Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: kittykat on January 23, 2007, 15:57:55 PM

Title: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: kittykat on January 23, 2007, 15:57:55 PM
I posted earlier about how our new kitten wasn't going to the toilet.

Well she is now weeing...............on our leather sofa.  I've cleaned it up but she keeps going back there and scratching.  I put her in the litter tray but she hates it and runs off.

I had a big litter tray for her and thought she may find it too big.  So i've put the litter in tiny tray now and she still won't use it!

I don't understand because i'm using the same litter as shes always used with her breeder.

How can i stop her weeing on the sofa?  Any advice?  I heard that you should put the litter tray there so i did, but she just got annoyed and tried to wee on the other end of the sofa!

Thanks x
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on January 23, 2007, 16:04:37 PM

When I first got my kittens, my little boy Tom was going on our bed lol, he ket doing it, although he was still going in his litter tray too.
I stopped him from going into the room fo a few days but when I let him in again he done it. Eventually he stoppd, I have no idea why, some people said he was marking his territory, when he lies on the bed now, he does still lie around that spot..

I also had a problem with him going in his bed, so I took the beds away and now he doesn't go there either.

I've always just put it down to him growing out of it.

Hope that gives you abit of piece of mind lol

Saah x
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: ccmacey on January 23, 2007, 16:08:32 PM
Thank god for leather! I really dont know what you could do, when mine were kittens if they started to pee I would pick them up and race them to the litter tray, they soon got the hang of it. Saying that my eldest cat refuses to use the tray and goes in the bath!  Did the breeder say she was using the tray fine at their's?
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: ccmacey on January 23, 2007, 16:11:36 PM
Do you take the kitten to the tray after they have eaten? It has been said that cats need the loo after they have eat, you should try that.
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on January 23, 2007, 16:40:48 PM
When kitten wees try to mop it into kitchen roll and then wring out into her tray, also wipe sides of tray with wee`d kitchen roll, gently put her in tray she will soon get the idea. Any toilet either end should always be cleaned into the tray and kitty shown until she gets the idea
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: JackSpratt on January 23, 2007, 16:45:19 PM
Did you ever see this little one use the litter tray? Or have you only got someones word for it? (Sorry that sounds bad, but you get my point!)

She may just be stressed and trying to adapt to the new situation. When you see her getting on your sofa, move her to the tray each time, on the off chance that what she's going up there for. Eventually, she'll get frustrated with fighting you, I'd think!

She sounds an utter character. What's her name? :)
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Millys Mum on January 23, 2007, 18:09:33 PM
If shes only tiny, keep her in one room until shes settled and is using the tray in the right way. Then let her out in the rest of the house.
As Jack says, she may not be litter trained or she may not like wood pellets.

Clean up the sofa with Simple Solution but do a test patch first just incase it marks it!
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 23, 2007, 20:10:01 PM
I was told, and have tried this once, that after the cat soils an area, once clean, place a little bowl with their food over the area, as cat don't go toilet where they eat....and if you do that for a few days the cat gets the picture. I was lucky Lexy was a one off event, because she didn't like the door on her tray so piddle downstairs in the entrance of the house.

Tried the above and she has never gone there again, or anywhere else but I suspect that it was only meant to be a one off.

I like Teresa's method, definitely sounds like it will work and Teresa definitely will know all the tried methods
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: JackSpratt on January 23, 2007, 20:28:10 PM
Yep, the scent marking of her litter tray will definately help her to get the message. (Of course, how quickly depends on how bright the young 'un is!)
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on January 23, 2007, 21:21:44 PM
A word to the wise - if Teresa suggests it, do it!

Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....update!
Post by: kittykat on January 24, 2007, 10:59:18 AM
Thank you so much everyone for all of your advice!  :thanks:

She starting weeing on the sofa again last night (on my cosy throw  :'( ) so i picked her up and ran to the little litter tray and she finished weeing init (with me holding her).  I had a lot of clearing up to do - a nice long trail of wee from the sofa to the litter tray but i was just glad to get her scent onto it. 

Whenever she had something to eat i took her to the litter tray (still screaming) and then I put her food on the sofa as suggested. 

THEN an hour later we found her pooing on the other end of the sofa!!!

This morning i decided to go and try some new litter but my car broke down so i can't get to the pet shop!!  Instead i decided to get her big original tray out but this time put the hood onit.  I removed the flap door though.

