Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 14:47:05 PM

Title: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 14:47:05 PM
This gorgeous girl is sadly up for rehoming, she has a problem tummy and has all the tests done and also seen a specialist.   She is an Oriental Siamese, 18 months old and is absolutely stunning  :Luv2:  :Luv2: They have put her problem down to Irritable Bowel Syndrome also known as IBS.  Her owners love her to bits but they have family coming to stay and with having youngsters, they feel it's better that she is rehomed.  They don't know how long the family are stopping as they are having work done on the house so shutting her in a room indefinitely isn't the answer.  She has also been tested for the Corona Virus and this has come up positive so any potential owner will need to be aware of this.  She is a fab cat and gets on well with others and adores human company.  Ideally she needs to be where there is someone in most of the time and I know talking to her dad, she would also like feline company if she can.  The problem with her tummy isn't constant, it's a now and again problem.  She may lie on her bed and leave a little mark or leave the odd marks when she sits down but some days, she may be fine.  They have tried her on all sorts of veterinary diets and at the moment she is on James Wellbeloved but one for Sensitive tums.  I will stress, she is a much loved furbabe and this decision hasn't been taken lightly.........her dad absolutely dotes on her.  If anyone is interested, she is in the Hampshire area and for the least stress possible, it would be better if she could find a home more or less close to where she is,  but if the ideal home is further away, it will be considered.  I do have a bit of a problem though, I have til weekend to find her somewhere otherwise she will be going back to the breeder which isn't going to ideal.  If anyone is interested or wants to ask any questions about her, either post on the thread or pm me and I will find out for you.  The home that is needed for her is a forever home so please if you have any issues with a potentially ongoing tummy problem, please don't enquire. 

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Title: Re: Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 14:47:42 PM
and the last one  :Luv2:  :Luv2:

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Title: Re: Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 21, 2008, 15:07:11 PM
OMG DD she is  :censored: GORGEOUS.
An absolute beauty. Those ears & Chisled cheeks   :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: Bum would be no problem, Zebedee had a muckey bum till he was one. He left marks EVERYWHERE  :)

I want her......... if I could I would. Same as I would take the ginger twins. How about Jackie with Simba& Coco.
Title: Re: Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 15:09:01 PM
How about Jackie with Simba& Coco.

Because Simba and Coco have only just settled down, bringing another one in may upset the apple cart which is understandable but they were my first choice  :shy:
Title: Re: Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 21, 2008, 15:13:22 PM
How about Jackie with Simba& Coco.

Because Simba and Coco have only just settled down, bringing another one in may upset the apple cart which is understandable but they were my first choice  :shy:

Great minds think alike EH.

That's a terrible shame.. she would of been happy there with Jackie & Co.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 15:14:53 PM
I know, it would have been perfect but I can understand their decision   :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Angiew on January 21, 2008, 15:15:26 PM
goodness there are so many beautiful cats that need homing on here at the moment - not a good thing as I am feeling really broody at the moment!!!
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 15:17:44 PM
goodness there are so many beautiful cats that need homing on here at the moment - not a good thing as I am feeling really broody at the moment!!!

I know, it's very sad and I just wish we could help them all  :'(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 21, 2008, 15:22:40 PM
I know, it would have been perfect but I can understand their decision   :(

Yes after all Simba & Coco have to come first and we dont want their tums upset again. I so hope soemwhere  loving is found for this little lady, she is a real beauty. Those ears  :Luv: :Luv:.  I do feel for her, poor little thing will be petrified, she'll be thinking, because of my bum they are getting rid of me. Then being somewhere strange could cause it to become worse, then she'll fret even more and so on & so on.

 :hug: :hug: :hug: to Beanie xxxx
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 21, 2008, 18:59:48 PM
Poor baby - I know you say they love her to bits but if a child had IBS............  :(

Don't let Sharon see this  :scared:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 19:07:24 PM
She is gorgeous and when he sent me the piccies, I was like  :wow:  I think the tummy issue is more of a problem with his wife tbh, I think reading between the lines, if he had a choice, Beanie would be staying.  Even the fact is wife is getting stressed about her, she is very much loved by both but Beanie can also be picking up on this which may be making her tummy worse.  I hate it when people rehome because of stupid reasons, but if you are living with something like this, it can cause problems so although if she was mine, I wouldn't be rehoming, I can understand the reasoning behind it.  They have tried the rescues in the local vicinity but I really don't think this is the answer and neither is returning her to the breeder, the thought of her being stuck in a cage breaks my heart   :'(   Ideally she needs to be placed in a home environment because the poor babe won't know what's happening as it is.  She has been living with 2 BSH's so this is going to be another upheaval, being parted from her mates  :'(  I just feel so upset for her, and it has been giving me sleepless nights  :tired:  I've not given up yet and I may have a temporary solution if a home isn't offered for her.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 19:09:55 PM
Don't let Sharon see this  :scared:

Is she after a Siamese Mark  ;)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 21, 2008, 19:13:11 PM
She might be but she just doesn't know it yet - well she has 2 already  ;)

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 21, 2008, 19:14:57 PM
OMG she is gorgeous .... have they tried contacting the Siamese cat rescue to see if they can help.

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 19:19:25 PM
The other thing I forgot to mention is the couple both work and he feels she does need the time spending with her, and maybe this could also be adding to the problems.  I just feel after talking to the guy, he is really genuine and he talks about her with a genuine warmth.   I know you wouldn't rehome a kid with this condition but you've always got the nappy to help  ;)

I'm not sure Sam, the problem being, time is short so not sure whether they would have anyone on their books that would take her before weekend.  If we have to use plan B, then I will contact them and see what happens.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: blackcat on January 21, 2008, 19:20:34 PM
She' a lovely cat, but she has remarkably yellow eyes for an oriental ... they are supposed to be green. Has she been tested for liver probs?
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 19:27:38 PM
She has been tested for virtually everything BC, the guy does have some documentation for the tests he's had done and he's also happy for his vet to pass on her medical history.  He said in herself she's very bright and lively, loves to play and apart from her tummy issues, she is just perfect. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on January 21, 2008, 19:28:56 PM
She is GORGEOUS! I hope Beanie finds her ideal home very soon. :)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: blackcat on January 21, 2008, 19:30:02 PM
Fair enough, but like I said, orientals have green eyes ... might just not be show standard, perhaps? or UK breed standard different to OZ? Who knows ....
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 19:31:43 PM
I don't know enough about them, a cat is a cat to me  :-[  I wasn't sure if she was classed as an Oriental or a Siamese, he seemed to think she was an Oriental Siamese  :Dont know:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 21, 2008, 19:35:06 PM
aw our hearts go out to this little baby.  I'm so sorry we couldn't help Dawn, but John was adamant he didn't want to upset the applecart with our 2 and I have to say I agree with him.  But good luck hon.  If anyone can do it YOU CAN!!
xxxx ;D
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 20:06:38 PM
Thanks Jackie, asking you and John was a long shot I know but was worth a try  ;)  I'm sure something will get sorted for her, but in this type of situation, they really tug on my heartstrings  :'(  :'(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: MBll on January 21, 2008, 21:10:47 PM
Juesus thats a weird looking cat lol Look at these ears  OMG  Yup i know about IBS  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 21, 2008, 21:33:33 PM
 :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy: Poor little soul she's not weird she's beautiful. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on January 21, 2008, 21:47:28 PM
I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder - I think she has a "quirky" kind of beauty, but is beautiful all the same. :)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 21, 2008, 21:58:14 PM
She's lovely  :Luv2:

That bottom pic   :Luv:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on January 21, 2008, 22:10:10 PM
Hello all
I do have two Siamese and have had oriental siamese in the past. She is very young to have such upheaval. When i say here she reminded me of my oriental i had Betsy... Anyhows... i want lie that i was tempted but i do have to think of my two.. Bella in particular who has heart problems. There is no doubt that i have enough room!...and are very rural..

