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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: kittykat on January 21, 2007, 21:25:59 PM

Title: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: kittykat on January 21, 2007, 21:25:59 PM
The breeder has always used beauticat litter.  Its wooden pellets.

I haven't been able to find any beauticat in our local stores but tesco and sainsburys do their own wooden pellet litter. 

Will this be ok for our new kitten?  Will she recognise it as the same?

The breeder is out at the moment so thought i would try on here for advice.

Thanks! x
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on January 21, 2007, 21:47:55 PM
I would have thought other wooden pellet litters would be ok as the kitten will recognise the texture of the litter. Pets at Home should do Beauticat litter I would have thought.
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 21, 2007, 22:22:01 PM
I just changed Lexy's litter to WBCL but she used any wood pellet. Beauticat is sold at Sainsbury's as well. I would go to a pet store or PAH and get them there. Sainsbury's only sell the smaller bags, whereas the others will sell the 30L ones and that will last a good long while. I still have a pile left over but won't be giving that away to the local just yet in case Lexy doesn't take to the WBCL...I cleaned it out today and the odour was definitely stronger ...normally doesn't with the wood pellets  :-[
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Gemma H (Akandra) on January 22, 2007, 19:31:06 PM
I use the wooden pellets, and they are all similar in some ways, but not others.  The important thing is the cats don't notice in the slightest which one you use.  They all smell the same and have a similar size/texture and having used about three or four different brands I can honestly say the cats cannot tell the difference.  However, the two brands I have used the most - Bob Martin from Asda and Beauticat from Sainsburys seem quite different. 

I started with Beauticat, which must be compressed more or something as it stays in pellet form well unless it gets wet.  However, my cats are diggers and tend to get the pellets out of the box.  Bob Martin goes to sawdust more (it isn't just getting it wet that causes this - I think its just standing on it!) and I noticed much fewer pellets on the kitchen floor.  It also seems to last longer (probably as you can't scoop all the sawdust as its not all used sawdust).  However, we have now noticed the dust gets picked up and tracked around the house more.  So, we are going back to Beauticat!

Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on January 23, 2007, 10:08:57 AM
My lot will only use Smartcat paper litter -
I ran out at the weekend and had to buy Tesco cat litter from the garage, not only did they hate it the litter snunk !!
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 23, 2007, 16:44:09 PM
I use Smartcat wood pellets but have wondered what the paper one is like?
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Ela on January 23, 2007, 17:49:55 PM
what the paper one is like?

Someone once gave me a bag of paper litter it  looked liiked like the shape of the wood pellets, but once used there were print marks all over the kitchen floor. I appreciate there may be other brands that so not do this but it put me off paper litter. Also I could smell the tray something I so not get with the wood pellets.
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 23, 2007, 18:17:27 PM
Thanks Ela LOL. Read while you clean  :rofl:

I really wanted to know what the Smartcat one is like and  I assume its lighter in weight than the wood one
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Kezza on January 24, 2007, 15:46:18 PM

My Barney used wooden pellets before we got him but when we bought him home and used the tesco's ones he turned his nose up at them and ended pooing in his bed 3 times... : :(

I changed the litter to Catscan and he's been a good boy since then!
Title: Re: Litter advice for new kitten owner
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 24, 2007, 18:04:04 PM
Kezza love your signature...what a cute pic!