Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Samui on May 22, 2008, 13:16:32 PM

Title: Any funny habits?
Post by: Samui on May 22, 2008, 13:16:32 PM
Hello all

I was just wondering what funny habits (not sure if it is the right word) your babes have.  Sullivan has got this funny habit, whenever I sneeze he makes the same sound as when he sees a bird... it is so funny...  I don't know why he does it...  How about your babes?
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Lily on May 22, 2008, 14:00:31 PM
Lily has so many funny habits!

1. If she walks into a room and you don't immediately acknowledge her, she makes a strange, short, soft 'brrrr' noise.  Same if you stroke her and she wasn't expecting it.
2. When she has her mad 10 minutes of rushing around the house, she loves scratching the bottom step, lying on her side, as if 'walking' on it but at right angles.
3. Also when she's going mad, she stands on the top of the stairs and chases her own tail each time dropping down a step on each rotation.
4. When she's doing something wrong and I can just hear her moving around under the bed or in the other room, all I need to say is 'What are you doing?' gently and she darts out looking guilty.
5. She eats more food if I hold her food bowls up to her mouth (lazy mare).
6. When she's lying in her hammock, you can confuse her by poking it from underneath and she chases your fingers round the hammock.  Same goes for toes under duvet.
7. When she's in a very loveable mood and you tickle her belly while she's standing up, she looks very confused while trying to find somewhere to roll over.  It's like it's so nice she must roll over now or go crazy.
8. As soon as my alarm clock goes off, she jumps on me and peers at my face.  My own little furry alarm clock.
9. She follows me into the toilet, often pushing the door open if I've shut it but then realises I'm on the loo and sits down facing away from me, like she's embarrassed.
10. When boyf and I are having some 'private time' she quickly disappears downstairs as if she doesn't approve.

Most of these are probably 'normal' cat behaviour but Lily is my first and only cat so everything she does seems weird to me!
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Samui on May 22, 2008, 14:55:05 PM
 :evillaugh: aah sweet...

My fav. one is your number eight!
Another thing Sullivan does every morning is just before I have to get out of bed he comes and jumps on the bed and wants to cuddle!  It is so sweet.  When I hear him purring in my ear I know it is almost time to get up!

We've got something called "biltong" here (it is basically dried meat) - Samui absolutely goes bonkers for it.  He really behaves like a crazy cat when you have biltong in your hand!  Sullivan is not really into treats but Samui, he's another story!

It is just amazing how each of them is so different.  Sullivan doesn't really like people at all but Samui is a real charmer - he loves everybody!

Aah, I love my boys to bits!!! :Luv2:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on May 22, 2008, 15:04:22 PM
Lexy is peculiar. She has the most adorable prrt chirpy sound when she wants something. When I get home she makes the most awful noise (as if she was stuck somewhere) and if its been a long day she jumps her way down the stairs to greet me.

She loves any tank tops of tops with narrow straps I have. She loves to sit at my side and try to drop the strap down my arm with her paw.

Lexy has a love of feathers... any kind! And will eat them if she can..  :shocked:

She won't sit on my lap if I am sitting up, but she will if I am laying down!

Her wake up call is to make as much of a nuisance as she can in the mornings by doing everything that she can to disturb my sleep. Like walk over my head, use her paw to wake me, climb on the bedhead and scratch it, claw the duvet cover. And lastly, diving on me if I ignore all of the above!!

 :Luv2: Love her  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: clarenmax on May 22, 2008, 15:06:14 PM
I love this thread  :Luv:

Max has quite a few funny little habits  :)

1.  When I'm trying to put my shoes on to go to work, he jumps onto my lap for more cuddles, like he's saying 'you're not allowed to go'  :)
2.  The way he paw the edge of the duvet to say he wants to come under for a cuddle when its cold.
3.  You can always tell when he's had a poo as he has a mad 10 minutes straight after  :evillaugh:  He will hare up and down the stairs like a complete loon, and look at you with wide eyes as if to say 'what you looking at'  :evillaugh:
4.  When you're eating your dinner (we eat on lap trays on the sofa), he will sit behind you and keep tapping his paw on your shoulder, just to remind you he's there and would like a tasty morsal  :Luv:
5.  When the doorbell goes, he runs down the stairs just like a dog and sits there miaowing like a crazy thing, its been called the Max welcoming committee, and is so loud, you can hear him from beyond the end of the driveway  :evillaugh:

I'm sure there's more I'll think of, but these are my fave ones  :Luv:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Samui on May 22, 2008, 15:24:50 PM
 :rofl:  Sullivan also does the 10 minute crazy running around when he's had a Pooh and funny enough it is as though Samui is starting to do the same.
When they get supper Sullivan gulps down his food and then wants to eat Samui's food - the only time when Samui puts up a fight is if they get fish (which is not a lot).  If I don't watch them Sullivan takes his paw, puts it in the bowl and drags the bowl towards him while Samui is eating!

