Author Topic: aggressive kittens  (Read 3062 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2016, 06:43:34 AM »
Yes, me too Helius.  Hope things are still heading in the right direction. 

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2016, 21:44:12 PM »
Hope things are still improving.

Offline souffle

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2016, 20:42:38 PM »
They have both been through an op and it does take a while for them to feel settled again. I'm glad to hear things are improving and lets hope within the next few weeks they will be back to fairly normal again.
I have a brother and sister pair who we adopted at 12 weeks ish. They are 5 now but when they were neutered we had to cage the girl cat Callie as she was very tetchy with her brother where as before they had been like siamese twins. He was a suckler though and I think she was sore after the op and didn't want him doing that and neither did we. After she was healed they soon settled again and now are back to being joined at the hip! They do everything together except she never let him suckle at her tummy ever again after the neutering!
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 20:09:36 PM »
I'm glad that things seem to be improving  ;D I seem to remember that someone had a very similar problem a while ago - maybe they will see this and tell you how they got on.

Offline helius

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 16:39:06 PM »
Thank you very much for your kind and helpful suggestions, we do appreciate the help. Its now a week and half since the op and the kits are separated in different rooms at night with toilet/food/water all separate. We have seen a big improvement in behavior and they are getting on better day by day, we will try them in one room soon at night. In the day time there is the occasional spat but they are becoming fewer, previously they would nap on each other at different times of the day and dont do that anymore, at least for now. As I say they are slowly getting back to normal

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: aggressive kittens
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 09:30:17 AM »
Hi Helius.  Welcome to the forum and to your two girls.  This must be so upsetting for you, especially when you'll also be worrying about them getting over their operations too.   :hug:

It sounds as if they may be experiencing re-directed aggression, which is something that can happen sometimes when cats have been hospitalised, or to the vet, or to the cattery - or when something is different or frightening, and the cats perceive each other as the problem.

Probably the best way to try and tackle this is to go back to basics, and treat them as if they were entirely new cats being introduced for the first time.  This could take weeks to work, so be prepared for a long haul. 

Ideally, you'll need to be able to keep the two cats separated, each with its own "safe space" with a litter tray, food, water and a box or bed to retreat to. 

Try putting a Pet Remedy plug in in each of the cats rooms to help calm them down, and to use Zylkene in their food for a little while (this can be sprinkled in to their food, and seems to be highly palatable.  You can also buy Pet remedy spray which you can spray on furnishings, your hands and other household spaces.  It's safe if it gets on you cats, so no worries in that respect. 

We took on two semi ferals in November, who have been a bit of a challenge, but the plug ins and the zylkene were a godsend in helping them to grow accustomed to their change in circumstances.  Patience is also a big help.

I would use two clean cloths to rub each cat with, round its face, paws and the base of its tail, where their scent glands are located.  Those cloths can then be used to "scent swap" and to get each cat used to the smell of the other again.  Similarly, you can "site swap" when you let one cat explore the other cat's space, when that cat has been removed to elsewhere in the house, and vice-versa.  Continue to keep them apart at this point.

When each cat has settled, then you can begin to try feeding them on either side of a closed door, so they can smell each other.  The idea is food is a motivator for tolerating the smell and presence of the other cat on the opposite side of the door. 

The food can be moved nearer to the door each time.  The aim is to get the cats to eat as close to each other on either side of the door as you can, without them reacting, and eventually to open the door by just a crack to begin with, so long as neither cat reacts aggressively.  If they do, then you have to retreat to the former acceptable distance. 

The cats set the pace with this.   When you can open the door, and have the cats eating comfortably without reacting then hopefully things should be a lot calmer. 

Playing with the cats separately will be helpful too, as it will help to use up their energy which might otherwise be directed elsewhere - ie in the form of a spat with the other cat.  Eventually you should be able to encourage them into joint play again, and this will help to distract them from the desire to fight, but again take it slowly, and let the cats set the pace.

You might find these links useful.

Let us know how you get on.  What are your girls names, and can you tell us some more about them?  We love piccies too if you have any to share.   :)

Offline helius

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aggressive kittens
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2016, 22:25:30 PM »
Hopefully we can get some ideas; the problem is we have 2 female sister kittens (but probably different fathers) about 9 months old, we have had them 6 months, they have just been neutered. Previously they got on very well, slept on each other played together chased round after each other, as soon as they got back from the vets for the op they had completely changed  they now wont go near each other, one in particular growls and shows her teeth and they "set" each other, we cant let  them sleep in the same room overnight, when they got back with this behavior we kept them separate for 2 days to let them recuperate from the operation, now are trying to integrate them in the day time but no improvement in the week since the op. We dont know what we can do
Thank you


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