Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Leanne on March 13, 2008, 16:33:03 PM

Title: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Leanne on March 13, 2008, 16:33:03 PM
We used to shut Jess and Milo in the hallway, they would have access to the kitchen, utility cupboard, so they had food, litter tray etc and beds but since Jess has been ill we've not done this but it means I'm not getting enough sleep at all,

What do you all do?
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: JackSpratt on March 13, 2008, 16:34:54 PM
I leave the door open until the wee small hours and shut it early in the morning. (Because I have to have SOME uninterrupted sleep!)
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 13, 2008, 16:36:05 PM
All doors in house are open and Ducha sleeps on my bed head  ;D

Last night he actuallt slept next to me all night so we both got some sleep.

Often when I wake up, I have ducha one side and Franta the other, very warm and snuggly  ;D
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: clarenmax on March 13, 2008, 16:36:48 PM
My boy Max does not allow any shut doors, so he comes and goes as he pleases.  If any door is closed he will howl outside and scratch the carpets (apart from the front door, there's no way he can get through parquet flooring  :evillaugh:)

I routinely get woken up at intervals through the night, especially when he wants to play between 4-5am, but I just shoo him back downstairs and generally he stays there until the alarm goes off.

The words 'Max' and 'No' don't generally go together very well  :rofl:

However, I do love it when he comes and snuggles up next to me, so I can't complain  :Luv:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Ela on March 13, 2008, 16:38:06 PM
Leave the bedroom door open, much more peaceful than have the cats scratching at the door tryng to get in. Mind you dancing around the head in the middle of the night is not too much fun.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Den on March 13, 2008, 16:39:09 PM
I have to kick him out. Memphis used to sleep in my room when he was a baby but he just got annoying - he would dive bomb the dog and just cause chaos so none of us got any sleep. Even the rabbit got annoyed with him.

Now he gets the landing with food, bed and his litter box.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on March 13, 2008, 16:42:15 PM
Mine are shut out of the bedroom at night (they had always been allowed to sleep in the bedroom until prob about 6 months or so ago) and Bilbo sleeps outside most of the time now. If Boopy wants to come in to the bedroom she just opens the door though as we don't have a lock. Once we move next Thursday they'll have their own bedroom so they'll be shut in there at night.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 13, 2008, 16:44:15 PM
Lukey and Riley are allowed anywhere they like, I'd say they sleep with me about 75% of the time.  I had terrible trouble when I first got them and Riley was a nightmare waking me up and trying to get at my face all night long.  I don't know if it would work with an adult cat as he was a kitten when I did it but I taught him supernanny style!  Everytime he tried to get my face (by 'get' I mean lay on, paw at, snuggle/rub against with his head, purr ridiculously loudy right by my head) I picked him up and placed him at the bottom of the bed whilst firmly saying No.  The first night I must have done this about 80 times before he finally got the message.  The next night was quite bad too but he eventually got the message and now is as good as gold. 

I also use an  automatic feeder for their breakfast so now they don't wake me up at all.  They're not perfect though, if I close the door to try and make the bed (wouldn't even attempt to do it with them in the room as they go mental, attacking the sheets and jumping on the duvet!) they wail outside the door the entire time.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: LesleyW on March 13, 2008, 16:46:59 PM
I must confess mine are shut out of the bedroom at night, a concession I have to make to OH.  It's only fair really.  He puts up with 25 cats in the house, but 15 cats on the bed and keeping you up at night is a bit much.  They are all used to it now though Felix, Forest and LuLu will not let us have a lay in and start crying at about 8am.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Mark on March 13, 2008, 16:49:38 PM
Never have done & never would do  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Sabrina (Auferstehen) on March 13, 2008, 16:52:25 PM
Goodness no, they make such a racket if I close a door.

Our one foster kitten Quinn has discovered how to close doors anyway so every door has something heavy holding it open.

