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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: JackSpratt on January 22, 2007, 20:19:40 PM

Title: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: JackSpratt on January 22, 2007, 20:19:40 PM

Hmmm......not sure I agree! :) (But I think I'm biased!)
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 22, 2007, 20:27:37 PM
Nah...I'm happier with a cat  :rofl:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Littlebobo on January 22, 2007, 20:32:32 PM
Pah..i'm healthy ..pass the chips will you  :rofl:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 22, 2007, 20:34:59 PM
They may be healthier but cat owners are HAPPIER!!!  ;)
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Littlebobo on January 22, 2007, 20:37:43 PM
Here here Sam !!
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: saffron on January 22, 2007, 20:38:28 PM
cat owners are much happier & frankly I think we are all better manored as well.      Please! please! dont shoot me just my opinion
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Bobjay on January 23, 2007, 09:40:37 AM
I read that and it's rubbish!

Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: JackSpratt on January 23, 2007, 10:28:18 AM
Hehe! I think we're mostly in agreement that the survey was run by dog people. Otherwise they'd know that cats are better!  :rofl:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: kittykat on January 23, 2007, 10:46:46 AM
As both a cat and dog lover I can see both sides!

Cats are definately more intelligent!  My mums dog never sees her cats paw coming......even though she jumps out on him at the same corner every day!  :rofl:

Dogs are definately more obedient though!  I trained my mums dog.........but our new kitten is definately training me!
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on January 23, 2007, 10:50:31 AM
Dogs probably encourage people to get out and take exercise more so I can see that dog owners might be healthier in that respect, but I know which I'd rather have  ;D
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Em on January 23, 2007, 12:10:58 PM
I reckon it's the exercise thing - but I find owning a dog more stressful than the cats; she hates being left, has to have walks, barks at everything that moves... at least I can ignore the cats all day if needs be ...
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on January 23, 2007, 12:27:43 PM
heh heh heh - feel a bit smug - I love mine both equally.  I get madly enthusiastic walks and floppities with Tess (who's a natural clown, bless her), but even though Paddy treats me with utter disdain (unless he's hungry!) I melt and go all "aaaahhhhhh"   when he gives me the silent meow (feed me woman....feed me now...) or snuggles into the back of my legs when I'm in bed.  (Don't get me wrong - I know he does it purely for warmth, but it's not Daddy's leg's he snuggles into now, is it...?!)
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Em on January 23, 2007, 13:07:00 PM
Ok... have just come back from a very enthusiastic & muddy walk with Mollie, given her a quick footbath (which she loathes) and a Kong, and she is kinda cute.. but so much more work than a cat - or is it just that I've had cats nearly all my life and she's my first dog since i was a kid? Hmmm....
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on January 23, 2007, 13:12:53 PM
Ah - I'll grant you that Em - they can be more work.  Which is probably where the extra exercise = supreme fitness and a wet nose, comes in.    Although when I'm scraping regurgitated prawns off the bedroom carpet, it can be a toss up between the two......
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Em on January 23, 2007, 13:15:28 PM
You've got a point.... the cats do leak everywhere... I have a tired pup on my lap at the mo, using me as a paw dryer and resisting the urge to go to sleep (in case something exciting happens)...
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: mischief and kayto on January 23, 2007, 13:18:34 PM
what scandolous lies!!! CATS ARE PURRRFECT!!!

okay if both my partner and I did not have full time jobs we would love to own a dog, but being out all day 8-6 pm, would be cruel to leave a dog alone that length of time :shify:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Em on January 23, 2007, 13:37:39 PM
Yeah... we cheat and leave ours with the neighbours...  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 23, 2007, 17:03:18 PM
Cats are the best.............no doubt about it...............was gonna say something contraversial but better not  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: saffron on January 23, 2007, 17:31:17 PM
.... the cats do leak everywhere...

where the heck does that come from!, what breed of cat do you have???   :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on January 23, 2007, 18:08:13 PM
at least I can ignore the cats all day if needs be ...
How do you get away with that then?  There'd be hell to pay if I tried to ignore my boys!  ;D  I exist solely to provide food, entertainment and cuddles for them and I know my place.
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: JackSpratt on January 23, 2007, 20:34:48 PM
How do you get away with that then?  There'd be hell to pay if I tried to ignore my boys!  ;D  I exist solely to provide food, entertainment and cuddles for them and I know my place.

Know what you mean. From time to time I forget my place, but am brought back to reality with a jolt when one of my old girls uses the litter trays and yowls at me to let me know it needs cleaning! :rofl:(Like you can't tell from the smell!)
Title: Re: The truth about Cats and Dogs
Post by: Em on January 23, 2007, 20:48:26 PM
Um... I seem to have caused a stir with my throwaway comments...! My two old boys just sleep most of the time in the Winter, if I'm downstairs (their territory) they occasionally demand fuss but more often food, although Set is obsessed with my dressing gown, he's always had a thing for towelling and instantly becomes a lap cat if I'm wearing it. Charley will rub round my feet every now and then but otherwise she keeps herself to herself or ambushes one of the boys if she's bored... Sammy sleeps on his chair in the kitchen, from where he can easily reach everything he needs and is out of the way of Charley and Mollie... (the dog). The cats don't seem to care if I'm upstairs on the computer, they just go to sleep! They're all solar powered, you know..

Saffron - The boys are half Persian, half farm cat (daddy got out of his pen, oops somebody underestimated the stubbornness of their breeding tom!!) and Charley is just a heinz 57 I think. Suspect the leakiness is unrelated to the breed though... !! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: