Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Warm Welcome to Purrs! => Welcome to Newbies :) => Topic started by: Beth on July 01, 2008, 11:18:24 AM

Title: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 01, 2008, 11:18:24 AM
Helloo ;D
I'm Beth, i currently own 2 dogs, a cocker spaniel and a cavalier, along with my small hooman boy who is very nearly one. :Luv:
I've got a friend who has just rescued some kittens who were living wild, she's involved in rescues so the kittens will be vet checked and have a free nuetering voucher for whoever adopts one. She is visiting locally to me very soon, so could even bring the kitten to me. :wow:
The small hooman is very good with animals, and adores cats. :)
Any tips in introducing dogs and cats? Success stories?
Many thanks :thanks:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 01, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs, Beth and you've come to the right place  ;D

Several of our members have mixed cats-and-dogs households so will be able to help you with advice.  Blackcat is one who springs to mind and she will probably come on this evening.  I'll watch out to ensure that she sees this.
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Liz on July 01, 2008, 12:52:54 PM
We introduced a puppy to our 39 cats last year - he loked like he had done 10 rounds with a pair of scissors but now treats the current 44 with total respect.

We also have '5' kittens ranging from 10 months to 4 weeks old and with the younger ones we kept Sky the Pup on a lead and let them sniff him and now Panther one of my 10 m.o. ferals shares Sky's crate and washes his paws!

Its very much down to the kitten - most of ours have done fluffy at the dogs but our older dog ignores them as she thinks she is a cat and Sky now knows that he should stay still or move eyes and nose away from claws!
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 01, 2008, 13:21:20 PM
Thanks for the replies. :)

Lucy my cav, will be fine, she'll sniff (and woof) from a safe distance, but Jarvis (cocker :innocent:) is only 2, and quite full on, so it seems he may get batted on the nose a few times 'til he learns to keep away. :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 01, 2008, 13:22:43 PM
Oh, this is the kitty i'm hoping to adopt :Luv2:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Bazsmum on July 01, 2008, 13:51:00 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs..... :)

The kitty is gorgeous!  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

I have a dog aswell as cats, it depends greatly on the dog/cats nature how quickly they will bode.....just remember slowly does it!  ;)

Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Marcia on July 01, 2008, 13:54:38 PM
 :welcome: to purrs

When i used to have a dog, he lived in harmony with me old cat  :)
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Stuart on July 01, 2008, 14:22:19 PM
Helloo Beth and  :welcome: to Purrs

I would tie the dogs up, and let kitty be free (not caged  :scared:) that way if Kitty requires some high ground (escapage)
there will be nothing stopping her ( remember and wear some protective clothing  :evillaugh: )

its easier when the dogs are young, Here's Hamish sleeping in harmony with Casar


older dogs are a wee bit harder to learn, especially when their as daft as a brush :evillaugh:  Misty and Prince playing, with cindy observing in the background
(because she was old and wise , and knew better  :evillaugh:)


good luck with whatever you decide

Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Millys Mum on July 01, 2008, 16:38:12 PM
Lovely pic stuart, i get fed up of the comments i hear about shephards, they are my fav dog breed  :Luv:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Stuart on July 01, 2008, 17:39:52 PM
Yes Milly's Mum totally agree with you there, Brilliant dogs, and also My Favorite breed too  ;D
its when irresponsable people get them >:( >:( , thats when you hear all the story's and the breed get's a bad reputation
amoungst other breeds - rottweiler's , pitbull's etc etc

German Shepherd's though  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: proper training starting as soon as possible, and after that (about two years) they are amazing  :wow:

Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: blackcat on July 01, 2008, 19:02:21 PM
Dogs and cats get along just fine if you do the introductions right. If you have a baby gate on the stairs, that will be useful to for giving the new cat room to escape from the dogs if they get too boisterous. Here is what happens if you do it right ... :Luv:

Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: woowoo on July 01, 2008, 21:55:10 PM
You've just got to give them time and space. My five cats live with a Lurcher and various dog lodgers, I have never had a problem with any  ;)
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Bazsmum on July 01, 2008, 22:16:39 PM
Awww! Me thinks this has turned into a catog thread lol!  :evillaugh:

Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: woowoo on July 01, 2008, 22:19:08 PM
 Well cats and dogs are both as special in their own ways :Luv2:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 02, 2008, 11:45:00 AM
Thanks for the replies all :) I think what i'll do for the first day or two is keep the kitten upstairs in my bedroom, and introduce small Lucy dog, then wait 'til Jarvis is tired after a walk the next day or two, and introduce them with Jarvis on lead.

I do have a baby gate both on the strairs and at my baby boys door, so hopefully things will go well, but if not then kitty can escape.

Now i think i'm going to have to start writing a shopping list and asking lots more silly questions. :-: I feel like a first time mum again. :shy:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 04, 2008, 17:55:36 PM
 :'( i'm not going to be getting this kitten after all. :( Some "owners" turned up on my friends doorstep claiming she'd stolen their pets, and that they were running a sanctuary, and threatened to shoot her with a shotgun :shocked: so she had no choice but to give them back. :'( The police, RSPCA and CP have been involved, but she doesn't think they'll do anything. >:( I'm going to leave it for now then look into adopting a local rescue cat in the autumn. I'll still stick around on here, and keep an eye out for local rescues though. ;)
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: blackcat on July 04, 2008, 18:12:38 PM
nice sort of people in your neighbourhood then  :scared:

You are probably better off finding a new cat through a rescue as you will know that the previous owners (if any) are unlikely to 'know where you live' and the staff will have a good insight into which cats are dog-friendly.
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 04, 2008, 18:37:54 PM
nice sort of people in your neighbourhood then  :scared:

You are probably better off finding a new cat through a rescue as you will know that the previous owners (if any) are unlikely to 'know where you live' and the staff will have a good insight into which cats are dog-friendly.

No, this wasn't local to me, 'twas in wales. I just feel really sad for the kitten, she was apparently eating old tea bags from bins before my friend rescued her, what a  :censored: life to have to go back to. :'(
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on July 05, 2008, 14:28:21 PM
Oh Beth I'm sorry this little one won't be moving in with you but I can guarantee there will be lots of others that are just as desparate for a new home.

Have you checked out the catchat pages of your local rescues (follow the link and click on the map to find your local ones http://www.catchat.org/adoption/index.html ).

I'm sure it won't be long before you find your perfect match.
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 05, 2008, 14:44:53 PM
Oh Beth I'm sorry this little one won't be moving in with you but I can guarantee there will be lots of others that are just as desparate for a new home.

Have you checked out the catchat pages of your local rescues (follow the link and click on the map to find your local ones http://www.catchat.org/adoption/index.html ).

I'm sure it won't be long before you find your perfect match.

Thanks for that :) i'll keep an eye out. I think autumn may be an easier time for me to rehome a kitten, simply because the doors/windows will be shut more! The last thing i want is to have an escapee. However, if i come across the right kitten before then, then i will offer it a home. :Luv2:
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 05, 2008, 20:23:53 PM
Whereabouts are you based Beth?
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 05, 2008, 20:42:20 PM
Whereabouts are you based Beth?

Just outside Southampton, in the New Forest. :)
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on July 05, 2008, 21:11:09 PM
Ooooh the New Forest .. nice area .... do you want to adopt me instead of a kitten (I'm house trained and promise not to jump out of any windows!  :rofl: )
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Beth on July 06, 2008, 09:04:42 AM
 :rofl: Tis a lovely place to live, i'm very lucky to live here. :wow: fab dog walks too. ;)
Title: Re: Hellooo, dog lover considering adopting a rescue kitten...
Post by: Tinamary on July 13, 2008, 07:30:04 AM
I have had dogs and cats together all my life and never had a problem.  The granddog we have living with us now took to my cats really well.   Its good because she will not let anyother cats through the cat flap.  before she arrived we would come home and find my 4 cats having a party with all the neighbourhood moggies.