Mine have learned to let mommy sleep till at least 6am, 7am on the weekends if I'm lucky.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on March 13, 2008, 16:57:30 PM
No I daren't  ;D
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: bluecat on March 13, 2008, 17:21:50 PM
No mary wails so much the neighbours moan  :evillaugh:  she sleeps under the bed by the radiator or on it where i have been sleeping  so long as im not in it i move about too much  :innocent:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Maddiesmum on March 13, 2008, 17:24:49 PM
No, Charlie comes and goes as he wants but always comes up for a cuddle when I wake up
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: berties mum on March 13, 2008, 17:25:07 PM
My house is open plan - stairs go straight up into the bedroom - so I can't shut the cats out at night.  Every night, I fall asleep with Bella on the end of the bed, and Bertie and Minxie downstairs in their favourite chairs.  Every morning without fail, I wake up because Minnie is trampling all over me purring like a steam engine, to find Bella underneath the duvet curled up next to me, and Bertie on the headboard peering down at me  :Luv:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 13, 2008, 17:44:11 PM
I used to shut Jaffa and Magpie out in the living room/kitchen, but when I got Mosi I let him and Jaffa stay in the bedroom the first night, then the second... so now I leave all the doors open.  Jaffa sleeps on the bed beside me but Mosi generally settles down in the living room to begin with.  He comes into the bedroom during the night and usually wakes me up, but sometimes he just settles down on or in the bed.  I can't go back to shutting them out as Jaffa is used to sleeping on the bed now and he's good as gold.  If Mosi wakes me too early I tend to shut them both out the back for a couple of hours while I get a bit more uninterrupted sleep.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 13, 2008, 17:55:26 PM
And oh boy how Jaffa moans  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: lucy on March 13, 2008, 18:03:19 PM
No point - Xanthe opens the door and lets herself in!  :rofl: :rofl:. I find it more peaceful than mad scratching at doors anyhow.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Ellie on March 13, 2008, 18:05:22 PM
My lot get shut out on the two nights Pete is off work as it takes them ages to settle on the bed :tired:

When it's just me they settle in about 10 mins. When they hear Pete come home usually about 2-3am they go downstairs as they know he lifts them out the room  :sneaky:

Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on March 13, 2008, 18:09:16 PM
Mine all have access to the bedroom at night but thinking of getting a cat flap so when they go out, they can't come back in again  :evillaugh:  :evillaugh:  They hog the bed all night and I have to fit in with them, not the other way round  :sneaky:  I have trouble with my back and neck and I'm convinced this is down to the cats  :sneaky:  I think though, if they weren't allowed in there, I would miss having the night time snuggles with them  :Luv:  :Luv:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: blackcat on March 13, 2008, 18:43:30 PM
why would you? I find mine make excellent hot water bottles. Smidgen goes right under the covers and down to my feet  :Luv:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Den on March 13, 2008, 18:46:27 PM
why would you?
Because some are little Fidgets and think bedtime is playtime and refuses to settle  :censored:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: blackcat on March 13, 2008, 18:47:33 PM
If mine want to play they take it downstairs ... I came down the other day and cyclone Esther had destroyed the living room while Smidge and I slept .... ;)
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Den on March 13, 2008, 18:51:19 PM
If mine want to play they take it downstairs ... I came down the other day and cyclone Esther had destroyed the living room while Smidge and I slept .... ;)
:evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: have to be careful of those Cyclones.

Memphis tries to eat Mollys feet at night  :-: and then they both moan I move to much ... Memphy tries to open the door as wide as possible whilst Molly tries to sleep with it shut. I can't win . Since Moo sleeps all through the night without waking me up she wins.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Gillian Harvey on March 13, 2008, 18:57:08 PM
Mine can go anywhere they like, they don't like closed doors LOL!  - I regularly have around 5 or 6 cats on the bed with me, but the other morning I woke up and counted 8. I don't find they wake me up as they don't move around much on the bed, although whenever I move to sleep on my other side Sam has to move with me so he's facing my face LOL!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: claws n purrs on March 13, 2008, 19:33:37 PM
My cats have the full run of the house and come and go whenever and wherever they want!  :) 
Ronnie sometimes sleeps on our bed but he hardly ever disturbs us and it's like having a teddy bear at the side of me!  :Luv2:

