Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 19:12:24 PM

Title: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 19:12:24 PM

Please don't tell me it's pornographic  :evillaugh:

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Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 20:01:19 PM
Awww bless him, he looks very grumpy but is still sat there without being held  :Luv:  :Luv:  I don't normally go for dressing cats up but Spynxes would feel the cold I would think so as long as he's happy, it won't do any harm.  When I had FooFoo shaved, I did have a little cardi for her to keep her warm and she seemed quite happy in it  :Luv:  :Luv:  He could do with some pants on though  :evillaugh:  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on January 22, 2008, 20:02:45 PM
This is why I have pawrental controls on the computer as I don't want Bilbo and Boopy looking at naked cats  :evillaugh:

Just my opinion but I think it's horrible to have cats that can't keep themselves warm and have to have clothes put on them.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 22, 2008, 20:07:08 PM
Yes it  is degrading for him - poor little man  :'(  - dressing  a cat up in clothes is not big and not clever. >:(

DD  FooFoo's cardi was to keep her warm she was used to having fur then had it all shaved off. So needed the warmth.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 20:08:31 PM
Yes it  is degrading for him - poor little man  :'(  - dressing  a cat up in clothes is not big and not clever. >:(

DD  FooFoo's cardi was to keep her warm she was used to having fur then had it all shaved off. So needed the warmth.

Spynxes don't have any fur either though Gail so would feel the cold  :shy:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 22, 2008, 20:13:30 PM
Ahhh the poor little soul ... I suppose putting a little coat on him is OK to keep him warm but surly it would be better to supply him with a nice fluffly blanket and a snuggly.

Of course we don't know where the poor little lamb lives and if he is somewhere where it gets really cold then it's better than have him getting a chill.

Not sure about the silly though.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 22, 2008, 20:49:32 PM
Yes it  is degrading for him - poor little man  :'(  - dressing  a cat up in clothes is not big and not clever. >:(

DD  FooFoo's cardi was to keep her warm she was used to having fur then had it all shaved off. So needed the warmth.

Spynxes don't have any fur either though Gail so would feel the cold  :shy:

What I meant was FooFoo was used to having fur then had none. Sphynx's never have fur. I couldn't dress him/ her up an parade them, they have feeling too.  :Luv: That is cruel, the look on his little face bless. If he got hold of your throat you wouldn't live  ;)
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: hels on January 22, 2008, 21:37:39 PM
Connie, my sphynx, has a few small size dog coats that she wears sometimes, she doesn't wear them all the time and they're certainly not essential!
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ccmacey on January 23, 2008, 00:18:37 AM
Could we have this member banned for posting pornography  :naughty:

Ted said he doesn't approve of his mummy lookling at other men on the net, especially naked ones.

I suppose it's just like putting clothes on a baby, Not doing any harm if it's just to keep him warm. I do agree with Dawn though, he could of put some pants on  :rofl:

Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on January 23, 2008, 00:20:55 AM
Poor babe.  He doesnt look terribly happy, does he?  ;D
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ccmacey on January 23, 2008, 00:44:35 AM
How could it be degrading to Sphynxes when it is only 1 Sphynx? I suppose it could be like saying its degrading to say your cat looks like Hitler, what do you think of it Mark. Thats not a jibe about Clapton Kitler cos I think its all purely for fun, no one is being hurt.

If I were to say anything about the clothes would be that he seems a little hard up  :naughty:  :rofl:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on January 23, 2008, 08:30:17 AM
 :scared: I just cannot imagine waking up to that sight on the pillow next to me.  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: madkittyrescue on January 23, 2008, 09:42:02 AM
I think its probably quite common for folks to put these kinds of clothes on sphyinx.  There is a friend of mine who has little wollen jumpers made for hers .... they are basically like huge socks with holes cut for the front legs.  Looks kinda odd...

Although I have to admit I'm not a fan of the spyinx.... sorry to say.  I prefer my cats hairy for good cuddles! 
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Hippykitty on January 23, 2008, 10:02:02 AM
This is going to make me unpopular, but...