I would suggest the Siamese rescue society also the other day i had a call from someone looking for a burmese to go with their existing burmese. They live local to me and HC wouldnt be a problem. But again we are in Kent and they are no guarantees, Burmese and Orientals are not quiet the same.. Indeed i have had two calls this week regarding burmese cats.

I could give them a ring and see what they though.. But its up to you regarding the distance. They sounded very experienced cat owners.. No children but not sure about working committments. She would have access to the outside..

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: caledonia on January 21, 2008, 22:52:07 PM
This little lady is just adorable - I do hope she finds a home soon. It seems a real shame that she is having to leave home because of visitors!  :'(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 21, 2008, 23:41:23 PM
This little lady is just adorable - I do hope she finds a home soon. It seems a real shame that she is having to leave home because of visitors!  :'(

I think the visitors coming over has given them the ammo to justify to themselves what they are doing is the right decision.  When I had Dylan, he suffered from what the vet believed to be IBS and some days it drove me mad although I loved him with all my heart.  Not everyone can cope with a cat with this condition and sadly it's the cats that suffer because of it.  I don't think she suffered from it when they first took her on but I can't honestly say, I think for the Beanie's sake, if it's stressing the wife out, it's probably the best decision for her as the vibes will just make her worse.  The kids that are stopping I think are only toddlers, so it's understandable there are concerns there.  All I can say is, my heart goes out to this little girl and the sooner she's gets sorted, the happier I'll be. 

I would suggest the Siamese rescue society also the other day i had a call from someone looking for a burmese to go with their existing burmese. They live local to me and HC wouldnt be a problem. But again we are in Kent and they are no guarantees, Burmese and Orientals are not quiet the same.. Indeed i have had two calls this week regarding burmese cats.

I could give them a ring and see what they though.. But its up to you regarding the distance. They sounded very experienced cat owners.. No children but not sure about working committments. She would have access to the outside..

If you could sound them out, that would be great.   Obviously, I would want to be pretty sure if they choose to go through with taking her, it's not going to be on a whim and she's rehomed again at a later date which I'm sure you will understand.  When you say she will have access to the outside, is that by means of a cat proofed garden or free access?  Realistically Kent may be a little far but it's not out of the question if it's the perfect home, but stress will have to be limited so this again would have to be thought about.  I should know tomorrow if plan B is a goer or not and if it is, this will give me more time to work out what's best for her.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on January 22, 2008, 00:04:37 AM
Dawn, has she been put on Pet Rescue UK?
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 00:12:55 AM
I've put a few feelers out to people I know and I'm hoping someone will take her on  :tired:  If I put her on Pet Rescue I would be concerned that someone will take her on because they feel sorry for her and although I really want to get her sorted by weekend, I don't think it would be the best reason for rehoming.   Whoever takes her has to seriously think about what they are doing, she doesn't sound too bad to me but she may be bad enough for someone else to get fed up after a couple of months, this is what I want to avoid.  The perfect home would be to someone like Jackie and John who have had the experience of the breed and also experience with tummy problems.  It takes someone who has got a lot of patience and the last thing I want is someone rushing into it and regretting it later.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on January 22, 2008, 08:27:56 AM
Hi Dawn
I will give them a ring a suss them out... be very unfront and if they are still keen then will give them your details so you can tell them more. As for garden... . Does she need an enclosed garden, i suspect this one is just a modern terrace garden with free access.

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 22, 2008, 08:33:32 AM
Juesus thats a weird looking cat lol Look at these ears  OMG  Yup i know about IBS  :Crazy:

She's not weird she's BEAUTIFUL and those ears are wonderful. I would love her. She would be in heaven with me, but Zubin my Bengal wont allow.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Cheesecat on January 22, 2008, 08:55:01 AM
She is very beautiful  :Luv: I would love to have her but in my case its OH that wont allow!!!  :'(

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 09:16:05 AM
Does she need an enclosed garden, i suspect this one is just a modern terrace garden with free access.

She has always been an indoor cat and with her breed, I would be worried about her having free access in case someone gets it in their head to steal her.  Also, with her tummy issues, free access wouldn't be such a good idea in case she gets access to food she shouldn't have.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 09:23:28 AM
I have been googling and there is a yahoo group for feline IBD http://cats.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=cats&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdir.groups.yahoo.com%2Fgroup%2FFelineIBD%2F

Also some tips here. Slippery Elm seems to come up quite a lot.


Also a UK supplier of Eagle pack - I am ordering this today for Alice as it has prebiotics, probiotics, it's for sensitive stomachs and as a bonus, contain glucasamine  ;D


Not sure if you can get the Holistic supplement here though http://www.heartypet.com/products.php?cat=163

The only place in the UK I can find that does the duck version is postalproducts but you have to buy the 7.5kg bag - £37 + £6.50 postage  :Crazy: - a lot of money for something they will probably turn their nose up at  :tired:

Zooplus does the chicken one in 2.5kg although the duck & oatmeal is the ultimate exclusion diet.

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on January 22, 2008, 09:45:17 AM
Okay i rang them up and no goes i am afriad. Never mind. we did try and she has  had a cat with that condition before apparently.. .

As for indoor only.. Thats abit of a shame really, free access with things to keep her occupied would i feel benefit her.. The idea of stealing is an issue but its the chance you take with any pedigree of course,  i think...

I think Siamese are such an intelligent breed that being solely indoor cats is abit heartbreaking. But thats just my opinion and of course everyone else can differ with that...
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on January 22, 2008, 09:54:24 AM
Now that is my kind of cat  :Luv: and them ears.... :Luv2: :Luv: :Crazy:

Even Hubby thought she was lovely and kept asking if "wing nut" had found a home yet  :rofl:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 09:59:10 AM
Thanks for the links Mark, I've sent these to her owner and you never know, the advice and supplements may be the answer to their prayers  :hug:

Okay i rang them up and no goes i am afriad. Never mind. we did try and she has  had a cat with that condition before apparently.. .

As for indoor only.. Thats abit of a shame really, free access with things to keep her occupied would i feel benefit her.. The idea of stealing is an issue but its the chance you take with any pedigree of course,  i think...

I think Siamese are such an intelligent breed that being solely indoor cats is abit heartbreaking. But thats just my opinion and of course everyone else can differ with that...

Not to worry, I'll keep trying  :hug:  I know what you're saying but personally I wouldn't want to home a pedigree cat where they have free access with everything that goes on these days, and whenever possible, I prefer indoor homes for my others as well but it's even better if they have a cat proofed garden.  In an ideal world, all cats could have the pleasure of both being indoor and outdoor but with the fur trade and all the other sick things that go on in this world, it's a worry letting them out. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 10:01:07 AM
Even Hubby thought she was lovely and kept asking if "wing nut" had found a home yet  :rofl:

Tell him Wing Nut is still looking  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on January 22, 2008, 10:07:02 AM
In an ideal world, all cats could have the pleasure of both being indoor and outdoor but with the fur trade and all the other sick things that go on in this world, it's a worry letting them out. 

Good point Dawn... perhaps i am just lucky living in an area where i dont have any neighbours and but woodland around me and free access to a cat is something that not all pedigrees are lucky enought to enjoy..

Sorry couldnt help.. but even is she was to join my "clan" i would hope to give her the same benefits of that freedom...

Best of luck though she is a real cutie and reminds me so much of my Betsy who lived until she was 19 yrs old, and was the only siamese i ever had that managed to catch squirrels.....!
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sabrina (Auferstehen) on January 22, 2008, 11:07:32 AM
What a lovely kitty! Hope you’re able to find a new home for her soon.

Wish I could help but I’d have to get a divorce first.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: LesleyW on January 22, 2008, 11:09:19 AM
The only place in the UK I can find that does the duck version is postalproducts but you have to buy the 7.5kg bag - £37 + £6.50 postage  :Crazy: - a lot of money for something they will probably turn their nose up at  :tired:

Zooplus does the chicken one in 2.5kg although the duck & oatmeal is the ultimate exclusion diet.

Mark if you look on the Postal pet products home page they do a starter pack of the duck, a small bag of dry and tins for £12.75 - might be worth a try.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 11:13:10 AM
What a lovely kitty! Hope you’re able to find a new home for her soon.

Wish I could help but I’d have to get a divorce first.

http://www.quickie-divorce.com/?gclid=CIuKuq3aiZECFQ6hQwodsGxLGg  ;)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 11:18:24 AM
The only place in the UK I can find that does the duck version is postalproducts but you have to buy the 7.5kg bag - £37 + £6.50 postage  :Crazy: - a lot of money for something they will probably turn their nose up at  :tired:

Zooplus does the chicken one in 2.5kg although the duck & oatmeal is the ultimate exclusion diet.

Mark if you look on the Postal pet products home page they do a starter pack of the duck, a small bag of dry and tins for £12.75 - might be worth a try.

Thanks Lesley - Her fecal results cam back today and are clear, he is still waiting for camphylbacter but expects it to be clear. He has suggested sensitivity diets. I told him I have some RC s/o wet & dry that I got from vetuk the other week. He said that is what he would have recommended - I prefer the idea of holistic though - also like that it contains glucosamine as I can't get her to eat the tablets. Thanks - I will get some  ;D
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 11:19:07 AM
http://www.quickie-divorce.com/?gclid=CIuKuq3aiZECFQ6hQwodsGxLGg  ;)

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :naughty:

I've just had a reply off Paul and he is going to look into trying the Eagle Pack range as this hasn't been mentioned up to date  ;)  He did say "Unfortunately we are also limited by time, but it’s possible that we might see some change before Saturday"   :wish:  

I've just thought, would pet shops actually stock this?  He's going to try in his local one as he said they are well stocked, I'm wondering whether it would be worth me ordering some online for him and getting it sent direct and at least it will give her a chance  :tired:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 11:31:35 AM
It looks like very few places sell it and postalproducts are the only ones that sell the duck one - this is the ultimate sensitivity diet. It might be worth him phoning them - being a small company, they might make a special effort to make sure it goes 1st class today  ;) - they might even send a free sample  ;) Otherwise the starter pack Lesley mentioned for £12.75  ;D

01531 633985
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: LesleyW on January 22, 2008, 11:35:12 AM
I have ordered one in case  ;)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 11:38:41 AM
Thanks, it will have to be the starter pack as funds are a little tight at the mo  :tired:  i've emailed him for his address and then I'll give them a ring  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: LesleyW on January 22, 2008, 11:40:33 AM
Dawn, let me know what you are paying and I will send you paypal monies. :Luv:  Why are you paying anyway, what doesn't Paul pay? :shocked:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 11:42:59 AM
I just want to give it a try, he may offer to pay but you know what peeps are like, he may leave it last minute and then he'll still rehome as it may take a couple of days to have an effect  :shy:  This way, I can get it to him asap  :tired:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 11:52:01 AM
I have just been informed that all the deliveries have gone out for today, so the earliest he could get it is Thursday  :censored: And they don't do sample packs  :tired:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 12:07:03 PM
I have been searching - I even looked on the American site and they give postalproducts as the UK distributor  :tired:

http://www.reptilica.co.uk/index.php are like zooplus, based in Germany or something -

Unless one of your contacts has some and could loan? (longshot I know)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 22, 2008, 12:18:52 PM
Does she need an enclosed garden, i suspect this one is just a modern terrace garden with free access.

She has always been an indoor cat and with her breed, I would be worried about her having free access in case someone gets it in their head to steal her.  Also, with her tummy issues, free access wouldn't be such a good idea in case she gets access to food she shouldn't have.

DD I feel total poo, as my home is the purrfect home. All the love and access to a safe catproofed garden. Paul wont allow and neither would Zubin. BUT if there was no Paul, Zubin would have to get used to it. I'm sure she and Thai would get on great. I want but my head has to rule.  >:( >:( :( :( :( :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2008, 12:19:29 PM
Why is the deadline this weekend? - they didn't give a lot of notice  :-:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on January 22, 2008, 12:28:41 PM
Poor Beanie, she's such a sweet looking thing.


Voucher for £3.00 off and a sample of Eagle pack. Sorry if this has been posted, my PC is spazzing out!
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on January 22, 2008, 13:52:21 PM
poor Beanie, I hope she gets sorted soon
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 15:03:48 PM
Why is the deadline this weekend? - they didn't give a lot of notice  :-:

This is when the lodgers will arrive.

Paul checked out the pet store and as you said Mark, they didn't stock it but he has phoned Postal Pet foods and he'll get it on Thursday  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 15:09:49 PM
Voucher for £3.00 off and a sample of Eagle pack. Sorry if this has been posted, my PC is spazzing out!

This is the same place JS, the lady said they used to do samples but they've stopped doing them now  :sneaky:  I think Thursday is the earliest he'll get it even if I knew someone who used it, apparently it works pretty quick from what the lady said so hopefully it will work on Beanie, lets hope so anyway and then she'll still have her home  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on January 22, 2008, 15:18:30 PM
I hope a couple of days will be enough, although it depends how nervous she is and what the lodgers are like - poor girl
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 15:22:24 PM
He said she's quite a confidant cat, if the other two he's got go to bop her, she'll just carry on regardless, he classes her as bomb proof which is quite unusual in a Siamese.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on January 22, 2008, 15:35:15 PM
I didn't realise he had others!  So she doesn't have to be an only then
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 15:38:51 PM
DD I feel total poo, as my home is the purrfect home. All the love and access to a safe catproofed garden. Paul wont allow and neither would Zubin. BUT if there was no Paul, Zubin would have to get used to it. I'm sure she and Thai would get on great. I want but my head has to rule.  >:( >:( :( :( :( :(

I know you would have also had the perfect home for her Gail, but these things can't be helped   :(  You never know, a miracle may happen with the cat food  :hug:

I didn't realise he had others!  So she doesn't have to be an only then

He also has 2 BSH's which were ex breeding queens and yes, she's fine with others.  Sometimes they are shut out into the hall if Beanie is leaving her marks so as not to make her feel unloved, the others are shut out too so really it's affecting all of them.  He did say though if they go out, now and again she will have been in the bedroom and left marks on their bed so it's not as if they are always isolated from the rest of the house, I think it's just in short spurts. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 22, 2008, 15:42:16 PM
My heart aches for this little girl  :( and the ginger twins  :( :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 22, 2008, 15:43:36 PM
Mine too as well Gail, this is why I'm trying to concentrate on getting her a home or working out a way for them to keep her.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 23, 2008, 10:51:45 AM
Any news on this little girl?  - I keep looking at ther photo and my heart skips, she is such a lovley little thing. I so hope she finds somewhere safe and loving.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 23, 2008, 11:10:56 AM
Not as yet Gail, cats with tummy probs are pretty hard to home   :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 23, 2008, 11:41:21 AM
Not as yet Gail, cats with tummy probs are pretty hard to home   :(

 :( :( I really feel for this one. DD I was married to paul then I'd take her, the others would have to get used to it. but i won't even ask Paul, I know what he would say before I finished asking. >:(

Zebedee had a poorly bum till his was one, Bengals do sufffer with their tums when babies. Maybe Orientals do to, maybe it is stress. I know stress and diet can cause IBS in humans maybe it is the same for Felines.

DD I feel so angry inside - I want help her but I cant take her and it is hurting me. I wish Jackie could have her, but you've been down that road  :(  .

How about Roz of secure-a -cat??? -
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 23, 2008, 19:19:15 PM
Oh hell girlies I feel like POO reading this :'(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 23, 2008, 19:51:05 PM
STOP trying to make Jackie feel guilty about this .... it's not fair on Coco and Simba or Jackie and John!
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 23, 2008, 20:58:56 PM
I'm not making Jackie feel guilty or I hope I'm not, I can 100% understand her and John's decision, I would probably do the same in their situation.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 23, 2008, 22:24:54 PM
Sadly plan B has fallen through,  it was a long shot anyway but still very upsetting all the same.  I'm going to put a plea out for this little girl but sadly that's all I can do, if that doesn't work she will have to go back to the breeder  :'(  :'(  And before anyone says I am trying to make people feel guilty, this is the last thing I want, I have just sat in tears over this cat so if anyone feels guilty about not being able to help her, it's me.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: LesleyW on January 23, 2008, 22:29:10 PM
And as I told you, you have nothing to feel guilty about, I am as much to blame that she has to go back as you are and neither of us are to blame in fact.  Big :hug: :hug: to you, make sure you get some sleep after your crap evening and I will speak to you tomorrow. :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 23, 2008, 22:33:16 PM
Dawn I wasn't trying to make you feel bad (sorry if you misunderstood my post) ... I know you aren't trying to make anyone feel guilty.  It was just that I think we all tried to persuade Jackie then Gail posted that it was a shame J & J couldn't help and I thin poor Jackie was starting to feeling guilty.

I really wish I could offer some assistance with this little one but unfortuantely I'm too far away and I don't think living with Zephyr would do the poor little thing any favours :( Combined with the fact I'm due to go on holiday in 3 weeks I really can't help out.

I even asked my Mum (a hard core siamese fan) if she would consider taking her but Mum does not think it fair on Chloe (Mum's burmese) to introduce a new kitty so soon after losing her sister Lucy.

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on January 24, 2008, 09:08:58 AM
I think we all feel bad about most of them!  I have also been thinking of wipeable places I could keep this little one!   but realistically the fact that I have just about sorted out the tension that exists between star and amber I'm just not in the market for another cat much as I would love one, I just can't risk tipping Star over the edge again (I would have put myself forward for Vita weeks ago anyway!!) - good luck DD, you are an angel for trying
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 24, 2008, 23:24:55 PM
I put the plea out in the early hours of this morning and I've had a fantastic response regarding advice, a few numbers to contact and possibly a couple of offers of giving her a placement.  I feel a lot more optimistic now about Beanie's outcome, I felt so down about it last night and this morning but I think she'll be okay.  Thanks to everyone for their support and pm's, I really appreciate it  :hug:   It's very easy to get bogged down when doing rescue, and I make the mistake of getting too emotionally involved but I'm hoping all the stress will have been worth it if Beanie gets a fab home out of it.  A couple of rescues have offered help, and I know this isn't ideal but she will be safe and loved and I'm happy with that.  Her owner is going to contact everyone tomorrow and suss out the best options for her and hopefully between us, we'll find the perfect solution  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 25, 2008, 08:22:29 AM
 :hug: aw bless you.  You always do your best and 100% more besides...well done you.  This is a much better option than going back to the breeder isn't it?.  Good luck honey :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 25, 2008, 08:51:27 AM
DD if you meet this little lady give her a GIANT  :hug: from me xxxxxx
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: gibraltarcat on January 25, 2008, 09:52:42 AM
DD you are an amazing person and much in my thoughts at the moment. Keeping everything crossed for a happy outcome for Beanie
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 11:13:43 AM
Fantastic news for this gorgeous girl being that she doesn't have to go back to the breeder  :briggin:  She has been offered a place at a rescue that deals with Orientals, Siamese, Bengals etc and I think it's based in Brighton but I'll find out later, Paul did tell me but my head is scrambled today  :Crazy:  It sounds a fab place, they never put them to sleep and do have a good record for rehoming and they are loved and well looked after.  I'm so relieved that a better outcome for this little one is on the cards rather than what might have been  :Luv:  I wish her all the very best and pray that she'll get the loving home she deserves  :Luv2:  :Luv2:

Thanks again everyone  :hug:

DD if you meet this little lady give her a GIANT  :hug: from me xxxxxx

Gail, I don't think I'll get to meet her which is probably a good thing really, but I will ask Paul to give her a GIANT hug from all of us  :hug:

DD you are an amazing person and much in my thoughts at the moment. Keeping everything crossed for a happy outcome for Beanie

Thanks, I honestly didn't think we were going to pull this off but I'm glad we didn't give up  :)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on January 25, 2008, 11:15:29 AM
great news, let us know if you hear more
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 25, 2008, 11:16:10 AM
 :Luv: GOOD LUCK Beanie little babie ;D

sorry I couldn't have you :'(


Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 11:22:05 AM
I will keep everyone posted when I hear anything, Paul will be keeping in touch with the rescue and updating me as well.  This little girl really got to me and I'd like to know if/when she gets a home.  It would have been lovely to get her in a home environment but this way, she has got a chance which is more than she had before.

sorry I couldn't have you :'(


Jackie, I'm sure if you could have helped, you would  :hug: Simba and Coco have to come first, and when I asked you, I knew I was asking a lot.  Without myself, Dawn's and your involvement, Simba and Coco would not be here now so you should be proud of yourself for what you have done so far  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 25, 2008, 11:33:56 AM
 :hug: you are such a softie xx I just read this to John and we now both have tears in our eyes and a great big lump in our throats :rofl:

I'm off to work!!! at least at work I don't have my heart tugged at  :rofl: :rofl:

Simba and Coco send big purrs and friendly head buts to everyone :hug: and especially their aunty Dawns
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 11:39:22 AM
Here's one advert for Beanie at Posh Puss Rescue who have been good enough to put her on their rehoming page  :Luv:


:hug: you are such a softie xx

Don't tell everyone, I've got my reputation to keep  ;)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 25, 2008, 11:44:52 AM
DD I think Beanie has got to us all, those ears are just  :Luv: :Luv: I love her and I never met her.

