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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: swampmaxmum on December 15, 2007, 15:28:56 PM

Title: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 15, 2007, 15:28:56 PM
Swampy has 1 tablet of my Vitamin B complex every other day because they are for humans so strong for cats. I think (I am tired) I have given him 2 tabs today - one this morning at 10 ish and another now (3.20pm) - when he swallowed it, I thought oh hell. I was being rushed by OH to go out this am so didn't write it down for once.
Anyhow it's the sainsbury one for women and contains :
thaicin 1.4mg
riboflavin (vit B2) 1.6mg
niacin 18mg NE (?)
vitamin B6 2mg
folic acid 200 ug
vitamin B12 1ug
panthothenic acid 6mg

all of those are written as 100% of what the average woman needs pd. There are some other additives too as per normal.

The vet's now closed. Does anyone out there know if I've harmed little Swampy and what symptoms I should look out for? He'd just eaten and now has gone to sleep. I'm very worried.
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: Gillian Harvey on December 15, 2007, 16:25:59 PM
Vitamin B is water soluble and isnt stored in the body, so shouldnt be a problem, but you could have a word with your vet if your worried.
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: Christine (Blip) on December 15, 2007, 16:30:31 PM
This looks reassuring (obviously keep an eye on Swampy):

Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 15, 2007, 19:36:14 PM
thanks so much both of you; that's reassuring. That's a very useful link too! So far he's fine (touch wood and all IKEA variants thereof lol) and in fact has had a good nosh. Reading it, I can see why Vitamin B has made a difference to his behaviour (bit less subdued, has even played a wee bit) and his coat's been really silky. Actually I'd recommend it as a supplement to anyone whose cat is elderly and a bit weak or not too active. It's also supposed to help with any neuro damage (a bit).
Obviously not in overdose by dumb-mums though!! It's ironic really as he takes 'my' vitamins and I never remember to take them myself!  :doh: Don't think I'll give him another for 2-3 days though.
If I don't write things down, I just forget  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: Millys Mum on December 15, 2007, 19:44:14 PM
Actually I'd recommend it as a supplement to anyone whose cat is elderly and a bit weak or not too active. It's also supposed to help with any neuro damage (a bit).

Having consulted their vet first  ;)

Glad swampy is ok  ;D
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 15, 2007, 19:48:52 PM
100% agree yes, to ask your vet. Mine however just said "he's old" when I said he's burmese and he's stopped playing - anyone who knows burmese knows that they just don't! I did some web trawling and found something from America where someone said to try vitamin B, so I asked the vet. He gave Swampy a vit B12 injection and a day later he had quite a good play - it was amazing.
The tablet form is really loads weaker than the injection though as I think (not sure) they can't have the injections too often. Monsieur Swamp is zzzzzzing. I hope he'll be just fine.
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 16, 2007, 21:27:27 PM
So pleased that Swampy is OK  ;D
Title: Re: Gave too much vitamin B: not sure what to do
Post by: swampmaxmum on December 17, 2007, 09:43:53 AM
Thanks! He seems ok with what his daft Mum did, but now has been sick and isn't eating well - making snorty noises again and a big 'glob' noise when he swallows so his cold's really playing up again. Plus is nervy from not feeling well. He perches on top of the radiator (where I have to stand with the plate to get him to eat) and keeps looking around for predators so he didn't eat very much. I think it's too soon for another antibiotic injection too. Last time that helped him a lot.
Anyone else have to feed their elderlies in weird places? He just won't eat on the floor; maybe he feels threatened, no idea. Plus there are 2 radiators so half way through the painful 25 min licking (of the tablespoon of blended food) he jumps down and off to the other radiator to eat a bit more.