I think this is taking breeding too far. Okay, it may be a 'natural' mutation, but that's no excuse for propagating the mutation into a breed.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to cruelty: creating a breed which is so vulnerable to cold that it has to be humiliated by being dressed!

I'm not a big fan of breeds anyway, but some, like the sphinx, are putting the cat at a gross disadvantage. I feel a mix of pity and revulsion towards them.

Sorry if this offends anyone, but cats should have fur, not wrinkly skin.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 23, 2008, 10:31:28 AM
:scared: I just cannot imagine waking up to that sight on the pillow next to me.  :Crazy:

I might be weird but I think he is gorgeous  :Luv:  :Luv:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: LeighK on January 23, 2008, 10:33:50 AM
That's "Yoda-cat" , hmmmmmmmmm the force is strong in this one! ;D

What you can't see is that he's using his powers of telekinesis to levitate a very large spaceship.


Leigh ;D
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 23, 2008, 17:30:40 PM
My cousin has a Sphynx and he has blankets all over the house, even in summer he gets cold and likes to snuggle under blankets to keep warm.  Have to say I find the whole dressing up of dogs/cats etc silly, but to each their own.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 23, 2008, 18:36:51 PM
HP I used to be like you and thought Sphynxes were "weird"  and cats should have fur however after I actually got to meet and touch one at a cat show I was surprised at how cuddly and soft they really are.

I must admit I'm not sure I'd want a male though ... it's bad enough having to look at Zephyrs furry bits most of the time ... I don't think I could get on with seeing those nudey bits all the time  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: fluffybunny on January 23, 2008, 18:41:38 PM
This is going to make me unpopular, but...

Well count me in to the unpopularity contest because I agree with you  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: unseeliechylde on January 24, 2008, 18:02:24 PM
I'm never sure about sphynxes  :-: - in some respects they are quite sweet, in an ugly-cute kind of way  :briggin:, but I do feel sorry for them. It seems so unfair to breed a cat that is so affected by the cold, to the point where it needs heating / blankets etc even in summer :( I can understand the need to put something on the poor things to keep them warm...not sure if the lad in the pic exemplifies my personal ide of good ktty-fashion, though! :evillaugh: I can see the benefit of a cat having minimal fur in very hot countries, but no fur means they could get sunburn....
I've nothing against the cats themselves, and to each their own, but I can't help but feel that its a little unfair to breed such a sensitive and vulnerable animal. :shocked:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: blackcat on January 24, 2008, 18:21:58 PM
at the risk of offending some readers, I think being a sphynx is degrading to sphynxes - one animal breeding experiment too far in my book ...
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on January 24, 2008, 18:38:09 PM
I met the sphynx at the Supreme that Sam refers to - there was a woman there who had the cat out of it's pen and was holding little 'talks' aobut them to groups of people who inevitably gathered around.  She said they don't need clothes.  They do in fact have a covering of downy hair so aren't totally naked, and while they might feel the cold more than other cats if they're kept in a normally heated house they don't need to have clothes.  The sphynx in this thread is obviously dressed up for reasons other than need - if it was just a case of needing a jumper a simple plain one would suffice - not a fancy jumper and hat combo!
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Rosella moggy on January 24, 2008, 18:44:52 PM
I might be weird but I think he is gorgeous  :Luv:  :Luv:

Bless you Dawn, you would think he's gorgeous.  :hug: Have you ever actually seen an "ugly" cat amongst the tens of thousands you've probably come across?  