I am so happy for this little one, I know all of wanted her and would of had her if we could (then there'd be a mass brawl  :evillaugh: ). Whoever takes this little lass is one lucky person.

Good Lucky little lady and be picky who you choose as your new Mummy & Daddy. xxxxxxx
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on January 25, 2008, 12:12:25 PM
Hurrah! Well done, Dawn. :) Huge fuss to Beanie from me via Paul too, please!
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 12:44:50 PM
Great that she is being looked after - hopefully they can feed her the special diet to see if it improves her problem.

btw, Alice started on the eagle pack today and loves it!

I also love one-eyed Finglepuss on posh puss  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 12:46:13 PM
I should say a big thank you to Lesley in all this as well, she has been a massive support and tried so hard to sort something out for her  :hug:  We have had so many conversations about this little girl, I think we were both getting sleepless nights  :tired:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 12:48:03 PM
Mark, I did have someone send me an email about this lady.  Apparently she is a wizz so not sure if she would be able to help anyone on here  :hug:

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 14:21:36 PM
Thanks Dawn  :hug:

It says hourly rate £25 - I wonder how many hours she would allow for?

I am very sceptical but who can say?.........
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 14:30:14 PM
I'm like that tbh Mark but the lady whose used her does a lot with rescues and has had results, and I do deal with her alot but like you when money crosses hands I am always a little dubious   :shy:

I've just noticed this on her website:

Please note:
If you have an animal friend that you would like me to discuss with you but you have limited funds please still contact me.  The above is a guideline only and I will endeavour to treat an animal if I have the time and resources available. 
I trust your integrity and honesty in this regard. Michele
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 14:39:20 PM
It's a difficult one - does she send you a means test form?  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 14:42:27 PM
It's a difficult one - does she send you a means test form?  :evillaugh:

 :evillaugh:  I can send you Josie's email address and maybe you could have a chat with her first.  In her email to me, she states: 

can i suggest this lady ....
I have had some fantastic results with my cats that i cannot explain.  everything is worth a try. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 16:59:39 PM
Thanks Dawn  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 25, 2008, 18:13:33 PM
Wo Hoo only just caught up with this thread .... So pleased little Beanie is now save.

Well done everyone involved in helping this adorable little lady  :hug:  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 19:48:54 PM
Just had this email off Paul and I was totally wrong to where she was going  :evillaugh:

"It does appear that we’ve found a place for Beanie in Sussex, with the assistance of Valerie Walter of The Oriental Cat Society. She will be staying at Martlets Cattery http://www.martletscattery.com/index.html in some lovely lodgings and surroundings, until a permanent home can be found. The Staff and owners of Martlets have a great understanding of Beanies breed and requirements and have worked with the OCA for some years. So other than finding her a new owner, I think this is the best outcome we could’ve hoped for."

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 25, 2008, 20:12:44 PM
when is she going then? and how is she getting there? oh I do hope they can find her a forever home :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 20:48:48 PM
Paul is taking her himself and I think he was going to try and arrange for her to go tomorrow, but I'll speak to him no doubt anyway.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2008, 23:33:50 PM
I still can't get my head round how they could let her go to a cattry. I would break my heart  - poor baby being evicted to live in a pen  :'(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 25, 2008, 23:35:49 PM
I totally agree with you Mark  :(
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 25, 2008, 23:53:34 PM
Mark, I would feel exactly the same but this is the best that I could do for her in the time that I had and believe me, this is so much better than going back to the breeder which is what would have happened.  I've been busting a gut hoping and praying someone would offer her a home but sadly, this didn't happen.  I had an email off Val who is the Welfare Officer for the Oriental Cat Association and she said they will do their best in finding her a home and improving her situation.  I know it's really sad for her, and if it wasn't for the litter box issues with her, she would have remained with her family.  I didn't actually know she wasn't always using her tray until a couple of days ago, this has made it so much harder to get a home for her because of her other problems as well.  I won't forget about her, I promise and I will still keep trying to get somewhere sorted  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2008, 00:06:49 AM
I wasn't criticizing you at all Dawn  :hug:

Just the family - although if they can't cope with it ............

I can sympathize as I am close to strangling Willow at the moment  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 26, 2008, 00:15:50 AM
I know what it's like, I had Dylan remember  :sick:  :sick:  I think it's easy to judge when not in that situation, and as Lesley will agree with me, Paul is really nice guy and he does love Beanie.  His wife has sort of a love/hate thing going with her and all because of the stress of her problems so I suppose in the long run, a new home is the way to go but would have been better going from a home into home instead of having to do it this way  :'(  :'(  He only contacted me the other day but admitted he had had my number for a couple of weeks, but I think he was trying to put the onus on the breeder to find a home for her and not for her to get someone else, which was me, doing it for her.  I do wish though he had contacted me sooner, I have a good network of friends who know a lot of people so in some situations miracles can happen but because of Beanies problems, she needs a special person who can provide her with what she needs so a few days really wasn't long enough.  The OCA do sound fab though and also very caring so I'm hoping she'll be okay and Paul said he will keep in touch with them about her and keep me posted.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 26, 2008, 21:37:15 PM
I feel a bit sorry for him really......I don't understand how people can't be patient with their animals, after all it's up to us to look after them isn't it?....me thinks his wife may be a bit of a dragoness eh? :rofl: :rofl: and I thought it was us women who were the softies!!

I just pray for little Beanie, and hope that she gets a nice forever home with kind and patient humans.  Well done anyway Dawn...You're a STAR.

love from us
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 26, 2008, 21:48:22 PM
I've just had a chat to Valerie from the OCA and she's lovely and it sounds as if Beanie is in the right place.  The longest they have had a cat in their care is 9 months before a forever home is found.  The units they are housed in are all double units, they have their own radiators, soft covers, toys etc so basically it's like home from home.  Val said they get lots of attention and they have set times for each of the helpers, staff to go in the pens with them and spend quality time with each cat so she definitely won't lack the attention.  I feel a lot happier now I've spoken to her, they really do sound as if they care and she's fine about me phoning or emailing to see how she's getting on.  I had to pull myself together a couple of times to stop myself from crying, I still really feel awful for her but in time, I think this is for the best and hopefully her perfect home is out there.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 27, 2008, 01:18:07 AM
I think she will be fine Dawn and as you have said this is the best that can be done for her at present. Hopefully a lovely forever home will come along very soon.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on January 27, 2008, 15:18:03 PM
Ahh Dawn I've just had a look at the cattery site and it looks like a lovely place so I'm sure Beanie will be OK there.  I also read a couple of their newsletters and the people sound lovely  :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 29, 2008, 12:20:44 PM
I spoke to Paul last night and he said the place is fab, he said the pens were even better than their conservatory  ;D  He said the people were lovely and although upset, he felt comfortable leaving her there.  He was going to ring them after he spoke to me to find out how she is and he said he'll let me know.  The OCA have also been in touch with the breeder to let her know that they now have Beanie in their care, apparently they have told her that she has had the runs since she arrived, but I think this is more stress related than anything.  I will keep you posted when I get news of her  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: clarenmax on January 29, 2008, 13:46:36 PM
Glad she's found somewhere suitable for the time being, and fingers crossed an amazing forever home comes up for her shortly  :Luv:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Jackie D on January 29, 2008, 19:15:04 PM
 :hug: good luck beanie babie.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on January 31, 2008, 08:52:11 AM
Just wondering how the delightful Beanie Baby has settled in. I hope we are able to get a new photo of her. My heart still aches for her, the twins and all of these babes that need homes.

My heart aches with happiness for Simba & Coco  :Luv: , when I think of what was to be come of them, and Jackie & John persevered with them and now look at them  ;D. 

:P to the vet who said they have 'that' illness so gald you didn't listen to them, and pumped them with sensitivity control food, and wiped their bums  :sick: :evillaugh:.  I love these these 2 babes.  I hope Beanie falls on her paws too.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: madkittyrescue on February 08, 2008, 23:23:01 PM
Just caught up on this thread... what wonderful news!!!   so pleased for her and the cattery looks amazing!   Fingers crossed all works out for this little sweetheart.  She deserves it. xx
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on February 20, 2008, 14:51:33 PM
Update off Val on this gorgeous girl  :Luv:

Hi Dawn
My colleague who is looking after new has kept her on the Eagle Pack and also gone part over to raw meat and she had a spell where she has been a little bit better (less diarrhoea) and then last week had a couple of bad days again.  Lisa has been doing loads of research and she wants the vet to consider giving her another course of steroids because it is apparently important that she is doing an exclusion diet whilst she is having those which apparently she was not when she had the last steroids.
She is a very happy little girl and very sweet and having her now for this period we are not really concerned that her health issues pose much of a risk to spread to other cats, so we are now moving her from isolation to a larger pen where she can have more of a home from home and a less clinical environment.
The vet does not think there is much more medically to be done for her, she had all the tests possible and all treatment has been tried, so it is down pretty much to management of the condition.

Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn F on February 20, 2008, 14:54:10 PM
I'm glad there is a bit of progress Dawn, sounds like they are doing everything they can
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: madkittyrescue on February 20, 2008, 15:26:08 PM
fingers crossed things continue to improve Dawn. x
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: cupcake on March 15, 2008, 22:08:39 PM
I just started doing work experiance for Martlets Cattery, its a really great place.
I saw Beanie and she looked content. :)
sorry for bumping up an old thread x
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on March 16, 2008, 01:17:50 AM
Thanks for the update Cupcake, so pleased she's doing well bless her  :hug:  I still worry about her, she was one that really got to me and I hope she does find her forever home  :Luv:  Can you get some piccies of her and post them on the thread  ;)
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: madkittyrescue on March 16, 2008, 09:30:05 AM
that's fantastic news isn't it Dawn. Bless her.   She really deserves to be happy. 
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: cupcake on March 16, 2008, 18:36:06 PM
Yeah I will try to get some pics after I'm finished with all the cleaning, I didn't have to clean Beanie though because of her runny tum the actual staff did her.

She couldn't be in a better place x
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: cupcake on March 24, 2008, 15:36:21 PM
Pictures !
 :Luv: :Luv2:


Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on March 24, 2008, 15:42:15 PM
Ahhh bless her ... how's her "runny tum?"  Will she not be put up for adoption until that is sorted?
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: JackSpratt on March 24, 2008, 15:47:08 PM
Beanie's such a funny looking little girl - I think she's ace. Glad she's doing OK.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: cupcake on March 24, 2008, 15:47:29 PM
Her runny tum is still bad ): it takes a full day to wash all of her bedding because it has to be washed 4 times just to get it clean and then the washing machine has to be disinfected.

I don't think theres really a point in putting her up for adoption, noone will take her because they dont have the time/facilitys to clean her contantly and keep her healthy.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on March 24, 2008, 15:50:56 PM
Poor little soul.  We recently had two siamese on here with similar problems as Beanie and with lots of love and TLC (and very understanding "parents" they have come on in leaps and bounds) http://www.purrsinourhearts.co.uk/index.php/topic,9959.0.html
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on March 24, 2008, 16:05:53 PM
Awww bless her, she looks to have lost weight since the other piccies  :(  I really hope someone will fall in love with her and see beyond her problems  :hug:  Thanks for posting piccies cupcake and can you give her a cuddle for me when you see her  :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: gibraltarcat on March 24, 2008, 17:29:18 PM
Just a thought and I'm probably totally wrong, but would a puppy training sheet under her top layer of bedding help?Ifshe coped with it there, it would stop the underneath bedding getting soiled.

She is adorable looking :hug:
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 24, 2008, 17:36:10 PM
Aww, poor baby - would it not be easier to just throw her bedding away? I am sure people would donate towels for her.
Title: Re: Oriental Siamese - Beanie is desperate for a home
Post by: Millys Mum on March 24, 2008, 17:53:48 PM
She does look slim, thats an oriental thing tho isnt it?

Cupcake, if she isnt up for adoption is she going to live in a cage for the rest of her life?
Is she incontinent with her poop?
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on April 04, 2008, 22:09:35 PM
Just had this email through, not read it all as yet as I'm lost for words  :'(  :'(  This gorgeous little girl didn't deserve for this to happen to her and all because of some  :censored:  :censored: breeder, sorry but I am really upset about this and I'm determined something is done  >:(  >:(  >:(

Hi Dawn
Sad news, little Beanie had to be pts yesterday.  I have let Paul know and we have spoken on the phone.
Lisa found some pieces of internal tissue on the floor when she went in to clean her out yesterday and she had seemed quite subdued over the past 24 hours.  I took her to the vets and he felt her general condition had deteriorated, she was becoming dehydrated and the pieces that had been found were in facts chunks of the lining of the intestines and showed what a poor condition her insides were in, he said he had never known such large pieces to be passed out.  Sadly he felt nothing more could be done for her and it would be kindest to not let her suffer any longer.  Basically if we did nothing she was going to go into kidney failure or die of malnutrition as her food and water was not doing her any good at all. She could have had a steroid injection and also hydration therapy but these would only have prolonged her agony and we had to take the vets advice.  Lisa and I have been very devastated at her loss as we hoped she would improve, although every step forward we seemed to make with her, was followed by a couple of steps backwards.  We did our very best for her, she had lot of love and special food and veterinary care throughout her stay with us but none of it was enough, sadly.
I thought I would let you know because you have been concerned about her and involved for a long time with Paul and Hayley.  I just hope that if there are other cats out there like this from this breeder, she can be brought to a halt with her breeding as this sort of emotional rollercoaster is not fair on any new pet owner.
Take care and keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 04, 2008, 22:12:14 PM
So sorry to hear about Beanie  :hug:

RIP Beanie, there is a better life on the Bridge for you.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: candyshandy on April 04, 2008, 22:13:55 PM
 :( :( :( Poor Beanie :( :( :(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: caledonia on April 04, 2008, 22:24:14 PM
OH how heartbreaking - when I saw the heading I feared this is what it would say - poor little munchkin :(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: JackSpratt on April 04, 2008, 22:27:33 PM
Poor Beanie. :(

RIP, Little One - you'll make a beautiful furry angel and you won't be suffering anymore. :RIP:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on April 04, 2008, 22:37:28 PM
Oh no, that is sooooo sad    :'( :'(  poor poor baby

Can someone explane, why did she has such a poorly tummy ?
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Gillian Harvey on April 04, 2008, 22:41:02 PM
This is so sad  :(

RIP Beanie  :RIP:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: clarenmax on April 04, 2008, 22:54:53 PM
Poor baby  :'(

RIP little one xxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on April 04, 2008, 22:58:51 PM
 :( Oh Dawn how sad ... I don't know what to say.

RIP Beanie darling .... hopefully you will be at the bridge now happy and healthy again.  Take care sweetheart xxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Yvonne on April 04, 2008, 23:06:34 PM
 :RIP:  Beanie

So sorry to hear this Dawn
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: gibraltarcat on April 04, 2008, 23:52:30 PM
Oh Dawn, I'm so very sorry :hug: :hug:
RIP little Beanie. nite nite sweetheart
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on April 05, 2008, 00:15:16 AM
I've had words with the breeder and I didn't mince my words, she is going to have a chat with Sean about getting her queens tested, any with the virus will be spayed and rehomed into loving homes.  This is something she will have to follow through with as I will be checking with Sean, and if she lets me down, I will be taking it further.  I'm going to do this for Beanie and for all the other cats that have been ill because of this woman  >:(  >:(

 :RIP: Beanie babe, play hard on the bridge sweetheart, xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Modified I've just sent Sean the email and filled him in, because I know she will give him a  :censored: and bull story when she sees him  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Roz on April 05, 2008, 02:21:29 AM
Hi Dawn,

I've just seen this thread and cannot believe that there is yet another poorly babe from this breeder.  Poor, poor little poppet.  I pray she didn't suffer too much, bless her.  It's just too sad for words.

This cattery is obviously extremely unhealthy and the breeder must be prevented from breeding any more kittens until her cattery has undergone a period of quarantine and all the cats checked out.  If you get no joy from her, I'm sure the GCCF would be interested in hearing about her....and they have the power to prevent her from registering her kittens... which is the last thing a breeder wants to happen.

R.I.P. Beanie darling..no more pain now sweetheart...just sweet meadows to play in and another little angel for Paradise.

I'm so sorry Dawn.  :(

 :hug: Roz
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on April 05, 2008, 03:39:14 AM
Roz, she's on her last chance now believe me, I can't keep going through this all the time.  She was criticising other breeders saying most of their cats have Corona Virus, I pointed out I wasn't helping other breeders, I was helping her  :brick:  :brick:  A lot more was said anyway but I won't go into detail as all the words would be censored  :evillaugh:

Looking at the pics that cupcake took, she really does look to have lost weight on those  :'(  :'(  At least there's no more suffering for her, I just wish she hadn't have had to go through it in the first place  :'(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 05, 2008, 08:32:57 AM
RIP little one, I truly hope the breeder is stopped now.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Ela on April 05, 2008, 08:54:18 AM
Somehow I too have completely missed this thread before. I am so sorry and you say thank you to all the people who tried to help the little one.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Mark on April 05, 2008, 09:10:55 AM
Poor little girl. This breeder should be exposed for what she is. What that poor cat had to endure so some greedy skank can make some money  >:(

She was such a beautiful cat - I sincerely wish all the ill will in the world to this woman  >:(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Janeyk on April 05, 2008, 09:13:12 AM
poor sweetheart bless her  :'( :'( so sad
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: LesleyW on April 05, 2008, 10:16:38 AM
So sorry to hear this news, Beanie was such a beautififul girl and I have always felt guilty that I could not help her yet I was so close.  RIP little girl, find joy and happiness with all our bridge babes.

I was hoping there would eventually be a happy ending for this girl.  It always sounded like she had a similar condition to Tarka, and I always fear for his health, we had a good spell but runny bum is back and I really don't know what the future holds for him.

If you need any help with cats from this source Dawn, let me know and I will do what I can to help; as you say she has to be stopped, so that Beanie and Pagan did not die in vain.  Big :hug: :hug: :hug: to you, I know this will hit you hard but you did all you could - I wish I had done more.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: puddypaws on April 05, 2008, 10:46:45 AM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:Dawn, so sorry to hear about Beanie
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Roz on April 05, 2008, 11:30:27 AM
Hi again Dawn,

Most reputable breeders do NOT have the Corona virus although if they did, it would probably not be any fault of their own.  We all know that this virus can blow through a cat colony and only a very few of the cats will go on to develop the more deadly form of the disease.  BUT should a reputable breeder discover that one of her cats is a carrier of the corona virus, she would normally spay the infected animal immediately and re-home it to a single cat household.....as an indoor only cat (unless the garden was catproofed).  Some would have the queen pts which is a pity because she may not go on to develop the full blown version of that wicked evil disease (FIP).

When I fetched Little Black Bob from that hell-hole in Cumbria and he was found to be infected with the disease, I was supposed to be collecting my little bengal kitten, April, a week or so later.  I made enquiries with the vets about the advisability of introducing a little kitten into a household that had just housed a rescue infected with FIP and was told that  to be absolutely safe, I should postpone bringing her home for at least four months...just in case the virus was still hanging around.  You may remember, that in the end, I gave my friend, Sally, the opportunity to let someone else have her rather than keep her waiting.  And anyway, I'd ended up with Thomas...hereafter known as 'the pest'.... :innocent:... which was unexpected.

So, this breeder is behaving in a wholly irresponsible manner.  If you would like me to write to the GCCF and the FAB about her, I will be only too happy to do so.  She must not be allowed to let any more animals suffer.  Unfortunately, some breeders carry on without anyone knowing what they are up to and somehow, they manage to hide all their neglect because nobody knows about it, and the poor animals continue to suffer because they have no voice.  But in this breeder's case, you know about it and we know about it, so I'm sure we can do something to stop her.  Or at least cause her to face up to her responsibilities..... and if she has any feelings at all for her cats, she will do something to cleanse her cattery of all its infections.

There are numerous transcripts on this Forum describing the various cats that have been taken away from her cattery.  That is sufficient evidence in itself.

Let me know if you need any help.  Those bast**ds in Cumbria somehow managed to hoodwink the RSPCA (I think that was my mistake for exposing them on Cat Chat - I didn't realise that they would read my posts and prepare themselves for the RSPCA visit)......but we can at least do something to help put an end to the misery of these poor little babies.

Lots of love

Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Ellie on April 05, 2008, 11:57:43 AM
Poor wee soul  :'(

Dawn I'm speechless  :hug: :hug: :hug:

RIP Beanie play hard at the Bridge xxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: ems on April 05, 2008, 12:02:53 PM
So so sorry to hear about Beanie  :'(

RIP baby
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Bazsmum on April 05, 2008, 12:25:55 PM
Aw what a terrible shame!  :hug:

RIP Beanie xxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Millys Mum on April 05, 2008, 20:22:49 PM
RIP Beanie   :(

Is this woman even registered?
It would be worth contacting dr addies site to find out more details of how the people they know about were prosecuted for selling cats infected with FCoV.
This  :censored: needs to be hit where it hurts, her pocket.

Even spaying and rehoming the positive queens wont eradicate it as her studs and any other cats kept in the same household will all have stupidly high titres  >:(
Any negative queens will go on to get infected by her toms.