Another of Sullivan's little habits is playing with water.. Whenever I put an extra bowl of water out for them he can't leave it alone.  He does the same thing with his paw, puts it in the bowl and when the bowl moves the water goes over the sides - he does this until there is no water left in the bowl.  :Crazy:

Samui's got a thing for fruit baskets.  He thinks it is the best sleeping spot ever (definitely posting a pic of one tomorrow)!
They give us so much love (and a lot of laughter) with these little habits! :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Sheli_80 on May 22, 2008, 15:46:45 PM
Charley excels at what I call the innocent pose. I often catch him scratching the hall carpet but as soon as he sees someone he runs over to his post, starts using it and looks at him as if to say "was here whole time-honest!" Whenever he wants to jump on Henry he often licks his paw pretending to groom to lull Henry into a false sense of security before jumping. He also refuses to eat from anything apart from a plate and prefers to drink from a cup!!

Henry often sits on arm of chair and miaows until you go over and snuggle him. He also has the chicken dance. When I have chicken cooling he runs from the kitchen to me miaows, runs back and miaows at the chicken until I take the hint. (Charley has started this as well now).
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 22, 2008, 15:55:02 PM

Don't know about my puds but does this count?.




Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: clarenmax on May 22, 2008, 15:59:04 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Excellent  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Mark on May 22, 2008, 16:06:30 PM
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Dawn F on May 22, 2008, 16:09:41 PM
god I'm really slow - I was looking at that thinking it was Leigh!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 22, 2008, 16:16:00 PM
It is me Dawn taken at one of my favourite Brother Cadfael murder mystery weekends  ;D ;D or not as the case may be  ;D

I like a bit of "order" in my life as it is usually so hectic  ;D
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Dawn F on May 22, 2008, 16:17:18 PM
as I told you at olympia last year beards confuse me!  I had struck up a conversation with a bearded man in a full length leather coat only minutes before thinking it was you because he had a beard!
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 22, 2008, 16:30:18 PM
Strewth!!!, striking up a conversation with "strange" people (myself included) at a cat show, now I've heard eveything!! ;D ;D

I know it's an odd "habit" but it's only at the weekends Dawn, only at the weekends  ;D
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Dawn F on May 22, 2008, 16:30:59 PM
Leigh I think I scared him!
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 22, 2008, 16:33:10 PM
Never mind him Dawn you scared Me they don't let me out much!!  ;D
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Dawn F on May 22, 2008, 16:35:12 PM
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 22, 2008, 16:39:37 PM

No, what I mean is that my conversational skills have takena major nose dive since getting cats. Don't get me wrong, they can do lots of things but thought-provoking fireside chats about the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky isn't one of them.  ;D
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Dawn F on May 22, 2008, 16:43:09 PM
I know the feeling - I knew I was in trouble when someone having cat problems rang me up and said "I woke up at 1 in the morning and thought of you" - she wanted to rehome her cat btw!

getting back to the original quesiton - Amber loves to suck earlobes
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: Mark on May 22, 2008, 16:49:37 PM
We spend most of our time in our lower ground floor but clapton eats in the hallway on the ground floor. I don't know how this started but he stops on the 3rd step. I have to stroke his head before he will continue up the stairs. He always used to stop to sharpen his claws on the carpet on the way up until I ripped it out  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: lucy on May 22, 2008, 17:48:32 PM
Xanthe wakes me up in the night so she can suck the edge of my pyjama top.
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: clarenmax on May 23, 2008, 08:48:46 AM
Max loves to lick my eyelids to wake me up, which is cute but in an ouchy kind of way  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Any funny habits?
Post by: LeighK on May 23, 2008, 09:41:55 AM
I caught Frankie with his nose in a book on Chess Grand Masters the other day. I have high hopes that we will soon be enjoying a few games of chess in the evenings but I think he'll have problems moving the pieces, I'll have to ask Alfie to move them for him.  ;D


Update : Wow!!!! they're fast learners and really getting the hang of it, except that Alfie insisted on going white of course and that upset Frankie.


