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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Maddiesmum on January 16, 2007, 04:44:08 AM

Title: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Maddiesmum on January 16, 2007, 04:44:08 AM
My 16 year old cat, Dragan has chronic pancreatitis.  He is having problems with his poo at present and hasn't had one since 7th January when he had to have an enema.  I am in regular contact with my vet and Dragan has to go to the vet if he has not had a poo by Wednesday. 

I have tried bran in his food, Katalax, liquid paraffin and all to no avail.  He isn't even trying to go.  Anyone had any similar experience?  Any advice gratefully received and in the meantime please keep your eyes, toes and fingers crossed for a decent easy poo before tomorrow.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Parée on January 16, 2007, 07:14:30 AM
Hi Chrissie

We have a lot of trouble with Maverick, he has an enlarged heart, heart murmur, hip dysplasia, and a stretched colon, for the stretched colon he is on medication 3 times a day, I give him LACTULOSE SOLUTION 4 mils 3 time a day by syringe, give it to him 2mils at a time after food, liquid paraffin is not good for them it takes all the goodness at of them, I hope this helps, as Maverick has not had a enema in over a year now.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: smudgepickles on January 16, 2007, 09:45:24 AM
Milo had a period of being badly constipated and was given Lactulose, it worked on him fantastically

Could you not ask the vet to let you have a couple of microlax at home, I have these for Bella for an emergency

They are so unhappy when they are constipated mind you im not suprised poor darlings

Hope you have some movement today or insist they give you an enema to do at home maybe

Kisses to Dragen

Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Amanda (mad4moggies) on January 16, 2007, 11:22:37 AM
I agree with the suggestion of Lactulose and also having a couple of micralax at home as they are quite easy to administer.

Is Dragan dehydrated at all as this can add to the problems?
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Maddiesmum on January 16, 2007, 17:20:36 PM
Thanks for that, I was think of speaking to the vet about Lactulose.  Definitely not dehydrated in fact is very well in himself not showing obvious signs of constipation, has not even attempted to poo, is eating well, playing with his toys and looks well in himself.  Still no ruddy poo though.  Will keep you posted and if anyone else can think of anything please don't be shy in letting me know 9 days without a poo and counting!!!!
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Maddiesmum on January 16, 2007, 17:21:57 PM
Oops forgot to say when he had the enema on 7th Jan he really strained to get rid of his poos and he was really weak and miserable afterwards
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Amanda (mad4moggies) on January 17, 2007, 00:52:05 AM
I don`t want to sound negative but i would think that after 9 days it may mean that the vets will have to perform an enema on Dragan.

I would see if they can give you some Micralax enemas to have at home so that if he doesn`t go around every other day then you can help him. I hope he manages to go soon!
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on January 17, 2007, 07:46:23 AM
Good luck - I would have thought after 9 days there would have to be something done by the vet. My vet recommended a high fibre diet for Molly as she has constipation issues and wont touch Katalax, but have found it hard to find, and I dont know if it would be an option with the pancreatitis. I have some liquid stuff that I can put on her food too, but she is doing OK at the moment and we dont need it. Slippery Elm Bark might help too.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Ela on January 17, 2007, 09:23:03 AM
diarrhoea or constipation

I always find it very strange that Slippery Elm is recommended for both diarrhoea or constipation.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Parée on January 17, 2007, 10:34:42 AM
You say the vet has given Dragan an enema, has he given him one under anesthetic, he may be blocked up, high up, does he go outside? if he does he may be going to poo and you are not seeing him do it.
It does seem a long time not to go and you say he is still eating, if he is not doing any poo and is still eating? you must be missing something, because a cat cannot go that long without doing a poo and still eating, I know, as I have been there with Maverick and after about 3 days he is not eating and he is in a lot of pain and that is when the vet has had to take him in and give him a manual enema, generally after I have tried an enema at home.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Maddiesmum on January 17, 2007, 17:43:57 PM
He had a manual enema on Sunday 7th January and then pood for England and was quite ill.  Went into vets with him this morning and the vet said there is nothing there!  Ie no backed up poo and he is certainly not constipated.  What we think is happening is this.  Dragan has to have an enzyme added to his food to help him digest because of the pancreatitis.  He is currently eating 4/5 meals small meals per day of boiled chicken breast and bran with his meds spread across them.  The vet thinks his med is working 100% and he is only having a tiny bit of waste material.  He said there was a tiny bit there but nothing much.  Said not to worry as he is so well and happy eating and playing but to bring him back Sunday to see if there is any further problem.  He has not been outside except under supervision so I know for sure there have been no poos.  Will keep you posted, 10 days and counting!
PS  When he has been constipated in the past he has stopped eating and been straining to poo.  He has not even tried to poo over this 10 days. 
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Maddiesmum on January 23, 2007, 16:56:31 PM
He finally went.  After 15 days on Monday he finally did a nice poo.
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 23, 2007, 18:10:53 PM
Great  ;D
Title: Re: ADVICE NEEDED - Poos!!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 24, 2007, 12:21:09 PM
Woo Hooo about time to.