He ain't my cuppa tea but I'd still give him a hug if he wanted one and, whilst I wouldn't dream of dressing up our lads, I don't think I could stop myself from dressing this chap, if he didn't mind, esp some pants. Hopefully he'd be intelligent enough to tell me when he wanted to use the loo  ;)
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on January 24, 2008, 19:55:08 PM
I have to agree with the general tone of this thread. And I like the way Rosella said "I'd give him a hug if he wanted one" and I feel the same. The poor mite!  :)

We have seen first hand on this board, the results of poor and over breeding. At some point the pedigree breeders need to take a step back and think about the reasons why they do what they do. I can't see any point in bald (or nearly bald) cats other than for human amusement, and I can't see any benefit for the cat in being born like that.  :(

What's really disturbing me is the thought of what my Jumpster would look like minus his fleece... what with his 'middle aged spread'.  :sick: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Millys Mum on January 24, 2008, 20:01:36 PM
I feel the same for the poor persians who are being created with flatter and flatter faces  :(
Poor butter struggle to breathe.  >:(

What's really disturbing me is the thought of what my Jumpster would look like minus his fleece... what with his 'middle aged spread'.  :sick: :rofl: :rofl:

 :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on January 24, 2008, 20:50:55 PM
I dont like the thought of them, but we do have to remember that they were a natural mutation. And as for needing blankets in teh summer, Molly looks at me in disgust if I dont have the quilt in summer for her to come under, the sheet isn't good enough apparently, and she has fur!! One year I had to leave the duvet on the spare half of the bed to stop the girls grumbling at losing it in summer.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: unseeliechylde on January 24, 2008, 21:32:41 PM
Are sphinxes the result of a double-rex gene? (near-bald rats are, don't know if cats are the same..?)
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: hels on January 24, 2008, 22:00:33 PM
i've got to just say that by saying "hope i dont offend anyone but..." doesn't stop people being offended. i have an adorable sphynx cat, who isn't ugly or uncuddly because of her lack of fur. regardless of her "genetic mutation" she is still a lovely cat. i dont ever see people getting up in arms about bengals (a cross between Asian leopard cat and American Shorthair tabby), bombays (Burmese and black American Shorthair), tonkineses (cross between Siamese and Burmese), balineses (mutation of Siamese; tail sways when walking, resembling Balinese dancers) all of which you can see have been created by breeding as with the sphynx, or is because they have fur and therefore are more cute?

i feel really sad about this thread, on a community of cat lovers, is it ok to love cats only if they have fur? my sphynx knows no different to normal cats, she doesn't need a blanket in summer, in fact she goes outside in winter. it's kinda like cat racism going on here.

i've been really offended by this thread, if i started a thread saying i found tabbies were disgusting because they were a little too stripey then i'm sure you'd all disagree with me
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on January 24, 2008, 22:04:45 PM
While we are cat lovers Hels, we are all entitled to our own opinion, it is nothing to do wtih 'cat racism' and there aren't that many pedigrees I would choose to own, and I'm sorry if I offend anyone who owns one of those breeds, but that is my opinion - I still wouldnt choose to own a tortie either. I do have to say it is the looks for me, as I  haven't met one in the flesh.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: blackcat on January 24, 2008, 22:05:50 PM
Hi Hels, sorry you are offended. The comment is not directed at whether or not the cat is attractive, but rather at whether it is a sensible idea to breed an animal that is not adapted to anything other than a fully protected life. I think the Sphynx is an animal like all other animals in that it is entitled to be loved and cared for - I just don't think it is a genetic mutation that should have been encouraged... A difference of opinion, but more a statement that the breeding programme is repugnant. not the cat.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 24, 2008, 22:23:04 PM

i feel really sad about this thread, on a community of cat lovers, is it ok to love cats only if they have fur? my sphynx knows no different to normal cats, she doesn't need a blanket in summer, in fact she goes outside in winter. it's kinda like cat racism going on here.

i've been really offended by this thread, if i started a thread saying i found tabbies were disgusting because they were a little too stripey then i'm sure you'd all disagree with me

