , but its worse when you actually are told that.
Anyway, i am now taking him later to check to see if there is anything going on !

Then about 5-6am Winston was sick and he is hardly ever sick !
Just to top it up -all the stress this week has really upset my ulcerative colitis and i have been really ill all morning myself and none of the tablets are helping anymore - so got to find time to ring the doctor !

What a bloody week - let alone today !!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 06, 2008, 17:19:49 PM
My Sylvester suffers terribley but since being on a very strict RC Urinary diet he hasn't had any problems (touch wood) for ages, and he was having major recurrent bouts!   Could you not ask your vet about a strict diet? 
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 17:24:08 PM
Yes Smartie  is supposed to be on C/D and he has been fine - but i have mixed R.C for persians in with it for a treat and the others have been having a fair bit of that too as its their fav. but i am sure thats whats causing it !!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 06, 2008, 18:35:34 PM
My Freddy suffers with this (is having a bout of it at the moment)

We have tried antibiotics, steroids, calming tablets and the only thing that works for him is METACAM.

Have you tried RC urinary dry food rather than Hills ??
I personally find it better than Hills (They also do wet urinary food too)
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 06, 2008, 18:45:58 PM
All my other cats are on RC Urinary as well and my vet said it was fine and they all love it.    Honestly hun if I ever give Sylvester even a feww days worth of something else it affects him - I have to be so strict with him its crazy and it hits him fast.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 20:38:54 PM
ok thanks- i will get a small bag to try - WHEN i have some spare money !!
Also thinking of keping  few things in too -just in case it starts after the vets are closed for the night or on a week-end ( what usually happens as well !!)
What do you advise me to get - metacam - does that need a prescription ?
What about the paste stuff that vetuk sell ?
Also will get and try some of the cranberry treats from there.

The injection doesn''t seem to have kicked in properly yet as she is still in and out the litter tray - but she didn''t have it till around 3pm - and then start tablets tomorrow.

Smartie seems to be ok - heart rate ok and normal - so fortekor must be working - vet said the rest is in the lap of the gods !!!
Maybe he just objected to being brought inside when he was happily asleep outside-didn''t half give me a scare -he was just floppy on the floor and then when i shouted his name - he just looked at me and sat up ?????
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 06, 2008, 20:46:42 PM
Fingers crossed - I would have a chat with your vet as to whether he will give you some Metacam for just in case. Just bear in mind that cystitis issues are a lot worse in males.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 20:54:32 PM
Yes i know from when Smartie had it - Bungly is a girl though - despite the name ! ;D
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 06, 2008, 20:56:08 PM
Oops, sorry!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: candyshandy on August 06, 2008, 21:19:24 PM
You may also want to mention Cystaid - I've only just given a whole tub of those tablets away (about £50 worth)!!  I had to buy a large tub because it wasn't a regular stock item at my vets and then Fabes didn't need them anymore  :tired:
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 06, 2008, 21:24:48 PM
If your vet agrees to the RC Urinary diet get the food from VetUK as its cheaper than from the vet
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 06, 2008, 22:26:07 PM
What do you advise me to get - metacam - does that need a prescription ?

Yes you have to get Metacam from your vet....a 15ml bottle will last you a long long time. I popped into my vet on Monday and got a new bottle and it cost be £15

You need to find what works for your cat, As i say its the only thing that works for Freddy but it might not work for Bungly.

As Mrs R says, you can get RC from VetUK and you dont need a prescription but i found once you added the p&p it didnt work out any cheaper than my vet
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 06, 2008, 23:33:14 PM
I have got Cystaid and gave her some last night - but they are so big for her !!! If i crushed it on food she wouldn''t eat it !

My vet is great and will match online prices - he does that with the C/D and Smarties fortekor.

Maybe he can give me something too  ;D as i get to the vet and not to the doctor for myself - must make appointment tomorrow as still not feeling that clever tonight !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 07, 2008, 00:03:19 AM
Just looked on VetUK and Metacam is £8.19 ! almost half the price i have just paid  >:(
P&P was free but then it said  that orders had to be £9.00 and over !!!!!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 00:40:25 AM
Well i could make that up with those cranberry treats or something else - would i need a prescription from my vet for that ? If i tel him the price he should let me have some for the same price.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 07, 2008, 08:20:17 AM
You could ask for a prescription for MEtacam and buy it through VetUK. Cystaid can be bought without, but you have to a 250 tablet tub.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 07, 2008, 11:28:22 AM
Well i could make that up with those cranberry treats or something else - would i need a prescription from my vet for that ? If i tel him the price he should let me have some for the same price.