Theres lots of reading on dr addies site on how to eradicate the virus but i doubt she will put the time, effort and money in to it.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on April 05, 2008, 21:32:46 PM
Poor Beanie :(

I'm sorry Dawn - it's so unfair she had to be so unwell
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on April 05, 2008, 21:43:29 PM
She knows my feelings on this now, perfectly clear and she knows what she has to do.  She is a registered breeder but as far as I'm aware, none of her kittens are on the active breeders list, she said she stipulates all kittens have to be spayed/neutered when old enough, whether she checks on this is a different story but she said she does.  She got the message loud and clear I was not happy with everything that's gone on, and she asked the question, was I saying she was a bad breeder  :innocent:  Anyway, as I've said, Sean has been filled in and she will be having a chat with him this week.

She said all the cats with problems are getting done and rehomed, I pointed out all the cats should be tested before she breeds from them, not only so the virus isn't passed on but the stress of breeding can also bring on FIP and each time they are in season, the risks increase, not sure if this is true, but what would she know.  I think she did get the message, I've had chats with her before but last night wasn't a chat  :naughty:  Certain things are already in motion so she isn't going to get away with it, I can assure you  ;)

Another point is I know she's trying to get them sorted, why else have I been involved but I was  :censored: off a few weeks ago that she had another 2 queens, one pregnant and one given birth  :sneaky:  She didn't tell me about these until it was too late, I know for a fact these aren't tested but she harps on about the kittens being fine.  She cannot get it through her head that the Corona Virus doesn't have to show up as an illness and the only way is blood testing.  :brick:  :brick:  :brick:   She wants to get them done, she has I think 4 that need doing but she hasn't got the money.  This is why me and Sean had run ins about it as I want to get them covered, he won't allow me as he said she's taking the  :censored:  When I emailed him last night, I've asked him to just let me get them done, and that's the end of it  :tired:  If the one's carrying the virus are done and rehomed, the only way she will get help off me then is if the queens/studs are tested, if not, I will report her  :sneaky:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: cupcake on April 05, 2008, 22:08:59 PM
I'm so sorry dawn ):

R.I.P Beanie, you will be missed.  :'(

 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on April 05, 2008, 23:10:20 PM
R.I.P Beanie, you will be missed.  :'(
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It must be hard on you hun, you got to meet the little lady  :'(  Sending you big hugs,  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on April 06, 2008, 14:42:27 PM
I am deeply sadded by this.

Poor poor Beanie was an absolute babe and didnt deserve this. I so feel for her, at least in her last few weeks she was loved by many even though we didnt get to meet her.

RIP darling Beanie - play hard and fast on the bridge - never alone or ill again. Night Night sweet girl xxxxxx

As for the breeder (in this case money grabbing bi8ch) - may a palgue of boils land on you and you get struck off the breeding register. Evil cow.
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: pappilon on April 06, 2008, 15:59:56 PM
RIP Beanie. :(
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: JackSpratt on April 06, 2008, 20:53:30 PM
.... you get struck off the breeding register. Evil cow.

Can I ask, how do people like this get to stay on the breeding register? Aren't there any checks to pass on a regular basis?
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Dawn F on April 07, 2008, 08:39:47 AM
poor Beanie, I hope this person is reported
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on April 07, 2008, 10:31:48 AM
Beanie is now in my screen saver - along with my own babes - she deserves to be shown off for the beautiful girl she was.

Bless this daring little Angel. whichever Angel get this babe by her side is a very lucky one. xxxxxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: sheryl on April 07, 2008, 13:49:42 PM
Oh no, what devastating news.  RIP Beanie sweetheart, play hard at the bridge xxx

Im lost for words, has this breeders got no shame ?
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Zenith (Liz) on April 07, 2008, 14:29:18 PM

Another point is I know she's trying to get them sorted, why else have I been involved but I was  :censored: off a few weeks ago that she had another 2 queens, one pregnant and one given birth  :sneaky:  She didn't tell me about these until it was too late, I know for a fact these aren't tested but she harps on about the kittens being fine.  She cannot get it through her head that the Corona Virus doesn't have to show up as an illness and the only way is blood testing.  :brick:  :brick:  :brick:   She wants to get them done, she has I think 4 that need doing but she hasn't got the money.  This is why me and Sean had run ins about it as I want to get them covered, he won't allow me as he said she's taking the  :censored:  When I emailed him last night, I've asked him to just let me get them done, and that's the end of it  :tired:  If the one's carrying the virus are done and rehomed, the only way she will get help off me then is if the queens/studs are tested, if not, I will report her  :sneaky:

You shouldnt have to pay - when she sells her kittens tell her to use that money to sort out her other cats if she cares for them :censored:
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Millys Mum on April 07, 2008, 14:57:20 PM
She said all the cats with problems are getting done and rehomed, I pointed out all the cats should be tested before she breeds from them, not only so the virus isn't passed on but the stress of breeding can also bring on FIP and each time they are in season, the risks increase, not sure if this is true, but what would she know.
I like the way she gets rid of cats with existing problems, i assume similar to beanie simba and coco.
Is she too stupid to grasp that fcov is invisible and doesnt always have symptoms therefore all the cats have a problem :brick:

If the one's carrying the virus are done and rehomed, the only way she will get help off me then is if the queens/studs are tested, if not, I will report her  :sneaky:
Is she willing to rehome all her cats?  :shocked:

Also the people who buy all these dodgy cats need to be given some kind of heads up, the responsible ones will do what they can to eliminate it from their new pet.
Rehoming stress is enough to trigger the mutation, i feel for those being set up for a heavy fall  :(

Did Dyson come from her? Has he been tested?
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on April 07, 2008, 15:50:01 PM
Please don't call them dodgy cats - it's not their fault  :'( :'( :'( bless them -

My heart goes out to all of them xxxx
Title: Re: Beanie - Heartbreaking news
Post by: Roz on April 07, 2008, 17:42:34 PM
I wonder how many of the kittens that you haven't taken Dawn (and I know you've taken lots) have been infected with viruses? 

It is dreadful to think that kittens from this cattery are being purchased by people who are completely ignorant of the infections and viruses that are rife within it.  If any of those people have got other cats at home, especially young cats, they are in grave danger of becoming infected too.  It is so irresponsible and cavalier of this breeder to risk other cats' lives like this...

She should have EVERY single cat within her establishment bloodtested across the board and disinfect her catteries/pens and house thoroughly and leave off breeding for at least six months.  All bedding should be burned and thrown away.  It should not be left lying around or thrown in a bin to infect other  animals.

A reputable breeder should be spotless.  And if they cannot manage this, then they shouldn't be breeding. If anyone on this forum who is contemplating buying a pedigree kitten from a breeder and is new to the catworld, please, please do not be tempted to buy a kitten from a breeder who is less than clean and where the cats/kittens look neglected.  And if you find such a breeder think about the poor little babes who have no voice,  and report the breeder to the GCCF.  It is only by being active that we can eliminate these unscrupulous people from the cat world. 

Often people think that pedigree cats are pampered and 'posh'.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  These poor little souls often spend all their lives living in a pen with no heating and no company.  It is awful.  But nobody cares about them because nobody knows about them.  They are just money making machines for their breeder owners.

Of course there are hundreds of breeders who are just the opposite. They love their cats to bits and look after them properly.  It is not a 'breeding thing' per se.  But all the magazines advise buying from a reputable breeder and to avoid purchasing kittens that are not bright eyed and clean etc etc.  That is good advice but what happens to the poor little loves who are not in the best of health and live in dirty conditions?  Usually nothing!  Report these establishments and let's try to eradicate these 'hell-holes' so that sweet little Beanie and others like her have not died in vain.

Best wishes,
