Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: puggy1975 Zoe on July 28, 2008, 20:44:47 PM

Title: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on July 28, 2008, 20:44:47 PM
My cat Ollie has recently developed darker coloured urine in his litter and it also has a really strong smell of ammonia.

I use worlds best litter and usually it changes to a darker golden colour but now when he pees it is more like a brown colour and smells very strongly of ammonia.

Ollie and Tyler both use the same litter tray and Tylers pee is still same.

I am concerned there may be something wrong or am i just being paranoid?

Thanks in advance for any help

Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on July 28, 2008, 21:09:24 PM
Think you really need to take Ollie to the vets for a check up. You are certainly not being paranoid.
Hopefully the vet will be able to sort it.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Maddiesmum on July 29, 2008, 06:40:22 AM
Not at all paranoid, a caring cat owner.  Agree that a trip to the vet would do no harm.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on July 29, 2008, 19:04:25 PM
Hopefully he has been to the vets today? Upset bladders are very painful but can be easily sorted  ;D
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on July 29, 2008, 19:44:02 PM
Cant get appointment at vets til the weekend.

Anyone got any idea what it could be. ??? He does not seem in any pain
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on July 29, 2008, 20:01:00 PM
Bloody urine can be caused by infection, crystals/stones or stress. Will they not fit you in at all before then, what happens if he blocks up thats really serious, they would fit you in then? Well i would hope they would do  :scared:
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on July 29, 2008, 20:32:58 PM
Is that what it is when urine darker that it has blood in it.?

Its hard to tell by looking at it if its blood. just looks darker

The vet used to have an open surgery at night and in morning. Not any more its all appointments
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: blackcat on July 29, 2008, 20:44:37 PM
occult blood (old blood that turns up in stools or urine) will look blackish. If the urine is a dark yellow it will more likely be concentrated, suggesting the cat is not taking enough fluids. Bright blood - the stuff that actually looks like blood, just means a problem closer to the area of discharge (ie the anus or urinary tract). Occult blood usually means the problem is further up the bowel (in the case of faeces) or urinary tract (in the case of urine). Hope this helps ...
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: alisonandarchie on July 29, 2008, 22:57:08 PM
Archie was peeing blood a few weeks ago and it was caused by cystitus which was stresss related. It stained the litter red :(

Hope you can get it sorted out :hug:
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on July 30, 2008, 10:53:33 AM
I know this sounds  :sick: but what i have done before is get some kitchen roll and dab the urine to see if its blood
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: MrsR on July 30, 2008, 18:03:01 PM
Yes hope it gets sorted hun x
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on July 30, 2008, 21:02:22 PM
I tried the kitchen roll to absorb some of ollies urine  :-: and there was no blood in it thankfully

Its still darker and strong smelling. Just need to wait to see what vet says. Hopefully nothing to much
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on July 30, 2008, 22:33:50 PM
I tried the kitchen roll to absorb some of ollies urine  :-: and there was no blood in it thankfully

Its still darker and strong smelling. Just need to wait to see what vet says. Hopefully nothing to much

I wonder if cats are like us where are urine is darker if we drink less ?

Hope all goes well with the vets xx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Maddiesmum on August 01, 2008, 06:32:22 AM
Hope the vet managed to sort it out.  Hope you will come on and update us later
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 01, 2008, 20:11:49 PM
Ollie going to the vet in the morning. He took not well last night. Did not sleep at all.

He was ok then went upstairs and lay in the cat basket in my room then came through to spare room where i was watching tv and sat next to me.

5 mins later he started to shake and his eyes were rolling about and he seemed really confused. He is a bit better today but still not himself. he is not following me about as usual and still bit confused looking

Oh i hope the we man is ok

Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: MrsR on August 01, 2008, 20:29:07 PM
Could you not call the vet out of hours and talk to him/her about whats been happening and what happened today to see if the vet thinks it warrants an emergency appt?
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 01, 2008, 20:33:42 PM
I called them today to see if i could take him today and did not seem that bothered.

May start to look for a new vet as i worried about him. The vet i used to see retired and he was fantastic. Not to keen on the other ones now.

The we man is just not himself  :(  I was crying last night as i thought he looked as though he had no idea what happening around him. Not sure if the 2 are related. Will find out in the morning
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: alisonandarchie on August 01, 2008, 22:05:42 PM
Good luck finding a new vet.

If you are worried dont hesitate to contact the out of hours vet. :hug:

Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: MrsR on August 01, 2008, 23:01:09 PM
Yes hunnie if you feel like he needs to be seen during the night just demand he is seen x :hug:
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 01, 2008, 23:34:53 PM

5 mins later he started to shake and his eyes were rolling about and he seemed really confused.

I wonder if he had a stroke (but i'm not a vet)....Its just when i worked in the cattery a cat had a stoke infront of me and thats excatly what he did.

As Mrs R has said, If you are at all worried during the night call ANY out of hours vet and demand to be seen,
Hope He has a good night xxx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 02, 2008, 15:45:41 PM
Well I had Ollie at the vet his morning. She thinks the shaking and his eyes rolling is that he had a temperature. She has given me antibiotics for him and if he no better in a week he has to go back to get blood samples.

The poor we thing is just sleeping all the time. Oh i wish he could talk to me.

Hopefully the atibiotics will help

Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on August 06, 2008, 13:57:59 PM
Was she not concerned his urine is more concentrated than normal?
When my neighbour was trying to get out of taking her cat to the vet she came over for advice (like we are vets!) and told my mum his symptoms( similar to Ollies)  i told her it sounded like a blocked bladder and to go asap, 2 hours later the cat was sat shaking and was in obvious pain, he spent 5 days in the vets  :(

Blocked bladders are really dangerous for male cats, please get him a second opinion, theres something wrong if hes sleeping all the time.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 07, 2008, 19:41:24 PM
No she just said the shaking would be him having a temperature and felt round about that area and gave him an antibiotic injection.

He has perked up last few days but he had diorrea tonight and hispee was a bit darker again. He is weeing large amounts compared to Tyler
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 27, 2008, 13:49:45 PM
Well Ollies urine problem continues. We had him back at the vet yesterday getting blood and urine samples. So hopefully will get results tomoro.

The strange thing is that we had Ollie at the Vet from 8.30 yesterday until about 2.30pm while they were taking the samples. Poor we man has to be put under anethsetic. Since we came home with him Tyler keeps hissing and growling at him and for the first time ever he seems scared of her. It is totally out of character as they usually both really close and share everything and cuddle up together as they sister and brother, Everytime he goes near her she hisses and growls.

Anyone got any idea why she may be doing this? I just hope it passes. Was not sure if its because they have been seperated.


Zoe and Ollie
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Dawn F on August 27, 2008, 13:50:54 PM
sometimes they can smell a bit too much of the vets - hope you get the problem sorted
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Maddiesmum on August 27, 2008, 15:14:41 PM
Poor Ollie is not having a good time is he?  Hopefully the tests will reveal the answers and he can have meds to help him. 
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on August 27, 2008, 21:00:32 PM
It will be the smell, im glad your having tests run on him
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 27, 2008, 22:09:20 PM
Oh i really hope it is the smell as i could not cope if it continued as they are so close.

Yeah glad my we man getting tests as i been so worried about him.

Will keep you updated when i get the results.

Zoe Ollie and the hissing Tyler xx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 28, 2008, 22:24:32 PM
Well I got my we Ollies test results back today. His blood ones were ok and he has a significant infection in his bladder that the first lot of antibiotics did not clear. So he is back off to the vet tomoro for an antibiotic injection.

Tyler just stopped hissing at him tonight so once he been bck to the vets in the morning it will all start again.

Ollie has had 3 visits to the vets this week, think he will be thinking he moving there. Just glad i was off on holiday this week

Hopefully the next lot of antibiotics will help him.

