Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Schmew on March 16, 2008, 21:49:15 PM

Title: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Schmew on March 16, 2008, 21:49:15 PM
Not sure if this is best place to post?

I usually buy Thomas clay type litter from Cost Co but they have stopped stocking it.

We used to get sophisticat - Just looked online, - is it me or have prices rocketed?!!!!!

Please if anyone has info on above type of litter and best/cheapest place to get it I'd be really grateful. More than happy to buy in bulk or online


Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 16, 2008, 22:15:16 PM
No I think this would be better in Cat Chatting so will move it  ;D
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Schmew on March 16, 2008, 22:38:46 PM
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 16, 2008, 22:41:28 PM
Check out zooplus to see if they sell the same type.  If they do, it will probably be cheaper.  I used to buy clumping clay litter from PAH or the supermarket (sophisticat premium choice mostly) but now buy golden grey from zooplus which is the same but cheaper.

Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: tpepaul on March 17, 2008, 09:16:01 AM
Have you ever tried Bio-Catolet? It's different from the clay type, but we use it and far prefer it. If you haven't seen it, it's basically clumps of recycled paper. A LOT less messy than clay, and, in my experience anyway, works better too. Never seem to get any smells, an its also biodegradable. The clumps are much larger than the clay type, so you'd have to change to it gradually (mixing the two in for a while), but i'd recommend it. You can buy it from most pet shops, and also in supermarkets - I think Tesco and Sainsbury's both stock it.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 17, 2008, 09:18:42 AM
How much are the bags of Sophisticat you are looking at Sue? Think my local pet shop sells it for either £7.99 or £8.99. i used Biocatalet, but didn't rate it.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Schmew on March 17, 2008, 11:55:47 AM
I think they were over £10 Des  :Crazy:

I just remember getting them for about a fiver, but it was a couple of years ago.

Just ordered three bags at 8.99 each from local pet shop. Will keep lookinh round in meantime.

Thanks for info folks. I have tried the paper based stuff in past but didn't get on with it. Don't mind the wood, but hate the sheen of sawdust you get across the carpets!
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: clarenmax on March 17, 2008, 14:33:03 PM
I used to use Sophisticat, until I tried Worlds Best which is veerrry expensive.

A few peeps on here told me about chick crumb, I get a 20kg bag for under £10, and its biodegradable, and poos etc can be flushed down the loo.

Have to say I'm defo converted as it clumps brilliantly, with no smells whatsoever.

It is very fine though, and does tend to get kicked out a tray quite a bit  :tired:
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Den on March 17, 2008, 15:12:53 PM
I use Bio-catolet for my rabbit. For El Kitty I use Catsan never had a problem so feel no need to change.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: dolcetta46 on March 17, 2008, 15:13:25 PM
Chick crumb... interesting.... we are amidst the search for an alternative to Tidycats, which are hard to come by around here.  The experiment #1 with a similar product is failing miserably and we are getting concerned.
What is this chick crumb anyway, I googled a bit and I gather it is really a chicken feed?  So you get it at a farmer's shop or something?  What particularity to look out for so I wouldn't grab a wrong stuff?  (The prob is, I am not sure if exactly the same brand name is available here, so I must go by the ingredients.... :Crazy: )  does anyone have some info about this?
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: hOrZa on March 17, 2008, 15:26:07 PM
Yes its chicken feed, but in a crumb (looks like breadcrumbs) for baby chicks, Its excellent and really clumps well trap odour and you can flush it if you like, I used to but now I bin it as I livew in a flat and wonder about trouble I may give downstairs LOL, It is very like worlds best cat litter but only cost me £6.30 for a 20kg bag :)
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: clarenmax on March 17, 2008, 15:26:33 PM
Chick crumb... interesting.... What is this chick crumb anyway, I googled a bit and I gather it is really a chicken feed?  So you get it at a farmer's shop or something?  What particularity to look out for so I wouldn't grab a wrong stuff?  (The prob is, I am not sure if exactly the same brand name is available here, so I must go by the ingredients.... :Crazy: )  does anyone have some info about this?

Yup, its chicken feed.  You need to make sure you get the unmedicated version (I think some have an antibiotic or something in there for older birds?).  Its corn based, so is totally natural, which is what really appeals to me.

The one I get is Farmgate ACS chick crumb, but I guess that may not be available in other countries, not sure tbh.

Its defo worth a try though, Max took to it brilliantly and I can't see us changing to anything else now.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: dolcetta46 on March 17, 2008, 16:11:45 PM
Thanks HOrza and Clare!!  I remember a couple of large farm equipment shops just outside Rome, I will take a look.  Sounds like a great bargain! ;D
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: gibraltarcat on March 17, 2008, 17:06:01 PM
I was using World's Best until I read on here about chick crumb. Now will always use that as it's so much cheaper.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 17, 2008, 18:32:58 PM
i must try and find chick crumb, although I get a deal on my cat litter anyway. I am having to use Sophisticat pink at the moment, and am hating it. There are pink pawprints all over the cat room, it has only been down since Sat and I am fed up of cleaning paw prints already!! I have 60kg to get through - you can have a bag for £5 if you want Sue!!
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Schmew on March 18, 2008, 12:31:56 PM
Cheers Des, but I'm far too houseproud to have PINK in my house!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Catjane on March 18, 2008, 15:56:35 PM
I used to use Sophisticat, until I tried Worlds Best which is veerrry expensive.

