Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Cheesecat on December 21, 2007, 00:49:01 AM

Title: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 21, 2007, 00:49:01 AM
Before I go to bed (just realised its very late - becoming a nasty habit) I wanted to post about our new foster, Magnolia  ;D

When Magnolia first peeped her head out of the carrier I thought she looked rather like Cheese, quite a slender head on her - then she walked out the whole way and she is slightly "cuddly"  :Luv: she has wonderfully sleek and soft fur and a big deep purrrrr... after we let her into Lucas' room, I went with DD to take Biscuit to Sue's house and Phil stayed to look after her - he said that he went back out to watch TV after a while and had to go back as she was meowing at him for love  :evillaugh:

Unfortunately our lights have blown so I couldnt take pics!! Neither of us have any idea how to fix/reset/replace these really old style fuses either so no light until their the estate agents get in touch with the landlord, or me and Phil become electrical enthusiasts  :doh:

I went in to see her before getting into bed (with my black cat torch of course  :evillaugh: ) and she was rubbing up against us and purr purr purrrrring - she seems like a lovely lady. She is nearly 11 years old  ;D

I will try to post more pictures tomorrow.
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 21, 2007, 04:09:56 AM
Dawn, I'm really pleased she's settling down already, what a little sweetie she is  :Luv:  :Luv:  Slightly cuddly I think is a bit of an understatement and she has a tail with a mind of it's own  :evillaugh:  I hope you manage to get your lights sorted out and I can't wait for piccies.  On the way home it was so  :censored: cold, my windscreen iced up on the M56  :Crazy:  I got back in at 2.40am so a late night all round I think but I'm glad we've managed to get 2 babes sorted out tonight so it was worth it  :hug:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 21, 2007, 07:35:09 AM
Can't wait to see pics, and hope you can find someone to see past her age.
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 21, 2007, 23:13:29 PM
Magnolia sounds wonderful amnd hope they sort the lights out tomorrow and find out how to sort them yourself.

I know when I moved here I wasnt used to the set up ands apart from fuses in plugs there is also a switch on the main board that will cut out if there is a problem.

If the fuse wire goes on the dominoes you need to replace it with the right one, cos each different coloured domino has a different power rating and its always to have some spare fuse wire, especially the very fine one.

Once the wire has been mended on mine here then I have to press this switch down again to reset it, if one domino keeps blowing its fuse wire it means there is a problem some where. In London we had dominoes but not this other switch but its worth switching offf the fuse box and checking the red dominoes cos think they are the lighting ones.

You only have to pull them out and look at the wire and you will see if it had broken. If it has then you get some new wire and replace it and then lights should work.

Good luck  :hug:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Bazsmum on December 22, 2007, 00:36:40 AM
Magnolia is beautiful......I  :Luv: oldies  ;D
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 22, 2007, 01:14:40 AM
Gill, you can come here and be our electrical enthusiast and we will sort out your neighbours  ;)

We have those dominoes style fuses with the wire, i've just never seen that before - Our estate agents manage the property (but are pretty useless at answering the phone/passing on the message to the engineers etc) and I was worried that they wouldnt come round today but thankfully after both me and Phil badgering them its fixed  ;D the engineer left spare fuse wire too and showed Phil how to sort them out - so no more walking around with my black cat torch  :evillaugh:

Magnolia is lovely - she is quite nervous and keeps sitting on the cold window sill  :( she is daft because we have two heaters on in there but she sits in the cold (its very high ceilings here so takes ages to warm up any rooms!) we got a Christmas present for Lucas' room - a radiator bed but she hasn't quite discovered it yet - I tried picking her up but she grips onto the carpet  :evillaugh: she is full of purrs and rubs on my legs.

If you say "maggy" or "magsy" she sometimes gives a meow in response  :Luv2: and shes always meowing when you walk into the room. She hasn't eaten much and she is strange in the way that she wont eat at all if you aren't in the room (which is something Lucas used to do!) I tried moving the bowl away from the door incase outside sounds and smells were putting her off sitting there to eat. She has had a bit since then - shes used her tray too  :shy:

I make a promise of pictures tomorrow  :)
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: madkittyrescue on December 22, 2007, 11:59:33 AM
awww magnolia sounds wonderful!  can't wait to see piccies Dawn.   :Luv2:

I know what you mean about the old fuse boards being confusing. :Crazy:  We had one when we moved in here..... strangely enough it was one of the first thigns to be upgraded!   so much easier with new fuseboards!!   ;)
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 23, 2007, 21:47:22 PM
OK thats a deal Dawn  :rofl: :rofl:

I am sure that Magnolia will get the hang of everything over Christmas , it sounds like she is not used to being warm, poor girl  :hug:

I only know dominoes madkitty, whats a modern one like?
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 24, 2007, 01:27:39 AM
Gill, the newer ones are just flick switches - so if a fuse goes you just look for the one switch that has moved to "off" and flick it back up! much easier I think - no scary electrical tinkerings involved :evillaugh:

I realise that I have still not posted a picture but it is not for the want of trying! So far I have a selection of photos with a black blur, also a few where she looked away at the last moment, and others where you can't make her features out - black cats are so hard to get a good photo of! It seems that lots of natural light is normally good when I take pics of Doc and Cheese so I will have to remember to do it in the two hours of light we seem to get here  :evillaugh:

Maggy is still nervous but its early days yet - she is purrrrrrrrring like a tractor, will rub up against me and headbutt me for pets, and also meows really long and loud when I first go in there as if either saying hello or telling me off for not coming in sooner - not sure which! She is eating well, loves her felix - she was pushing Phil's hand out of the way to get to it before it had made it out of the packet. She is also loving her plug-in heated bed and is hogging that at the moment  ;D

Apparently her owner said she was going to the loo outside the tray but she isn't doing that here  :Luv2: she wont sit on my lap or try climbing on me when I sit on the floor with her, but I think thats nervousness - she is a lovely lady though  :Luv:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: madkittyrescue on December 24, 2007, 08:29:43 AM
oh definately easier Dawn....  sparky's can be a bit expensive but definately a job worth doing!  ;)

I know what you mean about photographing blackies..  it can be a nightmare!  Looking forward to the piccies tho when you manage to get some!  lol xx
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 24, 2007, 17:32:31 PM
Well my board seems to have a combination of dominoes and this cut off switch, but sometimes the wire blows in the domino too.........no sparky needed  though :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 25, 2007, 01:21:47 AM
Magnolia is the noisiest cat I have ever heard  :shify: she meowed the house down at 6am so I got up and fed her a felix pouch which she hoovered - and I petted her too (then our lot looked at me all jealous as they were not first! :evillaugh: ) she REALLY tells you off when you first go in, and then when you get up to leave! I put the radio on today when we were out so she wouldnt be too lonely, I think alot of the time she meows for food (I think she is used to different feeding times to our lot maybe) shes had two pouches and some dry today (and then I realised Phil fed her dry too thinking she was hungry so I think she has the guilt trip look well and truly practised)  :rofl: :rofl:

Here is the best photo I have of her so far, she is hogging her heated bed  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 25, 2007, 10:33:47 AM
Aww, I do love pure blacks!!
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on December 25, 2007, 11:53:49 AM
I love that piccie... that is one pooped out puss!  :evillaugh: :Luv:

Er... I'd better put the turkey on!  :-[ :shy:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 25, 2007, 11:55:51 AM
Aw Dawn  :Luv:  I have to say though... that pic is a classic... there is Magnolia lovely kitty passed out in front of a box of Vermouth.. really Dawn. Gonna call Kitty Protection Services on you!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: clarenmax on December 25, 2007, 12:44:27 PM
She's beautiful  :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: JackSpratt on December 25, 2007, 21:41:28 PM
Magnolia is beautiful!
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 27, 2007, 08:49:45 AM
Aw Dawn  :Luv:  I have to say though... that pic is a classic... there is Magnolia lovely kitty passed out in front of a box of Vermouth.. really Dawn. Gonna call Kitty Protection Services on you!  :evillaugh:

 :rofl: :rofl:

And I just noticed I said in the same post that Magnolia had been having "some dry"   :naughty:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Schmew on December 27, 2007, 10:26:06 AM
She is beautiful Dawn  :Luv:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on December 27, 2007, 19:51:55 PM
Dawn she is lovely, is she still as vocal  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 27, 2007, 20:05:59 PM
Yesssssssss I've never heard a cat like her! meeeeooowwwww all the time  :evillaugh:

She LOVES turkey - can't hoover it up fast enough!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on December 27, 2007, 20:14:15 PM
aww we had a spare turkey crown here, bought the usual 2 this year and only needed 1, forgot we were having three less for dinner  this year so Bill had another christmas dinner tonight  :rofl:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 27, 2007, 20:20:03 PM
 :rofl: :rofl:

We are still going strong with leftover turkey  :evillaugh: the cats love the jelly  :sick: Magnolia says she will take anything you have left off your hands - shes very generous like that!  :naughty:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on December 27, 2007, 20:21:43 PM
:rofl: :rofl:

We are still going strong with leftover turkey  :evillaugh: the cats love the jelly  :sick: Magnolia says she will take anything you have left off your hands - shes very generous like that!  :naughty:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 31, 2007, 08:57:46 AM
I thought I would give a little update on Magsy...

