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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: rescuecatsrule on June 27, 2008, 13:37:57 PM

Title: 2 Poems I wrote for rescues
Post by: rescuecatsrule on June 27, 2008, 13:37:57 PM
The first poem:

You Walk On By

I'm sat in my pen
With people all around
Wondering who to look at
I look at you
But you walk on by
Without a glance.

I'm sat here, lonely and afraid
Looking out at you
But you don't seem to notice me
And you walk on by.

I'm sat here wondering
If any of you will look at me
But no
You walk on by.

I'm still sat here waiting
For you to take me home
My old life was hard
But not as hard as watching you
Walk on by

I can't help my fear
I can't help my past
So I wish you would
Stop and look at me and
Not walk by

I've been here so long
Watching all of you people
But you don't notice me so
You walk on by

The second one:

A Strays Tail

I'm sat outside your door
Waiting for you to open it
Something is wrong, I can sense it
A year ago you took me in
I was a kitten then
Now you don't want to know
Must I be out in the cold?
I'm on my own now
I look through the window and meow
"Let me in, it's time for some food"
You have your back turned.
I need some food, so I turn my back on you.
The birds fly overhead
How I wish I could catch them!
I try next door, they have a cat!
They shoo me away, so I run.
I knock a bin over and find the remains of a chicken.
That chicken tastes great!
I go along, trying every house
Until I get to the next street
I hear a car coming
"Please help me" I meow.
No good! They are passing by!
I run to them, trying to catch them up.
They see me in their mirror. Do they stop?
Someone else is coming. On foot.
They put some food on the floor, in a bowl.
I'm hungry again, and tired.
I nervously approach the bowl, not knowing what to expect.
The food tastes good, I hear you approach.
I hear kind words for the first time since I was thrown out.
You pick me up and take me inside
To "Meet the family" as you put it.
You pick up the phone, to call some new people.
I hear another vehicle coming.
It's a van with two new people.
They pick me up and put me in a cage.
"I don't like this" I meow at them.
They don't listen.
We pull up outside a new building.
My cage is lifted out.
I'm carried inside.
Wait a minute! I know this building!
It's what people call the VETS!
I don't like this!
You carry me inside, and I get checked over by the vet.
I hiss and grumble at the vet
But soon I am back in the cage, ready to go!
You carry me back out to the van, and we go to another building.
You put me in another cage, and tell me to be good.
I see other cats about, all in cages.
I discover this cage has a litter tray in ...
I badly need to use it!
The food tastes good after all I've been through!
The water is fresh, I drink all I can.
You help me settle in, and "socialise" with me.
I'm a really friendly cat, I see you write that on a sheet of paper.
A short while later, too short a time,
You take me out of there, and take me to a "rescue centre"
I stay there a few days, then You come in.
I realise You are the person for me.
"Look at me!" I cry. "I need a home!"
You make all the right noises, then talk to the people there.
I'm taken out of the cage, then put back in a carrier.
I'm going home!

Title: Re: 2 Poems I wrote for rescues
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on June 27, 2008, 13:53:43 PM
 :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: 2 Poems I wrote for rescues
Post by: rescuecatsrule on June 27, 2008, 14:16:32 PM
By the way I'm not usually complimentary about my own poems so if I start bring negative about them ignore me, OK?