Yes you would need a prescription from your vet, which is free, but hopefully your vet would match the price
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 07, 2008, 12:31:52 PM
Well i could make that up with those cranberry treats or something else - would i need a prescription from my vet for that ? If i tel him the price he should let me have some for the same price.

Yes you would need a prescription from your vet, which is free, but hopefully your vet would match the price

Apparently prescriptions will only be free for a little while longer - my vet said they are changing the policy nationally so get your scripts asap
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Debsymiller (Rufus' mum) on August 07, 2008, 14:49:36 PM
You poor things! my cat Layla suffers from urinary tract problems. She had cystitis several times last year and it just wouldn't go, it was awful so we collected a urine sample and found she had struvite bladder crystals which are like grains of sand that are very painful. She has spent the last year on s/d and has recently moved onto c/d which is the aintainance diet but I will put her back on S/d if she has any flair ups. The only time she had a reoccurance was when she snuck into next door and ate some of their cats food. She is very sensitive and even the smallest amount of non-prescription food does it.
I know that you can get wet and dry prescription food so maybe try to give either exclusively. The food was the only thing that cleared things up for my girlie. Have you ahd the urine tested? (Sorry if you've already said that and I missed it!
Hope she is on the mend soon!

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Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 15:18:47 PM
She is on Baytril tablets till monday then will take a sample in after she has finished them
Yes , Smartie (boy) has those crystals and he had s/d and now is on c/d - bungly was eating this but she was also having r.c persian too !
All my cats also eat wet food -Winston eats mainly wet food and touch wood has not had it !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Millys Mum on August 07, 2008, 17:15:04 PM
What do you advise me to get - metacam - does that need a prescription ?

Yes you have to get Metacam from your vet....a 15ml bottle will last you a long long time.
It has a 6 month shelf life once opened

The pastes that vet uk sell are for using alongside normal food to dissolve cystals in the same way a prescription diet does but without making the cat eat crap soooooo if your feeding c/d you dont need acidifying pastes  ;D
As you havent done a urine analysis yet you dont know if this is a stress reaction to the new inmate
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 17:54:54 PM
I don''t think thats the case Millys mum - Phoebe has only been here a couple of weeks and Bungly got tis in May first of all -also Phoebe hasn''t really encountered the others as she has mainly been in the spare room - think she has only seen them on a couple of occasions - Bungly was ontop of settee asleep and i dont think she even noticed her and Smartie was upside down infront of the fire with his legs in the air and took no notice either !!!
Phoebe had a wander round and then went back to her room !!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 07, 2008, 18:17:07 PM
Hopefully once on the right diet you won't need the Metacam, mines not been used for months now and looks lilke it will go past its sell by date :wow:

You do end up watching your cat even more closely - I am terrible with Sylvester watching him closely every day as the change can happen so quickly.   I was always so upset when Sylvester had recurrent episodes.

My vet has said it is just a matter of time till he has to have an op but at the mo I am happy that Sylvester is pain free and peeing normally  :evillaugh:

Its funny as with my new job one of my specialities is Urology and doing so much research into the human side of it every day even more I think about Sylvester with it.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 18:22:29 PM
Yes, know what you mean (posted other deatils about tabs in other thread)- sem to be looking in the litter tray as often as the cats using it !! :rofl:
Smartie hasn''t had it for a few years and i still watch him when he goes in it !!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 07, 2008, 18:27:53 PM
With Sylvester its either the look of his fur that indicates something is goin gon or when I hear him crying in the litter try!  :scared:
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 22:10:36 PM
I can hear them in and out the litter trays as they are only in the next room and all doors are open in my house all the time .
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 07, 2008, 22:13:33 PM
 :hug: for you and  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for our feline patients.

I am always here sweetie if you need to chat about it, etc as it is something you live with daily I know x
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 07, 2008, 22:24:04 PM
Thankyou thats really nice- i do live on my own with the cats !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 08, 2008, 12:34:17 PM
Thankyou thats really nice- i do live on my own with the cats !

You're welcome x
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2008, 14:58:17 PM
Just wondered how long this should take to clear - she doesn''t seem any better today !
She had an injection around 3pm Wednesday , then 2 tabs yesterday and 1 this morning -its been 48 hours just .
Should i give it another day - i rang yesterday and he said to give it 48 hours - they are open sat morning  with an appointment - but i am sure it cleared up quicker last time !?
She is still only doing lots of little wees !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Dawn F on August 08, 2008, 15:01:00 PM
when Amber had it a while back she seemed much better the following day
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2008, 15:06:25 PM
Yes, i am sure Bungly did last time too ?
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Dawn F on August 08, 2008, 15:07:34 PM
if you're worried ring them back again
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Debsymiller (Rufus' mum) on August 08, 2008, 15:11:29 PM
It did take 3-4 days for my Layla to feel better but I agree, if you are worried then call your vet. It's much better to get some advice as it will not only put your mind at rest but will also ensure your baby is on the mend. :)
It's so horrid when they are poorly, it really upsets me to see mine suffer but you've done exactly the right things and I'm sure she will be on the mend soon. xx