I'm sorry if you've been offended Hels  :hug:  I do also have the opinion as a genuine animal lover, to expect peeps to love all animals, and as a cat lover to love all cats but certain people do have their preferences.  Me, I love anything to do with animals and although I do disagree with certain breeds, I wouldn't love them any less because of what they look like.  Every animal has their own unique personality and I love each and every one of them and yes, I do think Connie is gorgeous as well  :Luv:  :Luv:  I do agree with BC though that I think the comments were aimed more at the breeding of certain cats that potentially weren't in the cats best interest.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Rosella moggy on January 24, 2008, 22:23:57 PM
Sorry Hels. Didn't think. No offence intended. If anyone gave me the impression they thought one of mine was unattractive, I'd be hurt too. Apologies  :-[.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: maryas on January 24, 2008, 22:35:06 PM
Aw, Mark, is that Clapton in fancy dress?!  :evillaugh: :naughty: :Luv2: :rofl:

I've got a cat book with lots of photos of cats with no fur and there are some really cute ones - took a bit of getting used to looking at them I must admit - but like most cats they have a personality of their own.

Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: candyshandy on January 24, 2008, 22:59:37 PM
Well I currently have a persian sphynx cross  :sneaky: - ok ok Fabes has had a lion cut!!  But since he's had his fur whipped off he's full of beans and is like a walking hot water bottle.  When he was first shaved I bought him a little t shirt to wear cos I thought he would be cold but he much preferred being au naturale!   :tired:

I have 'preferences' when it comes to cats too but I still love them all cos cats personalities just can't be beaten, even the grumps!  I'm sure we can all agree about that.  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Mark on January 24, 2008, 23:06:35 PM
Well I have a DSH tortie calico mishmash called Alice that I never would have chosen from a lineup but I only have to look at her and I melt  :Luv2:

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Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ccmacey on January 24, 2008, 23:16:13 PM
Yep, we soon learn whats on the inside is more beautifull.

I dont think these cats are ugly, its the people who have made them.

How many peeps have bald headed men at home? Its just the same  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Mark on January 24, 2008, 23:18:08 PM
 :what:  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ccmacey on January 24, 2008, 23:53:58 PM
Isn't it?  :-:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Mark on January 24, 2008, 23:55:06 PM
Yes it is the same CC - I was only making a joke of it  :hug:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ccmacey on January 25, 2008, 00:16:26 AM
So Mark do you have a Sphynx at home  :evillaugh:  :rofl:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Janeyk on January 25, 2008, 07:39:33 AM
I love all cats and Connie is Beautiful Hels  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 25, 2008, 08:03:08 AM
Don't get it.. I think they're cute. And very intelligent if my cousin's cat is to go by, he responds to words, tells her when he wants to eat, when he's not hungry, when he wants to play all by her speaking with him. Think he's great. And he's cuddly  :Luv:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 08:16:55 AM
So Mark do you have a Sphynx at home  :evillaugh:  :rofl:

 :shy: Yep  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 25, 2008, 08:38:19 AM
I love all cats and Connie is Beautiful Hels  :Luv2:

Connie is stunning and I'd love to meet a sphynx to feel their peachy skin, there is no such thing as an ugly cat. All cats are beautiful    :Luv: :Luv: ..... well not as beautiful as mine  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: maryas on January 25, 2008, 09:54:34 AM
Mark, I didn't pick Bonnie either as she was given to me as a foster cat BUT like you I fell in love and not sure if I would ever have gone for a 10 yrs old cat with no tail - Maybe I would as I'm a soft touch - Just so glad they chose to give her to me.  :Luv2:

I think we could set up a Sphinx appretiation thread as so many of us seem to be changing our minds about the adorable bald ones.  :Luv2: :naughty:


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Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: madkittyrescue on January 25, 2008, 10:00:26 AM
I've spent a short amount of time with a friends sphynx and they are very affectionate and are very cuddly and friendly.  It is very unusual when you feel their skin... I always think its like running your hand over a No1 cut at the hairdressers.

They are very unusual to most people as they are not necessarily a common sight.  Like many of the others on this thread... I don't agree with breeding them with such vulnerabilities especially in our cold climate.  But just because people feel that way doesn't mean they would treat any they came across as any less of a cat however they may well treat the breeder as less of a human!  ;)

I don't think that anyone meant any offence to you or your little one Hels but can totally understand how you feel.