Zoe and Ollie xx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Leanne on August 29, 2008, 11:48:37 AM
I hope Ollie is soon feeling better  :hug:

Urine infections are not nice in little boys.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 29, 2008, 19:10:27 PM
Had Ollie back at vet today to get his antibiotic injection. He has to go back again in two weeks for another one.

The Vet said its a kind of bacterial infection and the type he has is not common in cats. He quite sleepy today. Think its the injection.

Hopefully he on the mend

Zoe and Ollie
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on August 29, 2008, 22:25:21 PM
Is it the same vets? Would have thought oral would have been better if its that bad an infection, convenia isnt that great. Keep an eye on him as it can get bad if they get a plug form from pus, hope he perks up soon :wish:
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 29, 2008, 22:37:47 PM
Hi yes it is the same vets. is there much difference from tablet form antibiotic and injection?

They are going to take another urine sample again in a couple of weeks i think along with another injection.

Feel sorry for the we man. He not been himself and his sister hissing and growling not been helping. He keeps running to me and crying when she hisses .

Thanks for all u help and support.
I was worried Tyler may get it to but they said she should be ok.

Zoe and Ollie xx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on August 30, 2008, 22:02:45 PM
Oral dosing is better imo, you know they are getting it, convenia has variable results and a few on here have found it doesnt work as well or for as long as it should, its great if you really cant medicate tho if the cats feral or just angry lol

You could try rubbing their bedding on him to try to make him smell nicer to his sister
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 31, 2008, 10:49:48 AM
I hope he does get better, but I agree with MM about the antibioitics, Convenia has only been proved to work on a few things, and I dont think UTI's are one of them.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on August 31, 2008, 11:07:17 AM
I will just keep an eye on him and if no improvement i will take him back  to vet earlier. Think i will ask for the oral tablets when he goes back for his next dose.

Thankfully Tyler has made up with Ollie. They are currently cuddled up together in their bed and Tyler is cleaning Ollie. Thats one less thing to worry about

Zoe and Ollie xx
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on September 03, 2008, 19:59:13 PM
Well today we Ollie has been off his food ,sleepy and cant be bothered chasing his sister

Oh i hope Ollie gets better soon

Zoe x
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 04, 2008, 00:24:04 AM
Poor Ollie  :care:  Might be worth ringing the vets and asking about oral anti-B's, I know lots of tablet taking tricks if he needs to have tablets instead  :hug:
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on September 04, 2008, 07:55:05 AM
I would definitley ring up, but you might have issues with oral a/b's so soon after the injection.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on September 12, 2008, 20:14:17 PM
Had my boy back at the vet tonight. he seems a lot better now. they gave him another antibiotic injection to be on safe side. so hopefully he will be fine now

Zoe and Ollie
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: Angeladeedah on September 12, 2008, 23:30:12 PM
Hi yes it is the same vets. is there much difference from tablet form antibiotic and injection?

They are going to take another urine sample again in a couple of weeks i think along with another injection.

Feel sorry for the we man. He not been himself and his sister hissing and growling not been helping. He keeps running to me and crying when she hisses .

Thanks for all u help and support.
I was worried Tyler may get it to but they said she should be ok.

Zoe and Ollie xx

I have the same problem with my 2 boys - Harvey has to go to the vet a lot as he has HCM and every time we bring him home his brother hisses/growls/spits and swipes at him and sometimes me too.    I've been told (and I'll be trying this next time we go) when you bring him home - get a clean towel and rub it over the cat that stayed at home then rub it over the cat that was at the vets to get the same scent on them. 

Hope Ollie is doing better.
Title: Re: Cat Urine Problem
Post by: puggy1975 Zoe on September 13, 2008, 19:57:36 PM
Thanks for the advise, i will try that next time. Tyler hisses growls and spits at him everytime Ollie comes back from the vet and takes a couple days for them to sort it out. Defo worth a try

Thanks again. Just hope this prob does not return when antibiotics wear off. Vet told me just to keep an eye on him

Zoe Ollie and Tyler