Morgan and Freya are relatively new to the household and younger so it's still a novelty for them to leap about, jump and frolic on the bed, and us, during the night!  :naughty:

I'm sure once they get older, they'll calm down and allow us a full nights sleep (dream on!).  :rofl:  :rofl:

Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: tigerbaby on March 13, 2008, 19:39:14 PM
We always keep the bedroom door open, it's the way we personally prefer it, and since adopting Jameson this is what he has been used to. He wants to be where we are in the house, if we're in the lounge he'll cuddle up on the sofa, and if we're in the bedroom he'll cuddle up on the bed.
We have never shut him out, and don't think we ever will (although this means we do get ''presents'' in bed on occassion).

Edited to say: As far as having uninterrupted sleep goes, he is pretty good. Although depending on what time he goes to bed the night before he tend to wake up (too) early sometimes, and this is when he'll go crazy on the scratching post/ fight the wooden blinds/ remove content in bookcase and office down on the floor etc - this can be very loud, but it's just is way of saying it's time for breakfast, so I'll get up and feed him, and then off outside he goes!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 13, 2008, 19:46:00 PM
I have just started shutting my bedroom door (was a shock, i can't use it to hang clothes on!!), but cos I have fosters who try and come in my bedroom and Molly doesnt like them, so it is done for her, not me. So, me, Molly and Zi (if she comes up before I go to bed), get shut in the room for the night (there is a tray, food and water in my room), not sure if I sleep any better though
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 13, 2008, 19:56:01 PM
And oh boy how Jaffa moans  :rofl: :rofl:


Quote from: Den

Because some are little Fidgets and think bedtime is playtime and refuses to settle

Aint that the truth!  ;D  Mosi tends to think bedtime is jump on Jaffa time and then when I've got them both calm and settled, it lasts a few hours before Mosi decides it's time we all got up for a spot of play.  But I'm too soft to shut them out.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Den on March 13, 2008, 20:02:59 PM
Quote from: Den
Because some are little Fidgets and think bedtime is playtime and refuses to settle

Aint that the truth!  ;D  Mosi tends to think bedtime is jump on Jaffa time and then when I've got them both calm and settled, it lasts a few hours before Mosi decides it's time we all got up for a spot of play.  But I'm too soft to shut them out.
Know that so well!!!!
Memphis is exactly like that and he jumps on Molly.

Mig lives in my room .. my rooms not big enough for everyone especially those thay run around everywhere.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Christine (Blip) on March 13, 2008, 20:15:22 PM
No, we dont shut Blip out of anywhere.  We leave all the internal doors open all the time (just the way we organise things) but Blip hates closed doors and would make a fearful racket if she were one side of one and we were the other.  With the doors all open, though, she just chooses her favourite spot of the moment (she seems to have a rota) and settles down.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on March 13, 2008, 20:25:13 PM
I am the cruel human that bans all animals from the bedroom.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 13, 2008, 20:47:38 PM
I dont think the words cruel and you should ever be in the same sentence T!!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Bazsmum on March 13, 2008, 21:34:12 PM
No but wished I did on many occasions when getting my feet attacked or my face patted....oh nearly forgot the in and out of the blankets....and much, much more!  :tired:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: karenjet on March 13, 2008, 22:34:39 PM
All 4 of mine sleep in my bed and it does drive me mad sometimes. Meeko lays on my pillow usually with his paws wrapped round my head. Think I might have a photo of this somewhere. . .
Daisy likes to be snuggled in close to my chest and Tigger and Belle lay down at the bottom of the bed. Sometimes I'm laid in bed and can't move an inch for cats all round me lol, but now they're used to sleeping in my bed I don't have the heart to close them out at night.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: bunglycat on March 14, 2008, 01:18:07 AM
Never - i love having them on the bed with me - and mine also don''t like any closed doors either !
They have access to the whole house and garden ( garden -only till its dusk and then all in for the night -usually 6.30 pm) Winston also knows when its Saturday as its treat tea - cod loin or dish of prawns -only m+s prawns  will do !!!!
The others won''t eat fish or prawns , so i always tell Winston , not to wander off otherwise he won''t get his treat and he is always sat on the doorstep by 6.30 !!!
Back to bedtime - (going in a sec too as i am shattered being up with Smartie most nights checking on him after his op and being ill after it !)
Bungly usually has the pillow next to me , Smartie seems to turn round on my pillow and then put his bum/body on my neck and then likes me sometimes to hold his paw ( not overly comfy for me -he weighs a fair bit !)
Sophie at the side -usually the left side halfway down the bed - and occasinally if Smartie is on the other right hand side and not on my neck -Winston gets in that position instead , luckily he only stays about half an hour as he weighs a ton -nearly a stone i think !!
Me, well, i never get a really good nights sleep - but then again i love having them all near me , so i have got used to it over the years!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: tigerbaby on March 14, 2008, 02:20:28 AM
Smartie seems to turn round on my pillow and then put his bum/body on my neck and then likes me sometimes to hold his paw