All morning i've been putting her init (when she wakes or eats) and again shes been screaming and jumping out.

Then half an hour ago she started scratching the sofa and meowing and i realised she must want to do a poo.  So i picked her up and put her in the hooded litter tray, she tried to get out but i held her in there ( i felt really mean but it was my only hope) and......... a few seconds later when i let her jump out........a little poo was in there!  :wow:   I was so happy!!!  I praised her lots.

I still don't think she likes or knows what its for, but maybe if i keep holding her there when i catch her she'll get the hang of it.

I've cleared the poo out because i know cats are fussy but i'm hoping the scent of the poo will still be in there.  I also put the wet cat litter from the other tray into the hooded one.

Fingers crossed!!!

I'm meant to be training her to get used to being on her own (because i return to work on monday) but i've also got to stay in the room to watch out for toilet accidents.  Its hard work!

But she is absolutely adorable!  And i love her so much!

Her name is Tipsey.
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Marie on January 24, 2007, 14:09:15 PM
We had similar sofa problems when we got Tommy.  I was told he was litter trained but now do not believe that to be true.  We did the picking him up every 10 minutes and putting him in the tray thing when we were home and again when he started to look and sound like he needed a wee/poo.  We had to keep him in the kitchen when we were out and at night for a couple of weeks until he was used to the tray but after that he was fine.  Except to this day he is a fussy little so and so and still will not wee and poo in the same tray and has to have 2!!!

Good luck, I am sure with a little patience and time you will get there.
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on January 24, 2007, 16:00:51 PM
Aww glad to hear she's settling down a bit now :)

She sounds gorgeous  :Luv:

Sarah x
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Millys Mum on January 24, 2007, 18:44:04 PM
Quite possible she hates the litter. Keep up and she'll get the idea!
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on January 24, 2007, 20:20:11 PM
Any Tipsey developments today, Kittycat?
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: kittykat on January 25, 2007, 12:45:24 PM
Yes big improvements!  Firstly she slept 7 hours straight last night (big improvement from the 2 hours the first night and the 5 hours the night before).

AND.....when i went in to see her this morning...........she had done a wee wee in her litter tray!!!!!!!!  It worked!  I kept putting her init every 10 mins last night and shes finally understood!  Well i hope so anyway.

But shes still pooing on the cushions so i don't think she associates the litter tray as the place you do a poo yet.  But hopefully it will only be a matter of time before she picks that up.

I'm so proud of her!!

My only problem now is getting her used to me being at work.  I'm at home all day today but i've left her 2 hours now in the lounge (I'm in our bedroom) and every now and then she starts meowing SOOOO loudly.  I'm waiting for my horrid neighbour to come knocking.  It breaks my heart hearing her cry and i'm so desperate to go in there.  But if i do that i'm worried she'll never settle.

Fingers crossed.  Shes gone quiet again now so hopefully shes having a snooze.  I've been playing with her for 4 hours straight this morning so the little one must get tired soon.
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on January 25, 2007, 13:57:22 PM
But shes still pooing on the cushions so i don't think she associates the litter tray as the place you do a poo yet.  But hopefully it will only be a matter of time before she picks that up.

I have read on here that some cats prefer to have separate trays for pooing and peeing?  Forgive me if someone else has suggested this already elsewhere...
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: kittykat on January 25, 2007, 14:00:26 PM
Thanks for that advice christine.  I will get another little tray for her to see if she prefers two.

I've been scooping up the wet litter but leaving a little bit behind to make sure she can smell it and associate it as the toilet.  But maybe because its a bit dirty, she doesn't want to poo init.
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Marie on January 25, 2007, 15:48:44 PM
Kittykat, Our Tommy cries a lot.  He is a Burmese cross and very noisy.  As soon as he hears us he cries, i.e. if I get up to go to the toilet at 3am as soon as the floor boards creak he is off.  Although I'm sure when we are out or asleep he is as quiet as a mouse, hopefully your kittie will be the same once she settles and when you are at work or asleep will realise there is no point in crying.  Best of luck and I hope your don't hear from that horrible neighbour!
Title: Re: Kitten is now weeing on the sofa.....what do i do?
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on January 25, 2007, 17:12:53 PM
My Tom scratches and cries at our bedroom door first thing in the morning lol, I don't think he'll ever grow out of that haha

Sarah x