Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Jennbear on December 29, 2007, 10:53:09 AM

Title: Wee Problem
Post by: Jennbear on December 29, 2007, 10:53:09 AM
Hello all....sorry it's been such a while since I've been on....I need advice

Teddie has started weeing by the Xmas tree, it's an artificial one. I first caught him doing it a couple of days before Xmas. We'd left our unwrapped presents under the tree after Xmas day and when we were putting them away last night, noticed he'd wee'd all over H2B's new clothes!

I've come down this morning and he's wee'd again in the same place (we presume it's Teddie) The litter tray is clean and he's only done it since the tree went up!?

Help! How do we stop him doing it?

Also, he's started trying to makie "Teddie Love" with various items in the house, he's been neutered but as he's a rescue we don't know how old he was when it was done?
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: blackcat on December 29, 2007, 11:04:10 AM
well clearly something is upsetting him - have you had hordes of different people through the house - people staying over who might not do so normally? lots of music and gaiety in the Christmas spirit - why the tree? its a new and vertical object.  I had a neurotic cat last time i had a tree and he systematically sprayed the lot (and he had been neutered as early as poss). Having it away with inert objects - can't explain that one... Not normal behaviour at all, but possibly associated with a general sense of unease and powerlessness - needing to assert himself somehow??? there are others on this forum who are better qualified to comment, but that sounds like what is going on to me ...

In the mean time, make sure you remove all traces of urine from the affected areas to discourage repetitions and also plug in some feliway to lower the tensions in the atmosphere ...
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Yvonne on December 29, 2007, 11:11:44 AM
Good morning Jenn,

Sorry about the wee problem, it is a pain I know.  Leave a saucer of food under the Christmas tree because they will not pee near to food.

Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on December 29, 2007, 15:48:48 PM
Could it be something to do with the chemicals in the Xmas tree?  My two 10 month old boys would not leave my artificial tree alone, not climbing it like I expected them to but they were literally gorging themselves on the branches, chomping relentlessly - they've never chewed anything else before and it was both of them not just one so I'm pretty convinced that it was giving off some sort of smell.  Was the same tree around last year and if Teddie was too how did he get on with it then?
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 29, 2007, 16:24:52 PM
Maybe the tree is upsetting him................an intruder no less , in his house!

One thing you must do is get rid of the smell of his urine or he will just keep going back there ands you need to wash thoroughly with biological washing powder and the use white spirit or even better Simple Solution, can buy it from Pets at Home.

Do not use any cleaner with bleach in cos that will attract hime back cos they have ammonia in them which smells like cat to them.

Good luck and maybe getting rid of the intruder will help too  ;D
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Millys Mum on December 29, 2007, 19:45:36 PM
All the strange smells on the gifts may have upset him.
You could try a feliway diffuser to see if that will help settle him, if not id get him to the vet for a check up and urine analysis incase theres something brewing, especially as he has started humping things. Another members cat started doing that and he had crystals in his bladder!
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Jennbear on December 31, 2007, 15:37:57 PM
thanks all for your replies. I've cleaned round under the tree and he's not been there since I posted, phew! This was Teddie's first Xmas with us so he's never seen our tree before. Tree is coming down tomorrow and will mention his "loving ways" to the vet and see what she says.

Here's to a wee free new year! Have a good one all
Title: Re: Wee Problem
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 31, 2007, 15:38:44 PM
Wonderful  ;D

 :New year 7: