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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 28, 2008, 15:49:39 PM

Title: What can "we" do.. ? Abandoned cats. Update
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 28, 2008, 15:49:39 PM
Received via email.. Tell me peeps what does this sound about the RSPCA..? And ideas...

My elderly neighbour went into a residential home a few weeks ago and her nephew asked me to feed her 2 cats until they could make alternative arrangements for them.  The cats are extremely timid and I have had no physical contact with them, but every day the food has been eaten.  Yesterday they left a note asking me to post the key back through the door. Unfortunately my curiosity got the better of me and I telephoned to ask how they had managed to catch them.  I was told that they had contacted the RSPCA who had said that there was no point in trying to catch them, so they had just closed the catflap. I really don't know if there is anything that you can do.  I would willingly continue to feed them myself, but there is no access to the back garden and the house next door is empty.
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Mark on June 28, 2008, 16:07:27 PM
I emailed you before I saw this Sharon

Email below

Have you got an address Sharon, I think it is a cruelty case but also wonder if thr RSPCA will PTS if they get them. There is also a possibilty that they really did say that - there is nothing I wouldn't put past them. I suppose the main thing is getting some food to them - I assume the cats have been shut out of the house?

There must be something we can do.

Let me know if you want some food taken or me to check anything out. Obviously I want to go in daylight but I am worried the cats are starving.


Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 28, 2008, 16:20:06 PM
Mark these cats are in Thanet.. So i am going to ring TCC? They have been abandoned and "we" think out of the house. The neighbour reported them.. the relatives dont live local.. The RSPCA have been reported to say they cannot do anything...
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Mark on June 28, 2008, 16:28:25 PM
Let me know what happens. I could go tomorrow and check otherwise. The RSPCA are rubbish. They do have the power so why don't they use it? is it because they can'r get another cute photoshoot in the paper?
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 28, 2008, 16:34:46 PM
I have now contacted the lady and she has the main RSPCA number with some dialogue to tell them and a request for feedback. No one is sure if they are in the house or not.. They were dearly loved pets so i dont think they have gone far if outside.. TCC are also aware...
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Kirst on June 28, 2008, 17:57:19 PM
OMG what sort of animal charity says just lock the flap and ignore them!!!!! :censored: >:( >:(
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 28, 2008, 18:29:35 PM
Has someone replied to the caring neighbour rescinding the uncaring "advice" he has had and telling him to liaise with the family to get these cats fed in the short term?
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Mark on June 28, 2008, 19:55:36 PM
OMG what sort of animal charity says just lock the flap and ignore them!!!!! :censored: >:( >:(

One beginning with R and ending with A - I hear of it quite often. Two weeks ago, a man reported a mum and 5 kittens on the industrial estate where he lives. He was advised to not feed them and they will disperse  >:( - We now have them and the first two kittens are going to their home on Wednesday  :Luv2:
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on June 28, 2008, 19:58:26 PM
The  :censored:  :censored: If you want any help in getting this looked into, let me know the details and I'll see what I can do  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Mark on June 28, 2008, 19:59:53 PM
Has someone replied to the caring neighbour rescinding the uncaring "advice" he has had and telling him to liaise with the family to get these cats fed in the short term?

It sounds like the RSPCA gave the relatives a clear conscience by abandoning their aunts no doubt much loved pets. These cats will get fed one way or another. It's disgusting that the one charity that have the authority to enforce the Animal Rights Bill are the ones flouting it  >:(
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 28, 2008, 21:01:09 PM
This is being looked into and I am in contact with the neighbour and local rescue! I will ring her tomorrow with an update and then will liase with local rescue to see if they can assist, however when i phoned them earlier they were full to bursting... I have given the lady the emergency inspector number to ring whereby they HAVE to do something and have to ring back and respond.. Dawn when i know the full facts tomorrow will PM you.. If the case was in our patch we could of got HQ CP involved but it isnt so we have to work with local rescues that are..

Will keep you updated!
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on June 28, 2008, 21:07:04 PM
Sharon, can you pm me the details as well and I'll see what I can do  :hug:
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Is this pass the buck or not?
Post by: Yvonne on June 28, 2008, 21:08:40 PM
This is absolutely disgusting and it makes me so annoyed.  Many people go into residential homes or sheltered accommodation where they are not allowed pets, why not?  It must be worrying enough for these poor people to leave their home without the added worry of what is happening to their pets.
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Abandoned cats. Update
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 29, 2008, 16:38:57 PM

This is the update from the lady reportig these two cats.. At the moment things are in hand.. I want to find out what the RSPCA are doing though.. But at least being fed!

got in touch with RSPCA and gave them all the details including a contact tel. no. for the nephew.  They confirmed that they hadn't had any contact from the family. Asked if they would let me know the outcome, but as yet heard nothing back.There is a side wall to the house, so put some food out there; I'll continue to do this for a while
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Abandoned cats. Update
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on June 29, 2008, 17:23:07 PM
got in touch with RSPCA and gave them all the details including a contact tel. no. for the nephew.  They confirmed that they hadn't had any contact from the family. Asked if they would let me know the outcome, but as yet heard nothing back.There is a side wall to the house, so put some food out there; I'll continue to do this for a while

Is this a case of not having the full story off the family?  Keep me informed anyway and if I can do anything, give me a yell  :hug:
Title: Re: What can "we" do.. ? Abandoned cats. Update
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 01, 2008, 12:16:50 PM
Update today from the lady.. Seems as though some progress after alot of prodding from them and us..

RSPCA visited today.  Will be getting in touch with family and also landlord to get permission for them to lay traps.
Feeling much relieved