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Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 08, 2008, 16:20:25 PM
Yes call your vet and double check with them to be safe but Sylvester got over it in different time frames each time.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2008, 16:43:30 PM
I have rung my vet and i have to go later and pick up some different antibiotics ( symulox- wrong spelling !)
These are what she had last time - he said if she is still no better by Monday t- take her in for an x-ray ! :scared:
The vet is a 30 mile round trip and went twice yesterday !!! will be having to get more petrol again too at this rate !!!
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 08, 2008, 18:01:04 PM
At least your mind is slightly at rest hunnie, hopefully the other antibiotics will sort it out x
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Millys Mum on August 08, 2008, 18:04:47 PM
Synulox taste better so thats good for her  ;D
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2008, 19:13:06 PM
My mistake - just picked them up and gave her one the minute i got in - they are nsamox- so we''ll see how these go !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !- update
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2008, 22:13:16 PM
I have come home with different antibiotics and gave her one at 6.45pm , she did have one of the others this morning about 9.30am .
Do you think it will be ok to give her another of these new ones just before i go to bed - around 2-3.30am ?
(still got loads to do and not eaten yet !)

Then when i get up tomorrow , give her one about 12-1pm and the other around 11pm .
Do you think that will be okay ?
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 09, 2008, 00:27:43 AM
Well sent 2 pms tonight to 2 different people and had no reply - so will have to trust my own judgement and give her the tablet - was waiting till 2am anyway -but dont think anyone is going to reply tonight now and the people i pmd have gone offline without replying :(
Will check again just before i get in bed though !
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 09, 2008, 10:04:20 AM
iF she only needs two a day, i wouldnt have given her the second tablet yesterday, and started at 2 a day today.
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 09, 2008, 12:25:34 PM
Hi hunnie sorry I must have gone offline when you had just sent the emails as only just come back online and seen them - I would personally only give the amount of tablets as directed by your vet and no more.     Hows Bunglys doing this morning?
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 09, 2008, 14:22:50 PM
To be honest - she doesn''t seem to be any different except she isn''t weeing quite as much- but still only tiny amounts -estimating about once every 45mins -1 hour .
She seems fine in herself  and eating okay - also don''t think she has had a poo for a couple of days either !
Getting really worried now - but this is only the 3rd day of tablets and if the ones for the first 2 days didn''t work -i suppose this is the first day !?

She is booked in for x-ray first thing Monday morning  if things are no better - if they are and she wees normal - i can ring and cancel it .
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Millys Mum on August 09, 2008, 20:40:48 PM
Twice daily measn 12 hours apart so aslong as theres that gap your ok.
An x ray would rule things out for you  ;D
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: The Duchess on August 10, 2008, 19:26:59 PM
My Cosmo did a bid pink wee on my bed late Wednesday night so it was off to the vets 1st thing Thursday.  He was given 2 injections and a course of antibiotics and metacam for a week plus some special food - we're hoping to nip it in the bud.  Injections kicked in straight away and - touch wood - he seems to be fine now.  He got caught in a downpour last Sunday and got absolutely drenched, which I think might have brought this attack on - he's never had it before.

when Jessie (Cosmo's sister) got it last year, it was definitely stress related as she was spotting all over the place constantly - she had a course of cartropen (sp?) injections and we did lots more to make life more interesting and stress free, including building more hidey-holes/safe places and one-to-one play and she's been (fine touch) wood since then ;D

hope you manage to sort things out  :hug: 
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: bunglycat on August 10, 2008, 22:57:31 PM
Bungly is a good bit better thank goodness - so i am leaving the x-ray .
She is weeing about every 3-4 hours at the moment , rolling and being her usual self and she still has 2 days tablets to take yet and when they are finished i have to get a sample and take in.

Yesterday it was every hour ,so yes she is improving .
Hopefully this time tomorrow she should be back to normal .
If she goes downhill again for any reason -then i will take her for the x-ray.
For some reason -the baytril tablets didn''t seem to do anything for her ????
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: MrsR on August 11, 2008, 07:49:06 AM
Pleased to hear hun x
Title: Re: Bunglys got cystitis again tonight !
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 11, 2008, 07:58:56 AM
That is why they normally dont give out ab's till a urine sample has been given, to see what ab's it will respond to.