Jameson does this too, it's very sweet.

I used to think cats shouldn't be allowed in bed... until I got myself one that is....
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Mark on March 14, 2008, 08:59:24 AM
When I lived alone, I couldn't sleep unless Kylie was on the bed with me. I feel sad for her that Willow has taken over the bed and Kylie sleeps elsewhere  :(
When the B&B was open, Clapton and Willow slept on the bed although Willow wasn't happy about it, Clapton asserted himself. Since we moved to a bedroom 2 floors up, Willow has taken over. We have tried to get Clapton to sleep up there but Willow is such a princess and so now Clapton sleeps alone in our old bedroom in the basement  :'(
We have tried bringing him up a few times but he is too scared of Willow  :(
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Catjane on March 14, 2008, 10:23:07 AM
No way do I shut them out! I love having them around :)

They all troop upstairs with me when I say 'night night', then proceed to have a last half-hour mayhem charging around the house like crazy.  Then if it's not blowing a gale outside they all settle.  (why does the wind get them all skitty?)  It varies where they sleep, although I woke this morning with all three asleep on my bed  :Luv:  At least one of the girls will settle on my bed when I go to sleep, though :)  They're rarely any trouble, unless it's stormy, of course!  Scares the living bejeebus out of me sometimes when they careen across my bedroom floor and jump onto the windowsill at a rate of knots!  I always think that one day they're not going to stop and go flying through the window!  :scared:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: tab on March 14, 2008, 10:44:42 AM
When I first got Mogs I shut her out of the bedroom but then I got ill and wasnt getting up as normal. She would scratch the door and yowl until I got up so I started leaving the door open. She would go to sleep in the front room and then in the morning just come in and see I was still there, get on the bottom of the bed and lie there until I woke up. When Amber moved in things changed a bit as Amber wasnt patient enough to let me wake up and Mogs would 'tell her off' which involved chasing her round the flat which of course woke me anyway. Now I cant have any internal doors shut without Amber complaining. I just about get away with the bathroom door closed but if Im in there Amber throws herself against it until it opens.

Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: tigerbaby on March 14, 2008, 12:49:07 PM
Around the same time we adopted Jameson I was recovering from a major operation. My mum is convinced I healed so well because of him. She said he was what I needed at the time - and I think she is right, he spent most of his time in bed with me, and just having him there (and my partner of course) really helped. There is no way I could shut him out!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Puffball (Louise) on March 14, 2008, 18:29:43 PM
I tried to keep Willow out at first but the crying and scratching was too much for me  :Luv2: So I put her bed in my room but she has never slept in it! I know she has a favorite spot under the bed as I have to vacuum it regularly and I think she must sleep there at least part of the night as she rarely settles on the bed before I go to sleep. I am sometimes vaguely aware of her playing in the living room or using her litter tray about 6am, but when my alarm goes off at 8am she is always somewhere on my bed. No particular spot she just flops down anywhere, she's much the same during the day, she just flops down on the floor wherever she feels
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Mark on March 14, 2008, 18:35:34 PM
When I first got Mogs I shut her out of the bedroom but then I got ill and wasnt getting up as normal. She would scratch the door and yowl until I got up so I started leaving the door open. She would go to sleep in the front room and then in the morning just come in and see I was still there, get on the bottom of the bed and lie there until I woke up. When Amber moved in things changed a bit as Amber wasnt patient enough to let me wake up and Mogs would 'tell her off' which involved chasing her round the flat which of course woke me anyway. Now I cant have any internal doors shut without Amber complaining. I just about get away with the bathroom door closed but if Im in there Amber throws herself against it until it opens.


This brings up a whole new debate. Will anyone else admit to a cat jumping up on their lap while they are "on the throne"?  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Puffball (Louise) on March 14, 2008, 18:55:14 PM
This brings up a whole new debate. Will anyone else admit to a cat jumping up on their lap while they are "on the throne"?  :evillaugh:

Well I dare not close the bathroom door she would go crazy! She sits on the toilet lid watching me in the bath and while she has not jumped up on me when "on the throne" she does sit on the boxed in pipework behind it and watch!!!! I give her privacy in her covered litter tray and I think I deserve the same tbh but she's boss  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: dolcetta46 on March 14, 2008, 20:14:00 PM
Well, for the first fortnight, my partner Cristiano took a stance that Ollie sleeps outside our bedroom, so I remember.  I really wonder what happened to that theory now as the boy dominate our bed and pillows for a long time. :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: bunglycat on March 14, 2008, 20:36:49 PM
Fraid so !
Winston often comes into the loo and jumps on my knee !!! ;D
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on March 14, 2008, 21:13:33 PM
From the first night Lexy was home, I kept her in the living room as her "comfy" room. That night she screamed blue murder until I opened the door, but being so new to the house and timid I landed up sleeping in there with her just so we'd both get some shut eye.

After that it was open doors all through the house. Lexy gets very annoyed at not being allowed in a room, even if she doens't want to go in there!

As for the throne... well.. what can I say. She observed once and figured that once was enough  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Liz on March 14, 2008, 22:25:09 PM
No closing the bedroom door up here at the Clan cats homestead - they have access all the time unless we have to split them up to catch the inside ferals for a vets trip - its easier to catch them downstairs in the cat room!

We also have about 8 on the bed at night - it is a super kingsize I hasten to add and the indoor cats use our bedroom through the day - they have 6 rooms and a staircase to play on and as such they spend more time in our bedroom than we do so possesion is 9/10 of the law in their eyes! :evillaugh:

The dogs sleep in the lounge - Jazz starts in her bed, the moves to Sky's and finally the couch with Pebbbles and storm a couple of grey and white ferals.  Sky is crated at night as he feels secure with this - have to check no feline occupants before he charges in or cat flying and puppy reversing on wooden floor with no traction control! :shocked:

The only closed door we have is through to the guest bedrooms and bathrooms so they are feline free as a couple of mates visit with their cats and also the rooms have carpet and we have a couple of pointers!!!! :shify:

We also have about 6 who like to sit on your knee on the throne and get mightily hacked off with visitors who close the door to their down stairs bathrooms as we have litter trays in their to!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on March 14, 2008, 23:24:34 PM
We have anything from 1 - 5 or 6 on the bed at night !!