She has been practically tunneling to get out of Lucas' room and is taking chunks out of the carpet so we decided to try and integrate her with our lot.. they are mildly interested, she is a bit hissy, and we can't tell the difference between all three black cats unless we have a closer look  :rofl: she is like a more rotund Cheese  :evillaugh:

Magsy is veeeery talkative.. always meowing at me and after sniffing and investigating everything (and hissing at Doc mostly!) she was on my lap in the sitting room last night for the first time  ;D and she paddled me too so I was very honoured, we even had a little nap together as Phil was on the phone so wasn't in the room - Queen live in concert came on TV and I couldnt reach the remote  :rofl:

I have tried taking more pics I will post them up but they are not brilliant!
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Schmew on December 31, 2007, 10:45:23 AM
She sounds well happy Dawn! Maybe you should paint coloured spots on their backs so you can tell the difference  :rofl:

Know what you mean about the carpets behind doors.....They don't half make a mess when they want to be out of there! (And usually end up trapping themselves in cos the carpet ruffles up when you try to open the door) oh the joys of cats!

Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on December 31, 2007, 15:47:48 PM
Magsy says "Meowmy can I go onnur innurnets please?"


Edited to say she is now sitting on my leg - Doc and Cheese are running riot after each other and she really doesnt have a clue what to make of them. She is becoming a meowmy's girl though - I think she knows I will look after her  :Luv2:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on January 07, 2008, 15:40:29 PM
How is Magnolia getting on  :Luv:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: JackSpratt on January 08, 2008, 12:33:45 PM
Dawn, sounds like someone is worming their way into your affections..... :Luv:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on January 08, 2008, 12:37:17 PM
I woke up at the silly hours of the morning to madam right in the middle of my pillow, purrrrrrrring all curled up. I thought its alright for you to purr, I am balancing on the edge here  :rofl:

I had to move her off because I couldn't sleep - but she must have jumped at the chance everytime I turned over because I kept turning back to get a sleepy face full of black fur  :evillaugh:

She unleashed the claw on me at the weekend - but I was laughing at her tail so I supposed I deserved it  ;) (she does a funny flicky thing with it sometimes!)

JS - I can't have another black cat - I can barely tell them apart as it is  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on January 08, 2008, 13:50:06 PM
Me thinks she thinks its home at last  ;D
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: clarenmax on January 08, 2008, 14:39:30 PM
I think another black cat would be purrfect Dawn  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on January 08, 2008, 16:00:16 PM
JS - I can't have another black cat - I can barely tell them apart as it is  :evillaugh:

Dawn, can't you spray a blob on her  :evillaugh:  She sounds as if she's getting on really well bless her  :Luv2:  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Liz on January 08, 2008, 16:04:45 PM
As the mother to 7 black cats among our mob you soon get used to telling them apart after a while!

We are currently thanking Ravens spey mark for telling her and Panther apart but they are still quite skittish around feet but we are working on that and raven is a poppet on a windowsill!
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: JackSpratt on January 08, 2008, 17:04:38 PM
Hehe! Know what you mean, Dawn. Up until February last year we had two tabbies and the number of people that got them confused was highly amusing! (We knew which one was which though.)
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on January 08, 2008, 22:11:42 PM
 :evillaugh: I know which one is which if I have a close look (or if they make a sound as they are all different!) but I have found myself going to talk to them and I say "cheese! I mean Doc!.. errrr is it Mags?"  :shify:

Liz I think I would be :Crazy: with 7 black cats  ;D

Dawn  :rofl: maybe I should let Cheese dye her tail again (did I tell you about that  ;D )
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: MillyMollyMandy on January 09, 2008, 11:15:00 AM
She looks lovely and sounds a real character. Do you mind me asking where you got her plug in bed? Milly lays on the radiator shelf as she still seems to crave warmth - but doesn't look very comfy!  Thanks ! x
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on January 09, 2008, 12:34:24 PM
What about a radiator bed? Ours love them - you could get them half price (£4.49) in the Argos sale but I am not sure if there will be any left.

Our plug in bed was very kindly given to us by another rescue (LostCatsBrighton) so I couldn't tell you where you can buy one from.
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: MillyMollyMandy on January 09, 2008, 12:39:08 PM
Ahh thanks Dawn.

It might sound daft but Lucky-Lou, my baby who I lost last year from haemolytic anaemia, loved her radiator bed (although on the floor rather than actually on the radiator) and the sight of them still makes me weepy! So I might do a search for the plug in beds.

Thanks for your reply! X
Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: Cheesecat on January 09, 2008, 12:41:54 PM
Awww sorry to hear that you lost your babe  :hug:

What about the snugglesafe heatpads? You can put them in the microwave and they stay warm for hours - you can put them in your kitties bed then  ;D

You can get a heatpad at:

Title: Re: Magnolia the........ black cat
Post by: MillyMollyMandy on January 09, 2008, 12:51:58 PM
Thanks Dawn  :hug:

Thanks also for the information - I will check out the link!