I am sure tho that many of us here love all of our cats and others unconditionally.  That's what's important.   :hug:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 11:07:14 AM
I have only met 1 sphynx in 'person' and she was lovely and extremely addictive to stroke, like mole skin  :Luv:  They dont actually have excess skin or wrinkles, all cats look like that underneath their hair.  I also know someone who knits for sphynx's (she has a couple of her own and friends with them) and seen a few pics and they are all happy with it & appreciate the warmth.  I know cody who has loads of fur feels the cold far more than my moggies and he'd also be easily able to wriggle out of that type of clothing if he wanted to.

The hat is totally unecessary in my opinion though.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: unseeliechylde on January 25, 2008, 11:35:42 AM
Well I have to admit I have a soft spot for any unusual or "oddball" cat, whether sphynx, tortie, oriental, moggy...whatever ;) A cat is a cat, and it's certainly personality that counts. ;D I have to confess my ignorance on sphynxes - I had always thought they really felt the cold and struggled to cope (was told this by a vet, but you can't trust every vet you meet, as we all know). That was always my only concern for them - thay they might be terribly fragile. Clearly I was misinformed ;)
At the risk of being a bit controversial, I don't see any problem with any breed, so long as there are no detrimental implications for the animals health or welfare (as in some extreme examples of flat-faced cats and dogs, or those with hereditary spinal problems etc). I do find sphynxes quite cute, especially their big radar-ears :Luv: - think the naked "bits" would take a bit of getting used to in boys - but then, I had male rats for long enough :evillaugh:
I would love to meet one to see what they're really like - photos rarely do justice to any cat's true personality and grace. Are they related to orientals at all, or is it just the "hairlessness" that gives them that large-eared, wedge-shaped head appearence?
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 13:09:02 PM
They are catogarised in the "rex" grouping  ;)  (yes the large ears & wedge shaped heads are all wonderful but then i would say that  :rofl:  )

as far as i am aware they do feel the cold alot more and you'd be highly unlikely to see one getting out up here any way, plus then in summer they have the added hazzard of sun burn so best for indoors only i reckon.

the only prob i think lack of hair causes is there is nothing to really absorb natural skin oils so they need regular bathing and care taken over their hygeine maintanence and rather than leave hair where they sleep they leave greasy patches.  I believe they can have skin probs sometimes due to the need for bathing all the time or the lack of it being done.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn F on January 25, 2008, 13:17:12 PM
do they lick themselves less than furries?  Just wondering about the rough tongue!
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 13:25:55 PM
I dont know lol, wouldnt have thought so but their downy covering would protect them i should imagine.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 13:31:18 PM
Gotta post these 2 pics, 1 ive posted before but i think its an excellent photo (from photo cat)

The bit under the hissing cats says
"Little Snitch or Disciplinary Moment
The adult cat is not hissing at the kitten - she is hissing at another adult cat behind the kitten"

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 25, 2008, 13:34:25 PM
At least they dont leave kitty hair eveywhere.  :Luv2:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder  :Luv: ,  and even though i dont have a sphynx, I think they are beautiful.  Especially Hels' Connie -she is a Poppet  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on January 25, 2008, 13:36:50 PM
There is something incredibly cute about them.  I've often wondered whether they groom themselves like furry furries. I don't know how much of that behaviour is instinct and how much practical hair dressing.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 25, 2008, 13:37:18 PM
I remember that Lynn. My cousin's cat looks like the one in the bottom pic. He's just lush.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 25, 2008, 13:44:32 PM
GORGEOUS blue eyes  :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ems on January 25, 2008, 14:43:08 PM
I'd LOVE to meet a sphynx in real life, I think they are fab.  :Luv:

Every picture i've seen of a sphynx they look like they are full of personality and character, especially Hels' Connie. She is proabably the first one i've seen properly (aside from My Bigglesworth in Austin Powers  :evillaugh: ) and she is gorgeous

