Author Topic: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats  (Read 2804 times)

Offline emmmy_lou

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2014, 09:46:25 AM »
Its such a shame, the poor cat probably doesnt know if its coming or going  :(

I think I would be trying to keep my own cats indoors as much as possible...
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2014, 07:53:13 AM »

If you friend can, I would also suggest getting a microchip flap for her own cats, something like a sureflap microchip cat flap.  It will help to keep the aggressor cat out of the house.  Keeping windows shut in the coming autumn and winter months will also help to avoid the cat gaining access to her house.

I do wonder, given the circumstances described of the aggressive cat's owner, whether the cat has in fact been neutered.

Whilst it's not a popular suggestion, there may also be an argument for trapping the offending cat, and seeing if there is a shelter who would be able to take it on as a rescue.  They would be able to check to see whether it was neutered, chipped etc, and to find a good home elsewhere.

Otherwise, I think cat proofing her own garden may be the way to go, so at least her cats have somewhere safe of their own.   The Feliway is a good idea, and hopefully will help to calm her own cats down.

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 22:06:22 PM »
Thanks Heather, I'll suggest that to her.

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2014, 21:54:22 PM »
could your friend cat proof her garden with something like Poor cats, must be horrible for them. :(

Offline Noshalot

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 16:29:12 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

There has been a lot of turmoil in the aggressive cat's home, the owners husband died suddenly last year, and apparently there were around the time of his death a lot of parties and people coming and going from the property.  Though I think things have calmed down recently

The cat is 4 years old and been there since it was a kitten, it has only recently turned aggressive.  I believe the owner has a few dogs and other pets as well.  She works full-time and leaves the cat out while at work and overnight.  I have no idea if the cat is insured or has even been vaccinated.

I believe myself that the cat's sudden aggression is probably a reaction to what has been happening in the home and it is probably very stressed, which is manifesting itself as aggression as the cat has no other outlet for it's anxiety.  When my friend spoke to the owner to say that the water pistol wasn't having any effect the owner's next suggestion was to throw a stone at it next time!!!!!  Well if that is her attitude I worry about how seriously she is taking the situation and how willing she would be to take the cat to the vet for a checkup to see if there was a physical reason for the sudden change in temperament. 

All communication has now broken down between both owners and the cat's owner has stated in writing that future communication should be via the Citizens Advice or a Solicitor.  To compound the problem I'm aware that the owner's mental health is fragile and is prone to bouts of severe depression.

It's a messy situation and not one that can be easily resolved.

Offline emmmy_lou

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Re: Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 15:03:19 PM »
Firstly, sympathies to your friend, it must be awful for her having her pets attacked.

The first thing I thought was has the neighbour or her cat been there quite a while, or have they moved in recently? So does your friend know if this cat has always been like this, or has its behaviour suddenly changed?

If it has suddenly started to be aggressive there may be an underlying problem. Could be an unapparent injury or illness that is making the cat ultra defensive? Or maybe a change in the neighbours house - poeple moving in or out, new baby or something???

Finding this out will depend on how well your friend knows the neighbour and how approachable/ responsive she is.

I know you cant give cats a time to come home, but could they maybe come to an agreement on what sort of time they let their cats out?

As for liability, I dont know. I do know that if the aggressive cat is insured tho, this should be stated in its information. You usually have to declare if an animal is aggressive.

Hope it works out.  :hug:
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Offline Noshalot

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Agressive cat is terrorising my cats
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 13:06:35 PM »
I am writing this on behalf of a friend.  She has two 9 year old castrated male cats that are brothers.  She lives in a small rural village and her cats have access to outdoors.  Several months ago her neighbour's 4 year old castrated male cat has become very aggressive to both of her cats.  Every time they go outdoors they are physically attacked often requiring veterinary attention for bite wounds.  The neighbour's cat has now started entering her home via windows and doors and attacking her cats within her home.  Her cats have now become very nervous and are displaying clear signs of stress.  She also has 4 dogs and this cat will also attack them and shows no fear of them.

She has approached the owner of the cat several times to try to resolve the issue, who provided her with a water pistol do squirt at the cat to frighten him away.  This has not been successful and the cat totally ignores being squirted with water.

The cat's owner is taking the stance that it's a cat's natural behaviour to wander and fight over territory and she can not be held responsible for her cat's behaviour outwith the home.

My friend now feels that in order to give her cats a peaceful life she may have to rehome them, which would be devastating. 

Has anyone got any ideas on how to resolve a situation like this.  Could she give the cat's owner the vet bills and force her to pay them?  Can anything be done to curb the aggressive cat's behaviour?  Ive advised her to speak to our local SSPCA Officer and to our local Cat's Protection to see if they can offer any solutions.  I've also suggested purchasing Feliway diffusers to see if they will help her cat's in coping with the stress.

Many thanks



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