A few peeps on here told me about chick crumb, I get a 20kg bag for under £10, and its biodegradable, and poos etc can be flushed down the loo.

Have to say I'm defo converted as it clumps brilliantly, with no smells whatsoever.

It is very fine though, and does tend to get kicked out a tray quite a bit  :tired:
I've just this last half hour bought chick crumb for the first time, but paid 99p a kilo for it ... where did you get it so cheap?!
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: clarenmax on March 18, 2008, 16:32:58 PM
I get mine from a local garden centre, there's a small pet concession in there who do a special order for me as and when I need it.

Found it quite by chance.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: sunama on March 27, 2008, 12:53:25 PM
I'm new to cats and am expecting my first 13 week old kitten to arrive in the next 5 days. Another shall arrive in the first week of May. I have been doing research on cat litter and other items.

The breeder for the first kitten uses chick crumbs. Research suggests that this is very similar to 'Worlds Best Cat Litter', only cheaper. When I went to the breeder's house, I couldnt believe there was no cat smell at all. None.

As an experiment, I have already ordered a £9.99/3KG bag of 'Worlds Best Cat Litter' from pet planet (very expensive).

I have also found a place that delivers chick crumbs:

CODE: 103
£13.95/20KG inc del.

I hope that links helps anyone wanting to give chick crumbs a try. I shall post my findings in a few months, as to what I think of this stuff and how it compares to 'Worlds Best Cat Litter', which has a top reputation.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: clarenmax on March 27, 2008, 13:16:07 PM
Having used both, I think its defo as good as Worlds Best which is soooooo expensive for almost the same thing  ;D

Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: alisonandarchie on March 27, 2008, 13:27:43 PM
I get catsan from Tesco. It seems to be very effective ;D
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: sd123 on April 06, 2008, 17:28:36 PM
Ive tried a few in my cats time - trying to find the perfect litter  :evillaugh:

Catsan - was good but found the kitties didnt cover their poos properly.

Paperlitter - lightweight, clean and cheapish

Woodchip litter - smells fresh, absorbant and easy to change.  But I found lots of dust (similar to sawdust) being kicked out the tray and being trailed over the carpets.

Silicony ones - they crystal type ones.  hate them.  they were crunchy, loud and thought they looked painful for kitties to stand on.  Absorbant yes, but the crystals turn a horrible yellow colour from the once before lovely bright white. 

Im now on sainsburys own clumping litter - big bag for £1.60.  So far so good.  No smells coming from the litter tray.  All poos well covered and wees easy to scoop out.

So for the time being Im happy.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Mark on April 06, 2008, 17:32:55 PM
Having used both, I think its defo as good as Worlds Best which is soooooo expensive for almost the same thing  ;D

Reminded me of the trip to CP centre on Wednesday. There are notes regarding the cats written in Pastel on the glass front of the pens. One said "Use wood litter as Tigger is eating the word's best"  :evillaugh: - apparently, they alternate types of litter and food so the cats can apadpt to whatever they are given when they are homed.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: CurlyCatz on April 06, 2008, 18:35:14 PM
my 2 big boys use wood pellets, their litter tray is outside in their wee house so any tracking isnt a problem and you dont smell coz their house isnt lined so not 100% draught proof i guess  ( hence them both inside on a cold windy day like today, they'll have to brave the cold if they need the loo though  :evillaugh:  ), Cody used WBCL for his first 1 1/2 year and since then wood pellets (convenience buying all the same)

However as his litter tray has to be in kitchen at mo (nowhere else for it) I started off thinking the odour control was great but the past couple of months i've been less than impressed, now it HAS been different wood pellet brands (does this matter ?) and nothing about cody's food/drinking has changed, he's not suffering any urinary issues (this i am nearly certain) and as he is a keen water drinker he urinates several times per day, always very healthy amounts but yet lately the wood pellets once he has urinated on it seems to smell to me  :-:  The next bag of litter i get i intend going back to get the original brand i bought from a local petshop, perhaps it is superior (last bag is from pets at home)

failing that i am thinking of going back to WBCL for him but would like to know from those who have used both if the good odour control from chick crumbs is as good as the WBCL ??
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: clarenmax on April 06, 2008, 19:10:32 PM
failing that i am thinking of going back to WBCL for him but would like to know from those who have used both if the good odour control from chick crumbs is as good as the WBCL ??

Definitely yes  ;D
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: CurlyCatz on April 06, 2008, 19:11:34 PM
ta i might go back to that then.
Title: Re: Cat litter info please help!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on April 06, 2008, 19:18:40 PM
I use golden grey from zooplus - it's a very fine clumping litter similar to catsan ultra clumping or sophisticat premium choice (which I used to use) but much cheaper at £9.99 for 14kg.  It works better than either of the others too, imo.