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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Tan on January 16, 2007, 23:59:38 PM

Title: Separate Petitions section on top page
Post by: Tan on January 16, 2007, 23:59:38 PM
CCmacey has come up with a good idea of having a separate Heading on the home page for the animal related petitions.

If we did this would peeps see them regulary in their own heading or would they tend to get missed and best to keep them under the general heading with stickys to keep them at the top? But after 2 weeks we need to unsticy them or they will eventually take over the top of the general thread. This means they will end up going down the list and get lost to new members.

What do you all think?
Title: Re: Separate Petitions section on top page
Post by: ccmacey on January 17, 2007, 00:14:46 AM
Aww shucks, thanks for that Tan, I'm really  :-[ now. Ha ha.

It's a good sign thought, my brain does work sometimes.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Separate Petitions section on top page
Post by: Gemini on January 17, 2007, 15:42:03 PM
Hi Tan, and good idea CCMacey!!!
First, my apologies for not bieng on here for aaaages!!!! I have so many excuses you wouldn't believe... anyway, I wanted to post a note about a petition and saw this - jolly good idea about a section for them!
So, I'd better say about this petition anyway, as it's a very important one. It's launched by the Dr. Hadwen Trust and is an EU wide petition aimed at convincing the powers that be in Brussels that we should End animal experiments in Europe - long overdue if you ask me.  Anyway, if you want to sign it, or pass it on, it's here: http://www.endeuanimaltests.org/

Happy New Year to everyone, I'll try to get on here a bit more!
lots of love and purrs from
Cat Chat