Has anybody seen the Devon Rex feature in Your Cat this month? I'm in love with the little colourpoint babe in it  :Luv: and i know Teresa has a big soft spot for the Rexs too  ;D
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 14:46:01 PM
I had someone from another rescue earlier asking me if I ever get a Spynx in to give her first refusal  :Crazy:  She has been wanting one for ages for herself and I find it really bizarre talking about them on here and then someone asking about one, I've never before had anyone asking me about a Spynx  :shify:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: ems on January 25, 2008, 14:47:26 PM
How strange Dawn?  :Crazy:

Maybe its fate...  :shify:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: LisaAndRufus on January 25, 2008, 18:55:57 PM
Sphynxes are fabulous - especially Hels' Connie.  I don't think any breed could ever be described as ugly - each cat is beautiful because of its own individuality.

And for those people saying it was cruel to breed a "genetic mutation" (what an appallingly disgusting turn of phrase) I read only today in a cat book, that the Sphynx actually evolved from street cats, so they are obviously tough enough to survive outside without a fluffy coat.

I agree with Hels - this is cat racism of sorts.  You'd never refer to a mixed-race person as a "genetic mutation" so why is it ok to do so when we are talking about animals???
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: blackcat on January 25, 2008, 18:58:42 PM
You'd never refer to a mixed-race person as a "genetic mutation" so why is it ok to do so when we are talking about animals???

A mixed race person is not a genetic mutation because their genes have not altered. A hairless cat is a genetic mutation because their natural state is to have fur. And, although I have not read all of the posts on this thread, I am not aware that anyone has suggested they are ugly. Please don't put words in our mouths. >:(
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 25, 2008, 19:11:24 PM
Some might find this interesting:


Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: blackcat on January 25, 2008, 19:13:17 PM
Thanks Ruth, it is always useful to introduce fact into a conversation of this nature!  ;D
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 19:18:41 PM
I agree with susanne, something incredabily cute and endearing ESP the blue eyed ones, i mean the blue eyed kitten on the hissing cat pic is just the most gorgeous babe ever  :Luv:

as for the genetic thing well....lots of breeds are of fluke/freak genetic mutations and have been bred to keep the lines going but Cody doesnt mind in the slightest  ;) :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 25, 2008, 19:25:19 PM
 :evillaugh: Cody rarely minds much!

I only really do have my cousin's cat as the only point of reference for my own experience. Those eyes are absolutely engaging. Its like they can see what you are thinking. I guess its the fact that he doesn't have whiskers or anything else to detract from the eyes that makes them so fascinating to me. I have to admit that when I first saw this breed (photos) I did wonder and thought maybe not for me, but after seeing them for real. Wow.

They are high maintenance though. He has to be bathed as his natural oils darken his skin to brown  :rofl: , and his natural grooming doesn't seem to clean up as well. He has to have his claws clipped frequently so that he doesn't scratch his skin. Furry cats have that natural barrier I guess and protects their skin even from their claws. But other than that, he's a naughty booger and has the whole household in his paw. Even my uncle who's a dog person. He loves the cat.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: CurlyCatz on January 25, 2008, 19:34:20 PM
Yep defo high maintenence cats..much more than furry ones.  I think they generally have samey rex personalitys, perhaps a little more timid than some (but so can cornish & devons, laperms seem in general very bold)

Incidentally theres a laperm woman who has 1 sphynx (Penni I think but not 100% sure) and it has hair  :-:
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: unseeliechylde on January 26, 2008, 22:31:43 PM
They sound lovely! :Luv: I have to admit it's the expressive face, large ears and beautiful, mezmerising eyes that do it for me :Luv2: One question though (it's hard to see from the pics) - if they are almost hairless, do they still have whiskers, or are these smaller / shorter than in furred cats?
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on January 27, 2008, 10:59:03 AM
Depends Nic. My cousin was telling me her cat doens't have whiskers but he does get some furry bits on his tail and his paws but its very fine.
Title: Re: Is this degrading to Sphynxes?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 27, 2008, 14:36:56 PM
Hels .... I think we need to see some pics of Connie so all us Sphynx lovers can see how gorgeous she is and maybe we can covert those who are still abit "unsure" of the smoothies  ;)