I often wake up with pains in my legs because i have slept in a funny position lol

Issey sleeps on my head  :rofl:
I NEVER get a full nights sleep, there is never a night  when i am not woken up by cats sleeping all over me, its worse than having a baby :rofl:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: fluffybunny on March 15, 2008, 09:17:12 AM
Geoffrey has his own duvet on the dresser next to the bed and he sleeps there most of the night although he does get into bed for a cuddle quite often too.  Milly doesn't often venture upstairs at night but she too can go where she likes.  They'd go bonkers if I tried to shut them out.  They have never jumped up whilst on the throne but they do circle my feet or sit on the ledge behind.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Catjane on March 15, 2008, 09:30:02 AM
When I first got Mogs I shut her out of the bedroom but then I got ill and wasnt getting up as normal. She would scratch the door and yowl until I got up so I started leaving the door open. She would go to sleep in the front room and then in the morning just come in and see I was still there, get on the bottom of the bed and lie there until I woke up. When Amber moved in things changed a bit as Amber wasnt patient enough to let me wake up and Mogs would 'tell her off' which involved chasing her round the flat which of course woke me anyway. Now I cant have any internal doors shut without Amber complaining. I just about get away with the bathroom door closed but if Im in there Amber throws herself against it until it opens.


This brings up a whole new debate. Will anyone else admit to a cat jumping up on their lap while they are "on the throne"?  :evillaugh:

Yes!The bathroom is Meesha's special place for having 'loves', where she goes all unnecessary and paddles like crazy!  That includes on my lap!  :rofl: :Luv2:  She always likes to come and supervise me having a bath, too!
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 15, 2008, 12:09:49 PM
I never shut the bathroom door (unless I have visitors!).  In fact, it's wedged open with 2 cardboard boxes which Mosi has adopted as a bed and which I haven't the heart to move.  Jaffa usually follows me in but he refrains from jumping on my lap!  Mosi always follows one of my male friends to the bathroom  :shify:
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: MrsR on March 15, 2008, 12:33:08 PM
We never close the bedroom door, even if we have visitors we wedge our door open enough for the cats to get in and out even!

I guess we have made it impossible if we do ever need to shut them out but they all sleep with us basically.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: maryas on March 15, 2008, 14:00:43 PM
The run of the house day and night - anywhere and everywhere - NO is not a word I use when talking of cats!  :rofl: :Luv2:


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Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: claws n purrs on March 15, 2008, 14:09:06 PM
All the doors, except the ones with cat doors (yes, I have cat doors in my living room and kitchen door!) are permanently open, including the bathroom door.  ;D

I usually end up with one of the cats on my knee while I'm on the loo but I do shut the door when having a bath as, years ago, one of my cats fell in the bath while I was in it!  :Crazy:
Bare skin - cat - bath full of water.....well, you get the idea!  :shocked:  :rofl:

Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 15, 2008, 16:50:06 PM
Due to Mosi's habit of shutting doors, I have childproof door stops on all my doors so I can't shut them even if I wanted to (at least not without taking the door stoppers off).  So it's open doors 24/7 around here.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 15, 2008, 17:18:18 PM
I have had cats that like to sit on your knee while on the loo - puts my mum off using my loo though. You never know who it is going to be, as i do have fosters in the bathroom when the cat room is full. Even when there are no cats in there, the door is rarely shut, i dont do shutting doors unless there are cats in isolation (and my front door).
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 15, 2008, 20:12:07 PM
I have towels or socks on top of doors to stop Misa slamming them shut and getting stuck in a room  ;D

He just loves playing with doors and if he saw a birman in the hall he would shut the study door  :rofl: :rofl:

I have  a litter tray in the bathroom and Sasa likes to lie by the radiator the otherside of the bath.

However I do confess to moving the tray out and shutting the door to have a long bath in peace , without birmans sitting by the bath wailing  ;D
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: alisonandarchie on March 15, 2008, 21:11:12 PM
Misa sounds very clever Gill :evillaugh:

I keep all the doors open and Archie sleeps on the bed.
Title: Re: Do you shut your cats out of your bedroom at night?
Post by: ccmacey on March 15, 2008, 22:50:53 PM
Mine have the run of the house day and night.

I also have a Bog monster too, it's not our toilet, it's his water hole lol  :sick: